
The Traveller from another world

Zero_Amane · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Work to live

When I was in my accommodation, I took off my clothes and carelessly threw them onto the chair next to the bed. I was exhausted from yesterday's battle with the Minotaurs and quickly fell into a deep sleep. The next morning, I woke up early, put on my clothes, and left my room.

As I reached the village center, I saw some strong villagers dragging away the bodies of the Minotaurs. I approached the priestess and greeted her politely. "Thank you for driving away or rather scaring the Minotaurs yesterday," she said with a hint of shame in her voice. "Thank you, I didn't even know what I was thinking yesterday. All I know is that I was really angry when he choked me."

The priestess looked deep into my eyes, and suddenly she noticed something. "I just realized now, your eyes slightly change color. They were faintly yellow just now," she said thoughtfully. I felt my face heat up as she stared at me so intensely. "Can you stop staring into my eyes?" I asked somewhat embarrassed. The priestess stepped back and smiled. "I'm sorry, I just found it a bit interesting. A demon with different eye colors, but no wings or tail, let alone a companion," she said curiously. Zero looked down at the ground and thought for a moment. "So, a companion is important?" I finally asked. The priestess looked up at the sky and nodded. "Yes, when you're traveling, you need at least one companion. It's possible to get into conflicts or get injured or immobilized in a dungeon, and your companion can help you then."

I continued to ponder. I wanted a companion whom I could trust and who would stand by my side loyally. I knew it wasn't easy to find someone who fulfilled these criteria. But I was determined to find a suitable companion to support me on my adventures.

When it was time to say goodbye, the villagers lined up in front of me, shaking my hands or hugging me. It was a heartfelt farewell, and I felt that I had found a place in their hearts in a short time. Before I left, they gave me provisions and a bag of clothes. The older man I had been living with for the past few days gave me a jacket with two holes in the hood for my horns, for my journey, and wished me well.

I left the village with a smile on my lips and a warmer heart. It felt good to know that I could help someone and that my deed was appreciated. As I walked through the dark forest, I pulled my hood over my horns and grinned. "Finally, I can pull my hood over my horns."

As I stood in front of the cliff, a breathtaking scene unfolded before my eyes. A vast, gently rolling meadow stretched to the horizon, bordered by dense forest that wound its way into the river. In the distance, I saw something incredible—a gigantic black whale majestically hovering in the air. I could hardly believe my eyes and couldn't help but laugh at the absurd idea that even whales had overcome gravity. With a touch of humor in my thoughts, I continued along the cliffs to further enjoy the view. The moons had already risen, illuminating the landscape with their gentle light. I wondered if the existence of four moons had any impact on this world and let my thoughts wander as I continued my journey. Eventually, I reached the edge of a lake. The clear water reflected the moons, and I could see the stars twinkling in the sky. The sight was simply enchanting, and I was captivated by the beauty of nature spreading out before me. I felt humble and grateful to be witness to such wondrous landscapes.I lingered for a moment at the lakeshore, letting my thoughts wander and feeling the fresh breeze on my skin. It was a moment of tranquility and wonder, where I felt one with nature and its infinite beauty. It was a moment I savored so much that I almost forgot to breathe.

As I settled comfortably against a tree and closed my eyes to fall asleep, I suddenly felt like I was standing on a hill. I opened my eyes and found myself on a vast meadow. Confused, I thought aloud, "Wasn't I just by the lake, about to sleep?" I turned around and saw a parasol and a door. I wondered what a door was doing there and approached it. I opened it. Suddenly, I heard a child's voice asking, "Who are you?" I was still in darkness, groping around as I responded in confusion, "Where am I?" But there was no answer. Then, I abruptly woke up and realized I was still by the lake. Perplexed, I wondered, "What was that?" It felt like a strange dream, but I wasn't sure what it meant.

Slowly, I opened my eyes and saw the sun slowly rising on the horizon, painting the sky in various shades of red and orange. I could hardly believe it was morning again. The air was pleasantly warm, yet I still felt weak and tired. I decided to freshen up and clear my mind. I undressed and ran into the cold water to refresh myself. "Uhh! It's so cold!" I exclaimed as the icy water touched my skin. After a few minutes, I got out of the water and put my clothes back on, except for my shoes. "Walking with wet feet in shoes is not ideal," I thought, and walked for a few minutes until I realized my feet were dry again. Then, I put on my boots and continued my journey.

Suddenly, I heard a screeching and whispering sound, and with each passing minute, I grew more nervous. "What is that?" I asked myself, filled with concern. Without wasting a thought, I simply kept running straight ahead until I finally emerged from the forest. "Finally, I'm out-", I was about to say in relief when I tripped over a root and fell into a puddle. "Great," I cursed, struggling to get back up.

I could still hear the screeching and whispering sound, and it seemed to be following me the further I ran. My heart raced, and I felt the sweat on my forehead as I tried to run faster. My breathing quickened, and I felt my muscles tense as I tried to protect myself from the unseen threat.

I ran through the thickets of the forest, without looking back, always straight ahead until I finally reached the outskirts of the forest and stumbled onto a meadow. A large tree on the meadow provided me shelter from the scorching sun, and I leaned against its trunk to rest.

But as I looked around, I realized that the screeching and whispering sound was getting fainter. It came from an eerie area in the forest that I had just left. I wondered what it could be and what it wanted. Fear trembled in my hands as I tried to gather my thoughts.

Suddenly, I tripped over a root again and fell into a deep puddle. "Great," I cursed, struggling to get back up and dust myself off. My clothes were now dirty and wet, but I didn't care in that moment. I was just relieved to have come out of the forest and still be alive.

After resting for a while, I felt refreshed and full of energy. I stretched my limbs and stood up to take a look around

. I found myself on a vast hill that stretched majestically before me. From up here, I had a breathtaking view of the surroundings. I could see an endless plain in the distance, surrounded by two majestic forests. The sky was clear and blue, and the sun shone brightly on the land beneath me.

As I let my gaze wander further, I could make out a wide river meandering in the distance. Its water shimmered in the sunlight, and I could hear the sound of rushing water. It was truly an impressive sight. While enjoying the view, I noticed wisps of smoke in the distance. I suspected it must be a village and decided to head there to seek help and possibly find shelter and work. I set off on my way, descending the hill. The path was steep, and I had to be careful not to stumble.

As I got closer, I could see the outlines of houses and hear the sounds of voices and animal noises. I felt my tension slowly dissipate, and I was relieved to have finally come across civilization after spending the entire day alone in the woods.

I quickened my pace, and soon I reached the outskirts of the village. I looked around and noticed that the houses were made of wood and mud, and there was a small cluster of stalls on the marketplace offering various goods. I could smell the aroma of freshly baked bread and fresh fruits and vegetables, and my stomach growled with hunger. I decided to look around and ask someone for help. Perhaps I would even find a job and make a living in this village. I felt hopeful and determined as I set off to begin my search.

I opened the door to a building that looked like an inn from the outside. There was a sign above the door, but I couldn't read the writing. I shifted my weight from one leg to the other, attempting to decipher it, but it was impossible for me. Finally, I let my head hang down and gave up. I opened the door and entered. Inside, I saw several women changing clothes. "Oh, I should probably leave," I murmured to myself. But before I could even realize it, an elven woman raised her hand and uttered a word, "Ventosus!" Suddenly, I was caught in a strong gust of wind and thrown out of the building. I collided with something hard and groaned in pain.

