


I finally got to the university I wanted, I squealed as I did my makeup, Catherine pretty much believed I needed to see a doctor the way I'm getting excited but the point is, how am I gonna tell father? He would not like me going to University because I was getting married and all. My smile drained at this thought and I got up. I quickly wore my heels and grabbed my handbag. I wore a soft red shade of lipstick since it went well with my dress, I slowly walked out of my room to the gates of the palace, and straight got in the car. Prince Ivan said he wanted to tell me something. So I told the royal driver to drive to the location he sent. It turns out it was an expensive restaurant in the main city. I look out of the window at the city. It was beautiful but people didn't know much of the royals, they only my father and Adrian, but not many people know me which is a good thing, i can live freely. I smiled and texted Duke Azriel. 

You: Hii!❤️

Grumpy Duke💗: what is up, princess? 

You: Guess what? (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)

Grumpy Duke💗: what did you do, love?🤦‍♂️

You: I am going to the city to meet Ivan, he wanted to tell me something.

Grumpy Duke💗: He probably wants a divorce before the wedding. 

So rude of him..I frowned and kept my phone aside before it buzzed it with another text. 

Grumpy Duke💗: Don't get mad, princess. He is probably fucking that friend of his, but anyways. Love you, kitten 😽

It was shocking to see Duke Azriel use such emojis he thought as inappropriate but I loved that phase of his.I chuckled then just reacted heart to his message and kept my phone back in my handbag. After a few minutes, we arrived at the restaurant. I stepped out of the car and walked into the restaurant. I fixed my hair and checked my makeup before I went further in the restaurant. There was a private room that prince Ivan sent me which he booked only for us, it must be something big if he is this careful. I walked in the private booth and I saw Ivan and Julian sitting together, talking and smiling. Azriel is right, there is something suspicious about them. I smiled when Prince Ivan noticed me, Julian just made an expressionless face and looked away. Now that I notice him, he is acting pretty looking good, their beauty goes along well. I sat across from them. "It's great to see you again, princess Lucile," prince Ivan said almost cheerfully as Julian gritted his teeth. "Right, Julian?" Julian frowned slightly and nodded "It is a pleasure to meet you in person, princess Lucile"I smiled as his look softened slightly. "It is a great pleasure to meet you two, Julian. Anyways, what is it that you wanted to tell me, prince Ivan?" I looked at him and he looked at Julian nervously. He reassured him by just a simple gaze. "Well, Princess Lucile, I know this might make you feel a bit shocked, even angry but I can't hide this from you." I wonder why he is hesitating so much. "it is fine, really. I promise I won't get angry "I reassured him like a kid. "Thank you for your reassurance, princess…well, I wanted to let you know that Julian and I are not friends." He sighed and looked in my eyes before continuing. "We are..dating. and I can't do this marriage, I am sorry." he said so suddenly it was almost hard to believe, but it wasn't surprising. These two made it obvious. "hm, i would say I am rather sad than angry. You broke my heart.." I teased him as he panicked a little. It seems fun "I-I am so sorry princess I–" I cut him off in the middle and said. "Relax, Prince Ivan. I was just messing around. Congratulations, you two better invite me to your wedding" I say jokingly as prince Ivan's eyes widened. "You are not mad?" He looked at me with a half open mouth. "Not even a bit?" I smiled "no, not even a bit." He smiled softly and almost teared up. "Hey, don't cry..I'm serious." I smiled as he chuckled. "thank you..we can still be friends right?" I nodded slowly, then I got up. "I should go then.." I continued to smile but he stopped me. "No, stop..It would be rude of me to let you go without eating anything, please sit." He pleaded and I sighed, it's gonna be a long evening. I sat down across from them as Julian kissed Ivan's cheek who chuckled. They were pretty cute together. Not more than me and Azriel tho. I smile at the thought before realising I missed him. Alot…

