

I feel bad to leave Lucile like this, but I can't take it anymore. My stepmother has crossed her limits. She should be taught a lesson she won't forget, but first, I have to make sure Scarlett is fine.

I drove faster as I felt my phone vibrate, I pulled it out and put it on the phone holder. As I pressed the green button a soft voice came from the phone. 

"Duke Azriel?" Lucile's voice came over from the phone. 

"Princess—I am really sorry, I really didn't mean to leave you alone like that.." I sigh and Run a hand through my hair. "It's fine, Duke Azriel..really." she said in a slightly cheerful voice. No matter how much she tried to hide it, I could hear the faintest sadness in her voice.. "I promise I'll be back soon, love" 

I reassured her and I swear I could feel her smile through the phone. The smile I loved with my whole heart. "Alright then, I will wait" I felt a bit of relief hearing her cheerful voice again. Her voice was the melody stuck in my head. "Alright I will go now, I have piano lessons.." she said in a softer voice. "Alright, take care, okay?" she chuckled through the phone as she whispered "Love you" to which I didn't answer and ended the call. I wanted to answer back but I just couldn't. I stop the car outside the hospital and open the door. I was a bit worried as it was the same hospital where my mother took her last breath. Bad memories.."tsk." I slammed the car door shut and went inside, I rushed to the front desk. "I am looking for Scarlett Blackwood." I looked at the lady who stared back at me, uninterested. "We can't just tell anyone, sir." she said as she continued her work on the computer. "I am her older brother." I almost gritted my teeth as she paused and looked at me. "She is in room number 386, sir." She rolled her eyes, I walked to the stairs and rushed upstairs. I bumped into a few people who either frowned at me or started arguing, but I did not have time for it. I hated this hospital for multiple reasons. 

As I went to the ward I saw my father standing there with my stepmother arguing with him. "It is not my fault. Your daughter is the one spoiled" she said as she stood there like she didn't care. "For fuck's sake Evelyn! You literally hit her with a rod, how could you?! I told you not to hit her much now we are in trouble because of you!" my father yelled at her as I stopped there. With a rod? I felt anger flaring across my eyes. I took long strides towards them and grabbed my father's collar.

"Azriel–" Before I knew what I was doing I slapped him. "Azriel! He is your father, watch it!" but I didn't let go of his collar and glared at him. I can kill him right now if I could. The door opened and the doctor stepped out. My attention turned towards them. "How is she, doctor?" I looked at them as I let go of the collar of the monster which was once my father. "She is fine, the scars will take time to heal, it's good that she didn't have a broken bone," the doctor said, which made me relieved. Thank goodness she was fine. "Can I go in?" I asked the doctor who simply smiled and nodded. "Wait, I am comi–" I glared at my stepmother and father. Like hell I will let them meet her. I carefully stepped in and closed the door quietly, I looked at Scarlett and she was covered in bandages. The way she looked made me stop breathing. I went by her side and sat down on a chair next to her. Her soft black and blue hair which used to be long were now short, she had a very pale face and had dark circles under her eyes. I reached out for her hand which was just as soft as it used to be. I took out my phone and called the king. "Good morning, your highness. I need to ask a favour."