"Ouch, why do I have to fulfill every cliché? I even managed to get the toilet paper stuck to my shoe," I thought to myself. But then I heard a voice saying, "What are you doing here? This is the women's changing room!" I looked up and spotted a lizardman who was scrutinizing me. "Oh, sorry, I couldn't read the writing," I quickly replied. The lizardman didn't seem convinced. "Could it be that you're a demon?" he asked me suspiciously. I shook my head hastily. "No, I'm sorry, but I'm not a demon." Just as I was about to turn around and leave the building, I saw an angry group of women approaching me. I had a feeling that I was in trouble and that this was only the beginning of my problems.

I ran as fast as I could, and when I finally reached a side alley, I couldn't go any further and hid behind a few wooden crates. Suddenly, I was kicked forcefully against the crates. Before I could say anything, I felt something sharp against my throat. "Give me all your money!" said a young woman with blonde hair and blue eyes, her face covered with a bandage. Her pants and shoes looked stolen. I knew I couldn't fight back because she would slit my throat. So, I complied and said, "Then let me at least get the money out." The girl nodded, and I sat down to rummage through my shoulder bag. I gave her everything I had, but it wasn't much. "Here's a shirt for now. A young girl shouldn't be wandering around like this. And I don't have any money myself at the moment," I said to her. The girl looked at me suspiciously and asked, "And what are you doing in this alley?" I handed her the green shirt and explained, "I'm just passing through and currently looking for work. Is there a guild nearby?" She looked at me inquisitively and said, "Guild? What is that?" I was surprised by her question and explained to her that a guild is a group of people who work together and support each other. The girl pondered for a moment before replying. She had apparently understood what I meant. "Ah, I see, you mean those big houses in Astea, Erokun, and Rontikel. But they're not called guilds, they're the houses of the market counts." I was surprised by this information. In this world, there was no term "guild," only market counts? That probably meant there were no guild masters or guild regulations here. Perhaps there were kings or monarchs, which I found very interesting.

"Oh, I see," I said. "And what is the name of the place I'm currently in?"

The girl looked at me bewildered. "Didn't you read the signs? We're currently in Worel on the continent of Drokin. Even small children know that."I felt my blood rush to my face. It was a bit embarrassing for me to be taught geography by someone younger. I had to admit that I was still not very familiar with this world. Everything was so different from my own world. But I was determined to continue making an effort to better understand this new world and find my way in it.

She took the green shirt I had given her and put it on. It looked good on her and emphasized her slender shoulders. "Thanks again," she said, smiling at me. "I'll look out for you. Don't get mugged in an alley again. The others are definitely not as nice as me." Then she stood up and skillfully jumped against the walls until she reached the rooftop. I watched her and was impressed by her agility.

I decided to head to the main street now and ask some people for information. Perhaps this way, I could learn more about this world and its inhabitants. I was still fascinated by the fact that there were no guilds here, only market lords. It all sounded very medieval, and I was eager to learn more about it. As I walked along the main street, I could perceive the various smells and sounds of the city. There were many stalls with fresh fruits and vegetables, but also many craftsmen offering their goods for sale. I also saw some guards attentively patrolling the streets, ensuring no one caused trouble.

I decided to approach a man who was currently forging swords. He looked at me curiously as I asked him about the market lords and their houses. He explained to me that the market lords were the nobles in this world, and each house had its own market lord. He also gave me some hints on where I could find further information.

I thanked him and continued on to question more people. I was still fascinated by this world and its history. It was so different from anything I had ever experienced before. I decided to keep exploring and learning as much as possible to better navigate myself in this world.

Lost in thought, I walked down a street when suddenly someone hastily pulled me back. "Are you suicidal? Do you want to get trampled?" a man with silver hair and a fancy suit asked me. I was initially confused and didn't understand what he meant until I looked ahead again. In front of me were many carriages being pulled by different creatures that looked like large wolves, lizards, or wingless dragons. "Oh, I wasn't paying attention," I said, apologizing to him. The man explained to me that this was the carriage path, and if I wanted to go to the other side, I would have to wait or use the wooden bridge he pointed out. The bridge was adorned with golden decorations and protected by a roof. I followed his instructions, climbed the stairs to cross the bridge. As I reached the other side, I saw a large white building situated in the middle of a street, leading up to a pointed tower that reached into the sky. "Wow, there were no buildings like this in my world," I thought, impressed. I paused for a moment to admire it and tried to imagine who would live in such a building. I decided not to dwell on it and instead simply enjoy my time here and explore as much as possible.

I was casually strolling around and could hardly believe my eyes. I saw an elf shopping with four children, while a few gnomes in suits ran around and some animal-like beings chased after a fish. As I observed all of this, I noticed a crest that resembled a monster's tooth. I wondered if it was the crest or flag of a specific kingdom or just used for decoration.

As I turned around, I noticed an older man who seemed to have been listening to me. "Excuse

me, can you tell me what that crest means?" I asked him. "Oh yes," the man replied. "That's the crest of the Sword and Mage Saints who protected the Holy Empire above the clouds." I looked up at the sky but couldn't see any floating islands. "I don't quite understand," I said. "Where is this empire?" The man chuckled and explained to me that the empire had been destroyed by sinners centuries ago. "Sinners?" I asked. "Who are they?" The man sighed. "The sinners are witches. They also created the monsters, from which the impure demons emerged." I was shocked. "So, there are good and evil demons?" I asked. "Yes, that's correct," the man replied. "But unfortunately, the pure demons have disappeared without a trace."

I pondered for a moment and then remembered the minotaurs. "How strong are the minotaurs? Those monsters with bull heads?" I asked the man. The man thought for a moment. "They are quite weak. An amateur can defeat about two without taking damage. But we still don't attack them because they rarely approach humans. If they do, we just stay calm and only attack if they attack someone." Finally, I understood why the villagers didn't make any attempts to attack the minotaurs. The creatures were neither powerful nor dangerous, and it would also lead to no war. I thanked the man who provided me with this information and set out to look for work.

I thought about where I could best search for work when I passed by an inn. The laughter and clamor from inside the establishment were unmistakable, and I decided to go in and see if they had any job opportunities. I entered the inn and looked around. There were many different races gathered here, and I felt a bit insecure. I approached the counter and stood there, realizing that I had never asked for work before. I wondered if I was even allowed to work here, and the pressure began to consume me.

At that moment, a tall, muscular woman approached me. "What can I do for you?" she asked. I was so nervous that I thought my head could explode at any moment. "I wanted to ask if you have any work for me," I replied. "I need money to survive." The woman glanced at my hood and then said, "Wait a moment, kid, I'll go get the boss." She handed me a glass with an orange liquid. I drank it all in one gulp. I sat down at a table, trying to cover up my nervousness. It didn't take long for the huge woman to return with the purple-haired boss. "What kind of work are you looking for, kid?" the boss asked me with a stern look. "I'm willing to do anything," I quickly responded. "I need the money to stay here and survive." The woman frowned and thought for a moment. "We have a lot of work here at the inn," she finally said. "But we need to make sure you work hard and earn your share. No slackers here."

