
The Traveller from another world

Zero_Amane · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Tower and dreams

I stood in front of the imposing wall and stared at the tower rising high into the evening sky, its end indiscernible. "What kind of tower is this?" I wondered aloud. I turned around and walked along the street I had taken before. My steps felt somewhat sluggish, as if I were carrying a heavy burden.When I returned to the main road, I saw people going into their houses. A few children ran across the street while some soldiers chatted with the locals. As I got back to the tavern, I noticed there were no customers. "Strange, it should be bustling at this time," I thought and went into the kitchen. But there was no one there. A queasy feeling arose within me, and I hurried back to my room. There, I noticed my door was ajar. "Huh, why is my door open?" I asked myself, confused. I entered my room and found a note hanging on the windowsill. I went to the note and tore it off. "Hey there, the shop will be closed today. We got invitations to the grand library, that big white tower. If you want to come along, put on your suit, and your invitation is under the pillow." I didn't hesitate for long and hastily lifted my pillow to retrieve the yellow-red piece of paper with the silver trim.

I flung open the cupboard doors and put on my suit. "How could I have missed this?" I mumbled to myself, almost in a daze.With a loud thud, I slammed my room door shut, ran down the hallway as the wooden floor creaked under my steps. I leaped down the stairs, my legs feeling somewhat numb, but I continued to run as if possessed. When I stood before the gigantic tower again, I gasped for breath and knelt down to rest for a moment. After a brief pause to catch my breath, I gathered momentum and ran towards the wall. Just before crashing into it, I jumped, grasped the edge, and pulled myself up. Then I jumped down from the wall. "Why is there even a wall if you can easily get over it?" I thought, bewildered, as I walked along the wall and eventually arrived in front of a brown-red door. I knocked on the door, and after a few seconds, an Arachne wearing a leather chest guard opened it. "Yes, please?" she asked me. Fearfully, I flinched and stammered like a little child, "Uh... yes, I have an invitation, and, uh..." I pulled out the piece of paper and handed it to her. After reading it, she let me in. As I entered the tower, dizziness overcame me, and I fell unconscious.

I slowly opened my eyes and found myself in a strange environment. Three people surrounded me. A little boy with jet-black hair wore a blue and white T-shirt with a pirate motif on it. A man with black hair had on a brown sweater, and the woman, who caught my attention immediately, wore a black T-shirt with the words "Never lie or die" on it.I looked around and immediately noticed that I wasn't in the tower anymore. It was a world unfamiliar to me.

One of the people present addressed me, "Are you okay, Luke?" Confused, I asked, "L... Luke?" The woman laughed and said, "Don't tell me you forgot who you are?" To defuse the situation, I forced a laugh and replied, "Oh, no, I was just messing with you."As I looked around, I noticed the little boy putting a piece of toast in his mouth. The man pointed out, "You have a bit of jam on your mouth, Zero."

When I looked closely, I froze in shock. It was my younger self. When I glanced at the other two, I was shocked to recognize my mother in the woman. I stuttered, "Is something wrong, Luke?" I quickly gathered myself and shook my head, "No, everything's fine. I thought I saw something behind you." My mother looked concerned, "Are you sure? You look a bit pale." I denied it and watched as my younger self got up from the chair, took his plate and cup, and left. I finished my meal and took the plate and cup to the kitchen.Suddenly, I blinked, and I found myself on a bustling shopping street. I looked around wildly and noticed my younger self standing behind me. "Are you okay?" he asked me, and I nodded. Together, we walked along the street, but suddenly, I stumbled and found myself in a massive library. A voice spoke to me, "Ah, you're awake." I looked up and saw a figure that seemed to be half-human, half-spider. "W... what was that?" I asked, confused. The arachnid answered calmly, "That was your wish dream or rather, the life you desire." I sat down and asked, "A life I desire? But why was it shown to me when I entered the tower?" The Arachne extended one of her legs and replied, "On the second floor, you'll see the most probable future..."