I sat there for three hours. My sister was finally starting to wake up which was a good thing. She opened her eyes slowly, blinking a few times. She looked at me, surprised..she tried to sit up but I kept her down. "don't. Your body is hurt" she held onto my hand tightly. She teared up softly before smiling and wiping her tears. "You will go back with me to the palace. I won't let you live there anymore, okay?"She looked at me curiously, then she nodded at what I was talking about.she sat there quietly before speaking. "It's been years since we met each other again…I missed you big brother.." she smiled softly before she hugged my arm. "careful, you might get hurt," I smiled at her bright smile even after all that happened. She was just like mom, strong and brave. I kissed her forehead as the nurse came in with her meal. She helped Scarlett sit up as Scarlett joked around and the nurse Chuckled. "You have a really funny and beautiful sister, Duke Azriel." The nurse said as she set the table for Scarlett. "she is.." I looked at Scarlett as she sat up, I took the spoon and started feeding her the soup. She smiled at me. "How is it going back at the palace, Azriel? It must be nice living there without anyone stopping you from anything." that wasn't true, for sure. "Do you like the palace, Scarlett?" I looked at her as she paused eating, she looked at me like she was thinking. "um..yes and no" she smiled, leaving me confused. "what does that mean?" I said as I fed her another spoon. "it means that I do like it but sometimes I don't like it." she chuckled. "Well," she continued. ,"I like it because it's my dream place and..it's not my favourite because you know what happened to mom.." she suddenly seemed sad and looked at the wall in front of her. "Is it fine if you live with me?" I say, despite knowing she was sad. She looked at me, her brows slightly lifted in surprise. "I…can?" She sounded really surprised, then she smiled when I nodded. "yes" was the only word I could say before she hugged me. "of course I will live with my big brother!" she chuckled as she smiled. She was just like mom, her skin, her hair, her warmth, her eyes. I stared at her as she rested back, there was a bandage on her cheek and forehead as well. I will never forgive my father and Evelyn for this. I kissed Scarlett's forehead. "I will be back" I got up and walked towards the door as the nurse began to feed her soup. She laughed and smiled at what the nurse said. I smiled and sighed and walked outside. The man who used to be my father and Evelyn stood there. "I will take back Scarlett with me, and I don't want any objections" I glared at them as Evelyn frowned and Mr.blackwood seemed shocked. "what? Azriel please unders–" I cut him off by waving a dismissive hand. "You have to listen to your father, Azriel. He only wants good for you." Evelyn stood in front of me and glared at me. "I am not listening to you or this sick excuse of a father. She is going back with me, that's it." Evelyn frowned more but was smart enough to not say anything. Before I could go in again, my phone rang, I picked it up without reading the name. "hello? Duke Azriel speaking." A chuckle came from the other end. "Hey Azriel~" Iris. "I am ending the call." I almost ended the call before I heard Lucile's voice from behind. "What are you doing there, Iris?" Another chuckle came. "Come on, I came here because someone called me over. I believe it was princess Audrey." Princess Audrey? Why would she call Iris over? "Well, just to inform you. You should probably call princess Lucile. She is missing you." how the hell did she turn into someone nice. I recheck my phone to make sure it's the same phone number. It was. "Are you okay? Do you have a fever or am I hallucinating?" her voice turned into a colder one. "No need to be so rude, I'm letting you go,okay?" I was shocked, Iris would never say something like this so I ended the call and called Lucile right away, there must be something bad if Iris is talking like that. As soon as I called she picked up the call "hello?" she said in her soft voice. "hey..are you okay? Is Iris there? Did she do something to you?" I asked worriedly as I entered the hospital room again. Scarlett seemed to be resting so I went straight to the window and I continued to talk with princess Lucile. "I am fine. Iris is with Audrey, why would you ask?" she said as there was some shuffling of a packet. She must be eating those snacks again. "nothing.. nevermind. What are you doing anyways?" I tried to change the topic. "Juet reading." she answered in short words. "Can I video call you?" I ask as she pauses. "Sure I am in my room anyways." She ended the call quickly. I sat on the chair next to my sister's bed and waited for the call. Around five minutes later, my phone's screen lightened up with Lucile's name. I picked up the call almost immediately.

She was wearing the same dress I selected for her and she looked beautiful in it. More than I imagined. "You look beautiful princess" I dazed at her as she smiled then her smile faltered.."Why did you go?..Is something wrong there?" she asked in a sad voice. "It's just my sister is not well, nothing to worry.." I forced a smile, she looked at me like she looked through me. "You are lying. You are in the hospital, right? What is wrong, please tell me Azriel.." she said sounding desperate to know "just inform Catherine to tell someone to prepare a guest room, okay? I'll actually bring my sister over" she nodded as she looked at me. "I will tell everything once I'm there I promise" She looked like she didn't trust me for this but she nodded as she kept looking at me "I will talk to you later, I'll inform Catherine, okay?" I smiled softly and looked at her. "Bye princess, take care" she chuckled and said "bye, love you.."I sigh and end the call. When I looked at my sister she was already looking at me. "Who was she?" she asked in a teasing voice as I glared at her then rolled my eyes. "Princess Lucile, why?" she gasped like I just told a kid about Santa. Except she wasn't a kid anymore. "really? Are you dating her?" She looked at me expectantly but I just shrugged. "take rest. You are not well." I got up and walked to the window, I called the king as I looked out the window. "Hello?" A Deep and cold voice came from the other end. "Greetings, your highness" I said in my professional voice just the way I talk to everyone. Except Lucile. "Ah, Greetings, Duke Azriel." he paused for a moment as he said something to Adrian. "You may speak now, Duke Azriel." I continued my monotonous tone and told the king everything that happened. "And that is why I wanted your permission to bring my sister over, it's just for a while, I promise as soon as I find a safe place for her to stay, I will send her away" The king's voice turned soft and warm for once"Azriel, it is fine, let her stay with us, the only thing I have against is your father, I did not want him to ruin your life as well so I took you in, it's time to take care of your sister as well, please, bring her over." I let out a sigh of relief "of course, thank you, your highness" The king must be in a good mood as he ended the call after five minutes. I looked at Scarlett who was using her phone. 

