
The Traveller from another world

Zero_Amane · Fantasy
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4 Chs

The Traveller from another world

It was another Monday morning and I felt tired and exhausted. All I wanted was to stay in bed and sleep. Finally, I managed to get out of bed, put on my blue and white school uniform, left the house, and headed to school. As I walked to school, I looked at my phone, hoping that the day would pass quickly and the weekend would come soon. When I saw my reflection in a store window, I wondered why I was even in a hurry. After all, I was just an ordinary high school student with no special talents or abilities. I lived on the third planet in the solar system and had no magical powers or the ability to participate in the Olympic Games. Compared to other students, I felt weak and average. I was a normal person like everyone else.

On the way to school, I greeted my teacher and my friends. Loid asked me, "Hey Zero, did you finally finish reading the book?" With a sheepish smile, I replied, "Sorry, not yet. The beginning was so boring that I thought I might as well sleep." Loid was annoyed and said, "Then give me my book back if it was so boring." I apologized to him and returned the book. Shortly thereafter, the signal for the start of class sounded. The teacher stood up and called out, "Class is starting, please take your seats now!"

Finally, school was over. "Hey Zero, are you going to the city center today?" someone asked me. I shook my head and explained, "No, I have to buy pork belly today. You'll have to settle for someone else." I grabbed my bag and left the building. As I entered the supermarket, my eyes fell on a billboard that said all meat products were half off. "This is probably the best Monday in two years," I thought, and grabbed two packs of ground beef for tonight's dinner. As I went to the cashier, I suddenly felt something cold on my right shoulder and heard a voice whisper in my ear, "Found you." I jumped and looked around hurriedly, but couldn't see anyone nearby. "Did I imagine that? My lack of sleep is really getting to me," I thought. I paid for the ground beef and then went home.

As I stopped for a while to watch the moon rise between some branches, I noticed that it was a full moon tonight. I wondered if the sky would be clear enough to see the stars. With these thoughts in my mind, I placed my backpack on the concrete ground and opened it to take out my headphones to listen to music.

I tucked the bag of minced meat I had in a plastic bag among my belongings and murmured softly, "I hope my notebooks won't get damaged." Then I closed my backpack, slung it over my back, and turned on my headphones. I pulled out my phone from my left pocket and unlocked it to tap on a music app. I put on my headphones and selected a song to listen to as I walked towards my apartment.

When I stood in front of my apartment, I rummaged in my pocket for my keys and the janitor walked past me. He greeted me and asked how school was. I smiled and told him it was a bit boring, but overall fun. I also inquired about his back, and he said it was a bit sore, but that was normal with age.

I placed my key card on a scanner next to a glass sliding door and entered the building. I took the elevator to the fourth floor and removed my headphones. I walked to my apartment door and placed my card on the scanner again. With a soft click, I pressed down on the door handle and entered my apartment.

I took off my shoes, tossed my card onto the desk next to the entrance door, and hung my jacket and backpack on the coat rack. Then I went into the living room and lay down on the sofa, falling asleep after a while. I fell off the sofa and bumped my arm on the table next to it. I got up and pulled out my phone, realizing it was already 8 PM and I hadn't made any food yet. I took the ground beef out of my bag and went to the kitchen to get a pot and a pan from a drawer and a cabinet. I filled the pot with water and placed it on the stove. In the pan, I heated the ground beef and then added the Bolognese sauce. When the food was ready, I went to the balcony and noticed that the stars were very visible. While eating my spaghetti, I looked at my phone, but there were still no messages.

After enjoying my dinner on the balcony, I returned to the living room. I wanted to sit on the sofa and relax for the rest of the evening. But suddenly I heard something shatter, as if several windows were broken, and a black void surrounded me as I felt myself falling. Panic gripped me and I frantically searched for a way to stop the free fall. The ground was getting closer and I braced myself for impact when suddenly I was floating in the air. I looked around and noticed that I was being held by a girl who was about my age. She had beautiful brown hair and blue eyes that calmed me. She approached me with gentle steps and apologized.

I reached out my hand as the girl offered hers to me and let her pull me up. I was impressed as she conjured two wooden chairs with silky velvet cushions with a snap of her fingers. We sat down, and the girl brushed her silky brown hair back before saying, "I'm surprised you didn't scream or look surprised when you fell down here."

I looked at her and crossed my arms over my chest. "I've read some stories where people are summoned to save the world, but screaming only damages your vocal cords. Besides, it was only ten meters, so it's not worth it to have a few broken bones and that's it." Of course, that was a lie; I just wanted to seem cool to her.

The girl looked at me and started laughing. "No one has ever said that before. Everyone who has ever been here was scared, angry, or very sad. Very few were as calm as you just came down." I smiled a little. "It's not every day that you get summoned, let alone fall down here."

The girl nodded and snapped her fingers once again. Suddenly, a thin book appeared with the title "Dear Zero" on the cover. I was surprised and curious at the same time, wondering what might be written inside.

As I held the book in my hands, I was initially a bit confused. "Uh, my name is written here. Is that normal?" I asked the girl named Sachi. She just nodded and smiled at me. I opened the book and started reading. "My dear son Zero, if you're reading this, I'm already dead, but don't worry, oh, the girl in front of you is named..." I read aloud. So my father had indeed left me a book that was meant to help me on my journey.

