
The Ultimate Devouring System

Once a lowly peasant, the main character of this cultivation novel stumbled upon a mysterious system that promised to help him achieve his dreams of power and greatness. At first skeptical, the main character soon discovered that the system was indeed real, and that it held the key to unlocking a world of new abilities and possibilities. With the help of the system, the main character began to cultivate and train his body and mind, unlocking new levels of strength, agility, and intelligence. He discovered that he had an innate talent for the martial arts, and he quickly became one of the most skilled fighters in his sect. But the main character's ambitions didn't stop there. He wanted more power, more knowledge, and more control over his destiny. And so, he set out on a journey to seek out other cultivators and masters, learning from their wisdom and honing his skills in the crucible of battle.

Drogue · Fantasy
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15 Chs

The Mysterious Cave

As Liam and Yuan faced off against the powerful beast, they were quick in realizing the vast difference in strength between them. The beast seemed to be playing with them, effortlessly dodging their attacks and retaliating with devastating force. Its cultivation level far surpassed theirs, leaving them at a severe disadvantage.Liam and Yuan fought valiantly, using their combined skills, attack and defense techniques to the best of their abilities. However, it was clear that their efforts were futile against the overwhelming power of the beast. Each strike they landed seemed inconsequential, barely scratching the beast's defenses.The beast, enjoying its superiority, taunted Liam and Yuan. It seemed to enjoy their struggle, prolonging their torment. Liam and Yuan exchanged determined glances, silently acknowledging their dire situation.Realizing that their survival depended on desperate measures, Liam and Yuan made a decision. They would distract the beast and create an opportunity for them to escape. With a well-coordinated plan, they engaged the beast in a relentless assault, attacking from different angles and employing unpredictable tactics.While Yuan fought with unyielding resolve, Liam used his agility and speed to create openings and divert the beast's attention. Their combined efforts confused the beast, providing both yuan and Liam with a small window of opportunity. Seeing how the two human were desperately trying deal a finish blow to it. The beast decided to be serious with its hunt. Yuan, realizing the imminent danger they were in, made a split-second decision to sacrifice himself and create an opportunity for Liam to escape."Liam sorry, but I don't think the beast will allows both of us to escape, you escape while I distract the beast". To be honest yuan was fed up with life, he didn't have a driven purpose unlike Liam who had the driven desire to be strong. He was born into a wealthy family as the 7th son, he wasn't a successor, he had little or no cultivation talent unlike his brother's and sisters. He was a weakling that was weak willed, not loved by his family members. He could have had a bright future if his family could invest resources in him, and might have achieve a cultivation level of bronze. But his father had no ounce of empathy towards him since he had other sons who had better aptitude and talent for cultivation. Yuan engaged the powerful beast while urging Liam to flee. Liam hesitated, torn between staying to help his friend and following Yuan's selfless directive especially since he was Lan cousin. In a moment of desperation, Yuan unleashed a powerful attack that temporarily stunning the enemy beast and angering it. This bought Liam the time he needed to escape.The beast felt humiliated that its food had stunned itFilled with grief and determination.Seeing the expression on the enraged beast, yuan said some words to Liam. Liam reluctantly left his fallen comrade behind and ran as fast as he could. The sound of the battle gradually faded into the distance, replaced by his own heavy breaths and the rustling of leaves under his feet.As Liam fled, his mind was filled with anguish and guilt. The sounds of Yuan's valiant struggle echoed in his ears, he turned back to look at were he had escaped from but was haunted by the realization that his friend's sacrifice might be in vain if he was caught by the beast. Liam vowed to grow stronger, return and avenge Yuan's sacrifice.Liam's heart weighed heavily on the loss of his friend, but he knew he had to survive. His escape took him deep into the beast-infested wilderness. Determined to honor Yuan's sacrifice, Liam pushed himself beyond his limits, using his agility and experience to navigate the dangerous terrains and evade hostile creatures.As Liam fled from the beast, he entered deeper into the treacherous mountain terrain. The dense foliage and jagged terrain made it difficult for him to find a safe path. Liam's heart raced as he realized he had to rely on his survival instincts to navigate through dangerous territory.There was no way Liam could escape the beast mountain's foregoing creatures and hidden dangers, but he had no choice but to move forward anyway. He knew that stopping or turning back would only end in tragedy. With each step, his determination grew stronger, fueled by the memory of his fallen comrade, Yuan.As Liam ventured further into the mountains, he encountered some low level fierce beasts because he had sustained wounds from continuous running in the thick, dense forest. He had to rely on his wits and quick reflexes to escape. He was afraid, scared on what to do. Liam found himself in a secluded valley deep in the mountains. The oppressive atmosphere told him he had reached a place with a dreadful aura. He could vaguely sense the aura of powerful beast nearby and it seems the beast were also avoiding this area, but this time, it felt different. It wasn't the pursuing beast; it was something more powerful, something unique. Curiosity overwhelmed Liam's exhaustion, and he cautiously approached the source of the powerful aura. As he ventured deeper into the valley, he stumbled upon a massive cave, larger than any he had ever seen. It radiated a powerful domain.The cave entrance was adorned with intricate carvings and symbols, giving it an air of ancient mystery. Liam's heart pounded with a mix of concern and excitement as he stepped inside, his eyes adjusting to the dimly lit interior.To his amazement, the cave revealed a vast chamber filled with shimmering crystals, emitting a soft, mystical glow. The walls were adorned with ancient tapestries depicting legendary battles and mythical creatures. Liam couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and reverence in the presence of such grandeur.While exploring Liam stepped on something, that made a cracking sound he pointed his flashlight towards his feet. There he saw carcass that resembled that of humans and animals that were littered all over the floor. The place resembled some of those scary movies he watched when he at the village. Liam was in dread, he wanted to run away from the cave, but couldn't, he seemed to have developed some phobia for the beasts outside, he felt safe inside the cave. He considered want to do, and decided to continue exploring the cave to find if it was safe to rest for the night, since it was getting dark the activity of various beasts will increases in the forest. As he explored further, Liam noticed a base at the center of the chamber. Resting atop it was a skeleton that sat in a meditative pose equipped on his finger was an artefact gleaming , throbbing with an otherworldly energy. It was a ring, engraved with a red gem, unlike any he had ever seen before. The gem formed was enchanting, and it was adorned with intricate engravings.Liam could hear the artifact calling him, he was enthralled, just like when sailors fell prey towards a group of nymphs who lured mariners to their death on the rocks.He reached out tentatively, feeling the warmth radiating from the artifacts, it was soothing as his hand grasped the ring, a surge of power coursed through his veins, intertwining with his own energy.