"I understand," I quickly replied. "I will work hard and do whatever is necessary." The woman nodded and seemed satisfied with my answer. "Good," she said. "Then you can start tonight. We'll keep you on a trial basis for a few days and see if you meet our standards. You can sleep and eat here." I felt relieved and grateful for getting a chance to work here. But I also knew that I had to work hard to earn my place. I vowed to do everything possible to survive and start a new life. The last rays of the day's sun bathed the inn in a warm, golden light as I settled down at an empty table and enjoyed the growing buzz around me. The air was filled with voices, laughter, and the clattering of dishes as more and more guests entered the establishment. I looked around and noticed that the inn was already so crowded that several tables and chairs had been set up outside to accommodate all the visitors. I approached the counter and began taking orders while the innkeeper handed me a cap to conceal my horns. I was grateful for her consideration, knowing that my appearance could evoke fear and suspicion in some guests. As I delivered the first orders to the patrons, I noticed that some of them were wearing armor and appeared to be on their way to battle. Some seemed relaxed and enjoyed a final meal before setting off, while others appeared tense and nervous. I served the orders with a smile, trying to make the guests' evening enjoyable. The hours passed quickly, and before I knew it, the sky in the east began to glow, and the sun slowly rose above the horizon. Finally, my shift ended, and I could finish my work at the inn. I was relieved that I had overcome my nervousness and that my work had been a success.

"Meow, you did well," said the woman with cat ears as she patted me on the shoulder. I felt my heart leap with joy. Finally, I had done my job well, and hearing praise from someone who obviously had a lot of experience felt great. I felt proud and content as I looked at the woman with a wide smile. When she told me I could go off duty, I felt relieved, but I was also curious about where I would sleep. The innkeeper explained that I would sleep in room three and that Mirajane would give me the key. I thanked her politely and made my way to the back door to retrieve my key. As I stepped through the door, I saw the muscular woman I had met before. I remembered that she was the one who had summoned the innkeeper when I asked about work. She nodded at me kindly and handed me the key. I accepted it gratefully and thanked her politely.

But then she gave me important information for the next day: "Tomorrow, we will have a high-profile visitor, so please wear the suit that is in your room." I immediately knew that I would have more work to do the next day and that I had to work hard to make a good impression. The woman also gave me advice that I won't forget. She said that I should learn some camouflage magic to conceal my striking eyes. I nodded and thanked her politely for the advice. I was truly excited for my new job, but I was also nervous because I still had so much to learn.

When I opened the door, I was greeted by a pleasant smell of fresh wood. I looked around the room and noticed the simple yet cozy decor. The bed was adorned with a warm blanket and fluffy pillows, giving me a sense of comfort and security. My eyes fell upon the suit laid out on the bed, and I remembered the woman with cat ears telling me that I had to wear it tomorrow. I approached and examined the suit more closely. It was black and looked very professional. I could hardly believe that I had an opportunity to wear it tomorrow. I collapsed onto the bed and closed my eyes. The excitement and nervousness I had felt all day started to fade away. I was tired from all the running and work, but I was also excited about the challenges ahead. I knew I had to work hard to succeed and make a good impression on the boss and the upcoming visit. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

After sleeping for a few hours, I opened the window and saw that the sun was already high in the sky, with many creatures bustling on the streets. I decided to put on the suit I had received from the boss and then headed to the restaurant. There, I was greeted by a catwoman with black fur and red eyes who asked, "Oh, is this the new one, nya?" Nervously, I replied, "Yes, I'm Zero, the all-around assistant." I quickly put on my cap to hide my nervousness. Then, the boss handed me a note and said, "Buy all of this." As I looked at the note, I had to admit that I couldn't read the handwriting and felt somewhat embarrassed. The boss looked annoyed at me and finally said, "Hmpf, alright, then go shopping with Shinoa." Suddenly, a wolf girl with white and black hair and a generous bosom appeared, looking about nineteen years old. "I'm supposed to go shopping?" she asked. The boss raised her thumb and replied, "Yep." Shinoa's tail wagged wildly as we set off.

As we walked along the market street, Shinoa instructed me to buy Rieen, a few Reusal, and Epfolsaft. I asked her where I could find these things, and she led me to the different stalls where I could find them. I went to the stands and bought fourteen kilos of Rien, twenty-three pieces of Reusal liver, and nine bottles of Epfolsaft. It wasn't easy to carry everything, but I managed while Shinoa only carried two small bags. "Is it heavy?" she asked me. I nodded, but I didn't want to admit that I could barely handle it. Shinoa came back with three crates, and I packed the items that were previously in various fabric bags into the crates. "Let's head back, newbie," she said. I agreed and carried the heavy crates while Shinoa only carried her two bags. It was quite a challenge, but I wanted to make a good impression and do my job as an assistant as well as possible.

Once Shinoa and I arrived back at the inn, we unloaded the items in the kitchen.

As the sun slowly disappeared behind the horizon, I suddenly felt a painful slap on my back. I exclaimed, "Ouch!" and reflexively reached for my back. It was Mirajane, encouraging me and saying, "Come on, little one, the visitor will be here soon, so put on your cap." I nodded in agreement and pulled my cap over my horns. The boss clapped her hands three times and called out, "Get ready, Pristella will be here in a few moments!" I looked at Mirajane with curiosity and asked, "Pristella, who is that?" My curiosity was piqued, and I wondered who this person might be and what their visit meant for us. Excitement filled the air as we all prepared to receive Pristella. I was eager to find out who she was and what she would bring to us. My thoughts wandered, and I wondered what awaited us in the hours to come. It felt like a special event where we would all show our best sides and present ourselves in the best light.

After a few minutes of waiting, the door of the inn suddenly opened, and a group of soldiers in silver armor entered the room. They made an impressive sight with their heavy weapons and armor, glimmering in the dim light of the inn. They took seats in a corner of the room. Shortly after, two women entered the room, roughly my age. The first woman had beautiful purple hair framing her face and gently cascading in waves. She wore a black and yellow uniform and had two heavy swords hanging at her hip. When I looked into her eyes, I noticed their emerald green color, which almost hypnotized me. She seemed like a fearless and battle-hardened warrior.

The second woman who followed her had silver hair tied tightly in a ponytail. She wore a scanty bikini-like armor and a tight shirt that accentuated her curves. My gaze lingered on her as I noticed that her eyes were covered by a red cloth. Despite her apparent impairment, she navigated the room and carried a wooden bow on her back, indicating her skills as an archer. I was impressed by her bravery and ability to overcome her limitation and still be so fearless and ready for battle.

