

"klein, a highschool student, has has is live shattered by the brutal pairese organization. His parent was murdered, his sister location unknown, and he and some others were kidnap by the PAIRESE. The trauma of his past have left Klein burning with a deep desire for vengeance. With his awakening power yet to be discovered, Klein is driven by a single goal: to destroy the pairese and any other person involved in his family destruction. His rage and determination fuel his every move, as he navigate the treacherous world of "eldrid". Where darkness and water govern the force of nature. As Klein face off against the pairese and their empire. He must confront the darkness within himself learn to awaken his untapped abilities. Will his taste for vengeance consume him or will he find a way to channel his anger into a force for justice ? In a world were the strong prey on the weak, Klein taste of vengeance became the Hope for those seeking to challenge the status quo. But as the stakes grew higher. Klein must confront the ultimate question: will his desire for vengeance redeem him, or destroy everything he holds dear?" ................................................................................ You can find out if you give my book a try Also here is a link to my discord https://discord.com/invite/TZ3JCuww

snap2surplus · Fantasy
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When Klein left the pit of conquest, he was taken back to hell paradise. He was lucky to arrive at the time lunch is being served.

Klein thank his lord when he reached hell paradise at the right time because if not he will starve to evening time. Because inside hell Paradise, if it is eating time all prisoners must come to the dining hall to eat, even those that don't have point must come. But it's only for breakfast and lunch, supper is by choice.

When he entered the dining hall he checked his watch and saw that he has been awarded 1000hp for his match.

For the past week since he arrived, he has been surviving on tasteless porridge but today he decided to upgrade to a better food.

While working towards the cafeteria he kept thinking of his new life inside hell paradise.

He can't say it's bad, at least it thought him about how cruel humanity could be. Even with all this he has not still forgotten what they did.

As for now he is just biding his time until the day he awakens his power.

After eating his food he quickly went to his room. When he reached his room he quickly took a quick nap after 2 hours he woke up. 

He then search his watch for a place were he could acquire weapons, armour or pills or any item he needs.

He then find a place called the "Grand Atrium" a large mall where everything he need is in. But there is a problem the location is at the middle of hell's paradise which his very far, he then search on how to get there he then find a place information on teleportation circle tech.

After finding it, he remembered that when he was brought to hell's paradise it was through a teleportation portal too.

He then went out towards the location of the teleportation circle.

When he reached there he found some pairese guard around the place, the place was large, it was a place where thousands of people could stand on and there will still be space to move around.

It did not take long before he entered.

He then work toward the teleportation circle, as soon as he reached there he heard a feminine voice.

"Welcome to the teleportation circle new prisoner, the first 5 teleportation are free for the new prisoners, think of your location and you will be teleported to it.

Klein then said in his mind ;

Wow, I should be angry at the pairese but their technology is so damn cool.

After Klein said that in his head he then clear his mind, he then state his location he his going to.

Immediately he said that he then start to feel as if his body is being destroyed and being reconstructed at the same time. The world around him then start to distort , colors bleeding into each other like wet paint.

As the teleportation process accelerated , Klein sense went into overdrive, he felt a rush of wind but there was no air moving, his stomach lurched as if he was plummeting over a rollercoaster steep drop. His vision was blurry and his surrounding noisy, it felt like a thousand vehicles engine.

Soon everything stopped because he has reached his destination.

When he reached the mall, he tried to control himself from the vomit that is threatening to come out.

When Klein felt that he was okay he then ask himself what is wrong with this teleportation circle, the one I took when coming to this world was not as intense as this.

Soon Klein stop his thinking, as for what he saw next left him awestruck. He could see fountain of some species, most especially the pairese, the ground was colted transparent, it felt as if someone is standing on glass.

To make matter worse this ground always show a crack sound anytime someone step on it. After Klein finish admiring the sceneries he went in charge to find what he came for.

Soon he entered a shop there he saw a minotaur man acting as the seller. He looked around to find any weapon or armour inside the shop but to his surprise they was nothing there.

He then started to doubt whether he came to the right store, he even check is watch time after time to be sure, but the watch shows that he is at the right place.

Even with all the doubt Klein still move towards toward the seller. He then ask him about the weapons. 

The seller then tell him that the weapons are only given when bought but if you want to choose your choice, you can connect to the shop network by scanning it qr code with your watch.

Klein then scanned the qr code, after that he went searching for weapons and armor, but he did not find anyone to is liking, when he was thinking maybe he should compromise he saw an attention poster informing them of an auction.

After he saw the auction, he search for the location but he couldn't find anything. He then ask from the store manager where the auction will take place.

When the seller heard the question he look at Klein from up to down, after looking he then said.

"Are you not part of the new prisoner brought from that planet, how much do you have but we'll it doesn't really matter because you will not even be able to get anything inside there. But if you want to buy I could give you hell point for free you just have to do something for me".

"No, thanks I don't need your money, I will be okay, so just point me to the direction of the auction and I will be on my way.

"You know you should watch the way you talk around hell paradise, you don't know when your word could affect someone that is far stronger than you, and if you are unlucky that person may be looking for a scape goat. So I wonder how lucky you have to be to still be alive with the way you talk.

What is this man saying like this, all I ask for is the direction of the auction house, I don't remember asking for story, and who is he to tell me how am supposed to talk or not. Well let me just listen to him for now until I get the information I need. He said all this in his mind.l

"I apologize for how I talk, I didn't know if you are offended by whatever I said so I apologize again".

"Uh, that's nice you may survive long. With the question you asked before the auction house is at the 3rd floor located in this mall, if you want to enter you need a card, and the price of the cheapest card is 500hp while the highest which is the diamond membership card which is for vvvip is 1,000,000hp. So which do you prefer 

As Klein heard the word he looked at his watch to check how much point he have. He saw that he has 1100hp left. He then said in his mind god dam I am so poor.

After looking at his watch he then said.

"I choose the one of 500hp, the lowest one". He said it with shame.

The seller then gave him the card, after giving him he also told him when the event will start, he told him the event will start 2 hours later, he also told him to where a mask while entering the auction house.

When he looked at his watch he found that the time is 6:30pm which means the event will start at 8:30 pm.

.......................................................................................................................................................................... Found out what will happen at the auction house next.

Will Klein be able to buy the gear he came for or will he leave empty handed.