

"klein, a highschool student, has has is live shattered by the brutal pairese organization. His parent was murdered, his sister location unknown, and he and some others were kidnap by the PAIRESE. The trauma of his past have left Klein burning with a deep desire for vengeance. With his awakening power yet to be discovered, Klein is driven by a single goal: to destroy the pairese and any other person involved in his family destruction. His rage and determination fuel his every move, as he navigate the treacherous world of "eldrid". Where darkness and water govern the force of nature. As Klein face off against the pairese and their empire. He must confront the darkness within himself learn to awaken his untapped abilities. Will his taste for vengeance consume him or will he find a way to channel his anger into a force for justice ? In a world were the strong prey on the weak, Klein taste of vengeance became the Hope for those seeking to challenge the status quo. But as the stakes grew higher. Klein must confront the ultimate question: will his desire for vengeance redeem him, or destroy everything he holds dear?" ................................................................................ You can find out if you give my book a try Also here is a link to my discord https://discord.com/invite/TZ3JCuww

snap2surplus · Fantasy
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25 Chs

The Auction

After being told the auction will start in the next two hours, he then walk around the mall. His eyes keep widening as he continue to see large architecture designs. The air hum with the gentle buzz of music energy. He saw the other shoppers with the same look of awe stuck on their face.

As he stroll throythe mall, Klein's hell watch beeped softly, when Klein look at his watch he saw an alert indicating that his watch was being scanned. He smiled knowing that the auction house will inform him when the auction will began.

With time to spare, Klein continue exploring the mall, marvelling at the exotic shops and stalll, he passed by a store selling rare magical plant, a sore selling some weapons, and a third displaying attributes crystal. The atmosphere in the mall was so relaxing that Klein felt he will forget about his vengeance plan.

Just as he began to admire another store, his hell watch beeped again, but this time with an urgent alert telling him that: 'the auction will begin in the next 20 minutes, it was also telling him that he should proceed to the auction house.

Klein heart quickened as he make his way towards the auction house, as he was going he saw a small shop selling mask and disguises. On the account that he was told he ducked inside and purchased a sleep plain black mask, adjusting it to fit his face.

The auction house loomed before klein, a three story duplex with a gleaming silver emblazoned on it facade. The duplex felt like it was from another dimension entirely. It stand on it own overshadowing the "grand atrium"( a.k.a the mall ).

The symbol, a stylized "p" with wings outstretched, seemed to shimmer with an otherworldly energy, representing the pairese commitment to excellence and exclusivity.

Even though the symbol looks beautiful and otherworldly, it only brought him anger and hate toward the PAIRESE empire.

As Klein entered, he was immediately struck with the sea of masked faces, each one excluding a powerful aura that seemed to hum with restrained energy. Despite their efforts to conceal their true strength, Klein felt the weight of their gaze, like a palpable force that makes his skin prickle. They regarded him with indifference, their eyes gliding over him as if he was mere furniture, for they knew he has no power of his own.

Klein felt a shiver down his spine as he realized that, despite his mask some seemed to see right through it.

While in his thought, a liveried attendant ask for his auction card with respect and kindness, after the attendant saw his card(the attendant is a female) her manner change, her eyes that was shown from the mask that was formerly filled with respect and kindness change to the one of shun and unborderdness.

Klein felt the look of scorn in her eyes, but what can he do he is death broke, so he too act as if he could not see the look in her eyes.

She then takes him to a room that looks cramped, the room only have a window where he could watch the item brought by the auctioneer, and a keypad to bid for an item.

His room looks very small, with a grey tag showing his level, he wonder what the color of the rich and important people tag will be.

As she showed him his room, she left immediately, she did not bother to ask if he will have anything because she believes that he has very little hell's point. Klein knows what she was thinking and she was not wrong, so he can't blame her.

As he waited in his cramp space for the auction to begin, his eyes swept over the rooms, searching for hint of what lies ahead. And he could feel the collective energy of the masked bidders building, like a storm about to erupt.

As the time for the auction house grew closer, everyone quiet down, for they know if they don't they may miss something important.

Soon the auction begins.

The auctioneer came out with the first item which was a green emerald sword. Even though the price was cheap, it was still beyond Klein's budget. The auction start from 2000hp, at the end of it's auction it went close to 5000hp.

Soon the second, then the third and the fourth and the rest came, people were bidding but Klein could see that most of them were not bidding. It was like they were waiting for something.

And the thought of what they were waiting made Klein grew in anticipation. The auction was interesting, they even sold sex slave from a planet the pairese conquered, people bid but most still did not bid.

As the auction reached the closing hour, the good item were then being brought out. The auctioneer voice then increase in volume.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen, bidders and collector or should I say prisoners and warriors from ruined world, we have three special item to be sold today, so now for the first, we present to you 'The fabled eclipse feather'! This magnificent specimen hails from the world of Tenebrous, a world shrouded in eternal darkness, it is the last one of the last remains of the 'rank six eclipse bird' this feather embodies the essence of celestial energy!"