Scarlett was discharged three days later. Her documents were already signed, so I went to my old house yesterday and got her stuff. My father stood quietly and glared at the movers who packed the stuff and moved it back to the royal palace. I walked to my car and sat down, Scarlett was scared that Lucile wouldn't like her and Lucile was nervous that Scarlett might think the same way I did about her in the beginning. I stared ahead as the driver drove my car to the palace, she kept looking at her phone nervously, she never got ready like this for anyone. My little sister had finally grown up. I patted her head as she smiled brightly and looked out the window as the car entered the palace. Her eyes widened as she looked at the palace. She literally jumped out of the car smiling and looking around. I got out and walked with her in the castle. As soon as I entered, Princess Lucile hugged me tightly in front of Scarlett and Princess Audrey. "I missed you.." she mumbled as I patted her head. She chuckled then let me go and greeted my sister. "Ohh, so you are princess Lucile..Big brother talked about you a lot!" a faint blush appeared on Lucile's cheeks as she looked at me. My mind was diverted as Catherine came there and coughed purposefully, our gazes broke as we looked at Catherine who guided Scarlett to her room. Princess Audrey smirked and turned around to go to her room. Lucile narrowed her eyes at Princess Audrey who looked back at her and winked then walked away. These two can never stop arguing. I held Lucile's hand and took her to her room, she followed quietly. As soon as we entered I pin her on the door,she grabbed my shirt in a fist as she pulled me closer. I leaned in to kiss her neck as she tipped back her head and tightened her fist and I kissed her neck, my lips parted as I sucked on her neck. She moaned softly as I bit her neck. "Now I am worried, how did you live without me for three days?" she said in a breathless, teasing voice. "Princess, I barely lived." she chuckled and leaned in, her lips brushing mine. I couldn't resist as I put my hand behind her head and deepened the kiss. I can't let her go, I won't let Prince Ivan get close to her. She is mine and he does not have the right to take her away from me. She hugged me tightly before I could go further. "I missed you, really I did…" she kissed my nose. I hugged her back, if she continues being this cute, I won't be able to focus on other things but her. Though, I'm doing that everyday. I let out a low grunt and kissed her. She kissed back as she wrapped her arms around my neck. I did not notice she was wearing a blue dress a bit lower than knee. I reached the zipper at the back which I slowly pulled down. She sighed softly as she kept looking in my eyes. I kissed her neck as she sighed. She kissed my lips as I lifted her up and carried her to the bed. I lay her down comfortably, she looked at me as my hand slowly slid to her white bra.. people do look like angels in white. I kissed her shoulder and grabbed the bra strap by mouth and slowly pulled it down, kissing her arm along with it. My other hand slid further down to her panties, which were already wet for me. I tugged on her other bra strap as well and pulled it down using my mouth. She sighed softly as I unhooked her bra. I kissed her cleavage then slowly downwards.I kissed her stomach then I bit it softly. She slightly arched her back and moaned. I kissed her body downwards. I reached for her panties which I pulled down with my mouth. She was beautiful and..wet. so wet. Just for me. I kissed it, feeling the warmth of her body. Then, I slowly kissed her inner thigh and bit on it, leaving a bite mark there. She was breathing heavily. She tasted sweet. I Slowly teased her clitoris with my fingers. She moaned softly, I put my fingers inside her and stretched her walls from inside, she gasped and then she grasped the bed covers. I slowly pumped my fingers in and out of her while I sucked on her clitoris. She let out a cry of pleasure, trying to move around a bit but I held her still. Her walls started tightening around my fingers. Suddenly, her body shuddered with an orgasm. I quickly replaced my fingers with my tongue as I started to fuck her using my tongue. She moaned louder as she arched her back. I picked up the pace when suddenly I tasted her juices on my tongue. I pulled out my tongue as she breathed heavily, trying to gasp for air while I unzipped my pants. I was hard as rock. I leaned forward and whispered in Lucile's ear. "pull the condom out of my pocket." She nodded and put her hand in my pocket and pulled out the foil packet and opened it from her mouth. God, she looked sexy. I took it from her and rolled it on my dick. I pushed her legs apart as I placed my length in front of her entrance. My hands held her hands as I pinned her down. I slowly entered