Soon, I noticed the redhead beauty approaching me. Her red hair fell in gentle waves on her shoulders, and her gaze was intense and unforgettable. She stood in front of me and asked, "I've never seen you here, are you new?" I felt my heartbeat quicken, and I couldn't help but feel nervous. Suddenly, she came very close to my face, and I could already feel her breath. I was captivated by her gaze and didn't know how to react. "Uh...yes, I'm just working here as a temporary help," I finally stammered. But then, I heard the voice of the silver-haired woman behind me. "Come on, Pristella, I told you not to get so close to men. It always makes them nervous," she said. I wondered how she knew I was embarrassed when her eyes were covered. It was strange, but I couldn't help but believe her. "Sorry, but I was just curious to know who would be working for Asia," explained Pristella. But before I could react, the boss approached Pristella and raised her arm. Shortly after, Pristella fell to the floor, and I was paralyzed with shock. What was happening here?

The boss's words sounded angry, and I noticed that I had drawn her attention. "Stop manipulating the little one with your Sovereign Magic just because he didn't come to you and lick your shoes," she said sternly. I looked at Pristella, still lying on

the floor, and tried to understand what was going on. "Huh, Sovereign Magic? Wait, am I supposed to lick shoes or something?" I asked, confused. The silver-haired woman sat down on a chair and explained, "Well, kid, dear Pristella is, let's say, a bit stubborn. But it's best to keep the Sovereign Magic to yourself, or things could get dangerous." Her voice was sarcastic, but I sensed a threat in her words.The chief pressed Pristella to the ground with her own magic, forcing her into submission. Pristella groaned and spoke with a weakened voice.

"Even though you're already 160 years old, your gravitational magic is still as precise as it was four years ago. One would think you should have retired by now. And by the way, when I approached the boy, I had no intention of making him lick my shoes. I simply wanted to find out from him what those eyes were."

The chief replied, "I'm still quite young for my race, and you don't necessarily have to use magic. Just ask him in the conventional way, it wouldn't be difficult at all." As the chief spoke, Pristella mumbled something, and a yellow magic circle formed in the air. The middle ring of the magic circle transformed into a spear with purple inscriptions on the handle and spikes on the blade. Suddenly and without warning, the spear pierced Pristella's head at lightning speed. The act of violence was swift and cruel, abruptly ending Pristella's life. The action happened so quickly and unexpectedly that the chief and other onlookers may have had little time to react. It is important to emphasize that using violence and magic in this manner is not acceptable and does not provide a solution to conflicts. Such actions can have serious consequences and lead to irreparable damage.

I stood completely stunned and couldn't believe what was happening right before my eyes. The strength in my legs left me, and I felt my body slowly sinking to the ground. Blood flowed in thick rivulets over the floor, and I could perceive the metallic scent of it in the air.

In that moment, I realized it was a suicide. But how could that be? Why would someone do such a thing? There was no apparent reason for such a drastic step. I was completely overwhelmed and didn't know how to react. My thoughts raced, and I wondered what I should do. Should I scream, cry, or collapse? Should I try to run away or simply hide and ignore everything? I felt utterly helpless, paralyzed even. My thoughts revolved around the scene before me, and I simply couldn't believe what I was seeing. It was as if the world around me had come to a standstill, leaving me alone with my thoughts and emotions. It was a moment of complete despair, and I didn't know how to deal with it. I couldn't even scream as I fell. The only thing I still felt was the unbearable emptiness inside me, making me feel as if I were falling into a black hole.

Suddenly, a deafening toll rang through the air, and I could hardly believe it—the spear disappeared, and the blood that had just flowed over the floor flowed back into the woman's body. I stared in disbelief at the incredible event I had just witnessed. How was that possible? But then Pristella turned to me and asked in concern why I was lying on the ground. I stammered something about "Weren't you just dead?" and she simply confirmed it with a smile. "It's one of my abilities, to return from death and nullify any magic cast on me."

I was still completely confused as she reached out her hand to help me up. It felt as if I were waking up from a nightmare, and I was incredibly relieved that Pristella was alive. But still, I couldn't grasp what had just happened. My head was spinning, and I struggled to organize my thoughts. But I slowly regained my composure and finally asked if everything was settled now or if there was still a dispute. Pristella and the chief stood facing each other, looking deeply into each other's eyes. Suddenly, both burst into loud giggles

, which quickly escalated into hearty laughter. Even the other soldiers, holding a jug of alcohol in their hands, joined in the laughter. It was an incredibly lively and joyful scene before me.

But then the silver-haired archer approached me and leaned against me. "That's normal between the two of them," she whispered to me, and I felt her warm breath on my ear, along with the scent of alcohol piercing my nose. "So don't worry, even though it was quite shocking as a newcomer." I stared incredulously at the crowd as the laughter grew louder. Was this really normal? Could people interact with each other so casually and uninhibitedly, even in such a serious situation? I had never experienced anything like it before and wasn't sure how to handle it. But then, as I heard the carefree laughter of others, I, too, began to smile. It was contagious, and I felt myself slowly relaxing. Perhaps it was indeed normal here to interact with each other in this way.I walked toward the group of soldiers who were laughing loudly and enjoying their drinks. There were about six of them, all dressed in uniform. One of them immediately caught my attention - he had dark green hair and a small scar on his ear. His distinctive silver ring glistened in the sun, and his eyes had a silver hue. I approached them and heard him addressing me, "Hey kid, can you bring us some Rulo to drink?" I nodded and ran to the counter, where I met Shaula. She was a woman with black hair and a red streak. She was quite tall, almost as tall as me, and I had to tilt my head slightly to look at her. I politely asked her to bring six Rulo drinks for the soldiers, and she nodded. As she prepared the drinks, I noticed the soldiers at the table discussing something. I couldn't quite hear what it was about, but they seemed very excited. I just hoped they weren't in any trouble. Finally, Shaula returned with the drinks, and I went back to the soldiers. I handed each of them a glass of Rulo, and the soldier with dark green hair and silver eyes thanked me. I smiled politely and was about to leave when I heard something that piqued my curiosity.

I stood there, listening to the soldiers' conversation when I noticed one of them talking about a dragon that had reappeared. "Hey, have you heard that this dragon is said to have reappeared?" he asked excitedly. I remembered the serpent-like dragon I had seen a few days ago and muttered absentmindedly, "Ah, I think it's the one I saw a few days ago."

Suddenly, I felt a presence behind me and turned around. Before me stood the silver-haired beauty, who walked straight toward me. Her blindfold covered her eyes, but she seemed to be looking at me nonetheless. "How did you..." I began to ask but was interrupted by her. "Did it have brown scales and green spines on its back?" she asked with a serious expression. I nodded slowly and unsure of her knowledge. "That's not good," she said, concerned. "That dragon was created by one of the Sinners." I could sense her serious tone and worried demeanor, which only amplified my own uncertainty. I looked at her blindfold again and wondered how she could see me. It was a strange situation between her and me.

With a slight smile on my lips, I tried to lighten the mood and addressed her, "Uh, what's your name, by the way?" Uncertain, she took a step back, and her blindfold caught my attention. Nevertheless, I tried to maintain my friendly demeanor. "My name is Lilly," she replied. My gaze gently rested on her blindfold as I replied, "Nice to meet you, Lilly. I'm Zero." Before I could say anything else, the tranquility was interrupted by Pristella calling out for Lilly. She seemed a little drunk. Lilly went to Pristella, and I returned to the counter, patiently waiting. The ambient noise of the surrounding guests merged with the sounds of music and laughter as I collected my thoughts and absorbed the scene around me.