In the library, my footsteps echoed with every step I took. It was an impressively large library that fascinated me. I wondered why there was such an extensive library and what significance it held. Suddenly, questions about my own past and what the future held for me overwhelmed my mind, circling endlessly."Um, what is this tower, actually?" I asked the Arachne who stood beside me, accompanying me. She looked at me and replied, "Good question, I'm not entirely sure. The lower levels are libraries, and everyone who enters a level is shown something they desire or something they shouldn't wish for." I was confused, trying to understand what she meant.When we stood before a spiral staircase, the Arachne suddenly held me back. "I can't go any further from here. Please be careful as you go up. I don't know how you can handle the future." I nodded, but at the same time, I was curious, wondering what could be so dangerous about the future. I ascended the spiral staircase. I paused for a moment and looked down at the cabinets from above, noticing a massive chandelier hanging from the ceiling, illuminating the entire room. I decided to continue climbing the spiral staircase, and with each step, a sense of unease grew within me. When I finally stood four steps away from the second floor, I took a deep breath and proceeded to ascend the final steps. However, suddenly, nothing happened. I couldn't detect any changes or significant events. "Ha, nothing's happening," I thought, about to turn around. But then, unexpectedly, I lost consciousness. When I regained consciousness, I found myself in front of a red door. Curiously, I opened the door and stepped inside.

A loud crack filled the room as the wood in the fireplace popped and crackled. Warm sunlight poured through the window, illuminating the space. My gaze immediately fell upon the rocking chair that sat in the center of the room. Within it sat a mysterious human silhouette, their facial features hidden in the half-shadow. Two majestic swords leaned against the wall right next to the chair.Suddenly, a voice echoed from nowhere, "I know you're here, so I ask you, stay away from ####." Confused, I tried to understand the meaning of these words. Before I could find an answer, a blood-curdling scream shattered the silence, "Fire!" The scream shook me and made me flinch.The silhouette slowly raised their arm and uttered the word "Clock." A metallic sound filled the air, as if something magical had been set in motion. The person reached for the two swords leaning against the wall and moved decisively towards the door. Their movements were fluid and practiced, as if they were a warrior of great experience.Suddenly, everything around me turned black. Darkness enveloped me completely. But then, a bright red character appeared in the darkness. It seemed to float before my eyes and formed the words, "I hope you won't be lazy, hero."

I opened my eyes and saw a little girl with emerald green eyes in front of me. She wore brown clothing and a large cap with green stripes. "Is he awake? He's awake, he's awake!" she exclaimed excitedly. I couldn't quite understand what she meant.As I sat up, I flinched as something pricked at the back of my head. The girl urged me with a concerned look not to move. "Why are you talking so strangely, and what happened?" I asked, confused. The girl stood up from her crouched position and approached me. She took off her left red glove and said determinedly, "I will heal you, I will heal you." With her warm, little hands, she gently touched my forehead. I felt a slight tingling, and shortly after, a green-yellow light emanated.After a short while, the intense pain at the back of my head subsided.

"Is everything alright, does anything still hurt?" the girl asked anxiously. I nodded and cautiously touched the back of my head. As I looked around, I noticed that the view of the second floor was slightly different from the first. The bookshelves seemed closer together, and the light came not from a chandelier but from lamps mounted on the sides. In the middle of the room were nine tables and five hammocks. The atmosphere felt somewhat altered, but it was still a peaceful and inviting place.As our footsteps echoed in the library, and I could see the spiral staircase ahead, I turned to the little girl and asked the question, "Why are these dreams shown and then gradually fade away?" The girl touched her cap and replied, "We don't know exactly. We only know that these dreams exist." It seemed she had dropped her peculiar way of speaking, which relieved me. However, her answer still left me in the dark about why these dreams appeared and then slowly vanished.After we stood before the spiral staircase, I thanked the girl and was surprised when she suddenly came up to me and hugged me. Confused, I could only manage a "Huh?" as I had only known her for a few minutes. Eventually, she let go, her face turning bright red. Without saying another word, she ran off before I could stop her. "Hey, wait," I called after her, but it was already too late.After some time, I decided to continue climbing the staircase. I paused again and observed the many bookshelves that filled the room. In the middle of the room, there was an open space with tables where people sat and laughed. I hurriedly climbed the last few steps until I reached the penultimate one. I took deep breaths to calm myself, but suddenly, dizziness overcame me, and I collapsed again.

