
The True Dreamer

THIS BOOK WILL BE ON HIATUS. TIME FRAME FOR RETURN: Late August to early September!!! Atlas was given a second chance at life. Well it didn’t really matter since he couldn’t even remember his first life. But WAIT, the god said he’ll receive his old memories when he turns 10? I hope nothing happens before then. Holy crap, not only has everything gone wrong. He’s been kidnapped twice and sold off twice within a week of his 10th birthday. To make it all worst the memories from his first life shows him that he has always suffered. He continues his path of suffering into his late teens. But finally, he is presented with the chance to gain new powers to turn it around. Will he become famous or will he become infamous? WARNING: There will be scenes depicting violence that some readers may find uncomfortable. Please read at your own risk. Author's Note: There will be a harem in this story. I know some of you want to drop the story but hear me out. There will only be three girls in the harem. Honestly, you can't have a fantasy without a harem. Besides, the love built between all of them will make sense.

SamChang1 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Final Goodbye

The day has finally come. We just celebrated the new year and today Noel and I will be leaving the Beast Kingdom. It's a rather sad feeling. But I'm sure Noel is having a harder time than me.

I must get up and prepare. I have a lot to do before noon. We plan on leaving around that time.

I pack up all my stuff and throw it into my shadow. The storage space in it is super convenient for me. I should hurry though; I want to meet with Ivory before I leave.

While I was packing up, Ivory walks in.

"You going already Atlas?"

"No worries. I was just packing up; I was going meet with you after I finished."

"Oh!!! Can I watch? I remember Ceto telling me about how you got mysterious powers."

It's hard to believe that this lady is over 35 years old with 4 kids. She has such a childish personality.

I know she is trust worthy so I might as well make it fancier than usual.

I make my shadow circle around me perfectly; I then dump enough mana into it to shape them into animals.

Suddenly, seven dogs came out of my shadow and began collecting my clothes. They would then run back into my shadow and come back out again to repeat the process.

"Woaaahh! Woww! That's amazing!!"

Ivory began clapping. It's a site to see honestly. I gave a performance like bow to her.

"I hope you enjoyed the show Your Majesty!"

"Hahah! I loved it!"

After the dogs finished and my shadow returned to normal, Ivory and I leave to relax and talk somewhere else.




We were led by one of her maids to the garden area that was rebuilt for the Queen.

"I'm glad you can join me for a cup of tea. There were a couple things I wanted to ask you."

"Ask away, I will answer them if I can."

If I have to guess, she probably wants to learn more about my powers. That night I woke up she didn't ask me much. She probably didn't want to come off as rude since it was considered a bad thing to ask others about their powers.

"It's about your powers. Could you tell me how you got it? I doubt my husband's facility did all this to you."

Yep, just as I suspected.

'Ceto, can we tell her everything? When you contracted with me and merged with me, you saw everything I ever saw. That includes my past life. I remember seeing that spirits could see into the hearts of others.'

She flies out of me without saying anything and floats next to Ivory.

"You can trust Ivory sir! Are you a fool! You told me to smack you next time you do something foolish sir!"

"Aha… I guess I can trust her then."

Ivory looks at me and then Ceto again.

"You don't have to Atlas! I don't want to pressure you if you don't trust me."

"No, I trust you, Ivory. Ceto here can sense when someone has ill intent. If she trusts you then I can answer everything you want."

I tell her everything. From the time I was born, how I grew up in the slums, how I was sold off by a gang. I even told her about Liza and how I was sold off by the elf prince. I talk a bit about the training I had to undergo while in the facility. I even showed her the teleportation since I haven't used it since leaving the facility.

I grab an empty journal from my storage. I imprint my insignia onto it and hand it to her. I then walk out of the garden and wave at her. I imagine the journal and then I could feel my body move right in front of it. When I opened my eyes, Ivory had her hand covering her mouth.

"Oh WOW! That's so cool! So that means your elemental powers come from the spirits you signed with and the shadow magic and the teleportation was something you were born with?"

"That's right, please keep the book. That way I can come back whenever you need me."

I didn't tell her about the blessings I had or that I was reborn with my memories intact. I think it's too soon for that.

I sit back down and we continue to talk. At one point, I asked her about Prince Saul and Prince Marcus.

"Ivory, what happened to Prince Saul? You told me about the changes you made in the kingdom but I haven't heard about him."

Ivory didn't want to talk about Saul but she knew that if anyone deserve to know what happened to him, its Atlas.

"He's been given a life sentence. He will be locked away in our underground prison. The security there is tight and he also has four guard constantly watching over him."

