
The True Dreamer

THIS BOOK WILL BE ON HIATUS. TIME FRAME FOR RETURN: Late August to early September!!! Atlas was given a second chance at life. Well it didn’t really matter since he couldn’t even remember his first life. But WAIT, the god said he’ll receive his old memories when he turns 10? I hope nothing happens before then. Holy crap, not only has everything gone wrong. He’s been kidnapped twice and sold off twice within a week of his 10th birthday. To make it all worst the memories from his first life shows him that he has always suffered. He continues his path of suffering into his late teens. But finally, he is presented with the chance to gain new powers to turn it around. Will he become famous or will he become infamous? WARNING: There will be scenes depicting violence that some readers may find uncomfortable. Please read at your own risk. Author's Note: There will be a harem in this story. I know some of you want to drop the story but hear me out. There will only be three girls in the harem. Honestly, you can't have a fantasy without a harem. Besides, the love built between all of them will make sense.

SamChang1 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
101 Chs

Blue Reaper’s Judgment 2


"Kill the queen! For Loki! For the East! For the Advisor!"

All 10 of them shouted the same thing as they ran towards the queen. It was obvious what was going to happen.

Atlas was surprised actually. He knew from the memories that these people were working together but he didn't except them to attack Roxy outright.

He thought that they would attack him first before moving onto Roxy when she lowered her guard.

Only Theo knew that Loki had used the Gluttony's Authority to take rewrite their memories. Loki most likely planned on killing Roxy after he succeeded in taking out the human leaders. It seems some of those plans were still deep within their consciousness.

(Refer to the chapter 'Theo vs Loki' to refresh yourself on his Authority.)

Roxy tried moving, she tried circulating her mana and fighting back but Atlas' shadow restricted her.

With the elf soldiers closing in on her, she looked around to see if anyone would come to her aid. Sadly, no one was able to move since they were restricted as well.

She looks back at the soldiers. Seeing their hateful eyes looking at her, she knew what Atlas said earlier was true.

'Do you hate me that much? I didn't abandon you guys though! I even had my son take over…'

Then she remembers Atlas' words. "You allowed for Loki to take a hold of these people."

'Ah. I guess he's right. I've seen Loki do some weird things but I just ignored it. I allowed him to influence my people…'

She looks at Jonathan. He was also looking at her, smiling. She couldn't help but smile as well. A single tear fell from her eyes.

'I'm sorry honey. I couldn't protect your kingdom. The kingdom that you sacrificed so much for. It looks like I'm joining you as a failure.'

Jonathan kept his eyes on her. He just shook his head as she finished her thought, almost as if he knew what she was saying.

Roxy closes her eyes. She was filled with nothing but regret as her own soldiers came to kill her.



Atlas felt like he proved his point to the queen. He used [Flash Step] to move instantaneously. He appeared right in front of the queen.

Roxy felt the sudden presence and opened her eyes. She was surprised that Atlas was willing to save her. She felt that all he has done was criticize her for being a failure of a leader. He was the last person she expected to do something.

Atlas didn't look at her but spoke to her.

"I hope you now realize that many of your people have fallen victim to Loki's words."

Atlas then looks at the 10 elves. Using a combination of [Flash Step] and [Disintegrate], Atlas kills all of the men within a few seconds.

All 10 elves screamed and shouted in horror. Seeing their bodies turn into nothing but dust set them all into a panicked state. Atlas did nothing as he wanted all the other traitors to witness this.

Once all the men disappeared, Atlas unleashed his [Death's Aura] upon the regular citizens. Once more he spoke to them.

"Your dear Elf Sage asked you guys to not touch the humans. He asked you to be patient and wait for me." Atlas paused, letting the people take in his words. He then continued. "Unfortunately, many of you didn't heed his warning. Today I, the current Sage, have come to give you judgment. I have sentenced you all to death."

Suddenly, thousands of elves began running. Atlas had freed all the elves that had committed some sort of crime against the humans. When the elves felt their restrictions suddenly disappear, they tried their hardest to escape.