After what felt like hours, the soldiers, Lilly, and Pristella bid farewell. I began to tidy up the wooden mugs and the three round glasses. Every time I placed one of the glasses down, it produced a peculiar humming sound. Fascinated by this acoustic phenomenon, I listened attentively when Mirajane suddenly warned me, "Ah! Be careful with those glasses, they're made from the scales of a whale." Confused, I looked at Mirajane and replied, "Huh? But they look like

they're made of glass." To support her statement, Mirajane took one of the glasses and started washing it gently. "Of course, they've been melted and processed. Imagine if you take a piece of paper and place it on an oil-soaked surface, it becomes translucent too." I looked at her perplexed and had a hard time understanding the comparison. But I decided to change the subject and asked her, "How are these glasses made then?" Mirajane patiently explained, "The scales of this whale cannot be melted so easily. You need high flame magic to melt and process them. Anyone can learn this type of magic, but it's difficult to control. I examined the glass in my hand more closely, trying to see the difference. "Strange, but it still looks like regular glass to me." Mirajane carefully placed the freshly washed glass down and took the glass from my hand. "Although these scales themselves are very sturdy, they are still extremely thin. That's why they look like glass. But don't let their appearance deceive you."

Exhausted, I threw myself onto my bed and stared thoughtfully at the ceiling. Pristella's suicide deeply troubled me, and I couldn't stop wondering what had driven her to such a terrible act. Thoughts swirled in my mind as I took off my jacket and kicked off my shoes. Longing for peace and sleep, I closed my eyes and slowly drifted into well-deserved rest. Suddenly, a loud knocking on my door shattered the silence. "Hey, Zero! Are you there?" called a familiar female voice. With a sigh of exhaustion, I wearily went to the door and opened it. Standing before me was Shinoa, with a broad smile on her face. "What's up? I just wanted to sleep," I said with a hint of irritation. She smiled unchanged and replied, "I wanted to ask if you have time. I'd like to go to the city center with you." I skeptically assessed her and asked, "Is there a special occasion or event there?" Shinoa nodded excitedly. "Yes, there's even going to be a fireworks display and a parade! It'll be a real spectacle," she explained enthusiastically. The idea of a lively and exciting event piqued my interest, and I couldn't help but wonder if it would help distract me from my thoughts.

Energetically, I put on my jacket and pulled the hood over my head. I slipped on my shoes and was ready to go down the stairs when Mirajane noticed my attire. She looked at me bewilderedly and asked, "Why are you dressed so strangely?" I looked her directly in the eyes and replied, "Shinoa invited me to a festival." Mirajane furrowed her brow and retorted, "And that's why you look like you want to kill someone?" I shook my head and explained, "I can't just walk around without my hood or hat. I don't want to be recognized." Mirajane sighed in frustration and tossed me a black bracelet with a green gem in the center. "That should change your appearance as long as you wear it," she said. I wondered why she hadn't given me the bracelet earlier. Nonetheless, I gratefully accepted it and slipped it onto my wrist. It fit perfectly. Suddenly, I felt a brief surge of heat coursing through my body and noticed that my horns, which usually sat on my forehead, had disappeared. Surprised, I looked at one of my strands of hair and found it had turned brown.

The diversity of creatures around me fascinated me. Elves in glittering garments danced gracefully, while lizard people in magnificent robes swayed their majestic tails. Animal people in intricately designed costumes roamed through the crowd, accompanied by half-animal people with their unique features. Dwarves and gnomes strolled with their gnarled faces and swirling beards among the stalls. It was a true spectacle of creatures that brought the streets to life. The music that emanated from various directions created an exhilarating atmosphere. The sounds of drums, flutes, and string instruments blended into a harmonious melody that made hearts dance. People of all races and kinds danced and sang happily, their energies ignited by the music. Shinoa led me through the colorful hustle and bustle, and I couldn't help but be fascinated by the diverse impressions around me. The stalls were filled to the brim with tempting food and vibrant goods. The scent of fried dough and exotic spices wafted through the air, tickling my senses. I could barely resist the temptation to indulge in the various delicacies. There were also numerous attractions and games where people of different races lined up and enjoyed themselves. Carousels spun with laughing children aboard, jugglers and ac

robats performed impressive feats, and fortune tellers invited the curious to glimpse into their future. The atmosphere was filled with laughter, cheering, and excited whispers. Suddenly, I heard a distant sound and saw the sky above us filled with sparks and glowing colors. A breathtaking fireworks display began to illuminate the night sky, and the crowd around us marveled and applauded. Colors exploded in a magical spectacle that underscored the beauty of the night and captivated us all. Shinoa smiled at me and said, "See? The fireworks are even more spectacular than expected." Her tail wagged with excitement, and I could feel her radiance. In that moment, I could momentarily forget all my worries. The festival and Shinoa's company allowed me to leave the darkness behind for a moment and immerse myself in the joy of the present.When I was back in my room, I noticed with horror that the green stone from my bracelet was missing. "How did this happen?" I asked myself, bewildered. I left my room and walked along the street. After a while, something green caught my eye, glistening in the light. Curiously, I approached the spot, but it turned out to be just a broken glass. I continued my search and suddenly found myself outside the city. "Maybe I should turn back," I muttered and turned around. But before I could take the first step back, it started raining. I pulled my hood over my head and continued on my way. But then a pungent smell reached my nose. "It smells so strange," I whispered as I kept walking. Suddenly, I tripped over something and fell heavily onto the wet ground. "Ouch! What did I just run into?" I asked myself as I picked myself up. When I looked closely, I froze in horror. In front of me lay a severed leg. My eyes widened, and I tried with all my might to run away, but my steps were uncoordinated, and I kept falling. "Hel... Help! Someone has been murdered here!" I screamed in panic into the silent night. As my hood fell off, I saw that the ground around me was completely soaked in blood. The rain that I had previously thought was ordinary precipitation turned out to be blood, now drenching me. Disgust and horror filled my body. When I looked up, I froze completely. There stood something gigantic, manifesting itself in the form of a massive snake. Its red eyes stared relentlessly toward the capital city. I was paralyzed in the face of this sight. The countless corpses spread out on the ground around me intensified my fear. Nausea overwhelmed me, and I couldn't hold it back anymore. I vomited on the blood-soaked ground. The smell was unbearable, and the warm sensation of blood on my hands made me shudder. I was trapped in this nightmare of blood and death, unable to escape. Desperately, I tried to move my trembling legs and get away from this terrible place. But it seemed hopeless, as the giant snake loomed over the city, its red eyes seeming to burn into my soul. The cruel reality of what had happened here overwhelmed me and plunged me into a sea of fear and terror, and yet, I smiled.

