
The True Dreamer

THIS BOOK WILL BE ON HIATUS. TIME FRAME FOR RETURN: Late August to early September!!! Atlas was given a second chance at life. Well it didn’t really matter since he couldn’t even remember his first life. But WAIT, the god said he’ll receive his old memories when he turns 10? I hope nothing happens before then. Holy crap, not only has everything gone wrong. He’s been kidnapped twice and sold off twice within a week of his 10th birthday. To make it all worst the memories from his first life shows him that he has always suffered. He continues his path of suffering into his late teens. But finally, he is presented with the chance to gain new powers to turn it around. Will he become famous or will he become infamous? WARNING: There will be scenes depicting violence that some readers may find uncomfortable. Please read at your own risk. Author's Note: There will be a harem in this story. I know some of you want to drop the story but hear me out. There will only be three girls in the harem. Honestly, you can't have a fantasy without a harem. Besides, the love built between all of them will make sense.

SamChang1 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

On the Road

*We have official entered the next arc! The Nova Arc *

We've just stopped for the night. Today is day 3 of our journey. One more day and we should reach the Nova Kingdom. The last three days has been me just telling Noel about all my powers.

She was so surprised to see that I could use all four elements. But I told her about my contract with the four spirits and she even met them. It went something like this.

"Oh my gosh!!! These little things are so cute! Listen! Do you hear that little chirpy sound they make brother?"

"Sir!! Why didn't you let me meet her sooner? She's so adorable sir!!!"


Ceto and Noel will get along very well. They both have so much energy. I had to remind her to not tell anyone about them. If people learned about it then Noel could also be targeted. That's not something I want.

I also showed her my teleportation powers and my shadow magic. She loved the shadow magic. She thought it was so cool that I could carry her luggage for her. She also thought it was so cool that she could hug my shadow.

The teleportation magic scared her. She made me promise to not use it to scare her. I couldn't help but laugh at her reaction. I need to find out if I can teleport with other people.

"Okay Noel, I will begin setting up our camp for the night. Let the horse loose so he could eat and relax."


Noel hops off and lets the horse roam around. The horse is rather intelligent. It never strays far from us.

We were currently in the open plain field. Luckily, I collected some wood from the forest before we left. I create a small campfire and then I use earth magic to create a small sleeping area for the two of us. I had asked Noel if she wanted to sleep alone but she said she must sleep with me. Not because she was scared of course but she said I might be scared. So, I've been making an extra bed for her.

I take out some meat from a creature I caught. I begin cooking for the two of us. While I was cooking, the horse and Noel finally came back. Noel sat down right next to me.

"Hmmmm! That looks amazing!"

"It will taste amazing as well."

We stopped by a town before leaving the Beast Kingdom. There I found a lot of spices and other condiments. I was surprised to see the variety they had. Since this world was medieval like, I assume there wouldn't be many spices.

After the meat is done, I take out a little special spice I made myself. Noel has tasted it before so she was excited.

"YES! You still have some?!"

She pours herself a bit of the sauce and with a greedy smile, she chows down the meal in front of her. I couldn't help but be happy that she enjoyed it. Looks like my cooking skills from my past life came here with me. I ate my fill and gave the rest of it to her.

"Don't make such a mess Noel, I'll get some water out for you okay. Make sure to clean yourself before going to bed."

She gives me a thumbs up and continues eating. I get a bucket from the carriage and fill it up with water using magic. I then create a small private bath area for Noel.

Since, she was still eating, I went ahead and cleaned myself first. After I came out, Noel was finishing up. I sat by the fire while Noel was cleaning up. When she finished, she also came out and sat by the fire.

"Atlas, I haven't seen you use that dagger at all. Is it a special one?"

I forgot to tell her about the dagger that belong to Lily.

"This dagger use to belong to Lily. After I buried her, I took it with me. It's a way for me to remember her."


She seemed to be hesitant to ask me something.

"Do you think… I can have it?'

"I had plans to give it to you,"

I thought about a great idea as motivation for her.

"How about I train you when you turn ten. If you complete my training and graduate, then I will give you this dagger as a present?"

"Hm! You got a deal! I'll show you! I might be 8 years old but I will show you that I am strong already."

She stands up and begins to shadow box.

"Hahaha! Alright little Noel, we will see how strong you are. Come on, lets go sleep. We need the rest so that we won't be so tired in the morning."

I get up and head to the bed I made. Noel follows behind and sleeps in the other bed.

"Goodnight brother."

"Goodnight little Noel."




"Grab the bitch! She's going to get away!"

It looks like the sun just came up but I wake up to the sound of a woman's scream and a lot of men screaming too. I look to see if Noel was up, she was up as well. Looking at me with worried eyes.

"Don't worry. You stay here, okay? I will see what's wrong. Ceto, stay here and watch over Noel. If someone comes here… make sure they don't see Noel."

Ceto shoots out of my body. "Of course, sir! I will protect her!"

I get up and head towards the screaming. I look into the distance and see a woman, who seemed to be dressed as a noble, getting chased by at least ten bandits. I use some wind magic and rush over to the group. When I got close enough, the lady called out to me.

"Please save me!!"

She was about to trip but I have the ground catch her. The ground turns to a hand and catches her. The hand glides behind me.

"How did you do that?"

I ignore the lady. I have to focus on the enemy in front of me.