Around an hour later, the meal finally ended and I was tired, as soon as I got out of the restaurant and got into the car. I quickly called Duke Azriel as the driver started driving back to the palace. I looked at the apartments around. I wish I could live here instead of living in a palace. Living there made me feel trapped. A voice drifted me from my thoughts. "Hello? Princess?" I quickly connected my airpods to the phone and said "hey, Duke Azriel," I chuckled as he sighed. "You sound pretty happy" I leaned back in the seat and said. "Well, it turns out you were right.. prince Ivan really loves Julian" I checked my nails as Duke Azriel went quiet. "you know what that means, princess?" he sounded a bit excited so I asked "what?" I fix my hair and listen to him "It means I can take this chance and have you" I stiffened. "But I just got into University.." He went silent, then after a while, he said "exactly. Just let me talk to your father, love." He hung up. I can't sacrifice it all for a marriage. Maybe he has some plan, I should just relax. Before I could close my eyes, my phone rang again. It was father this time. I picked up the call. "Hello?" I said as I was sure my father was angry, here goes my precious ride back to the palace. 

I reached home at eight p.m., when Duke Azriel was getting ready. I walked to his room and walked in straight. He was surprised for a moment. His hair was messy. "Princess.." he approached me, his white shirt wasn't buttoned properly. He leaned in and kissed me as I wrapped my arms around his neck. I came here to argue but he just melted me like chocolate. "I missed you" He acted like an abandoned puppy but he was still cold to many people he met or knew, he is like this only to me.. "I missed you too, pup." I teased him as he chuckled. "pup, huh?' He tickled me as I giggled softly before he kissed me again. "Get ready, tiger. Don't be too desperate. " I smiled and took a step back as he groaned" I will be in my room if you will be done early" I winked at him and walked away. I knew that when I said that he would actually try to get ready even earlier. I went to my room and sat down in front of the mirror and started removing my makeup. I loved myself much more without makeup, everyone has a bit of acne, but it's beautiful too. People just don't realise it. I got up and changed my clothes in a comfortable hoodie and shorts I bought secretly from my father. It was a cute bottle green-coloured oversized hoodie. I tied up my hair in a bun and sat down on my bed, at the end of the day it's me anyways. It's not the princess but it is Lucile, just a normal individual. I smiled and turned on my iPad. I opened the email to check the information about classes sent to me. I hope my father will agree. I really want to continue my studies. I don't even know what Duke Azriel is planning but I guess I can trust him. Catherine came in, and as soon as she looked at me she gasped. "Honey I told you not to sit in…that!" she glared at my bare legs and panicked and she immediately took out my nightdress. "Do not sit in that, the king will not like his daughter to sit in this." I rolled my eyes and ignored her. She quickly closed the door so father won't be able to see me sitting in "inappropriate" clothes. "It is fine, father won't say anything. Believe me" Catherine sighed and sat across from me. "your marriage with prince Ivan got cancelled…" She sounded sad. "I know" she looked at me. "Who do you think your father will choose now?" Duke Azriel. I blush at the thought and looked away, Catherine narrowed her eyes. "Do you have someone in mind? Perhaps…Duke Azriel?"I looked at her shocked. How the hell did she find out? "you talk about him quite a lot these days." she smirked. Was I that obvious? "Please don't tell anyone, especially not my father.." I made a small pout which usually melted her heart. "Fine, as long as you are happy." she smiled as I hugged her. "You are the best!" I smiled as she hugged back. "anyways, i got accepted in the university!" she clapped her hands "congratulations, honey. Only if your father wasn't so judgemental, he would be happy too." Catherine sighed then got up. "I will go bake your favourite chocolate cake for you" she smiled and quickly rushed out and Duke Azriel entered after Catherine left, he sat next to me. He smelled nice as I looked at him. "never saw you in a hoodie before princess, you look more arousing" He smirked and licked his lips playfully as I chuckled.and kissed him. "you should go before things get messy, Duke Azriel..cats can be pretty messy" He grabbed my waist and kissed me deeply as I kissed back with the same force. "That is why..you are my favourite kitty..so obedient and sweet" He smirked and kissed my neck before getting up. "princess. If you are worried that I won't let you attend university after I get married to you then you are wrong. Your happiness matters first to me before anything. Even before me. You don't know how insane I get to see you sad. You are my princess and I won't let you cry like that. So I got a plan, just trust me okay?" he leaned in and kissed me again as I blushed at his words. How can he be so perfect? I sigh and kiss him again right after he broke the kiss. I continued to kiss him as he cupped my cheek and pushed me down on the bed before climbing on top of me. "Just kiss okay? I won't torture you everyday, baby" he chuckled as he looked at my neck and kissed it. I tipped back my head and moaned softly as he started to bite. "So warm.." he sighed against my skin then he kissed my forehead..then my eyes as I shut them close, then my nose as He held me by the side of my neck. Then his lips grazed both my cheeks before he playfully bit my cheek and then my lips. "no one to steal you anymore, princess" he kissed my chin. "My turn" I grabbed his face as he smiled before I kissed his cheeks, then his forehead. I slowly kissed his neck and collarbone after moving the shirt a bit. He sighed softly before I kissed his lips. "There you go, Duke Azriel " I chuckled as he kissed my forehead. "I will go now, take care" I nodded as I waved at him while he walked out. After a while, Catherine entered with two slices of cake as I sat up straight.she already changed out of her uniform and she sat next to me as I grabbed the spoon and started eating mine. No one made food like Catherine, she was the literal best. "Teach me how to bake this, Catherine, " Catherine sighed and looked at me. "I will, once you persuade your father to buy an apartment for you" That was a difficult task. I rolled my eyes and continued to eat. I continued to look through my laptop, scrolling down the information. It was a pretty hard course but I know if I do it with dedication and hard work I will get it. And it would be worth it. I honestly don't want the throne anymore, as long as I have Azriel. I got up and took the plates and took them to the kitchen and put them in the sink. Then I walked back to my room, I looked around, it was quite lonely with Duke Azriel around. I sigh and walk in the room, I didn't notice before but Audrey entered my room and is now talking to Catherine. I sat next to her and tried to listen to their talk. "stop listening in our conversation!" Audrey frowned as I rolled my eyes. "Why do you keep talking about Iris? I don't like her a bit" she rolled her eyes. "Well that is your problem, she is not that bad, she is…. beautiful." Audrey smiled as she looked away. "How is it going with Azriel? Heard you guys go on a lot of dates" Audrey teased me and I couldn't help but blush. "Mind your business, Audrey." I frowned softly as she chuckled. 

