
The True Dreamer

THIS BOOK WILL BE ON HIATUS. TIME FRAME FOR RETURN: Late August to early September!!! Atlas was given a second chance at life. Well it didn’t really matter since he couldn’t even remember his first life. But WAIT, the god said he’ll receive his old memories when he turns 10? I hope nothing happens before then. Holy crap, not only has everything gone wrong. He’s been kidnapped twice and sold off twice within a week of his 10th birthday. To make it all worst the memories from his first life shows him that he has always suffered. He continues his path of suffering into his late teens. But finally, he is presented with the chance to gain new powers to turn it around. Will he become famous or will he become infamous? WARNING: There will be scenes depicting violence that some readers may find uncomfortable. Please read at your own risk. Author's Note: There will be a harem in this story. I know some of you want to drop the story but hear me out. There will only be three girls in the harem. Honestly, you can't have a fantasy without a harem. Besides, the love built between all of them will make sense.

SamChang1 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
101 Chs

Life After Death

It was currently January, a month since that day. The incident was known to all higher ups and high ranked individuals such as adventures and noblemen. They were all held to a blood contract that would kill them if they were to tell anyone.

These individuals called the event "The Blue Reaper Massacre".

May and Ior has been busy. That is because they've chosen who will take over as the guild master of the mercenary guild.




A fierce roar could be heard through the mercenary guild.

"WHYYYYY!!! WHYYYYY!!!" The new guild master was throwing a fit. Something they were good at.

"Guild master!! Please relax!!! We are here to help you!!!" The grandson of the former guild master was helping the new guild master adjust to the new life.

"Fuck you! It's your fault I'm here! I wanted to stay as an adventurer!!" The new guild master was the muscle head Jennie.

Jennie was asked to take the position. Jennie however would tell others that she was forced into the position.

"AHHHH!!! You five, take the paper work! I'm going out!" Jennie already left and disappeared, leaving the paper work to the grandson and the other four higher ups.




Princess Eve was currently meeting with Zen.

"Zen shouldn't we go home? We can't follow Atlas to the Forest of the Elves. My mother told me that Saul enslaved many elves when he was ruling over the kingdom. What if they take revenge on us?"

Zen however had other plans.

"Sorry Princess, Zen insists we go with Sir Atlas. Zen believes that this will be a chance for you to grow as well."

"Grow? What do you mean? You do know that I'm older than him? What can he teach me?" Princess Eva was slightly annoyed. Ever since the incident, Zen seemed to hold Atlas in higher regards compared to before.

"Please excuse Zen, Princess but you still have a lot of growing to do emotionally and mentally. You might have a higher knowledge of spells but you are nothing compared to Sir Atlas."

This bothered Eva. "What do you mean Zen? Of course I've grown emotionally and mentally!"

"You have not. You still blame yourself for everything. It's been a few years already. It isn't your fault the second Prince and your father died. Look at Sir Atlas. It took only one night and many near death experiences before he forgave himself. I'm afraid that if you stay in that palace, you will rot and die from the inside out before you forgive yourself."

Eva felt uncomfortable talking about this. It was because Zen was right. She felt responsible for everything. If she wasn't sold off early, would Saul's plans be pushed back? Could that had stopped or delayed her brother and father's death?

Zen pats Eva on the shoulders.

"Please think about it Princess. Even if you decide not to go, Zen will. Zen will follow Sir Atlas."

With those parting words, Zen leaves the room. Leaving Eva alone with her thoughts.




May and Lucy were both staying in the commoner's guild. They were having a serious discussion.

"Lucy. Are you sure about this?" Lucy happily nods.

"Of course I'm sure. I've been preparing for it. I can't leave him now, I must be by his side."

May knew this day would come but now she felt lonely. Jennie was busy with the mercenary guild and Lucy was now going to leave with Atlas.

"Have you told him? Will he accept you?"

"I haven't. But I know he will let me go with him."