The snake-like figure turned its gaze toward the moon and let out a deafening roar. The noise penetrated my bones, and I instinctively covered my ears, but even that couldn't fully muffle the sound. The scream was so piercing that I thought my skull was about to shatter. When the scream finally ended, it suddenly became eerily quiet. I barely dared to open my eyes, but when I did, the gigantic snake was standing right in front of me. I fought against the panicked urge to scream. My cheeks were streaked with tears as I tried to control my fear. But then, I suddenly felt a warming touch on my leg. In horrified disbelief, I looked down and saw that my leg was missing. It wasn't just gone, it had been consumed. A bone-chilling scream escaped my throat: "AAAAAAAHHH! My leg, my leg has been eaten!" I could practically feel the pain in my head as I repeatedly and desperately exclaimed how excruciatingly it hurt. The world around me blurred with my tears, and I felt trapped in a surreal nightmare. Reality seemed to have distorted itself in a cruel and painful way. The shocking encounter with the monstrous snake and the loss of my leg were more than I could bear. Fear and pain permeated my body and consciousness as I desperately searched for a way out of this terrible situation, hoping for rescue and redemption.

"Here is a survivor!" suddenly echoed a deep voice in the distance, its words resonating dimly in my mind. My consciousness was foggy, and I felt a pulsating pain that prevented me from moving freely. With great effort, I slowly opened my eyes and found myself in a spacious hall. My surroundings seemed to have sprung from a dream as I tried to orient myself.

In the hall, a person sat beside me with skillful movements and a focused expression. Their hands radiated a shimmering glow. It was a healer who used magic to channel their powers for healing. The gentle energy flowed through my severed leg, easing the pain and initiating the process of restoration. A mixture of relief and admiration filled me as I observed the fascinating sight of the healer at work.

I wore a loose emerald green shirt that draped softly around my body, adorned with intricate blue stitches. It was a distinctive garment that accentuated my personality and gave me a certain confidence. My eyes roamed the room and settled on the ceiling, adorned with a multitude of elaborate drawings. These images gradually seemed to unite into a circular pattern, with each line and curve harmoniously merging into one another. In the center of this mesmerizing circle were seven doors depicted in deep black color. Each door had its own unique design, appearing mysterious and alluring. Their shadowy outlines stood out distinctly against the vibrant green of my shirt, capturing my attention like a magnet. It was as if they were inviting me to explore the unknown and embrace new experiences. While I still focused my gaze on these mysterious doors, the sound of one of them suddenly pierced my ears. It was a muffled creak accompanied by a gentle breeze.

Amidst the treatment, the head of the hall approached, a resolute woman with a concerned expression on her face. She leaned over me with worry and asked softly, "Child, what happened?" My thoughts were still scattered, but I tried to find the words to describe the horror I had encountered. "There was a monster," I managed to utter with difficulty as I struggled to organize my memories. "It looked like a giant snake, and it swallowed my leg." A moment of silence followed as I wondered why no one in this hall had heard of the monstrous creature. The thunderous roar of the monster should not have gone unnoticed.

Finally, the healer broke the silence and declared that the treatment was complete. They cautioned me not to exert too much strain on my leg for now, as there was still a risk of fracture. They recommended taking a few days to rest and aid the healing process. I stared at them in disbelief, unable to comprehend the sudden recovery of my leg. "But my leg... it's...," I stammered incredulously.

As I directed my gaze downward, my breath caught in my throat. To my amazement and joy, my leg was indeed completely restored. A wave of relief washed over me, and I felt deep gratitude toward the healer who had used their magical powers to save my leg. The head of the hall approached me and assisted me in standing up. "Thank you again, Garfield," she said with a faint smile as we slowly walked out of the healer's field of view.As I looked around in wonder, I couldn't help but ask the boss about our whereabouts. "Where are we actually?" I inquired cautiously. She led me to the window and opened it slightly to let in fresh air. A gentle breeze brushed my face as I looked down at the city. "We are in the residence of an old companion," the boss explained softly. Her words carried a certain air of secrecy. I sensed that there was more here than she was willing to reveal to me. "When I was informed that you were found by the guards in the slums, I came here as quickly as possible." Her voice sounded serious and emphasized.

Suddenly, I noticed that her gaze was as cold as ice. There was a mixture of determination and mysterious darkness in her eyes. An unsettling feeling slowly crept up my spine, and I couldn't help but wonder what she was hiding from me.

My gaze shifted to the sky, and I noticed dark rain clouds gathering on the horizon. A flickering sensation ran through my body as if I had an ominous premonition. The atmosphere seemed to thicken, and I felt that something in the air was changing. Images of the previous night flashed before my mind's eye—the monstrous snake, the deafening roar, and the blood soaking the ground. The memories were still fresh and vivid, and a shudder ran down my spine.

I turned to the boss, ready to ask her my questions, but her expression told me that I should remain silent for now. It was as if she wanted to say with her eyes, "Don't tell anyone what happened yesterday."

Back in the cozy tavern, Shinoa suddenly pounced on me, causing me to fall to the ground. "Ouch!" I exclaimed as I looked into her concerned eyes. Her voice sounded worried as she said, "I was so worried when you went out in the middle of the night." In a comforting gesture, I gently stroked her head, and her tail wagged excitedly like that of a dog. "I'm sorry, I just wanted to find the green stone embedded in the bracelet," I explained. Mirajane sighed and replied, "The stone disappears after a while." Confused and startled, I looked at her and asked, "You mean the stone is gone?" She corrected me, "Rather, the stone has transformed into mana and restructured into transformation magic."

After lying down in my room to process the dreadful event with the monster that consumed my leg and part of the slum last night, I noticed heat spreading through my body once again. At the same time, the tips of my hair transformed from brown back to their usual white. It was a clear sign that my mana was nearing its end and that my powers needed to regenerate. As I slowly sank onto the bed, I felt my eyelids grow heavier, and I slipped into a deep sleep.

When I woke up, I felt the warm evening breeze blowing into my room through the open window. The gentle breeze carried the scent of the approaching evening and pleasantly tickled my skin. The radiant evening sun shone so brightly that it blinded me, and I instinctively squinted my eyes. "Wow, it's so bright," I murmured softly to myself.

I rose from the bed and shuffled over to the window to open it wider. The mechanism squeaked softly as I pushed the window panels apart. Taking a deep breath, I enjoyed the fresh air that filled the room and felt the pleasant lightness of the summer evening.

My gaze fell upon my hat, which was lying on the table. I reached for it and put it on my head to shield myself from the blinding sun. Then, I headed towards the door and slipped on my shoes, neatly lined up next to the entrance. With a dull creak, the door opened as I slowly pulled it open.

As I reached the threshold, cheerful voices and the infectious sound of laughter drifted from the tavern to my ears. Curiously, I stepped out of the house and found myself in a lively scene. The tavern was filled with people engaged in lively conversations, bringing the place to life. The warm, muted light of the lanterns gave the place an inviting atmosphere.

As soon as I entered the tavern, the enticing aroma of juicy roasted meat enveloped me, awakening my senses and making my stomach growl. My taste buds came alive, and I could practically taste the delicious aromas in the air. It was a moment of pure temptation.

Lia, an adorable cat-girl with brown hair, stood behind the counter and smiled at me. "Finally awake, little one?" she joked and winked at me as she handed me the orders. I returned her smile and nodded in response. It was pleasant to be greeted by her friendly presence.

"Great, your food is behind the counter. Take the orders, okay?" she instructed me. I gave her a thumbs up to show that I understood her instruction and made my way to the counter. I sat on one of the comfortable stools and assumed my position, ready to assist the guests.