"Ugh... my head, I really should wear a helmet," I muttered, reaching for my temples as I struggled to get up. Once on my feet, I saw a dune in front of me. A shiver ran down my spine as I thought about how scorching it would be there. Nevertheless, I entered the dune and immediately felt the heat on my skin. I had to shield my eyes from the blinding sunshine. "It's so hot!" I exclaimed as sweat poured from every pore. I took off my jacket and wrapped it around my face to shield myself from the relentless sun.I loosened my shirt a bit and continued walking under the scorching sun. The heat was unbearable, but I bravely pressed on. When I spotted an oasis in the distance, I sprinted towards it, hoping to find some refreshment. But as I thought I had reached my destination, I realized it was just a mirage. Frustrated, I flopped onto my back and stared at the blazing blue sky. "What a nightmare! Who the hell creates such a tower of torment? Either they're a sadist or a masochist." My anger gradually subsided, and I stood up again to continue my journey. "I should experience a real adventure. Fighting monsters, saving people. But no, I work and go on these strange excursions. An unknown monster devoured my leg. I'm so pathetic, miserable, a failure, a loser. I'm just doing the same thing I could do in Japan."Suddenly, I remembered my status window and tried to open it to check my abilities and attributes.As I repeated the command "Open status," I was informed that the 14-day period had expired, and the status window had been removed. Suddenly, I heard a cracking sound, similar to breaking ice, followed by loud bell tones. The window shattered into countless small pieces, transforming into sparkling particles of light.

I was speechless, my brain struggling to process what had just happened. A mixture of confusion and loss engulfed me. What did it mean? How was I supposed to know about my abilities and attributes now?Slowly, I sank to my knees, my face falling into the hot sand. I couldn't help feeling overwhelmed by despair. "Why does this happen to me? How am I supposed to use magic if I don't know the conditions to fulfill? How will I know what level I am?" The questions circled in my mind as I grappled with my own helplessness.The night fell, bringing a sense of coolness. I opened my eyes and noticed that my entire clothing was filled with sand. Even my pants were filled with it. The coolness of the night brought some relief, and I felt myself gradually calming down. Without a goal, without a plan, I simply kept walking.After five days and four nights, I suddenly found myself standing in front of a purple door.

Curiously, I turned the knob and entered an old-looking room. The fireplace crackled softly, and the scent of resin filled the air, mixed with a hint of cinnamon. I stepped into the room, and the wooden floorboards creaked under my shoes.My gaze wandered around, and I noticed a cabinet full of books. Something inside me urged me to read one of them. I pulled out a book with a white and red cover and read the title aloud: "Blood Oath." Curious, I opened the book and immediately immersed myself in its pages. It felt as though I was being drawn into the story.Chapter after chapter, I read without interruption. It was as if the words came alive, transporting me to a different world. A warm sensation flowed through my hands, and as I looked at them, I saw that they were soaked in blood. Surprised, I withdrew my hand, feeling no pain. But the question remained: Why was I bleeding without feeling any pain?

As I examined the book again, a specific passage in the fourth chapter caught my attention. I opened the book and searched for the page that had come to mind. "Here it is," I murmured softly. "The hands of the murderer are smeared with blood. The hands of the sinner can create weapons and shields with the blood of their victims. With a picture, he creates the weapons and kills both adults and children." I furrowed my brow. It seemed like I only understood half of it.Determined, I tried to imagine a wooden scythe. I pictured the weight, the appearance, the color, and the size. I concentrated intensely, feeling the blood on my hands begin to change. Carefully, I closed my eyes, trying to enhance my focus. When I felt something in my hand again and opened my eyes, I saw a scythe, but it was the size of a pencil. I couldn't help but laugh. "It's so tiny, like a doll," I joked, placing the miniature scythe on the table. The blood that had enveloped my hands had already dried.Once again, I approached the bookshelf. However, as I tried to take a book, I simply passed through it. Confused, I tried again and again, but the result remained the same. I thought I had gone crazy and couldn't pick up a book from a shelf. Suddenly, my vision completely blurred. Before everything around me turned black, I could make out a person kneeling in front of me. "I hope you'll save me, my hero," I heard her words before darkness engulfed me.As I slowly regained consciousness, my boss stood before me. She looked relieved and said, "Hey there, little one, you're finally awake. So, you reached the third floor. What did you see there?"