"Alright, alright don't get mad" She smiled. 

Around an hour later, I started to feel sleepy as Audrey made coffee, Catherine went to sleep so it was just us. She tied up her hair in a bun. Her eyes were a pretty colour of light brown, she usually put on eyeliner to make her eyes look sharp. She usually says that she hates 'doe' eyes. "here you go." She handed over the coffee cup to me. "ah..thank you." I took the cup of coffee and sipped from it. It was bitter. "You should drink black coffee often, it's pretty good, you know?" she smiled, it was obvious she did that on purpose to annoy me. She usually does that. "I feel like you do this on purpose." I looked at her. "do what on purpose?" She set the empty cup on the kitchen slab and braided my hair. "You know I don't like bitter things." she smirked. "You are right, I do this on purpose," she smiled. I hate this woman so damn much. Then, I remembered..Duke Azriel drinks this a lot as well. I smiled softly and sipped the coffee. Audrey seemed like she understood I was thinking about Duke Azriel, so she coughed playfully, teasing me. "Your braid is done," she slapped my back. "That is so mean." I pushed her as she laughed. I started to realise that Audrey isn't as bad as I thought. She was good when she wanted to be. I smiled and took out chocolate cookies from the kitchen cabinet, she always loved chocolate since we were kids, she would usually steal them from me and something we fought over, but it doesn't matter anymore..As she started talking again, I drifted to my thoughts once again,I wonder how is Duke Azriel doing or if he will actually convince my father. 