May and the others learned about Atlas' plan. They knew he was going to the Forest of the Elves. They didn't know why but he said that there was a small chance to bring back the others.

"I see. Let's enjoy our time together. Who knows when you'll be back. I'm going to miss my precious sister." May gets up and hugs Lucy.




"Let's go Kat!"

"Okay Uncle!"

Atlas and Katherine has grown close since the incident. They never speak of what happened because both of them may cry instantly.

There was even a point where Katherine asked to be called by her nickname that Noel gave to her. Atlas could see how much it meant to her so he started calling her that.

"Let's get you some new clothes Kat!" Atlas was taking Kat clothes shopping. She lost most of her clothes except for the one she wore that night. She also only had a ring that Olivia bought for her and the hairpin Atlas got for her.

Kat was also leaving with Atlas for the Forest of the Elves. Initially, Atlas wanted to leave her with May, however she cried and cried, saying that she would not let him go until he promise to take her. Atlas had no choice but to take her.

"Yay! New clothes! New clothes! I want a pretty green dress too!" She wanted to get the same dress Noel had on. She had asked Olivia before but they never got the chance to do so.

They held hangs as the two skipped to the clothing store.

After picking out the dress, Atlas took Kat to eat lunch.

"Kat, would you like the usual?"

"Of course Uncle! It's so good!"

Atlas went ahead and ordered two flat beard sandwiches with plenty of veggies and Kat's favorite meat. They also had two sweet teas to go along with it.

"Let's go to the playground and eat there Uncle!"

"Let's go then!!"

When they arrived, there were picnic tables set up for families to eat. Kat ran over and took a table as quick as she could. Atlas sat down next to her. He handed her the sandwich and sweet tea. Kat quickly unwrapped it and started eating.

She'd take two bites of the sandwich and then a sip of the tea. It looked ridiculous since both were far to big for her tiny hands.

"Slow down Kat. I don't want you to choke on your food." Atlas pat her back so she wouldn't choke on the sandwich. Once she slowed down, Atlas finally started eating.

'Ah, the weather is perfect today.'

Even though the two of these looked fine. They were far from it.

Every night before he sleeps, Atlas sits outside, staring at the stars. He spends most of the night wondering what he will say to Noel once he resurrects her.

Kat moved into the same room as Atlas. She didn't feel safe by herself and only felt comfortable sleeping if Atlas was close by. Atlas also sits outside before sleeping because of Kat.

Every night, Kat actually hides under her bed sheets, crying and whimpering. If you listen closely you could hear her calling out for her mommy and also for her big sis Noel.

Atlas tried talking to Kat about it once but she pretended not to know. So from there on, Atlas gave her alone time to sort through her thoughts.


The sound of sniffling brought Atlas out of his daydream.

"Kat, are you okay?"

"Hm. It's just that mommy use to make this for me."

"Ah. I see. Is that why you always eat this?"


"I see."

Atlas does nothing. He just silently hands Kat some tissues and pats her head to let her know that he was there for her.




Today everyone was present. Standing in front of May's rebuilt home. Atlas and Lucy were standing in front of one another.

"Are you sure about this Lucy? You think that you can do better than Jennie?"

"I know I will."

Atlas and Lucy were going to battle it out. Only Jennie got to fight Atlas and Lucy never got the chance to. Today they were going to finally see it happen.

Kat was sitting on May's shoulders. Eva and Zen were next to them. Jennie was sitting down, still tired from her new duties as guild master.

"Let's go Uncle!!!"

Kat was excited, she heard about Jennie and Atlas' fight from Noel. Now she was finally able to witness another crazy fight.

"The only rules is no [Death's Aura]. May will step in if she thinks it's getting to dangerous. Is that okay Lucy?"

"Yah. Let's start."

Lucy already gets into her fighter stance. Atlas also circulated his mana as he gets into his fighter stance.

Lucy and I began our fight.