

A young orphan boy is abducted by two men and taken to a geezer who claims to be his father. Jeffrey finds it strange for a father to have so many children. After learning the motive of the geezer, he plans to escape with his friends, and Lucian, the Prince of the Beast bloodline also has a tale to tell. A few years after the death of his parents, he is determined to find out what happened.

Rhut2022 · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Chapter 15: Homecoming

"Excuse me, Lucian. Do you have any reason to be sleeping while class is ongoing?" I blinked twice before facing her. It was already 4th period and I slept off. Mum won't be happy about that but I'm still a kid in my early teens. I love playing video games at night and maybe doing some schoolwork.

"Since you are so high and mighty why don't you come and solve this question." She said. Everyone began to murmur as I stood up and collected the marker before writing a few things on the board and handing the marker back to the teacher.

"It is correct. You still have to stop doing that I'm my class young man. You can go now." I reached my seat and sat down while the lecture continued before the bell rang for a short recess. The class was becoming noisy and I was not the type to stay in a place like this. It was even louder than my former school. Soon the noise died down and it was good because now I had peace. I took out my headphones and began to listen to some music.

Just as I placed my head on the table, someone removed it from my ears. I looked up to see a boy, he was probably a senior looking at his stature. All the eyes in the room were on us, "Who are you?" The boy asked in a deep voice.

"I'm the new kid," I replied.

"Doesn't he have a name? And what are you doing on my seat?" He asked this time with a sinister smile on his face.

"I did not see your name on it. Besides, I was here first." I said. I heard someone say I was in trouble the boy got angry but soon smiled again to hide the hostility.

"Gale, you know this is my seat. Now be a good girl and send him away." Gale for the first time was paying attention and had this stoic expression. Her lips then formed a thin line as she looked indifferently at the boy.

"Sorry, Philip but Mr Slater placed him here. "She finally spoke. This was the first time I heard her say anything all day.

"I do not care about what he says. This is my seat. You can't just take over it. Besides, he should sit at the back that is where all the others sat." Philip spat angrily. He stopped talking to breathe before facing me. He suddenly pulled me by my hair and I felt like he just violated me. I pulled away and sat down on the seat next to Gale of course.

"You'll see. You guys are gonna rue it." Philip said as he slammed the door on his way out.

"He is something else," Enoch said after the whole drama.

"You do not look so good, Gale. Are you alright?" Her friend asked.

"I'm fine, Shelia. Don't worry." Gale replied.


It was a long recess after a few classes. I was not so hungry so I went to sit under a tree I sighted earlier. I watched as everyone outside was discussing among themselves. I thought it would be a great opportunity to meditate so I did just that. I was almost done till Enoch walked up to me.

"What are you doing?" I remained quiet ignoring his presence."Aren't you eating in the cafe?" I still kept quiet. He grabbed my headphones and began to walk away but I held him.

"Drop it!" I ordered and he did. He sat next to me with a puzzled face. It was getting awkward so I did what any normal beast would do if they are being stalked. Confront them.

"Yeah, now I'm ready. I'm not so hungry so I thought it would be good to stay out here." I said.

"So let's start afresh, I'm Enoch."

"Lucian". We got talking and soon we became friends. It feels good actually. I've never made a human friend before. He left soon after and just as I was about to leave. Something caught my eye. It was a book that looks like what Gale was reading on the bus. I grabbed it before turning the pages to see that she highlighted some sentences and her name was written carefully with bright blue ink at the back and front.


"Let me take a look. This is wonderful Gale. Now for the tasting." The chef said as he took a bite and smiled widely."Delicious." Out of all the classes I have done today. My least favorite was cookery. The good thing is that it is only once in a week.

"Hey, Gale," I called out and handed out her book.

"Oh! Thank you." She said."Where did you see it?"

"I saw it under a tree," I replied. Once again, she thanked me. Gale said before walking away.

"What an arrogant person! He doesn't even notice that girls are head over heels for him. Out of all the girls in the school, he stays with Gale who has no time for boys." Jesse said. I could hear her very well but I think Shelia had a say in that. She tripped and poured water on her dress

"Whoops! I must have tripped. " Sheila said with a smug smile. Jesse stormed off seething with rage. As soon as she left, Shelia began to laugh with the rest of the class.

Finally, it was the end of the school day. I exchanged numbers with Enoch and said goodbye before walking home. My first day at a normal school wasn't so bad after all. It was quite interesting and nothing odd happened. The moment when Gale was shaking after Philip called her flashed to my mind. I wonder why she was so scared.

"I'm home," I announced.

"Lucian, Welcome. Now get cleaned up quickly and let's get ready." My mum said eagerly.

"Get ready for what?"I inquired.

"Your Father and Daffodil are coming today."