"your highness." I bowed in front of the king who was alone on the balcony. Great chance to convince him since he is alone. "Greetings, Duke Azriel." he smiled and looked at me before sipping his wine. "There is something I wanted to talk to you about, your highness.." The king stood more alert as he stared at me. "What is it, Duke Azriel?" He offered me a glass of wine and as the waiter walked away, I took the glass and sipped the wine. "Well I wanted to ask for a favour or two." The king raised an eyebrow "what is it?" I sighed and looked in his eyes. "well, you see…Prince Ivan denied to get married to princess Lucile as he found his love, his best friend.." The king nodded as I continued. "Well I want to ask your permission to get married to your daughter, your highness. I am sure I will give her all the happiness she wants and she deserves." I could tell the king wasn't shocked at all. "I see.. you are A good man Azriel. You follow your rules quite well. I'm sure you would treat her much better than any other prince, you are my most trusted man. But the question is, Is princess willing?" I looked at him. I was pretty confident of the answer as I nodded. The king went silent for a moment. "if Lucile will say yes then sure" The king smiled as I stay shocked. "What is the other favour, Azriel?" I pull myself from another shock. "Wel, please let Princess Lucile attend her dream University " The king sighed exasperatedly and smiled "I can't really say no to you." he shrugged. "so that's a yes?" The king nodded. Finally, i have Lucile all to me. She will be mine and mine alone, after a moment me and the king walk back to the hall. 

I was standing next to the king, along with many other Presidents of other countries. He continued to talk for a while as I stood there and talked to a famous singer, Theodore. who was usually caught in many affairs, pathetic. I have seen Lucile fantasising about him, alot. Bad luck. He is a damn narcissist. "So, how does it feel to live in a literal palace" the singer said but before I could speak anything he said "Oh right, the princess. She is beautiful. Maybe you could set me up with her sometime, you see royals are all boring, maybe she can have some real fun sometime." he chuckled. How dare he talk like that about Lucile. I glared at him as he went quiet. "Um, I should go." He almost walked away before I put a hand on his shoulder. "No, let's sit down and talk." I smiled and he nervously smiled back and sat down on a chair. He sipped his drink and looked at me hesitatingly. "So, what did you just say about the princess, again?" I looked at him, my hand formed in a fist under the table. "It was a joke, really." He said as he chuckled nervously before his smile and laugh faltered."you know, prince Ivan is not getting married to princess Lucile anymore " Theodore',s gaze shot up almost immediately. Before he could speak I said "She is getting married to me" I smirked as he shifted nervously. "and. I don't like someone talking this way for my future wife, understand?" Theo blabbered apologies "I am sorry..please, I am." I put my hand on his knee and I swear something cracked as he almost screamed, so I caressed it then I got up. "good, you should be." I shot a glare at him and walked away. He thinks he can take her away, try stealing her away and I will make sure to break that guy's bones. 

We came back to the palace at twelve a.m. Princess Lucile must have been quiet. Depending on the amount of silence in the palace, the king went straight to his room, I am pretty sure he will talk to Lucile about it. I walked to Lucile's room, she must be asleep but I can see if she's awake. I quickly go into her room but it seems she is sleeping with Audrey. I can't guess who is sleeping on which side so I go for the side Lucile is always on. I walked to the bed and bent closer.. "princess." She moved slightly, it's definitely her. "Come on, wake up…" she didn't move again but giggled. She is definitely teasing me. "your father agreed to our marriage, you just have to say yes." I tried to lift the blanket but she didn't let me. "Love, come on..get out of there." I frowned slightly as she removed the blanket. Oh no. "congratulations, Duke Azriel " Audrey sat up in front of me. "Princess Audrey.." I said shockingly. Lucile seemed asleep as Audrey got up. "How sweet… You guys are getting married!" She went for Lucile but I tried to stop her. Only that I couldn't. Lucile woke up a minute later and seemed confused. "Lucile, congratulations. Your future husband came to tell you that you guys are getting married. Yay!" Audrey seemed much more excited than us. Lucile blushed and looked at me. "I-is it true?" I sighed. "yes.." I approached her. "It is true..we are getting married." I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her. Audrey went out of the room before saying "Let's just leave the couple alone." Audrey chuckled then walked out faster than she usually did and shut the door. I picked Lucile up and swung her around in the air. She chuckled happily and kissed me. "I love you so much.." She smiled and cupped my face. "Did father agree for the University " I sighed "well…" she seemed a bit worried as I tried my best to hold my laughter. "He did not?" She sighed sadly. "well..he said.." she got sad and looked away. "Yes." she looked back at me, confused. "huh." I wrapped her legs around my waist. "he said yes" she was surprised then kissed me again. "you did an outstanding job, sir." She chuckled as I snuggled her neck. "I know, baby." 

