

A young orphan boy is abducted by two men and taken to a geezer who claims to be his father. Jeffrey finds it strange for a father to have so many children. After learning the motive of the geezer, he plans to escape with his friends, and Lucian, the Prince of the Beast bloodline also has a tale to tell. A few years after the death of his parents, he is determined to find out what happened.

Rhut2022 · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Chapter 47: An odd yet normal day.

Author's POV

The breeze gently flew across the room stirring Jeffrey from his sleep. The blonde boy fluttered his eyes open, sitting up and scratching his head before yawning. He walked up from his bed, did some stretches and walked into the bathroom as he lazily picked his toothbrush and a toothpaste. By the time he closed the mirror cabinet, he jerked back causing the tooth paste to slip from his hand. Just when he thought his morning was normal, Lucian showed up behind him.

'Lucian sure slept in. Wonder why he didn't wake up early? Why is he not using his bathroom?' The lad thought using an eye to look at the teen who casually reached for his own brush. "Good morning." Jeffrey greeted. Not that he anticipated for him to reply but was shocked when he did.

"Good morning." Lucian's deep morning voice bellowed. His voice sounded rough despite that it was not sounding with the usual scorn. Jeffrey decided to prolong the conversation.

"Hope you slept well?" Lucian continued not looking at the blonde who was about to speak but retrieved the words. "Yeah, I did. What about you? You normally wake up early. What's up?" Jeffrey replied.

"Just felt like sleeping in." The latter hummed while stealing a glance at Jeffrey. "Here." Lucian handed him the toothpaste that he dropped. Jeffrey at first raised an eyebrow at this, he shrugged it immediately and grabbed it from Lucian's hands. He quickly eyed the toothpaste, then Lucian, then the toothpaste.

"Thanks... Lucian," Jeffrey trailed off unsure of what to say.

"Whatever... Jeffrey," None of them had a single idea why they started saying things like that. Soon, a gasp was heard. The two boys faced the onlookers on the doorway with petrified expressions.

"I can't believe it..."Elvis trailed off.

" Am I sure I'm seeing things? This is real right?" Mark nervously questioned.

"No way! This can't be right or real. What have you done to the real Jeffrey and Lucian?" Jin said pointing accusing fingers at the two boys. Stuart vigorously nodding in agreement. One with a flat look on his face and the other with a bored look. 'Did they just get along?' The rest thought.

'What's up with them?' Jeffrey thought too.

'...And here I was beginning to think I don't have to deal with any dunce again. The water isn't flowing in my room and now I'm here.' Lucian frowned at Jin.

'My slumber was interrupted for this!' Logan's eye twitched while glaring daggers at the two boys. He sighed remembering what Madison told him earlier.

'If you really want to punch anyone again. How about we test that out? I mean that is if you still want to attack anyone else for waking you up.' His frown deepened. Punching anyone would cause him to train which he didn't sign up for. He marched back to his bed throwing the covers on his body.

Just as soon as he covered himself, a knock was heard on the door.

"Guys! Breakfast will be ready soon." Anastasia announced. Logan groaned before slipping out of bed and heading to the bathroom. The boys continued their morning before breakfast routine early before heading to the living room.

"Good morning boys." Anastasia beamed. She handed each of them a plate of pancakes. She made sure to place servings alongside with the food. Jin and Stuart had blueberries with lots of syrup. Mark and Jeffrey had theirs with strawberry while the rest had theirs with thick maple syrup.

"Can someone please pass the syrup?" Jeffrey spoke. Immediately, a hand with the syrup was stretched in front of him. "Thanks." Jeffrey poured to his satisfaction. With that, he looked up to see everyone balancing his way with stunned faces excluding Dahlia and Logan."what?" He blinked.

"Did he just...?" Ash began pointing her fork at the two. Elvis nodded confirming her statement. She had a dreaded look on her face. Slowly, she rose to her feet and walked to the two. She yanked Jeffrey by the ear pulling it hard and Lucian too. Both boys winced in pain as they were taking aback.

The blonde was about to protest to the inky haired girl till he saw her chilling expression. Taken aback, he thought it was best to keep shut. Lucian didn't look fazed though. Still, he had to admit it was scary probably almost close to his sister's.

"What's going on you two? This isn't the bickering duo I've known." Ash said quietly." What happened yesterday?". Ash felt something was off with the two.

Lucian's ears turned a deep share of red when it all came flowing back to him searching the attention of those around him.

"Aha! So It was the idiot's fault!" Ash declared.

"Me?! What did I do?" He panicked seeing that the rest were looking at him with questioning gazes. It then clicked in him whether told the beast yesterday. He sheepishly rubbed his neck with closed eyes. 'That can't be the reason though. Lucian would have looked for ways to threaten me rather than subject to me. In fact, it's supposed to be the other way around.'

'Damn right it is' Lucian glanced at Jeffrey who pretended that nothing like this happened to the others.

'So WHY?'


"That sounds more like it. I wondered how I was able to tolerate you for a sec green jerk." Jeffrey scowled but finally beamed.

"Like I would be able to waste my time trying to condone an idiot. Not even for a whole day." Lucain's lips twitched up slightly.

The whole group sighed once more. It seems like today felt normal again.

"Now who's up to train?" Madison began making most of them stiffen. "Oh no you don't. Have you forgotten your promise?" Mark was pretty sure he heard Elvis scoff.

"Wait! Jeffrey what did you really tell Lucian yesterday?" The rest faced the blonde. Lucian might just give up on training today if his ears failed him after this.

'Huh? This is good blackmailing material. '

'I swear if you tell anyone....'The green haired lad narrowed his eyes at Jeffrey. His eyes compelling the boy to start sweating.

'On second thought, maybe not.'