

A young orphan boy is abducted by two men and taken to a geezer who claims to be his father. Jeffrey finds it strange for a father to have so many children. After learning the motive of the geezer, he plans to escape with his friends, and Lucian, the Prince of the Beast bloodline also has a tale to tell. A few years after the death of his parents, he is determined to find out what happened.

Rhut2022 · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Chapter 14: First day

Lucian's POV

*Two years ago*

I opened my eyes and watched the alarm next to me blaring with an annoying buzzing sound. I was not in the mood and wanted to sleep some more. By the time I focused my attention on the clock, my eyes widened as I dashed into the bathroom and came out some minutes later. I noticed that my room was still messy with books on the floor and clothes everywhere. I know Mum would not be happy with it so I got into action. I quickly packed a pile of my books to a corner of the room and put all my clothes in a bag hoping that I would deal with those later.

"Good morning Mum," I said.

"Good morning Lucian. You slept in pretty late." She said while handing me my breakfast.

"Yeah, Mom I do not want to go. I still feel exhausted from yesterday." I said remembering that I played video games all night.

"Is it about your new school? I told you that Daffodil isn't joining you. She is 16 now, she has to the other school back home. Just give your father and me this chance." His mother said.

"Fine. I'll accept. " I said. She smiled happily and soon after I finished my breakfast. I grabbed my backpack after saying goodbye and ran to the bus stop.

This is going to be my first day in a normal middle school. I left my former school back home and came here. I've been really sad since then but mum cheered me up. Dad is rarely around so I have mum.

I entered the school bus and paid the driver who looked at me oddly and told me to go find a seat. All eyes were on me and I felt awkward. I sat down on an empty seat near a windshield in the middle of the bus and took my set of headphones from my bag. Just as I was about to place it on my head, I heard some kids whispering about me.

"He is probably new around here. I've never seen him before." One said.

"Me neither. He should know that the dyeing of hair is against the school's dress code. He would be disgraced publicly in front of everyone including the high schoolers." The other replied.

"Sorry, can you two stop talking about me? It is getting annoying." I said with a hint of annoyance in my voice. The two slumped back in their seats and pretended like nothing happened.

They weren't the only two gossiping about me, everyone on the bus was giving me weird gazes. They should stop it, it was pissing me off. Although, I checked again to see another girl who did not pay attention to anything but a book that caught her attention.

She had black-toned skin with jet-curly hair and black eyes. She wore a rosy sweater with a hood and a pair of dark skinny jeans along with a pair of trainers. She didn't pay much attention to me and continued focusing on what was in front of her.

By the time we got to the school, the bus stopped and everyone rushed out quickly. I did not seem to like the school. It was the same as my former school except I was different. Again, Everyone stopped what they were doing and their eyes followed my every movement. This was getting irritating so I started to listen to music on my headphones. I continued to stroll in the hall till I reached the office I came into last time Mum brought me here. I was given the key to my locker and they told me the class I belonged to.

The morning bell rang to signify that homeroom has begun. My class was upstairs so I climbed quickly and entered. My eyes scanned the entire class to see the teacher already there. He was an old man probably in his late forties. The students present were probably seventeen in number if I'm correct.

"Oh, I see. You must be the new kid. My name is Mr Slater and I'll be your homeroom teacher. Everyone this is Lucian. Please take off your headphones, homeroom has begun. Anyway, he will be joining us from today." I obeyed and walked in.

"Lucian." A boy snickered.

"Hi, I'm Jesse. I'm like the most beautiful one compared to these losers." A girl in the front row said. Most of the girls looked daggers at her and soon waved at me.

"Hi, I'm Cassandra."

"Sit next to me, I'm Eve."

"I've got an empty sit right here. " They all sought my attention. Honestly, the other girl earlier was prettier compared to these. Then I turned back and saw her with a girl and a boy behind her. Everyone had puzzled looks on their faces.

The girl turned back and jumped slightly and calmed down. She was surprised to see me, I guess. The other girl behind her whispered to the boy beside her and he said.

"Weren't you listening? Mr. Slater said he is a new student. "

"Oh!" The girl exclaimed and looked embarrassed.

"Gale. Lucian is your new desk partner." Mr. Slater announced. All the girls glared while some rolled their eyes at Gale.

"I'll be going now since that is all for today. Be good children." I Slater said before leaving.

Some of the boys started to ask me various questions concerning my appearance but I ignored them all.

"You guys are too much for him to handle. Besides, why bother him now? He just came." Jesse said pushing them away from me. Finally, she turned to me.

"Lucian, I have a seat for you next to me. You can come back if you want."Jesse said with a smile on her face. Was she begging me to come to her seat?

"I thought Fin was your partner." The boy behind me said.

"Well... Shut up, Enoch. No one asked for your opinion. Fin doesn't like that seat." She shot at him.

"Yeah, now that you say that I'm hating it now," Fin said.

"Yeah, he probably doesn't like the view," I said. Some kids tried not to laugh while she looked like a wild animal about to roam free. She was furious from what I could see.

"You!" She pointed at Gale. "You are gonna regret it. What do you see in her?" She cried.

"What I do not see in you," I replied nonchalantly. Gale is still unmoved but slightly worried due to Jesse and the other girls.

"Hey! That is enough. It's time you guys should leave." The girl behind Gale said angrily standing up. Shortly after she said that, the teacher entered and they all rushed to their seats.