I gathered my thoughts and began to tell her everything that had happened in the desert before the memories slowly faded away.Asia extended her hand, and I gratefully took it as she gracefully helped me up. Although she was smaller than me, her overwhelming strength surprised me. A radiant smile adorned her face as she jokingly remarked, "You're quite late, must have taken your time shopping." My lips formed a wide smile, accompanied by a nod, relieved that she took my slight tardiness in good humor. Together, we continued our way until we stood before a smooth wooden door with shiny silver handles. The door exuded an irresistible elegance and a mysterious aura that heightened my curiosity to the extreme. It was evident that something important and significant lay behind this door. Every pore of my body seemed to tingle with excitement as I absorbed the aura of mystery deep within me.With a graceful gesture, Asia reached for one of the silver handles and slowly opened the door. A faint creak accompanied the movement, and immediately, the gentle scent of old wood and books wafted into my nose. It was a familiar yet still fascinating smell that invigorated my senses and filled me with anticipation.As I stepped through the open door, a surprising scene revealed itself to me. Several people, including some from the tavern, had gathered here. A pleasant noise filled the room, accompanied by cheerful chatter and the clinking of glasses. The room spanned across multiple levels, and I caught a glimpse of a bar and a balcony offering breathtaking views of the sparkling city. My heart skipped a beat as I heard some voices calling out, "Zero is here!" I flinched, feeling a mix of surprise and joy. My face brightened into a faint smile, and I waved back at my acquaintances who had gathered around the bar. It was a moment of warmth and welcome.

I made my way to the bar and ordered myself a "Magic Eye" cocktail. The cyclopean bartender nodded understandingly and began skillfully preparing the drink. In the meantime, I noticed that Shinoa was already drunk, lying on the floor, muttering to herself. It seemed she had already had a wild time.Meanwhile, a group of half-naked, muscular men surrounded Mirajane, attempting to defeat her in arm wrestling. It was a truly impressive spectacle that briefly captured my attention.Finally, I received my finished drink and made my way to a bookshelf. There, I selected a book titled "Tales from Lavara" and began to read from it in a hushed tone. The words floated in the air like music, and I could feel the captivating magic of the stories.Afterward, I headed to the balcony and took a seat on a comfortable chair.

From there, I enjoyed the breathtaking view of the sparkling city while savoring my cocktail to the fullest. The moment of tranquility and literature enveloped me like a gentle breeze, and I felt completely content and happy.After a while, I rose from my seat and stretched extensively to loosen my stiff muscles. The pleasant silence was suddenly interrupted when my gaze fell on a girl with silky black hair. She wore a brightly red dress with frills, which enveloped her delicate frame. But what captivated me the most were her green-blue eyes, brimming with tears, and the pained expression on her face.Confused and concerned by her apparent emotional distress, I took a step closer to her, trying to hide my worry. "Um, are you okay?" My words hung in the air as I attempted to catch her bewildered attention.Without warning, the girl suddenly ran towards me and embraced me tightly. Surprised by her sudden closeness and the intensity of her hug, I froze for a moment as my mind tried to grasp the reason for her behavior. Hesitant and unsure, I put my arms around her, attempting to understand what was happening."Huh?" I said, confused, struggling to find words to clarify the situation and figure out why she was so emotional in my presence. The moment seemed to stretch for eternity as we both lingered in our unusual embrace, and I waited for her to regain her voice.Finally, she calmed down a bit and looked directly into my eyes.

