

I hated this girl already, ever since she hugged Duke Azriel, she kept clinging to him. It turns out, she is his ex. We were sitting in this stupid cafe just so she could talk to Azriel.I couldn't help but glare at her. She was beautiful, she had everything I wished I had.

She had a curvy body and she was wearing a white short dress with a deep neck, her hair curled slightly at the ends, she had make-up on, but not too much. Not that I care. 

I rolled my eyes as she kept talking to Azriel who only replied in "hmm." and "ok" that's it. 

"Duke Azriel…we have to go back…" I say as Azriel held my hand, the girl looked at the contact and frowned slightly. 

"Come on, stay for a bit longer, Azriel." the girl insisted as the Duke Azriel got up.

"I'll go pay for the meal." He looked away as he walked towards the counter. The smile fell off Iris's face as she glared at me. 

"You are not his type" I rolled my eyes as she continued to eat. I looked around to look for Azriel, when I found him, he was already looking at me. Our eyes locked as he looked me up and down then licked his lips softly then looked away, leaving me restless. As soon as I looked back at Iris, she was glaring at me. I got up and went to Azriel and stood beside him. He didn't notice me at first, but then he wrapped an arm around my waist pulling me closer to him. I smile as we walk out, although I wanted this dinner to ourselves but at least we still have the night. I intertwined my fingers with him and he kissed the back of my hand. I felt like a totally different person around him. He made me want to give up the strong facade I put on and make me feel vulnerable and helpless to him. My phone's ringtone drove me out of my thoughts, I took out my phone to see who it was. The contact read the name "Adrian". 

"hello?" I answer the call as I prepare myself for a scolding. He always does that

"Hey, dad and I have to go on a business trip, don't go anywhere,okay?" Adrian said in a monotone, I could hear dad talking to someone in the background.

"Okay" I shrugged though I know better that once he finds out we will straight go to my room. He looked at me as I ended the call. 

"Dad and Adrian will be out tonight" I smirk as he recognised the look in my eyes. We walked away from the cash counter as he squeezed my waist softly. 

"Finally I will get to take this dress off by myself " he kissed my hand and walked with me. I quickly booked a chauffeur service which came within fifteen minutes, the heels made my feet hurt anyways. He opened the door for me as I sat inside then he sat next to me.

I took off my heels as he looked at my feet. "What is wrong princess?" He put a hand on my thigh and caressed it. "well, my feet hurt"

 I say as I lean back in the seat, he lifted my legs and put it on his thigh. That surprised me as I looked at him. "It's fine, I'll manage–" He cut me off as he started massaging my feet. "You need it, shut up" He said as he massaged my feet slowly but carefully. It feels so good. I smiled at him, he looked so focused it made me want to kiss him, but we were out in public and I can't do that. Though, people barely recognised royalty near that part of the city. My breath hitched as his hand went purposefully up my leg, I couldn't help but bite my lower lip to stifle a moan. He looked at me like he could eat me up right now, I was afraid, what if the driver just turned around to look at us, although there was a partition in between. 

"It's soundproof, don't worry princess. Plus he can't see through the partition.." He said as his hand travelled higher, his fingers resting on the thin fabric of my thong. I hid my face in the leather seat as he leaned in and kissed my shoulder. 

"I know you were jealous when Iris got too close to me." He said as he looked in my eyes. "I wasn't and I wont be" I rolled my eyes as he chuckled and let me go. He fixed my dress as his hand slid slowly along my curves.

"You look really good in green, princess. I might as well just buy you green everytime." 

"I look good in all colours." I chuckled and he hugged me. 

"You do, but this one is my favourite" he rested his chin on my head.

Around fifteen minutes later the car stopped. Duke Azriel sat up straight as I fixed my hair. 

I got out quickly as soon as the door opened, while Duke Azriel got out gracefully. He was too good looking to be a Duke. He should be a model instead, but I didn't want other girls to look at him and love him, love is so selfish. 

He approached me and said in a low tone. "Let's go princess" He held my hand and made my heart skip a beat. I smiled at him and went inside with him. He intertwined our fingers as I chuckled. His touch was something I craved all the time.

He held me like I would run away. 

"Let me go, I can walk on my own, '' I said as he held my hand tighter. "I have to protect my princess till I can" He led me inside with him. He started to smile often after being with me. The thought made my heart hurt so much as if it wanted to fly out of my ribcage. I don't know if he actually loves me, or he is just playing with me. But it feels so good, it almost feels like a dream…I chuckled as he kissed me on the lips then licked my lip gloss. 

"hm, tastes like peach." He said as he backed away a bit it seemed like he didn't even care about anyone seeing us.

It was Ten p.m. already. I felt so tired that I couldn't get up, and a certain Duke was to blame for that. My legs felt cramped as I laid there and Duke Azriel went into the bathroom for a shower. I looked at him, it was weird to see him shirtless. When I say that, he says that I should be getting used to this now. 

I sat up and waited for Duke azriel to come out. I don't think I can walk anymore, my legs gave up. Someone knocked on my room's door. Before I got up, Duke Azriel's voice stopped me.