On the counter in front of me were three beautifully arranged plates. The small plate held a fresh, crispy piece of bread that smelled enticing and made me eager for the first bite. Next to it was a dark brown sauce, resting in its container like a mystery, piquing my curiosity. The large plate presented a juicy steak, perfectly cooked and temptingly aromatic. It was accompanied by golden potato slices that appeared both crispy and tender. The whole creation was crowned by a delicious-looking white-green sauce, completing the dish and making my taste buds eagerly anticipate. My stomach growled in anticipation of this culinary temptation as I thanked Lia. "Thank you so much, bon appétit," she said, handing me the orders before attending to other guests. With a wide smile, I thanked her again and began taking the guests' orders. The evening promised to be enjoyable and sociable. The tavern was filled with cheerful laughter, the clinking of glasses, and the pleasant hum of lively conversations. It was a place where people gathered to enjoy good food.

As I looked around the tavern,

I noticed some imposing men who had just entered. They wore long black jackets that reached their knees, giving them a mysterious aura, and I couldn't help but wonder about their significance. "Are those some special jackets?" I quietly wondered. The men took their seats and removed their jackets, revealing their impressive muscles that stood out under their tight-fitting garments. It was evident that they were physically well-trained and embodied a certain strength. The presence of these powerful figures created a sense of tension in the air. Shinoa, a serving staff member of the tavern, approached the men confidently to take their order. She moved with a certain grace and self-assurance as she performed her role as a waitress. The men placed their order, and Shinoa turned to me to convey the information. "They want Haroke with Keron," she informed me. I nodded in understanding and passed on the order to Lia, the tavern owner. It was interesting to observe how the atmosphere in the tavern changed. The presence of these muscular men brought a certain energy that infected the other guests. The clinking of glasses and the lively buzz of conversations intensified the sense of excitement and curiosity.

As the last guests left the tavern, Mirajane approached me with a jug in her hand. The liquid inside foamed and bubbled enticingly. There was a curious look in her eyes, as if she wanted me to drink it. Without further thought, I took the wooden jug in my hands and brought it to my lips. After taking a hearty gulp of the frothy liquid, I felt the malty taste unfold on my tongue. It tingled pleasantly, creating a sparkling sensation of refreshment. The delicious drink was a true sensory experience.

"Is this beer?" I asked Mirajane, but she looked at me with an incomprehensible gaze. Clearly, she didn't know the term and couldn't place my question properly. With a shrug, she explained, "I don't know what beer is, but this is Burd."

It dawned on me again that I was in a completely different world, where things had their own names and meanings. It was understandable that the designations for beverages and other elements were different here. Nevertheless, I enjoyed the malty drink and finished the jug. Then, I handed Mirajane the empty jug as a sign of my satisfaction.

Suddenly, Mirajane reminded me that I would have reading and writing lessons with Lia tomorrow. Learning these skills was of great importance to navigate better in this world. Additionally, I was supposed to receive combat training from Shinoa until I was ready to move on. Her words sounded like a clear instruction, and I nodded in agreement to show my readiness.

"Thank you for the information," I replied politely before Mirajane went into the kitchen.

After sleeping in until noon, I heard an energetic knocking on my door. I went to the door and found Shinoa standing there, dressed in a leather breastplate with bandages on her hands, as if wearing boxing gloves. Her expression appeared serious, although she could barely contain herself from smiling. "Get dressed, we're going to train now," she said with feigned seriousness.

I followed her advice and put on my shoes before pulling my hat over my head. Together, we walked to a huge house where a man with gray hair and a black suit opened the door for us. "Please come in," he said politely. Shinoa grabbed my hand and pulled me determinedly inside the house.

We entered a vast meadow behind the house that stretched before us. Suddenly, a little girl in a maid outfit approached us and handed Shinoa two giant wooden scythes. Shinoa took the scythes and grinned challengingly. "Zero, catch!" she exclaimed and hurled one of the scythes towards me. I narrowly dodged it and was surprised by her sudden aggression.

"Are you trying to kill me?!" I exclaimed angrily, as I recovered from the shock. However, Shinoa only smiled and aimed the scythe at me again. "Try to attack me," she challenged me. Her eyes sparkled with energy, and her whole body exuded a fascinating readiness for battle.

Although I was initially confused and frustrated, I could also feel a certain excitement and curiosity within me. It was evident that Shinoa wanted to put me in a training situation to challenge and improve my skills. With a decision to engage in the training, I assumed a fighting stance and prepared myself to attack Shinoa.

Just as I was about to take the first step, Shinoa suddenly stomped the ground with full force. The ground beneath us trembled and cracks formed, and before I knew it, I was on the ground. Confused and surprised, I tried to get back up as Shinoa looked down at me.

"Your stance is quite ridiculous," she scolded me with a serious expression. "The weight of

the scythe is felt more clearly at the front when you hold it at the back. The way you held it, you wanted to make a downward strike. But you don't swing a scythe like a sword." She patiently explained to me as she helped me up and assisted me in reorienting myself.

"Hold the scythe in a way that you can make a powerful but straight swing at any time," she said firmly. I nodded and tried to internalize her instructions. I was still completely bewildered because I couldn't see how she approached me or how I suddenly ended up on the ground. It seemed as if Shinoa possessed amazing abilities that she utilized in combat.

I slowly stood up and took the scythe in my hand once again. This time, I tried to follow Shinoa's instructions and hold the scythe in a way that would allow me to make a powerful and precise movement.

As I contemplated how to train effectively, Shinoa had an idea. She beckoned the little blonde maid who had been watching the training the whole time to come closer. "You must have control over field magic. Could you please make the grass grow up to our necks?" she asked the girl. To my astonishment, the girl nodded and approached. How did Shinoa know that she had such abilities?

The little girl touched the ground and whispered softly, "Or zurt." Suddenly, the grass around us began to grow at a rapid pace, reaching our necks within a few seconds. It was an impressive sight that left me speechless.

"From today onwards, you will use the wooden scythe to trim the grass until it reaches only up to your ankles," Shinoa explained to me with a serious tone. She showed me how to hold and swing the scythe correctly to trim the grass.

After finishing my meal, I heard a knock on the door shortly afterward. "Come in!" I called out. Lia entered the room with three books in her hand and a feather pen. "Today, you will learn how to read and write our menu," she explained. I nodded, and she handed me the feather pen and a piece of paper. "Okay, first write 'ri,' then write 'ri' correctly five more times," she instructed, pointing to the top dish on the menu. I began to write the word 'ri' nine times on the paper. Afterward, Lia sat on my bed, opened a book, and started reading. Meanwhile, I desperately tried to understand the menu. Occasionally, I would ask Lia about the meaning of individual words and how to use them in a sentence.

After about two hours flew by, Lia suddenly stood up from the bed and looked over my shoulder. "You've mixed up 'er' and 're.' The stroke for 're' is on the left side, and for 'er,' it's on the right side," she explained. I corrected my mistake and wrote the meaning in my native language under each word I had written. Lia looked at the paper more closely and asked, "What kind of scribbles are these?" I replied, "That's Japanese, the script they use there." Lia nodded and continued to examine the paper. Suddenly, she said, "Has anyone ever told you that you have terrible handwriting?" I lowered my head and replied softly, "Multiple times."