The tears had stopped flowing, and a hint of embarrassment lingered in her gaze. "I'm sorry for hugging you out of the blue, but you looked like someone I once knew," she said softly, as if carefully selecting her words.I was overwhelmed by the situation and didn't know how to react appropriately. The connection she saw in me to an unknown past unsettled me and sent my mind speculating wildly. Despite my own uncertainty, I tried to remain calm and compassionately accept her behavior.

As we finally settled in a cozy spot, I sensed a subtle shift in the atmosphere, as if an invisible connection had been formed between us. Her gaze fell on the book I had recently read, and I could practically see her curiosity piqued. The book was profound and moving; it had emotionally touched me and left a lasting impression."It's quite a sad story," she remarked, her voice slightly muted by the hint of emotional depth the book contained. I nodded in agreement and smiled gently. "Yes, it is. It definitely makes you thoughtful and weighs heavy on the heart. But despite all the sadness, it also has something beautiful and captivating about it. It shows us the human nature in all its facets, and that, in its own way, is beautiful."I felt my words attempting to underscore the significance of the book. It wasn't a superficial story that glided lightly over the surface, but one that delved deep into the human psyche and evoked profound emotions."Oh, I actually didn't ask for your name," she suddenly said, looking at me with a warm smile. "I'm Aestina Noctara, daughter of Caelum Noctara." I was slightly surprised that she mentioned her father's name, but I decided not to dwell on it further, as there might be personal reasons why she did so."Now it's my turn to introduce myself," I continued, to keep the conversation going. "My name is Zero Amane, and I'm the son of Ken Amane."

The conversation about the book was abruptly interrupted as more people entered the terrace, and eventually, all eyes turned towards the sky.

Aestina seemed uneasy and whispered almost inaudibly, "Is it time already?" Her words left me puzzled, and I followed her gaze to find out what she was talking about.Along the wall of the terrace, I noticed a row of cannons, all aimed at the cloudy sky. A muffled sound caught my attention, and suddenly, four red fireballs soared into the air, followed by three green and two blue fireballs. The scene transformed into a spectacular display of colors. The red, green, and blue flames merged together, creating new shades. The air reverberated with a loud bang, and the night sky lit up in breathtaking, vibrant hues.The green and red flames merged into a luminous green, while the combination of blue and red created a beautiful shade of pink. The night was illuminated by this unexpected fireworks display, and the colors danced in a magical interplay across the sky. It was as if the flames were painting the stories from the book into the night sky, depicting the emotions and complexities of life. The people on the terrace marveled at the unexpected spectacle, filling the air with a touch of magic. I felt like I was in a dream as I gazed at the glowing colors, blending beautifully to transform the sky into an enchanting backdrop.

The scene on the terrace took a completely unexpected turn. As I turned back to Aestina, I noticed that most people were raising their arms as if trying to reach for the sky. I was confused and asked, "Huh, what's going on now? The fireworks are already over." But before I could get an answer, I heard the crowd say something together."Three! Two! One! Fire!" A chorus of voices echoed through the night, and suddenly, fireballs shot up into the sky. It was as if the terrace itself had become a place of magic and wonder. The fire magic gradually took the form of a huge dragon hovering majestically above us. The crowd was filled with enthusiasm and admiration as the dragon was drawn in the night sky.Another cannon fired, and this time it released two black, three white, and one purple fireball. As the ascending dragons were hit by the fireballs, their colors changed. The lower part of the dragon shone with white fire, while its back was surrounded by black flames. The dragon's eyes glowed in a mysterious shade of purple.An amazed "Wow" escaped my lips, and I couldn't take my eyes off the impressive spectacle. The combination of fire magic and the impressive skills of the mages brought the dragon to life. It was as if a mythical creature had ascended into the sky, enchanting all of us with its presence.The people on the terrace cheered and applauded the mages for their masterful performance. As the mood gradually settled, and some people began to leave, Mirajane approached me with the slightly tipsy Shinoa on her back. She patted my shoulder and suggested it was time to go as well. I agreed and bid a smiling farewell to Aestina, who also smiled back.

