
The True Dreamer

THIS BOOK WILL BE ON HIATUS. TIME FRAME FOR RETURN: Late August to early September!!! Atlas was given a second chance at life. Well it didn’t really matter since he couldn’t even remember his first life. But WAIT, the god said he’ll receive his old memories when he turns 10? I hope nothing happens before then. Holy crap, not only has everything gone wrong. He’s been kidnapped twice and sold off twice within a week of his 10th birthday. To make it all worst the memories from his first life shows him that he has always suffered. He continues his path of suffering into his late teens. But finally, he is presented with the chance to gain new powers to turn it around. Will he become famous or will he become infamous? WARNING: There will be scenes depicting violence that some readers may find uncomfortable. Please read at your own risk. Author's Note: There will be a harem in this story. I know some of you want to drop the story but hear me out. There will only be three girls in the harem. Honestly, you can't have a fantasy without a harem. Besides, the love built between all of them will make sense.

SamChang1 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Hope For The Future

Lucy dragged me all the way back to the adventure's guild. I couldn't even fight her. It looks like I was to weak to go against her.

"Come on Atlas. Everyone is waiting for you." She pushed me through the doors leading to Ior's office.

When I went through, I saw everyone. Zen was still holding onto Katherine but she jumped up and ran to me. "Uncle! You're back!"

I held onto her. That's when it hit me. Why was I trying to kill myself? I would of left Katherine all alone. I would be leaving all these people alone. I take a look around the room.

May and Jennie were looking at me. The same look they always gave me when we were younger. The look of relief when I returned safely home.

Princess Eva looked relived. Zen also had the same expression.

Ior just smiled and I could see Ceto and the other spirits behind him, flying about.

May called out to me. "Atlas… the guild master of the mercenary guild told me what happened. Are you going to be fine? Will Prince Dan do anything?"

I shook my head. "It will be fine. Prince Dan won't be able to go public with it." Jennie interrupted me. "Does that mean you actually killed the king??" All heads turn to me. I of course nod.

"I did." Everyone sighed. A sigh of relief? Of exhaustion?

"Ior, what should we do now?"

"Let's call it a night May. Everyone is exhausted. We will figure out who will be the new guild master tomorrow. Until then please stay here tonight. I will also be here so there's no need to worry." He then looks at me, "Atlas, let's go. I need to talk to you."

He walks out of the office. I set Katherine down and walk follow him out.




We sit down in the dining area of the guild hall. There were some adventures sitting around. Some guild workers were still working too.

"Don't worry about them. I asked them to stay here for the night. I wanted to make sure the guild was completely secured."

"I see. Thank you so much for helping us Ior. I owe you greatly." I am truly grateful for Ior. He's helped us out so much. Even staying with the others when I should have been the one.

"No worries Sir Atlas!" I suddenly feel Ceto and the others.

'Are you guys okay?'

'YES SIR!' I could almost see her saluting me.

'What about you sir? I can see what you went through. Are you okay now.'

I forgot that I shared everything with her. So she must of saw me trying to end myself.

'I'm fine Ceto. I'm just ready to give everyone a proper burial tomorrow.'

'Wait sir! Before you think of that, please listen to Ior!'

Ior? Ior was sitting there patiently, almost as if he knew I was speaking with someone. I the. Thought of the impossible.

"Can you see them Ior?" I thought he could see the spirits. It would make sense since spirits and elves has had a long relationship.

"I can sit. That spirit Ceto made it easier to see them. She is a different spirit you know."

Oh? I look over to Ceto. I couldn't tell but I swore I heard her giggling shyly.

"I told you sir! I'm super cool!" I could feel that strong smug energy coming from her. Ior however looked exhausted hearing her. I guess she was bothering if a lot.

"Anyways Sir Atlas. There was something I wanted to tell you." He had become serious now.

"Please Ior. Tell me." I was anticipating what he will say. It seems really important if he didn't want the others to hear.

"There's a chance to revive all of your loved one." I couldn't help but stand up. I grabbed Ior.

"You're not lying right?! You're not fucking with me right?!"

'SIR! Control yourself!! Your [Death's Aura] is leaking!!'

Crap, I look around and see everyone looking at us. I apologize to Ior.

"Sorry about that Ior. Please explain how that is possible."

"No worries Sir Atlas." Ior fixed his shirt and sat back down. He cleared his throat and began explaining it to me.

"In the Forest of the Elves, there is a being that can resurrect those who died. However, there is something you must know first before meeting him. The person you are trying to resurrect must have died within the day but Ceto told me about your shadow storage. So you should be okay with that."

I couldn't believe it. That means I can bring them all back?!?

"Don't get to excited Sir Atlas. It won't be as easy as you think."

"Is it about the elves? I've met some before. They seem to have a deep hatred for humans."

"They do. But that's because of the history between us and humans. However Sir Atlas. You have Ceto with you, you should be accepted if she's with you."

I hear Ceto giggle again. I wish I could smack her, she's getting to full of herself.

"The thing you need to worry about is the person that can cast resurrection spell. The person isn't really…. Friendly. He's probably the oldest living being right now."

"The oldest being? How old is he then?"

"He's been around since before the Fall of Humanity."

That long?? At least 80,000 years then!

"Don't look to shocked Sir Atlas. There's more. He isn't friendly because he's been alive for far to long. He has seen to much."

"How much could he know?" I was curious. Ior was talking about this man as if he was a geezer at heart.

"The person is a god. An Ancient God to be exact."

An Ancient God?! I remember Abe said that they disappeared before the four gods even appeared. (Read chapter 8: the long history behind death's aura for a recap if forgotten)

"Have you heard of them before Sir Atlas?"

"I have but I never learned much about how they lived."

Ior nods. Of course I wouldn't know, it's been lost to time.

"I have met him once so I will tell you my experience."




I was currently sleeping in one of the rooms of the adventures guild. I was thinking about what Ior said earlier.

'He's an old man. He constantly denies to help people when they ask him. Some tried forcing him to use his resurrection spell but he killed every single person who tried. You aren't guaranteed to resurrect your friends even if you go to the elves.'

Even if it isn't a guarantee, I have to try. I must bring them all back. Even if I have to sell my soul I would do it.

I must back and leave immediately. Ior did also say that the Ancient God was sick, so who knows if he is still even alive. I can't miss this chance.

This is the only hope I have for the future.

This is the only hope I have for the future.


Author's Note: I don't know how long it will take but I will be finishing this arc soon. The next few chapters will be used to tie up any loose ends I may have created. After that I will write a character sheet out. All major characters will be included in the character sheet. Then onwards to Vol 2 and the start of Arc 2: The Forest of the Elves.