After approximately three more hours had passed, and I could write and read some words, I decided to take a break. "I'll return the dishes. Would you like me to bring you something to drink?" I asked Lia. She flipped a page in her book and replied, "Bring me some water." I nodded in agreement, picked up the plate on the table, and left the room. As I walked down the hallway, I pondered how similar the word "water" was in my native language and the new language. It seemed as if it was also called "water" here.

When I reached the kitchen, I noticed the hustle and bustle happening there. Quickly, I placed the plate on a tray and approached Mirajane, who was in the midst of cutting meat. With a hurried voice, I said, "Mirajane, could you please bring me a glass of water? I don't want to get in your way." Mirajane paused her activity and handed me a glass of water while continuing to cut the meat. "Thank you," I replied politely and left the busy kitchen. As I entered my room, I immediately noticed something extraordinary. Before my eyes, small ice flower-like formations danced in the air, displaying vibrant colors. I was fascinated by this unexpected sight and couldn't take my eyes off of it. Suddenly, I noticed Lia creating a beautiful ice meadow. Her skillful touch formed the frosty blades of grass, conjuring a frosty splendor in my room.

As I beheld the fascinating ice sculpture, I couldn't help but exclaim, "How beautiful." Slowly, I placed my glass of water on the table and took a seat to examine the icy landscape more closely. The ice flower-like formations appeared almost majestic in their grace and variety. I was completely captivated by the sight and enjoyed every moment of observation. Suddenly, Lia snapped her fingers, and the icy artwork crumbled into fine ice powder. I was surprised by the sudden transformation and looked at Lia questioningly. "Do you have my water?" she asked me. I nodded and turned around to retrieve the glass of water. With a gentle grasp, I handed her the refreshing drink. "You're welcome

," I said with a smile as I handed her the glass. Lia graciously accepted the glass and thanked me, saying, "Thank you very much."

I settled back into my chair at the desk when Lia suddenly took the feather pen from my hand. Confused, I looked at her and glanced at the empty table from which she had also removed the paper. "Huh?" I exclaimed, surprised. Lia looked at me seriously and explained, "Please stop constantly giving me everything. I only had you fetch water to give you a break." I didn't quite understand what she meant. "But it's just reading and writing," I replied, bewildered. Lia sat on my bed, crossing her legs. "Yes, that may be true, but forced learning is not good for the psyche. It's like a swordsman putting away his sword when it's not needed," she calmly explained. Her words made me think, and I nodded slowly as I processed her statement. "So, what should I do then?" I asked uncertainly. Lia pointed to the window and replied, "Just go out and run a few errands. Do something that distracts and relaxes you." Her gaze was encouraging, and I felt that she had my best interests at heart. I stood up and prepared to leave the house to take a short break from studying. Sometimes, you just needed a change of scenery to replenish your energy.

I put on my shoes, my shoulder bag, and my jacket. *It was a typical evening as I prepared to leave the house.* "Uh, Lia, don't you want to go back to your room?" When I turned around, I saw that Lia had fallen asleep in my bed, with the warm evening sun shining on her face. *She looked so peaceful, and I wondered if I should wake her up.* Should I wake her up? *It didn't matter since I didn't have anything valuable that could be stolen from me.* Right, cats do like warm areas. I pondered that for a moment.* I closed the door and went to Aisa, who was sitting on a chair in the hallway. "Little one, fetch!" A small black bag flew towards me, I caught the bag, and I could hear something metallic inside.

I held the bag in my hands, which my supervisor handed to me with a satisfied smile. It was the moment I eagerly awaited every week - the unveiling of my hard-earned salary. With curious eyes, I examined the bag containing the result of my hard work. Carefully, I opened the bag, and a sparkling shimmer met my eyes. I could hardly look away as I discovered a series of gold and silver coins. Each coin bore the impressive relief of a majestic dragon's head. Its mighty mouth almost seemed to come to life, with sparkling eyes and intricately designed scales.As I examined the coins more closely, I noticed small crowns elegantly attached to the side of each dragon's head. They symbolized the value and significance of these coins, signifying my accomplishments. The crowns were artfully crafted and bestowed a royal aura upon the coins.Gazing at the edges of the coins, I noticed the fine ridges running along the circumference. They perfectly resembled the sharp claws of a dragon, giving the coins a certain wildness and strength. It was as if every aspect of these coins indicated that I should accept my payment with awe and pride.The golden coins in my hands were not just a simple reward for my work; they were also a symbol of my achievements and worth to the company. They embodied the brilliance and appreciation I had earned through my efforts and dedication.With a sense of satisfaction and recognition, I looked at the coins once again. They were not merely a means of exchange; they were also proof of my abilities and value as an employee. I took pride in the fact that my hard work and commitment were rewarded in the form of these impressive dragon coins.

My supervisor's words echoed in my mind as I stowed the coin in my shoulder bag. I was aware that the value of the money would not change no matter how long I stared at it. With a light smile of contentment, I set off to complete my shopping.I politely thanked my boss for the salary and left the office, descending the stairs. As I stood in front of the tavern, I decided to simply walk along the street and enjoy the bustling scene of the city. During my walk, I noticed some finely dressed women emerging from a shop. A sign above the entrance revealed the name of the store: "Mutter's Clothing".

Curious and with a desire for change, I entered the shop. A male elf and a female elf greeted me warmly. "Welcome to Mutter's Shop!" they exclaimed synchronously. Their melodic voices added a pleasant atmosphere to the room. I returned their greeting and let my gaze wander over the diverse selection of garments. "Um, do you have clothing in my size, preferably in a slightly darker color?" I politely asked, trying to express my desire for a stylish yet somewhat understated look. "And if you don't mind, I'd also like to get some underwear."The two elves nodded kindly

and began guiding me through the shop. They showed me different fabrics, colors, and styles while attentively considering my preferences. It was evident that they mastered their craft, and their passion for fashion was palpable.After browsing for a while, I finally found a selection of garments that matched my vision. The dark colors and carefully chosen cuts gave the dresses a certain elegance and sophistication. The elves helped me find the right size and also advised me on selecting the appropriate underwear. "That will be one hundred and twenty dragonies." I handed the elf twenty-one golden coins and received nine silver coins in return.

With a sense of satisfaction and anticipation for my new look, I left the shop. I couldn't wait to try on my new clothes and feel comfortable in my altered appearance.

As I walked along the main street, I curiously let my gaze wander over the familiar streets. It had already been a week since I last visited this area. I couldn't help but feel a slight sense of excitement as I made my way toward the imposing White Tower, which stood at the end of the street. The sun was slowly setting, and the shadows grew longer as the warm light of the glowstones began to illuminate. The sight was enchanting and bestowed a magical atmosphere upon the street.After about half an hour of leisurely walking, I finally reached the grand gate that marked the entrance to the White Tower. It was an impressive structure adorned with intricate ornaments. The fine carvings adorned the massive gate and told stories of times past.I paused for a moment, letting my gaze wander over the ornate details. The ornaments depicted mysterious symbols that sparked the imagination. Dragons, floral vines, and other abstract forms added an aura of mystery to the gate. It was evident that much care and artistry had gone into designing this entrance.