
The True Dreamer

THIS BOOK WILL BE ON HIATUS. TIME FRAME FOR RETURN: Late August to early September!!! Atlas was given a second chance at life. Well it didn’t really matter since he couldn’t even remember his first life. But WAIT, the god said he’ll receive his old memories when he turns 10? I hope nothing happens before then. Holy crap, not only has everything gone wrong. He’s been kidnapped twice and sold off twice within a week of his 10th birthday. To make it all worst the memories from his first life shows him that he has always suffered. He continues his path of suffering into his late teens. But finally, he is presented with the chance to gain new powers to turn it around. Will he become famous or will he become infamous? WARNING: There will be scenes depicting violence that some readers may find uncomfortable. Please read at your own risk. Author's Note: There will be a harem in this story. I know some of you want to drop the story but hear me out. There will only be three girls in the harem. Honestly, you can't have a fantasy without a harem. Besides, the love built between all of them will make sense.

SamChang1 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Fixing Up the Nova Kingdom

Lucy and Atlas fight started off with a bang. They started off with hand to hand combat.

Lucy's fighting style was very quick and precise, almost like a snake. Her fist came so fast at Atlas, he had only seconds to dodge before another fist came at him.

She was definitely faster than Jennie but Jennie's punches had more power to them. Lucy continued her relentless attack. Atlas could only block and dodge.

After a few minutes, Lucy became fatigued, she was slowing down. Atlas went on the counter attack.

Atlas used wind magic to match Lucy's speed. He threw a high kick from her blind spot. Somehow Lucy crouched out of the way, she did a sweeping kick that connected. Atlas fell and Lucy got up and kicked his stomach. Atlas protected himself with his mana armor and took the kick. The firmness Lucy felt threw her off. Atlas took the chance to get up.

They were now once again facing each other again.

"You're so damn fast Lucy. I can barely keep up."

Lucy blushed a bit. "Thank you. I wanted to show you what I was capable of."

They weren't only fight. Lucy wanted to prove a point. She wanted to prove to herself that she wouldn't be a burden to Atlas when they left together.

Atlas accepted her but Lucy was still worried. So that's why the fight was happening now.

Atlas began to gather more mana, a signal to Lucy that he wanted to use magic now. Lucy also made the proper adjustments.

Lucy can use both wind and water magic, just like May. Knowing this, Atlas used fire magic to see how powerful her water magic is.

[Fire Dragon: Fire Dance]

Atlas formed a fire dragon. The dragon's body then exploded into multiple tiny fire balls. They began to rain down on Lucy.

[Water Dome]

Lucy created a dome that protected her and also protected the area around her. The dome was 10 feet wide and 10 feet tall. (3 meters)

The fire balls rained down on her but she was fully protected by the dome. After a moment, the raining fire balls stopped.

Lucy let her guard down but Atlas was ready to keep going. He sent out [Golems] that could move on their own. She would face two at once.

She learned how to use [Air Scythe] from Atlas so she used it to try to end the fight quickly. Atlas knew this so he reenforced the earth used to create the golems. It would take more than just one slash for them to fall. Lucy saw this when her [Air Scythe] did nothing to the golems. She had to use another one of her spells instead.

[Sonic Destruction]

Lucy created [Sonic Destruction] after learning how to use [Air Scythe]. She flew into the air. She gather all the mana into her hands and clapped in the direction of the golems. The clap was amplified by all the mana she had gathered in her hands. The sound waves traveled thanks to the wind she created, shooting it in a similar way [Air Scythe] is shot out.

The air meets the golem and the golem crumbles to pieces. After this, a loud boom could be heard around town. The boom came from the [Sonic Destruction].

Atlas was impressed. He gave her a small bow. Ending the battle. Lucy also bowed. She felt like she showed him how capable she is.

"Uncle!! Auntie!! You guys were so cool!!! Going like this!!!" Kat had ran over to the two and started to imitate their fighting stances.

Atlas picked her up. "Impressed huh? I will make sure to train you when you turn 10 as well. You can learn to do the same things we are."

"REALLY??" Kat had a new sense of desire after the incident. She wanted to get stronger as well. She still had to wait for a few years though since she just turned 5 this past year.

The others also came up to us.

"Come on!!! Let's go eat!! I have to go back to the guild after!" Jennie was in a rush. She wanted to have lunch with everyone before she was dragged back into her duties.