The ten bandits stop a good distance from me. One of them steps forward and yells at me.

"Good sir. If you would, we would like for you to hand that woman over to us."

I look over to the lady. She shakes her head desperately.

"You saw it yourself. She doesn't want to go with you so I will take her with me. So please leave right now."

The bandit face scrunches in annoyance.

"I don't think you want to do that man. You don't know who you are messing with."

"You're right I don't. Since I rather not, could you just leave? Please? I even said please."

Now all the bandits looked annoyed. The leader of the group looks at the rest. Five of them run at me. I knew this was going to happen but it doesn't matter.

They were bunched up together so that made it easy. I throw out my mana like a fishing net and I cast [air scythe].

The five men couldn't react in time and they all were sliced into bits.

I could hear the woman behind me gasp. The remaining five looked on in horror. The leader is the first to recover.

"What are you waiting for?! Cast your spells!"

The five of them shot all sorts of spells at me. I just cover myself in my mana armor and walk forward. Using my hands, I begin smacking the different projectiles away. I unleash 10% of my [Death's Aura].

"Just leave, I rather not kill you guys. I'm sure you have family waiting for you."

Four of the bandits were looking at one another. They knew they stood no chance but the leader kept barking orders at them.

"Don't stop!"

I got tired of hearing him.

[Golem Creation]

I make a golem and have it hug the leader.

"You guys want to leave but you're hesitating because of this guy, right?"

I don't wait for them to answer. I have the golem crush him and he falls onto to the ground, lifeless.

"Now leave yeah?"

The other four turn around and run away, not even bothering to look back. I hear the lady behind me let out a whimper. I turn around to check on her.

"Are you okay Miss?"

"I'm okay… Just a little shaken up."

"That's good to hear, please excuse me."

I went ahead and pick her up in a princess carry and begin running back towards the camp.




"Oh Atlas! You're back already! Who's the lady?"

"This is uhmm."

"Emilia Vice. I was traveling back home when my entourage was attacked."

She has a last name. So, she is a noble. Hopefully this doesn't bring us any trouble. Noel quickly runs off while whispering something.

"My name is Atlas; the girl earlier is my little sister Noel. It's a pleasure to meet a noble."

"Oh no please! It's okay! No need to be so formal, you saved me earlier."

Noel comes back with bucket and sets it down next to Emilia.

"Here you go pretty lady. Clean yourself up. There's a place over there for you to do so."

Noel and I pack up and prepare to leave as she cleans herself up. When she finishes, I call out to her.

"Mrs. Emilia, would you like to travel with us? We are heading towards the Nova Kingdom. If you don't mind traveling with regular people like us then please hop on."

"Yeah, pretty lady! Come with us! My brother is super strong, he can protect you all the way there!"

Emilia was used to the noble life but she had no options left. She also didn't want to seem rude to her savior so she joins them. A little bit past 8 a.m., the group finally leaves.




As soon as we set out, Noel began asking Emilia questions.

"Are you hurt anywhere? My brother can heal you probably? If you need something don't be afraid to ask me, okay? Why were they chasing you?"

Emilia was flustered. A little 8-year-old girl might be to much for her. She took a moment to answer her back.

"I'm okay. I really am,"

"My son and I were returning home when we were attacked by bandits. The group we hired was killed so my son and I had to run away. My son told me to hide while he distracted the bandits. He said he would meet me in the Nova Kingdom… but it wasn't long before the bandits showed up again, so I really hope he is okay."

She's probably worried sick, that would explain why she seemed so reserved and nervous.

"I'm sorry to hear that. I'm sure he will be waiting for you when we get there."

"I hope so as well lady!"

"Thank you both. I really hope so too."

Emilia seemed tired so I leave her alone, there's no reason to get familiar with her. We most likely won't be seeing one another again. Noel, seem to warm up to her. She sat next to Emilia and began to drift asleep. Emilia eventually fell asleep too. I let them sleep as I focus on the road.




Since Emilia was worried, we ended up moving a lot faster than we would have. Due to this, we reached the Nova Kingdom a little bit pass noon. I paid the entrance fee and we were let through without much trouble.

"There's so many buildings here brother!"

"Yeah, if I remember correctly, many merchants and adventures live here. So, the royale family began constructing more living spaces."

Noel was looking at everything with curiosity and excitement.

"She's rather excited. Is it her first time here?"

"Yeah, she never left the place we were born so this is her first time out."

Emilia pats Noel on the head.

"Well, I hope enjoy your time Noel. I'm sure your brother will show you around more."

"Hm! I can't wait!"

I pull over to the side, Emilia said that she was going to check the adventure hall to see if her son was there.

"I hope you find your son Mrs. Emilia."

"I hope you find your son as well! Please travel safely back home, okay?"

"Thank you both, and I will Noel. You guys enjoy your time here."

Just like that, the quick encounter that probably means nothing ended.

"Noel, why don't you sit up here with me. You can help me look for an inn for us to sleep in."


She hops on over and sits next to me. She careful searches for an inn while pointing out all the cool things she was seeing. While I was looking around, I tried to hide my excitement.

'After ten years, I'm finally home. I wonder how Freeman, May, Lucy and Jennie are. Freeman probably has back pain now, since he should be nearing 30. I'm sure May and Lucy are still as close as ever. Jennie probably grew up to be a real beauty as well.'

I can't wait to see everyone.

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