I could see the sadness. Even though her son was alive, she had to hand down the punishment fitting the crime.

"Can I talk to him before I go?"

"I wouldn't recommend it. He has become a fool. Only screaming nonsense while talking to himself. I don't know if he will ever return to his former self."

How did that happen? Something must have happened when I was out. Was it the humans from the other empires that came? Was it the tall man from the East?

"I heard that the day Prince Saul was to be king, human leaders from the other kingdoms and empires were suppose to be here. Do you think they had something to do with it?"

She shakes her head.

"It can't be them. When they arrived, Saul was already locked up."

She pauses and then begins laughing.

"They only stayed long enough to hear about the Ghost of the Gods and how he brought retribution down on the sinful prince."

"Oh no. They know about that name."

I couldn't help but put my head down in shame. Ivory just laughs again but then she turns serious.

"I believe it has something to do with the tall man that visited Saul. He hasn't been seen here since Saul took over all those years ago. If you see him, try not to get involved with him Atlas."

"Of course, I won't. You don't have to worry about that."

"Good. Marcus has been busy as much as me. I told him that he will take over the kingdom now that all his brothers are gone. He has been training since Saul was officially locked up."

"That's good! Looks like he is changing for the better. Not the same bratty guy that was locked up."

Ivory couldn't help but sigh.

"That's the problem, he trains too much. Currently he's another city, helping them rebuild. When he isn't doing that, he is fighting something or someone…"

"Haha… I'm sure he will begin to slow down. He's old enough to understand that he needs to rest in between each training session."

After that we talked for another hour, I then left and headed towards the orphanage. Ivory said she had one more thing to give me but she needed time, so she will be meeting us at the gates later.




As I walk on the city streets, I could see how much healthier and livelier the citizens had become. The streets were filled with laughing children and adults bargaining with one another. It's crazy to think that when I first got here, the streets were empty and there were beggars around every corner. Ivory has done a good job in just a year.

I finally reach the orphanage. Outside there were children playing around. From what Rosie told me, everyone here was younger than 15. In this world, when you turned 15, you became an adult. So many of the kids here decided to leave after coming of age. Even with that happening, Rosie still struggled since all the workers died or were sold off under the prince. I already talked to Ivory and she agreed to help Rosie once we leave.

"Brother! You're finally here!"

Noel runs out from the crowd of kids and jumps on me.

"Ow. You're already so energetic this morning. Whys everyone out here?"

"They wanted to come sees me off! I was everybody's favorite here!"

"Hahaha, is that so?"

Looking at the crowd of kids, I could see that they were all happy. I'm sure Noel always talked about her parents and her siblings to them. But even with their smiles, their eyes were sad. One of their own will be leaving them.

"Noel, why don't you play with everyone for a bit? I'm going to talk with Rosie for a bit."

Noel nods and runs off with everyone. I walk inside and head towards the kitchen, Rosie would most likely be cooking breakfast for everyone. Turns out she had already cooked and was eating by herself. I sit down next to her.

"Is the meal good?"

"Of course, it's good! This lady here cooked it herself you know."

Over the last few weeks, we got to know each other more. She has a rather playful personality, just like Liza.

"I guess you're right. The great cook herself did make this."

She gives me a hmph. I couldn't help but laugh.

"So, you guys are leaving today huh?"

"It's about time we leave. I still have a lot of things to do."

"I understand. I just hope you won't forget about us. I'm sure Noel will put on a brave face but deep down she is a crybaby."

"Haha, yeah. I've noticed. I will make sure she is happy. That is something a big brother must do after all."

After that Rosie and I talked for a while. I told her about my plans to go to the Nova Kingdom, look for some old friends. She told me about her plans to hire more workers with the help of the kingdom. Before I knew it, it was almost time for Noel and I to leave.

"I guess it's time. I should get Noel and we should say bye to her parents."

"I will go call her. While you guys do that, I will finish her packing for her."

I went out back to where Noel's parents were.

"I'm sorry that I couldn't save Lily but I promise you two that I will raise Noel."

Originally, I only accepted Noel because I promised Lily that I would take care of her family, but now after spending the last few weeks with Noel, she's grown on me. I never had siblings in this life or my last but I'm sure this is what it feels like.

"Brother? You're here to say bye to mommy and daddy too?"

"I am. Come sit next to me. Why don't you say some words to them too?"

Noel walks over and sits next to me.