The auctioneer paused, surveying the hall with a dramatic flourish. "The eclipse feather" is said to grant it's wielder unimaginable increase in magical prowess, amplifying their spell by a factor of times five! It's rarity is unmatched , with only three known to exist in all the realms, it was wielded by the great titan warrior known as Arcturus himself !"

The room erupted into a fury of gasps and murmurs, bidders" eyes gleaming with desire. "Starting bid: 40,000 Hell's point! Do I hear 60,000? 70,000?"

The auctioneer voice rose above the din, "remember, bidders this is a once-in-a-liffetime opportunity opportunity! The eclipse feather is a true artifact of legend, capable of reshaping the very fabric of hell's paradise! Don't miss your chance to wirld the power to escape this prison made for you!"

The bidding frenzies intensified, with mask bidders furiously tapping the buttons in their room.

Klein watched in awe, his mind reeling at the sheer scale of the bidding war. 1000hp seemed like a paltry sum compared to the staggering sum thrown around.

The eclipse feather was later sold for a staggering price of 150,000 hell's point.

"The next item on the list his the glint dagger, forged from the poison and teeth of Karkothaxys "the abyss snake, a rank six beast in the poison category. This dagger deals strong poison to the victim with each stack, the dagger his said to be indestructible, it also grant the user high defence, and high speed. But with remember for great power their is always a price to pay, this dagger is very poisonous, and it can't be hold with the naked hand, even if it is covered with your mana. A legendary rank attribute user was killed by the dagger, when is hand touch the dagger unknowingly. Only with this glove, which is made from the scale of Karkohthaxys, will you be able to hold it.

If you want power, here it is, take it because this is a once-in-a-liffetime opportunity, there is only four of this in existence.

The room erupted into a fury of gasps and murmurs, bidders" eyes gleaming like when the first item was brought, nobody want to miss this opportunity, their eyes beaming with the desire to have. "Starting bid: 50,000 hell's point! Do I hear 80,000? 100,000?"

Klein saw the dagger, and the urge to have it, but he knew he can't have it because is budget is very low.

Soon the bid increase, increase and increased again. The dagger was later sold at a staggering price of 180,000.

The auction house then went quiet for some time, a box was then brought toward the stage.

The auctioneer voice boom again.

"Ladies and gentlemen, bidders and collectors , the moment we have all been waiting for! The final item item of the evening a true masterpiece of dark magic.... Behold the fabled "eye of Karkothaxys'!"

The box open revealing a glowing, crystal-like that pulse with an otherworldly energy, the crowd grasp in awe, their face hidden behind a window.

"Behold, the eye of Karkhothaxys! This ancient relic contain the essence of the devouring abyss, a beast of humongous power and destruction. 

The eye is a crystal orb, it surface etched with intricate symbols that seems to shift and writhe like living serpent. It pulses with a malevolent energy, as if it contains a dark and ancient power that threatens to consume all in it's path."

The eye grant it's wielder:

. The ability to alter the reality of the victim, trapping them in a lucid and hellish dream, were were they will be tortured for a millennium per second in the real world.

. Unparalleled insight into the working of the abyss, allow them to uncover hidden secret and forbidden knowledge.

. Ability to borrow limited power from the abyss.

However, the eye came with a price.

. It's power slowly consume the wielder's soul, driving them mad with ambition and Paranoia.

. The wielder is haunted by vision of the abyss, and the destruction it brings, forever changing their outlook on reality.

. The eye power comes at a terrible physical cost, corrupting the wielder's body, mind and soul.

"Who will start the bidding at 100,000 hell point? Remember the eye of Karkothaxys comis a relic of unimaginable power, and terrible cost, which makes the item fun to have, so bid now, warriors and collectors...

The crowd gasped, both fascinated andand terrified by the eyes power and the terrible cost it exacted. Their mind torn between the promise of unlimited power and the horror of the eye's curse.

Klein thought no one will bid, but soon he was proven wrong.

Soon a room light up, showing that a bid have been made.

"Do I hear 110,000 hell point, going.


"200,000hp!, do I hear 210, 000hp!, going.


500,000hp! To the purple lighted room, going once, going twice, bam!, sold to the man with the rabbit mask in the purple room.

After that the auction ended.

Klein felt overwhelmed of the scale of the auction, the price were so high, he felt sad that he couldn't gat any item from the auction, so he just thought maybe he could ask caseous to spare him some weapon he is not using.

As he was walking home thinking and brooding for his situation, he spot a man inside an alleyway calling him. He knew that he shouldn't go, but is mind told him that if he did not he is going to regret it for the rest of his life.

......................................................................................................................................................................................... Who is the man in the alleyway, will something bad happen to Klein or will he gain something from his encounter with the mystery man.