Even though many of them were manipulated and tricked into harming humans, they still did it. Atlas had no plans to show them mercy. That would be disrespectful towards those who died at their hands.

Atlas took more mana from Jonathan. He used the mana to build up his army. The army of shadow dogs.

Many of dogs began emerging from Atlas' shadow. Within a few minutes, nearly 1,000 dogs had appeared before Atlas. They all bowed down towards him. They were waiting for his command.

The people left sitting down were in awe. Atlas was using a spell similar to their Elf Sage.

"Kill all of those who ran. They've betrayed the kingdom." The dogs all stood up and dispersed.

Atlas then walked over to Roxy. He wanted to make sure that the elves from earlier didn't do anything to her. Roxy flinched, terrified of Atlas. This didn't bother him though. He used his mana sense to see if their was anything weird around her. That was when he saw a weird aura coming from her back.

It was an aura similar to the Eternal Slave mark that both Olivia and Katherine had! Atlas looks over towards Jonathan.

Jonathan just looks at Atlas with pleading eyes. Atlas just sighs and takes a step back.

'So this is why you stayed behind? You realized your wife had this… was this your true regret?'



Around the Elf Kingdom.

"Run! Loki never said anything about this?!?"

"We were guaranteed to be on the winning side! That's what the Advisor said!!"

The kingdom was filled with angered cries. Many elves were trying to escape.

These individuals were split into two groups. One group had their minds manipulated by Loki and the other group willingly joined Loki. It didn't matter though, they would all die by the end of the day.

"Save me dammit!!!" One elf shouted for her comrades to save her as she was dragged away.

"Nooo!!!!!" One elf not to far away had his throat ripped out by the shadow dog. He choked on his own blood.

Similar scenes could be seen around the kingdom. Shadow dogs killing their elf prey. Blood being spilled everywhere. It was messy but it was necessary. Atlas was doing what must be done. He was completely his role as Sage to the highest degree.

With all the blood running through the city, you would believe that it would take a long time to clean but no. The blood had begun moving on its own. All the blood in the city gathered together in one area. It was as if something had attracted it and pulled it there.

The graveyard.

Once the blood reached it, it would float in the air and put itself into a ball. If someone would pass by, they would see an eerie ball of blood just floating above the ground in the graveyard.

The ground suddenly began to crack. The blood quickly flew into the crack. A slurping sound could be heard.

After a moment, it goes dead silent. Then a deep voice echos from within the ground.

"The blood of the elves. I can taste the mana as well. A dragon spilled this blood??? Who did it? Who dares to go against the peace treaty?!" The genuine shock and outrage could be heard in his voice.

The ground exploded open, from the rumble and smoke emerged a tall man. Only his shadowy figure could be seen and no features could be made out. The only noticeable thing was his dragon tail, flickering back and forth.

The figure vanished before the smoke could clear.



Atlas POV

After I realized that the Elf Queen was marked, I knew exactly what Jonathan wanted this entire time. He wanted me to save his wife.

I looked over at Jonathan and Theo but was surprised to see Jonathan's worried face. I had released my hold on everyone in the kingdom so they were free to roam around but Jonathan was still sitting there. Theo was laying on his back.

I walked over to the two. The closer I got, the more distraught Jonathan seemed to be.

"Atlas hurry! Theo doesn't have a lot of time!" I ran over after hearing what he said. Jonathan was holding Theo's hands.

"What's wrong with him??"

"His time is ending soon."

When Jonathan said that, I felt a sense of urgency. Theo promised to teach me the resurrection spell. There's no way he could teach me now.

Theo was starting to fade away. Not only that though, his body began glowing blue. Theo opened up his eyes and looked at me. He weakly touched my forehead.

"Don't worry boy. It's just like I promised…. The spell is yours."

[Soul Sacrifice: Bestowed Legacy]

A sudden blue light engulfed Theo. The light moved over towards me and entered my body. I suddenly understood the spell he wanted to teach me. This spell was amazing!