"Don't go anywhere, princess." I looked at him as he walked closer to me, he wrapped his arms around me and pressed his face into my collarbone, water dripping from his shoulder.

"But, there is someone outside the door.." I tried to get up, it didn't hurt that much anyways.

"Let's get you to shower, baby." he picked me up as I struggled to get out of his grasp, but he was too strong. I hated that he wouldn't listen. He put me down in the bathroom, I went for the door but he kissed me. He knew my weakness well. I sigh and kiss back as he takes off his shirt I wore after we had sex.

I wish we could live like normal people. Who have no limitations, who don't have anything to worry about royal rules, many princesses marry dukes but my father will never let me do that. For him, Duke Azriel is the most heartless and merciless man he has ever met and that I won't be able to live with him.

He may be cold and heartless to others but he would never be that way to me. To me, he is the most vulnerable and precious guy I have ever met. He is just a bit aggressive, that's it.

I cupped his face as he carried me to the bathtub, I didn't notice when he took off his clothes again. Because I was too busy admiring him,I tend to forget everything around me. He slowly sat me down in the warm bathtub then sat across from me. He kept looking at me as if he could eat me up right here. I rested my head back on the wall and sighed. I could feel him staring at me and I tried my hardest not to blush, but just his look can melt me down like butter. 

"Stop staring at me.." I murmured. He held my hand and pulled me a bit closer. "Why so princess? You know, your beauty is captivating." He caressed my cheek as I scooted closer to him, I rested my back on his chest as he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my shoulder. 

"stop..it tickles" I said as I kissed his jaw. "You are teasing me" he kissed my shoulder again, softly biting it.

"I am not—" He chuckled and kissed me on the lips. He is so playful sometimes…It makes me wonder if we will stay like this forever.. 

I kissed him back as he caressed my waist softly. "you're only mine princess, and no one, not even that stupid prince or your brother can take it away from me." He was so overprotective over me that I can't believe this is the same person I had a rivalry with. He sighed on my neck and looked at me. 

"Princess, you seem in deep thought. What are you thinking about?" he nibbled on my ear.

"hm? No, it's nothing." He took the soap and rubbed it on my body. Slowly, sensually. Then he rubbed the soap on my back and looked at me. Then he took the shampoo and squirted some on his hand and put it on my hair, massaging my hair. We sat in a comfortable silence which I adored a lot.He then grabbed the washer and washed my hair and my body. Then, he handed me the soap bar. I look at him confused. "It's your turn now" I grabbed the soap bar and blushed as I put the soap bar on his shoulder, and I slowly coated his body with the soap, then I took shampoo and coated his hair with it. It felt so good to touch his hair. I quickly grabbed the washer and washed him up. He looked at me and kissed me before he got up. "let's get out of here before you catch a cold" he stepped out and held my hand. I got up and stepped out as well.

He took a towel and wrapped around his waist as I kept looking at his abs, then at his muscular arms and face. He was built like a Greek god, it felt like I didn't deserve him. 

"Come here, love." He said as I took a step forward, he grabbed a towel and dried my body, then took my bath robe and put it on me. He then plugged in the hair dryer and dried my hair. His strong hand went through my hair. It reminded me how he wrapped my hair around his fist earlier and I knew I was blushing. "your cheeks are red, princess…are you thinking of something naughty, princess?" He raised an eyebrow, I looked in the mirror, my gaze meeting his gaze. He had a wicked glint in his eyes. He continued to Dry my hair "all done, princess." He looked at me, I grabbed the hairdryer, he seemed a bit confused. 

"my turn" I said as he stifled a smile and nodded. He leaned down a bit as he grabbed my waist. I wasn't that short that he had to bend down. He was clearly teasing me, I saw him smirk as I started drying his hair. It feels so good to touch his hair. He suddenly kissed my neck which surprised me. 

"You are so clingy, Duke Azriel " I say as I turn off the hair dryer and put it back on the stand where all my stuff was.

"yeah? So I'm clingy now, hm?" He said as he held my hand. 

"yep" I stifled a laugh as he playfully glared at me, then..he picked me up and carried me out of the bathroom. 

"Wait, what are you doing?—" he kissed me again. "Punishing you, love" He sounded a bit serious. He laid me down on the bed and climbed between my legs. 

This is not a punishment, it is a straight up reward.

 He leaned down and kissed my inner thigh, making me blush. He slowly worked his way down leaving me breathless. As his lips reached between my legs he just kissed my stomach. It's clear he is teasing me now. He slowly opened my robe and kissed my neck, his hand massaging my thighs.. I don't know what he was trying to do but it didn't feel like a punishment. His hand went between my legs again and caressed my clitoris slowly, teasing me. 

Then suddenly he put two fingers in and started thrusting them. I gasped, I tipped back my head and almost arched my back. He was going at a merciless speed and I felt the pressure building up. He suddenly slowed down, torturing me slowly. I looked at him, breathing heavily as he kissed me. He then picked up the pace again and kissed me deeply. I wrapped my arms around his neck but he pinned my arms above my head. I felt myself getting closer to the climax and he slowed down again.