I took my glass and the book I had left on the table and followed Mirajane. At the bar counter, I placed my glass down and returned the book to its original place. As we found ourselves back on the main street, we let ourselves be carried along by the crowd. Mirajane asked me how I liked this year's Dragon Festival. With shining eyes, I raised both hands up and replied enthusiastically, "It was incredible! Honestly, I didn't expect everyone to come together and create a dragon made of fire in the end. It was simply breathtaking!"Mirajane chuckled contentedly and responded, "I'm really glad you enjoyed it so much. The Dragon Festival is always something special, and it's wonderful to see how people are enthralled by the magic and the sense of community."The crowd around us was still in a celebratory mood, and the joy and excitement were palpable.

As we were alone on a secluded side street, I suddenly lost control of my steps and accidentally collided with someone, causing me to fall to the ground. "Ah, I'm sorry, I didn't see you," I reflexively said, trying to hide my unease. I quickly got back up and attempted to offer my hand to help the person up. However, Mirajane swiftly swatted my hand away. "Better not do that, unless you want to end up like him," she warned me sternly.Holding my sore hand, I tried to clarify my confusion, "What do you mean? I just accidentally bumped into him, I only wanted to help!"

As I looked at the person's face, I noticed that instead of eyes, there were strange black buttons sewn in, resembling holes. A cold shiver ran down my spine, sensing an eerie aura around this mysterious figure."H-hey, what's with your eyes?" I finally managed to blurt out, feeling perplexed. Mirajane held me by the shoulder, as if knowing what I intended to do. "That's a slave," she explained with a serious tone. My confusion grew even further as she made this shocking revelation. "A slave? But what's with his eyes?" I continued to inquire, trying to hide my own shock.Before Mirajane could answer, a man in a blue suit and black tie suddenly appeared. "Ah, here he is. I apologize if my slave caused you any inconvenience," he politely excused himself, as if it were a completely normal situation. I was so perplexed and couldn't believe that slavery existed so grotesquely and openly in this fantasy world. It became clear that I must have been naive or simply foolish to think that fantasy worlds were always free of such dark elements.As the man examined me closer, it seemed he noticed my eyes and casually commented, "Those eyes could fetch a good price." His gaze revealed greedy intentions, and I felt an unpleasant threat coming from him. However, before he could take another step towards me, a red scythe appeared beside me. The scythe's handle was adorned with several skulls, and along the deep black blade, which was positioned right at the man's throat, an eerie white grin appeared."Better not do anything foolish, slave trader," Shinoa hissed, still being carried by Mirajane. The menace and determination in Shinoa's voice were palpable.

The scene became even more eerie as the red scythe stood threateningly, ready to strike at any moment.The situation took a terrifying turn as the cruel slave trader placed his hand over the poor slave's back and effortlessly summoned a curved-blade dagger. The dagger's handle was intricately designed, adorned with wavy engravings and blue-white stripes. Before I could grasp his intentions, it was already too late. The dagger was brutally thrust into the slave's back, causing him to emit a scream of pain. I flinched, unable to comprehend the horror of this sadistic act.The slave trader, showing no emotions, coldly urged me to attack. But within me, anger was bubbling like an unstoppable volcano. Shinoa leaped off Mirajane's back and swung her scythe to end the terror. Yet, the slave trader skillfully dodged the lethal attack and hurled his dagger towards Shinoa before she could be hit.Shinoa quickly reacted and kicked the handle of her scythe upwards, causing the incoming dagger to shatter into a thousand pieces. The skull-adorned handles of her scythe started to laugh strangely and frighteningly, as if they had unleashed an eerie power. An eerie laughter filled the street, seemingly coming out of nowhere.The slave trader whistled in amazement and remarked, "That's new." His callous reaction to Shinoa's combat prowess and the mysterious power of her weapon hinted that he must be familiar with supernatural phenomena – or at least used them as part of his business.