[Blood Sacrifice: Resurrection] was a spell that required the sacrifice of the user for it to work. The user must sacrifice a part of himself to resurrect his targets. The first time it is used, the sacrifice will be small but the more times it is used, the greater the sacrifice.

"Haha. Don't look to excited boy…" Theo slowly sat up with the help of Jonathan. "The spell will only work if the person has been dead for less than a day." This was something I already knew. What worries me was what Theo said next.

"The person you are resurrecting… must also want to return. If the person died and doesn't want to return to the living realm, then there is nothing you can do. If you try to force it… you will die for trying to force the dead to come back."

So if Noel… or anyone else rather stay dead… I won't be able to resurrect them? No! I'm sure they want to come back. I went through all of this to get them back and now there's a small chance they might not even want to continue living?

While I was freaking out, I felt a hand reach out to me, patting me on the shoulders. It was Theo.

"Don't worry… everything will be fine. Just follow those instructions I gave you and you'll be okay…"

Theo begins coughing. His body rapidly disappearing.

"I sacrificed my soul to give you that spell. You better keep it safe…"

"Wait? Your soul?… are you… going to be able to reincarnate?"

I don't know much about how the afterlife works but losing your soul must not help.

"Don't worry… I attacked Loki… I interfered with the world… the Law of the world wouldn't let my soul escape anyways… I rather sacrifice it for you than lose it to the Law…"

I couldn't help but feel sad for the old man. I've just met him a few days ago, I barely even knew anything about him. Yet he's done far too much for me.

"It's okay boy. Bring back your family… do what I couldn't do… save everyone you care… about…"

As Jonathan and I hold onto Theo's hands, he completely faded away. Gone just like that. Will this happen to all the gods someday?

With just us two, Jonathan asks me a question that I was expecting.

"Atlas… could you save my wife? I couldn't have Theo do it but now that you have that spell could you… save her?"

I could see the tears in his eyes. This was his true regret, not being able to keep his wife safe.

"I can… but will that be okay? Are you going to be fine with that?"

He immediately holds onto me. He had the eyes of a crazed man.

"It's okay! As long as she's safe from him!"

"Who's him?" It would seem that Jonathan knows who placed the mark on his wife. If I could find out more about the person, then I could make sure everyone I care about avoids them.

"The Advisor… that's what they call him… that's what Gluttony calls him…" Jonathan seemed to remember something as he kept on speaking. "Atlas. Theo told me this earlier but Gluttony was the person behind Loki's attack and power. He was manipulating him the whole time. He used Loki's hatred for humans as a weapon for his own entertainment. Whatever you do… please be careful of Gluttony and any other Sins you may come across. I don't want you to be influenced by them as well."

I could only nod. I've never met anyone of these Sins but both Theo and Jonathan had warned me. I should try to do some research about them and figure out their powers.

As the two of us got up to speak with the Elf Queen, we felt a nasty pressure. It was overwhelming. Even my [Death's Aura] wouldn't be able to make me feel safe.

I looked around to see everyone with the same reaction. Even the Emperor and Empress had stiffened up.

Before I could find who was emitting such pressure, I hear Liza's dad, King Charred calling out to someone.

"No!… You shouldn't be here! Why are you here?!?"

I looked in the direction that he was pointing. A tall man with red hair was standing before us all.

He had a godlike face. His long blood red hair reached below his shoulders. He had no shirt on so his clean muscular body was laid bare for all to see. He was wearing what seemed to be armored pants with boots. The most interesting thing was the dragon tail that whipped back and forth.

'A fallen dragon? No. This pressure is far too strong. He seems even stronger than King Charred.'

I couldn't help but call out to the mysterious man.

"Who are you?"

The man looked at me. It felt as if he had stared deep into my soul and saw all of my secrets.

"My name is Ezekiel Nach Dragneel. The God of Dragons."

If I have time, I’ll have the next chapter go out within the next 6 hours.

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