"Okay! Let's go then everyone, it's my treat!" May offered to pay for everyone so they all left for their favorite restaurant, the Blue Soul.




Atlas was currently sitting in one of the meeting rooms of the royal castle. He was here to finalize the details of his promise with the new king of the Nova Kingdom.

"Atlas, you're here. Sorry to keep you waiting."

"It's no issue Your Majesty."

The cruel and monstrous Atlas from before was no where to be found. Here he was showing his respect.

"King Dan is fine Atlas. There is no reason to be so formal." King Dan had grown to like Atlas. He was an easy person to work with. He doesn't understand how his late father could misunderstand him so much.

"Okay, King Dan it is."

The two men sits down and they begin the meeting.

The meeting went on for a few hours. They started early in the morning and finished not long before lunch.

"Thank you for your time King Dan."

"No, thank you for working with me on this. Again... I am truly sorry for what happened. I will make sure to help the others as much as possible."

There were many things said during the meeting. The most important thing for Atlas was that the kingdom wouldn't go against any of his friends and family that stayed in the Nova Kingdom once he leaves. King Dan asked for Atlas to keep all that happened a secret, in return he offered to rebuild May's home and also gave reparations to Atlas for those who died. He has also released all the captured slaves the late king bought. Paying them and making sure they can return back into society.

"It's fine King Dan. It happened because of your father. You have already done more than enough to repay something that you didn't even do."

King Dan still didn't really understand his relationship with Atlas but he hoped to repair whatever was forcefully broken that night.

"By the way, how is your son?"

"AH, I listened to what you said. It looks like he's gained some confidence but... I hope he makes some new friends soon. He always has his give guards with him."

Atlas told King Dan that he should consider letting Prince Jared travel outside the castle more. He noticed how weak and frail Prince Jared was. After some thinking, King Dan had him signed up at the commoner's guild.

Prince Jared has been going on quests every day since then. Sometimes two or more if he was up for it. He was getting more experiences and more confidence with each passing day. It looks like these quests has helped him grow as a person.

"Don't worry about that! It won't take him long. He seemed friendly enough when I talked with him. Soon he will be able to go quest with others too."

The two men talked for a bit more before going there separate ways.




A few days before Atlas was set to leave the Nova Kingdom, he had one more thing to do. He had an old friend to visit.

The guards welcomed Atlas when he came to the jailhouse. They once again took him to the back where Freeman was staying.

"Freeman! You have a visitor."

Freeman looked happy to see his friend was again.

"Hey brother. How's it going?"

"I'm great Freeman. How has it been in here? You getting plenty of exercise?"

"I am Atlas." Freeman stretched and flexed. After a year of being locked up, Freeman has seem to find his peace. He has finally accepted himself for who he had become and promised himself to never return to that.

Freeman was allow more free time out of his cell. He spent that time helping the homeless shelter close by. There was still one thing that ate at him though. He still felt ashamed at the thought of speaking to the girls. He wasn't ready but today he would need to.

"Well Freeman. I'm just here to let you know that today will be the last day that I visit you. I will be leaving in a few days."

"Ah. So it's finally time for you to leave? Are you sure? Will you really be able to take on the elves? I have fought them before. I know how tenacious they are. Those prideful and arrogant elves won't let you enter easily."

"Don't worry. I will figure something out. I must go you know. This is the only chance I have to bring everyone back."

Freeman nods in agreement. He understood how it felt. He also wishes that he could bring back the lives of all those he ended.

"I hope you find success brother. I really do. I guess I will have to work on myself so that once you get back, you will see a brand new person. I'm really going to miss these visits though."

As happy as Freeman was, he would miss the weekly visits from Atlas. Atlas had other plans though.

"That's why I brought someone else with me. Please come out."


A few steps away from Atlas, Jennie was standing close by. When Freeman saw her, he felt like throwing up. He wasn't ready.

"Jennie?! Why are you here? Atlas?! I told you I wasn't ready to see them!" Freeman was betrayed. He trusted Atlas.

"I'm sorry brother. She actually caught me visiting you once and made me spill everything." Atlas stepped to the side and allowed for Jennie to come forward.

"Freeman... why... why didn't you ask for our help? We could have done something for you!!" Jennie was heartbroken when she learned from Atlas what Freeman had to go through. They were living their lives without realizing that their brother Freeman was struggling to live on.

Atlas slowly backs away, leaving the two to talk things out.

Sorry! Freeman's time and how he learns to forgive himself will be told in later arcs.

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