Mirajane watched with concern as I hesitated, pacing back and forth in front of the slave, obviously unsure how to handle this difficult situation. "What should I do? He's a human, not an animal or monster," I murmured quietly to myself, allowing my thoughts to run wild.Empathetically, Mirajane tried to reassure me and explained,

"If you want to save him, you'll have to kill his owner, unfortunately. Sadly, due to a pact, this man will die even if his owner dies." Her words didn't make the decision any easier for me, and I felt deeply uncomfortable at the thought of taking someone's life.Desperately searching for alternatives, I asked, "Isn't there any other way? For instance, removing those buttons from his eyes?" My hope was that by doing so, the slave might have a chance at a free life.Mirajane explained with a sad expression, "His eyes are only sewn shut because the cruel trader ordered that he should never see anything again." Slowly, I felt my own desperation grip me, making it hard to breathe.With determination, Mirajane held onto the slave as she had to share a bitter truth with me, "I can't kill anyone unless Asia is in danger.

I'm sorry that I have to burden you with this heavy task, but you'll have to kill him if you want to save him."The conflict within me continued, and I didn't know how to make such a decision. The idea of taking a life to save another was unbearable, but at the same time, I wanted to help this poor slave gain his right to freedom. The certainty that time was running out only intensified my inner turmoil.As I desperately sought a solution and felt the stone pavement beneath me, a wave of determination washed over me. I focused my mana and shaped it into an improvised knife from the pavement. My hands trembled slightly as I held the unusual tool while the slave desperately tried to break free from Mirajane's grip.With deep remorse and a heavy heart, I bowed before the captive man. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry that I have to kill you. You don't have to forgive me," I whispered, hoping he could hear my words, even if they could hardly offer comfort in this cruel situation.

Holding the stone knife firmly and feeling my pulse pounding in my ears, I took a deep breath to steady myself, knowing I had to act now to free the slave from his suffering. With a swift but hesitant thrust, I aimed for his heart and pressed the knife into his chest.The knife pierced his skin, and I felt the resistance of his body weaken. A painful expression crossed the slave's face as the red blood flowed along the blade and dripped slowly onto the ground. Mirajane's gaze showed sadness and compassion, but she let me carry out the heavy decision, as there seemed to be no other way.With every drop moistening the ground, I felt the weight of this cruel decision on my shoulders. Yet, at the same time, I hoped that the man was now released from his suffering and that his spirit could find peace. The conflict between morality and necessity left a deep scar on my soul.The encounter between Shinoa and the ruthless slave trader grew more intense as she transformed her scythe into a dangerous kusarigama. The red chain formed from the lower part of the scythe swiftly wrapped around the trader, holding him firmly like an iron grip.The trader fought desperately, trying to free himself from the chain, but his efforts were in vain. The chain seemed to hold him in an unyielding stranglehold. But that wasn't the only thing that frightened him. As he looked down at the chain, he noticed something eerie – small, hungry mouths moving towards him in the chain's links.Terror filled him as he realized that these little mouths were snapping at him, threatening to devour him. The kusarigama seemed to have a life of its own and wanted to feed on him. Now he was fighting not only for his freedom but also for his life.

The scene was marked by shocking violence as Shinoa approached the slave trader with determination and, with a precise thrust of her kusarigama's blade, severed his throat. The moment was characterized by uncanny speed and precision, and the trader's head was abruptly separated from his body. The lifeless body slumped to the ground, blood spurting from the fresh wound and covering Shinoa in red specks.The extent of the violence and the efficiency of her actions were staggering and demonstrated Shinoa's combat prowess. It was clear that she showed no mercy to anyone who inflicted harm on others or exploited the innocent. Her determination and strength were simultaneously impressive and intimidating.After the bloody act was completed, Shinoa turned to her kusarigama and looked at it pensively. But before she could hold the weapon in her hands, something unusual happened.The kusarigama suddenly disintegrated into a series of small, glowing particles in shades of blue and red.

It was as if the weapon was dissolving and vanishing in a mysterious way.The silence that followed the fight was accompanied by the quiet disintegration of the weapon. Shinoa looked surprised by what had just happened, but she showed no signs of regret or remorse. Instead, she appeared resolute and ready to move on.The lifeless body of the slave trader now lay before her, and the reality of the brutal act she had just committed hung in the air. It was a moment of contemplation and self-reflection as Shinoa weighed the consequences of her actions and possibly confronted her own inner demons.