

"klein, a highschool student, has has is live shattered by the brutal pairese organization. His parent was murdered, his sister location unknown, and he and some others were kidnap by the PAIRESE. The trauma of his past have left Klein burning with a deep desire for vengeance. With his awakening power yet to be discovered, Klein is driven by a single goal: to destroy the pairese and any other person involved in his family destruction. His rage and determination fuel his every move, as he navigate the treacherous world of "eldrid". Where darkness and water govern the force of nature. As Klein face off against the pairese and their empire. He must confront the darkness within himself learn to awaken his untapped abilities. Will his taste for vengeance consume him or will he find a way to channel his anger into a force for justice ? In a world were the strong prey on the weak, Klein taste of vengeance became the Hope for those seeking to challenge the status quo. But as the stakes grew higher. Klein must confront the ultimate question: will his desire for vengeance redeem him, or destroy everything he holds dear?" ................................................................................ You can find out if you give my book a try Also here is a link to my discord https://discord.com/invite/TZ3JCuww

snap2surplus · Fantasy
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25 Chs

My so called group

Three weeks have passed since I was thrown into hell's paradise, the so called paradise is no different from the outside world, it's just on a smaller scale.

I learned that they are five groups and some other nameless groups inside hell's paradise. The strongest and the most powerful group is known as the shadow fist.

This group are the kind that deals with almost all thing bad. If it is assassination, drug, illegal fighting, you can find it in this group, the most fearful thing about this group is their leader is rumoured to be close to the diamond level. Their leader is also has a near perfect winning streak at the pit of conquest, he has only lost once or twice.

There is also another group called the iron blades. This group is more worst than the first even though they are not as powerful as they are. All the members of this group are all into cannibalism. They believe in action, if you are their member and you are weak, they will use you as a lesson by grilling you alive.

Their leader is the wolf-like towering man from the vulkarian race. He his more deadly than all his members, he always slice out the heart of his opponent and eat it when he as defeated them.

The third one is called the burning fist. This groups consist of members with the same flame attributes and they all can't control their canal desire, any were you see them you can see thrm doing orgies among themselves. Their leader is an Incubus with the ability to transform to anyone he is has fought with and he is able to gain their power, but he will still be at his own power level.

The fourth group is known as the golden clan. They are a bunch of foreign species who controls all the network that involves information. Their leader his said to be able to see the future.

The fifth group are a complete mystery. The person who form the group is a person that just create the group, his reason for creating the group unknown, his power unknown.

Even though he has fought and won many battles, his power still remains unknown.

They are then some side group that band together to survive.

Casseus Is the leader of a group which motive are unclear to me.

In this three weeks, I have start to grown accustomed to the life in hell's paradise, even though it looks like hell, it still felt fine to me.

I found the room I will be leaving in those three weeks, but it was a bummer that I have to bunk with another person. The good thing about the prison is that as long as you are strong and have enough hell's point, you can leave the any life you want.

I am inside my room thinking, three weeks have passed yet I have not been called to battle.

It is not that I want to battle because after all I am still a human without no attributes nor power, even though I still need to fight to gain point for food.

As I was thinking my watch vibrated. When I take a look at it it showed that I will be battling in the arena at 12pm, I then take a look at the time I saw that the time was just reaching 11.

I sight, I quickly use the rest of the little point I have to search about my opponent. I saw that the opponent I am against is part of a race that don't have attributes, instead they have extreme strength and they are freakishly tall like they were born from giant, and it's against a female, the watch did not show me her face, it only shows her information.

I saw that she too has won 5 match in a roll, no loss. It also state that non of are opponent leave the arena.

As I saw that information fear quickly grip me but I shake it off. I know that if I get cold feet now what will I now do when I enter inside the arena.

Soon I spend up to 45 minutes searching about my opponent before the guards came to take me to the arena.

We spend 10 minutes to reach our destination, after that I was then thrown into a room full of weapons, armour or shield, I was told to choose one from the room.

I used 3 minutes to chose my weapon and armour vest, I did not choose weapon because I believe it will hinder me in battle. I then went out to meet the pairese guards who llater takes me to the arena.

When I reached the arena I was shocked out of my mind, the arena place was very large, with over five hundred thousand people in it. I also saw ten flying box. I did not know their purpose do I disregard them. I then look at the battle arena, there I saw a large person with no hair I could see her holding a large axe with no shield, she also wore a chain vest armour.

When I saw her she does not resemble a woman instead she looks like a man. A thought then pass my head, if a woman look like this how does a man looks like.

As soon as I entered inside the arena, I could see the look of annoyance on my opponent face, it was like she had something better to do than fight me. Am pretty sure with her height and body she considers me little in her eyes.

I don't know why, but I felt anger towards her for the look she is giving me. There I make an oath to my self to wipe that look away from her face.

Soon the refree bagan commentating.

"From the right we welcome klein from the world of Altier, a planet soon to fall under the rule of the great PAIRESE empire and from the left we welcome Grotea from the race of kraelion.

"Who will win is it a puny human or a descendant from the race of kraelion.

Klein face Grotea with his sword at a ready pose.

Grotea, the towering giantess, stands before him, her giant axe slung over her shoulder, her piercing gaze fixed on Klein.

The crowd soon erupt due to the tension.

Soon Klein dash towards her, his double edge sword flashing in the light, but Grotea remains unfazed.

Grotea strength is unrelenting, her axe swings powerfull and precise, forcing Klein to dodge and weave behind the arena, he strikes back with his sword, but her chain armor absorbs the blows, and she retaliated with a crushing blow that send Klein flying across the arena.

Klein struggle to get to his feet, his armor dented, with his sword trembling.

Grotea charge at him, are axe raised high and Klein knew he must react fast, he dodge the first blow but the second send him crashing to the ground, Grotea raised her axe for the killing blow, and Klein knows that this is his last chance.

With a surge of adrenaline , Klein rush out of the way just in time, her axe biting deep into the ground.

Klein took the moment striking on her exposed arm, but the giantess strength is too much, and she shakes him off like a rag doll, Klein crash to the ground , his sword flying from his hands.

Grotea raised her hands ready to deliver the final blow.

But Klein refuse to yield. with a fierce cry, he launches himself at her, tackling her to the ground, the two warriors wrestle, their strength evenly matched, their body locked in a fierce embrace.

Just as it seem Grotea will emerged victorious, Klein found an opening and quickly slashed her neck.

Grotea's axe fell from her hand, and she crashes to the ground, defeated, Klein stand panting, his eyes still fixed on the fallen giantess, his sword still trembling with exertion.

Soon the crowd erupt with a large outburst, shouting a name.

"Shadow blade, shadow blade, shadow blade"

This continues until Klein exit the arena, his sword has already fallen because he was already weak.

As soon as Klein left, the refree came out and said:

If the snacks could be this interesting,how interesting will the main dish be ?





Vote for me to find out what happen to Klein in the TREE OF EVOLUTION.