her as she closed her eyes and tipped back her head. My hips moved forward slowly to meet hers, at first it felt she was a bit uncomfortable but then she opened up, I slowly increased the speed to not hurt her, but she made it hard. I wanted to go rough on her, I wanted to make her scream my name. I started thrusting faster as she moaned. I slowly leaned down and kissed her neck while I continued thrusting faster she moaned louder with each thrust. I kissed her lips and she struggled to move her arms. "Do not move, princess." I growled out the words quitely and started going deeper while I palmed one of her breasts and squeezed it, she moaned, tears running out of her eyes. I loved making her cry like this. She moaned and sobbed softly. "Are you crying, love?" I leaned in and kissed her and let go of her arms. She put her hands on my back while I kissed her. I bit her lower lip softly as I continued to thrust deeper. She ran her nails on my back as she moaned and arched her back. I pulled it out and got her on all fours. Fuck, she looked so pretty like this. I cupped her ass and started thrusting again, her legs started trembling. I pushed her hand on the pillow while I continued thrusting. she kept moaning and sobbing. Her thighs got slick wet as her body trembled. I wrapped her hair around my fist and pulled back her head, her mascara was ruined and she looked beautiful. I kiss her while thrusting. She moaned as we came together, she fell on the bed, it was clear her body was trembling. "Tired yet, princess?" I looked at her as she blushed and covered herself with the blanket. There goes the cute Lucile I can't tolerate without my heart beating right out of my chest. I leaned in and hugged her. She glared at me. "Don't talk to me. I said I missed you and you literally gave me a reason not to miss you" I chuckled and grabbed her waist, I turned her around and kissed her cheek. She made a cute pout then smiled and hugged me. I tried hard not to melt. Her smile was brighter than the brightest star. I got up and zipped my pants and buttoned them, I picked up Lucile and carried her to her bathroom, she quietly snuggled in my neck, I filled the bathtub as she kept looking at me. I don't feel bad for going rough on her, honestly. She is mine and I know she loves it. "Duke Azriel gave me a bath, I couldn't be luckier" she chuckled as I stopped the tap and put her in the bath. I rolled my sleeves up and sat next to her. She sat quietly and leaned back in the bath. I noticed the colour of her bathroom..it was a mix of rose gold and white, it wasn't that big but it was pretty. "Do you like rose gold?" she nodded as she grabbed her body wash. She slowly rubbed it on her body, painfully slowly which went straight to my pants. "Tsk." I looked away from her and got up. "I will go, alright? Don't stay in for too long." I kissed her forehead, and got up. She looked at me and smiled. "Alright, bye. I have to go on a date later anyways' ' she teased me and I rolled my eyes. "You can go on a date with him, but you are mine anyways" she Chuckled as I got out of the bathroom. I went to her closet and chose an outfit for her, choosing her clothes was my favourite thing. After a while of going through outfits I choose the soft white floral dress with roses on it. She would look adorable in it, I just know it. I kept it on the bed and left a note before leaving her room. She was just like a rose. Pretty and delicate, I would give her everything she wants, no matter what price I have to pay even if it's my life.

I slowly walk away, knowing she would love it, just the way she loves me. I walked to my office and grabbed my new glasses from my drawer. I put them on and started going through documents. I have to later accompany the king in a party. Maybe it's my chance to talk to him about Lucile. While going through the documents, I found a letter with the name of Princess Lucile on it. 

It was from a university, so I carefully opened it. It was an approval letter of a form Princess Lucile filled for the University. I mean she was still young so it shouldn't be a bother. But the king? He might not allow her. I frown at the thought of Lucile not being able to fulfil her dreams. I will have to help her anyway I can.i put the letter back and seal it and tell Elias to give it to princess Lucile and no one else, he smiled. "You seem to be really fond of Princess Lucile, sir. "I frowned slightly as he bowed and walked away faster than he usually did. I sigh and continue doing my documents. There were more documents than usual. I wished princess Lucile was here, she was my literal comfort zone right now. I sigh and look at my phone waiting for her call but it never came. She must be too excited to see that letter. I subconsciously smiled thinking of her smiling face. 

She was like a little kitten, my little kitten.