"We can move out after marriage, to my mansion." I smiled but she didn't reply. "I don't want to live in a mansion." she made a pout and I understood what she meant. "I see princess, first you were fighting to be a queen, now you wanna live in an apartment, hm?" she smiled and nodded. I loved this woman so damn much..I sat down on the bed with her on my lap. I slowly touched her hoodie before she stopped me. "let me do it this time.." she unbuttoned my shirt and took it off, then she kissed my neck, my collarbone and then my chest. I breathed heavily. This woman is driving me crazy. She kissed my lips as she unbuttoned my pants and pulled down my zipper. Then she got off me for a moment and pulled my pants down. She touched me through my boxers as I raised an eyebrow. "You are getting naughty, day by day." I said as she kissed me. She wouldn't let me kiss her or touch her and it ached me to the core. I lifted my hand to touch her but she just yanked it down. "No." she continued to kiss me, before she bit my neck. I sighed softly and she continued to grope me from my boxers. She slowly lifted her hoodie so I leaned in and kissed her neck, she frowned and then threw her hoodie aside then took off her shorts. She wasn't wearing anything and was dripping wet. I licked my lips as she took off my boxers, i was fucking hard as rock. She looked at me, "condom?" I smirked and looked at my pants which were only down till the knee length before she reached for the pocket and pulled out a foil packet and ripped it open with her mouth. It looked so damn sexy. She rolled the condom on me. She then pushed me down to lay me down completely. She slowly climbed on me like a hunter on its prey. She spread her legs and I realised she was about to ride me. "Will you be able to actually do it, princess?" she nodded and sighed before slowly putting her entrance to my tip, i couldn't help it anymore. I grabbed either side of her waist and pulled her down in a hard thrust on which she gasped, because she was so wet, it went in easily. She started to ride me slowly at first then picking up pace, her own legs trembling. I wanted to be obedient but she looked too good and felt even more good, wet, dripping. I wanted to do something and I really couldn't help it. I sat up and she almost stopped but I held her waist and pushed her down on me as she let out another gasp, then I fondled her breast, my other hand massaging her clitoris. I kissed her neck as she continued going, her moans weak. I quickly turned the position and climbed on top of her but I lifted her legs up and rested on either side of my shoulder, I started to thrust but it was pretty deep, hitting the spots I didn't know that even existed. I leaned down and kissed her breast then I sucked it as she moaned. I continued thrusting as she tightened her legs around my neck. I put my hand on her neck as she rolled her eyes, her eyelids were hooded as she moaned. Suddenly she came on my length and I slowed down. She continued to moan, her walls tightening around me again. I kissed her neck "I just changed the whole game, princess" she looked at me, she didn't say anything but moaned. She looked adorable. 

I soon reached my climax and pulled out of her as she gasped for air. I roll off the condom and throw it in the trash bin. I looked at her and laid down next to her. She looked back at me and wrapped her arms around my neck. 

I pay her head to make her sleep, around ten minutes of constant staring she fell asleep. I kissed her cheek as I massaged her legs softly, I slowly got out of bed and wore my pants then I walked to the door and locked it. I grab her shorts and an oversized t-shirt and put it on her. 

My princess..