"stop…" I said breathlessly and he leaned closer. "stop what princess?" he whispered in my ear before biting it. "You know what I am talking about," I said as he kissed my neck. "I don't know, what is it, love?" He repeated torturing me for like ten minutes before finally letting me release. 

"fuck you Duke Azriel…" I mumbled under my breath as he kissed my shoulder.

"I would love that, princess." he chuckled and laid down next to me, his hair Messier than before, I snuggled closer to him as he put his hand on my head, patting it. 

"Sleep, princess" He kissed my forehead as I looked at him. "I'll try" I mumbled as I snuggled closer to him.

I woke up around six a.m. with Duke Azriel's arm wrapped around me. It made me feel small under him. I tried to move but failed miserably. Then he suddenly moved. " What are you doing, princess?" He said in a deep voice, making me flustered.

"Let me get up" I looked at him as he kissed me then he snuggled my neck. "you are not going anywhere." He mumbled sleepingly. I pushed his arms off me and sat up. 

"why are you up so early princess? You usually wake up at ten a.m." 

"Well I am awake early, congratulations to me." I grumbled and got up. He frowned slightly as he looked at me, I took his shirt and wore it. 

"You look adorable in it, princess," he said in an intimate tone which straight hit me to the core.

"Well, Thank…you." I look away as I tie my hair in a bun. I can never get used to him waking up next to me, he looks like an angel.

"You should go back to your room, we can't risk getting caught" I say as I look at him and he gets up. I didn't notice he was wearing his pants. He approached me and grabbed my waist. "How can I go out there shirtless, princess? What if someone saw me?" He said sheepishly. I pushed him slightly and went into the bathroom blushing. He sat on the bed, smirking.

I entered the bathroom and locked the door, I could hear his footsteps around the room. I wonder what he is doing? I let my thoughts aside and took off the shirt. I carefully hung the shirt. 

I turned on the shower and opened my hair, my hair was now messy, I honestly didn't like being messy. It made me look bad.

I didn't really love myself, I think I look ugly. I had many insecurities, I was nothing like Iris. She was everything Duke Azriel needed, yet I was the one dating him.I was no perfect queen, afterall, in the end we are all humans. I had my insecurities and so did everyone else. Iris might be perfect but she is still a human too, like me. I look at myself in the mirror and smile. 

I was diverted from my thoughts suddenly by the splashing of water across the floor. I looked at the full bathtub and approached it. I put one of my feet in it to check the warmth of the water, it was perfectly warm. I sat inside and let the warmth engulf me, I rested my head on the wall and closed my eyes. My bathroom scented like flowers because Catherine had this obsession of spraying bathroom spray every day. It can be annoying sometimes but I love her anyway. 

I grab the body wash and put it on my body. As I touched my hands I felt Duke Azriel's hand on me. I suddenly missed him and craved his touch more and more. I didn't know why I was so obsessed with him but it felt so right. Like it was meant to be.

I grabbed my shampoo and washed my hair carefully. 

Around ten minutes later, I came out of the shower. When I exited the bathroom, I noticed Duke Azriel wasn't there. He must have left when I was taking a bath…I looked over at my bed and noticed an outfit. I remember owning this dress but Adrian never let me wear it because it was too short.

I smiled and locked my door. I went for my lingerie and changed as I looked at my dress.

 It was a baby blue dress. As much as it looked childish it was my favourite.

 Audrey usually made fun of me for liking such dresses. She is pretty annoying. I don't see her around often anymore, I wonder where she is going nowadays. Not that I care but it was weird to have no one to annoy me. 

I sat down at my vanity and blow dried my hair. It was kinda risky to blow dry hair in the bathroom. I blow dry my hair as someone knocked on my room's door. "Princess Lucile?" Catherine said in a soft voice. I got up and unlocked my door. 

"You may enter" I smiled at her as she entered. She closed the door as quickly as she entered. "Princess, you look stunning. I almost believed you gave up on this dress" she chuckled as I smiled and sat down in front of my vanity again. 

"May I help you get ready, princess?" Catherine said politely and got behind me.

"No, today, I would like to get ready by myself." I said as I let my hair open and just gave them light curls. "You should put some accessories with it, princess." she started going through my accessories as I put on some makeup. 

After getting ready I went straight outside. Duke Azriel was not around, So I started looking for him. I went to his office, his room. Maybe he went to his mansion.. "Princess, are you looking for someone?" Duke Azriel's butler came over and bowed.

"I am looking for Duke Azriel if you have seen him." The butler hesitated for a moment but he sighed and continued talking. 

"Duke Azriel had some emergency back in his hometown, so he will be back by evening." 

Oh. "I see. It's fine, if you will contact him please tell him to call me once." the butler bowed and smiled. "I will, princess. you should come over to the dining area and have breakfast." The butler nodded and left. 

I feel worried about how Duke Azriel will feel if he went there, as much as Adrian told me about Duke Azriel's parents and they didn't sound like they were nice at all.

I hope he is fine.