"Mommy-, No, mom and dad. I will be leaving with brother Atlas now. You guys were right, he is super strong and amazing! We are going to the Nova Kingdom for business so I don't know when we will come back… *sniff* don't be lonely without me okay? You guys have each other, so just talk with each other until I get back, okay?"

She began crying. I don't blame her. This will be the first time she's leaving her home city. She will be entering a whole new world without her parents by her side.

I carefully tell her that we must go now and I help her back up. While walking to the front of the building, she looks back one last time. Wondering when she will see them again.

When we got to the front, Rosie and the kids were waiting for us. Ivory and some of guards were with her as well.

"Mrs. Ivory, you actually made it in time to see us off."

She wouldn't accept that I call her "Your Majesty" even if we were in front of others so we both settled on Mrs. Ivory.

"I told you I would Atlas,"

She looks down at Noel.

"Are you doing well Noel?"

Noel met Ivory the day after I returned to the palace. She was terrified when I said I was friends with the Queen. She is still shy around her.

Noel hides behind me and shyly peaks out.

"Yes, Your Majesty. I'm glad to see that you're doing fine as well."

"Oh! Aren't you the cutest!"

Ivory bends down to pinch Noel's cheek. Noel tries to pull away but Ivory has a tough grip on her. I have to clear my throat; she was getting out of control. Ivory quickly gets up and goes back into her role as queen.

"Excuse. I got excited."

I nod and she continues on.

"Atlas, please accept this final gift from me,"

She has a guard walk forward with a small bag.

"This bag here has 500 gold coins and 10 Heavenly Coins. Please accept them as a token of our gratitude for saving our kingdom and its people."

That's so much money! Just one Heavenly Coin could feed a kingdom for years! And she's giving me ten of them?!

"Mrs. Ivory, please, I do not need that much money. I only helped because-."

"The Ghost of the Gods, please accept our gift. This is the very least we can do for you."

She smirks at me. She knows how uncomfortable I am with that name. I have to give in… if I don't, she might give me another nickname.

"… then I will gladly accept it."

I reach out and take the bag from the guard. He steps back in line and Ivory once again speaks.

"I don't know what you plan to do Atlas. I know you well enough that you will be able to care for yourself but remember that you have Noel with you now. Please make her your priority. Don't be like me and live to regret it."

I know how much she loved her kids and always regretted not doing more. This is by far; is the most genuine advice she has given me. There was no sign of her usual playful nature.

"I will Mrs. Ivory. I will make sure to put her above all else."

Ivory takes a step back and Rosie walks forward. She gives me and Noel a hug.

"Noel, make sure you listen to Atlas, okay? Don't make things hard for him."

"I know Ms. Rosie! I can do that without even trying."

She smiles and looks back at me again.

"Atlas, thank you for not leaving Noel behind. She has been devasted since her parents died. I haven't seen the little girl laugh this much ever. You are the light in her life now, please make sure it stays that way."

I nod but then I think of something and search through the bag Ivory gave me. I gather 5 Heavenly Coins and give them to Rosie.

"Please take this Rosie. Use it to repair the orphanage and keep the children fed. I grew up with a nun with four other kids. I know how hard it is when there is no extra money around."

"I can't take this Atlas! It's far too much for someone like me! The kids don't mind working and I will also look for extra work so you don't have to worry about giving that to us."

I forced the money into her hands.

"Please take it. You took in my little sister when you didn't have to. You raised her and fed her. Without you, I would of came back to no one. This is the least I could do. I want her friends to be able to enjoy their childhood, something that I could never."

Even though she was still reluctant, she eventually gave in and took the money. She then let's the children say goodbye to Noel one last time.

While the kids were hugging each other, Ivory comes up to me.

"Atlas, please take this carriage. It will cut your travel time down."

I happily accept the carriage. I wasn't crazy enough to turn that down. I go ahead and prepare the horse for our departure. I load Noel's things into the back and then I call out to her.

"Noel, we have to leave now."

Noel gives her friends one last hug. She then jumps in the back of the carriage and we both begin our journey.

While leaving, Noel couldn't help but continue to wave goodbye to everyone. She kept at it until they disappeared from her view.

She then sits with me up front.

"Do you think that we will come back here brother?"

"Hm? We will come back here again. I wouldn't take you away from your friends like that. Let's go back after you turn 10, okay? That why I can train you with magic so you can impress everyone."


She looked at me with anticipation.

"I promise you! I'm the strongest person in this world you know!"

I begin flexing my muscles and tried to make her laugh.

I don't know what dangers lie in this world but I will protect Noel from everything.

Even if I have to become a monster.

Next chapter in a bit

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