

A young orphan boy is abducted by two men and taken to a geezer who claims to be his father. Jeffrey finds it strange for a father to have so many children. After learning the motive of the geezer, he plans to escape with his friends, and Lucian, the Prince of the Beast bloodline also has a tale to tell. A few years after the death of his parents, he is determined to find out what happened.

Rhut2022 · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Chapter 46: Rematch

Somehow, Madison was able to reduce our number. She did not want anyone getting in our way. Of course, the only ones who practically followed us were Ash, Jeffrey, and Jin. I am also skeptical about the young brat following us but I'm more concerned about the idiot blonde who is a trouble magnet.

Enoch and Gale had similarly joined in the fray. They concluded that they won't sit and watch by. They still have no idea about my origin or the others.

Madison at first agreed on everyone coming but I remained adamant. Most of them will get in the way. I would have preferred Elvis over his friend but he was still injured from what happened earlier.

We finally settled on taking those three. Ash with the most experience out of the three.

"It would be a good experience for them. They agreed on training after all." She stated to which I rolled my eyes too. The next thing you know are two whining victims.

Yeah, Gale is also a victim of being kidnapped. The entire thing sounds ridiculous since no one else in the city is willing to get involved.

Gale wherever you are, I hope you are safe. My heart ached not seeing her usual smile from when he took her away but instead, her face went pale.

"Hey! Are you even listening?" A grating voice interrupted my train of thought. I swerved my head to the blonde who had gritted teeth." Callous as always, I wonder how you even got friends." He continued shouting.

"Shut up." This guy is something else. I could see Enoch doing his best to lighten the mood with his cheesy remarks. Ash and Shelia had it out for him but the idiot display of the blonde only aggravated Ash's rage.

"Ouch! Hey, save that for when we are rescuing Gale." He cried out. Jin snickered at the boy.

"Oh shut up. If only you could hear yourself." Ash hollered back clearly not in the mood to start a conversation.

"Alright. " Madison ignored the two before looking at me. "Is this the place?" I nodded.

It was the back of my former school. The entire arena had a more threatening aura. I bet the school never bothered about this place.

A rat ran past Shelia to which she shrieked and ran behind Madison. Enoch found the opportunity to stunt her but she retorted back. She was cut short when a boy suddenly appeared with Gale next to him. His grip firmly held her in place. She was tied with a rope and her mouth gagged with a cloth.

My eyes stared wide at her torn dress and disheveled hair. She was trembling. It was just today this happened. I gritted my teeth in anger.

"Finally decided to show up. Looks like you are not a coward after all." Philip grinned widely. Immediately he said that his friends showed up beside him.

"If you want her back. You'll have to get through us..." He started walking away pulling Gale alongside.

"Hey! Get back here." I shouted but he ignored me disappearing into the shadows.

"Don't worry. Go after her. We'll handle 'em'" Ash confidently said cracking her knuckles. Enoch and the great nodded as I ran after Gale. The alley was dark. I reached the gate which seemed locked.

From the corner of my eye, I could see Madison easily taking them out. Ash fought her best too with Enoch and Jeffrey supporting. The idiot mainly served as bait for incoming attacks. He still needed work on his offense.

"Watch out!" I heard Madl shout in my head while I swiftly dodged the incoming knife. It almost cut my face but managed to get a strand of my hair.

"This looks fun. I get to have a rematch." Philip said as he towered over me. To my surprise, he punched the floor where I stood. There was a huge damage done to it.

"Shocked by my power? I've been catching up recently." Philip said releasing a fist. I caught it with ease using my strength much to the chagrin of Philip. He snarled before tossing me aside to a wall.

"Lucian!" I turned back to see Gale crawling towards me. "Look out." I dodged the incoming fist that was heading my way. I grabbed my opponent's arm flinging him to the side.

Philip was tough and strong but he lacked speed. I had a huge advantage. "Who's all talk now?" I ridiculed the enraged Philip who I kicked quickly to the side.

He coughed up saliva when he was hit. He looked dazed and nervous. Just the expression I wanted.

I neared him before pulling his head up. "Don't you ever come near me or my friends again. Got that?" I started as my claws started protruding out and my emerald eyes slit. He nodded many times before scurrying off.

Quickly, I went to Gale's side and untied her. The next thing I knew, she flung her arms over me tackling me into a hug. I placed a hand on her back rubbing circles to calm her down before we walked back to the rest.

Gale was taken home by Shelia and Enoch left home which left the rest of us to go home.

"Look who is back! It's us!" The idiot blond and his mini idiot figure announced slamming the door wide open.

"Shut up!" I growled whacking them both. I felt a pair of eyes at the back of my forehead as I veered around to see Jeffrey trying to motion a running stance. He ran quickly as I ran after him. The rest looked on with questioning gazes.

"I'm sorry." He apologized.

" I dare you to say what you thought." He gulped then grinned before whispering in my ear. My eyes dilated, my ears heating up. I shoved the idiot aside, walking to my room. Just when I was about to close the door, I heard Anastasia ask.

"What did you say to him?"

"Heh, I think it's better if I don't say." He said rubbing the back of his neck.

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