Sachi explained to me that she was one of the guides and would accompany me once I reached a certain status. I could choose three abilities of my choice, which were kept low by a system, and the higher my status, the stronger they would become. I could check the effects of my abilities through a system window, including the strength and consumption of my magic reserves. There were also skills that didn't consume reserves and I could use them as often as I wanted.

I continued reading, trying to decipher the rest, but it was too blurry. Sachi explained to me that I could only read the rest once I had become stronger on my journey. "That sounds like in an RPG," I said to Sachi. "But what did my father have to do with this world?"

Sachi didn't directly answer my question, but instead formed a cross with her fingers. "You'll have to find out for yourself," she said. "But now to the important part: You get to choose three abilities of your choice." I already knew exactly which abilities I wanted. "First, the ability to manipulate time as I please, second, the ability to reshape things I see, and lastly, the ability to steal abilities and skills from others." Sachi nodded in agreement and snapped her fingers again.

I stretched out my hand as the girl held hers out to me, and she helped me up. I was impressed as she snapped her fingers and conjured two wooden chairs with silky silk cushions. We sat down, and the girl brushed her silky brown hair back before saying, "I'm surprised you didn't scream or look surprised when you fell down here."

I looked at her and crossed my arms over my chest. "I've read some stories where people are summoned to save the world, but screaming only hurts your vocal cords. Besides, it was only ten meters, so it doesn't really do much except for a few broken bones, and that's it." Of course, that was a lie; I just wanted to seem cool to her.

The girl looked at me and started laughing. "No one has ever said that before. Everyone who has ever been here was scared, angry, or very sad. Very few were as calm as you just coming down." I smiled a little. "It's not every day that you get summoned, let alone fall down here."

The girl nodded and snapped her fingers again. Suddenly, a thin book appeared with the title "Dear Zero" on the cover. I was surprised and curious at the same time, wondering what might be written inside.

As I held the book in my hands, I was initially confused. "Uh, my name is written here. Is that normal?" I asked the girl named Sachi. She just nodded and smiled at me. I opened the book and began to read. "My dear son Zero, if you are reading this, I am already dead, but don't worry, oh, the girl in front of you is named..." I read aloud. So my father had actually left me a book that would help me on my journey.

Sachi explained to me that she was one of the wayfinders and would accompany me once I reached a certain status. I could choose three abilities of my choice, which were kept low by a system, and the higher my status, the stronger they would become. I could check the effects of my abilities through a system window, including the strength and consumption of my magic reserves. There were also skills that didn't consume reserves and could be used as often as I wanted.

I continued reading and tried to decipher the rest, but it was too blurry. Sachi explained to me that I could only read the rest once I had become stronger on my journey. "That sounds like an RPG," I said to Sachi. "But what does my father have to do with this world?"

Sachi didn't directly answer my question but formed a cross with her fingers. "You'll have to find out for yourself," she said. "But now to the important part: You get to choose three abilities of your choice." I already knew exactly which abilities I wanted. "First, the ability to manipulate time at will, second, the ability to reshape things I see, and lastly, the ability to steal abilities and skills from others."

Sachi nodded in agreement and snapped her fingers again.

As I looked at the purple screen in front of my face, I couldn't help but feel like I was in a game. I clicked on the button that said "Magic" and saw that all my abilities were at level zero. Then I clicked on the name "Building" and read the description: "This magic allows the user to create very small things, provided they touch the material they want to transform." I moved on to "Copycat," which said: "This ability allows the user to copy any ability for three minutes, provided they touch the person." Lastly, I clicked on "Clock," which said: "This ability allows the user to envelop their body with time magic. It lasts for three seconds and can only be used once per day."

Disappointed, I looked at Sachi and said, "These are not the abilities I wanted." Sachi laughed and replied, "Of course they are. They are just weakened versions of the ones your father left for you. It would be too boring if you were the strongest from the beginning. You have to start from the bottom and work your way up - that's the principle of weakening and strengthening." I couldn't help but grin at the upcoming adventure. "This will be very exciting," I said. "So when do we start?"

I stood in front of Sachi as she showed me a spiral staircase slowly forming. She told me to climb the stairs and that I would soon arrive at my destination. She also mentioned that my appearance and clothing might be randomly adjusted to match the standards of the world through the transfer. I nodded and stood up from the chair. I approached the spiral staircase and bid farewell to Sachi. I began to ascend the stairs, and after a short while, I saw a wooden door with a golden doorknob. I reached for the knob and turned it. In front of me, I saw fog and thought there might be a lake nearby for me to finally go swimming. However, as the fog cleared, I realized I was very high up and there was a cloud in front of me.

I could hardly believe it and thought it was either a bad joke or that the gods enjoyed dropping me from places repeatedly. I leaned forward and saw several forests, rivers, small towns, and a huge gorge. I wanted to go back when suddenly the step I was standing on broke off, and I fell into the abyss. I cried out desperately, "Wait, wait, wait! This is not a joke anymore, it's easily twenty kilometers!" Suddenly, I was enveloped in light, and my clothing changed. I looked incredulously at my jacket and shoulder bag. I slowly grew angry, thinking that this was a bad joke. I could have used at least a parachute or teleportation ability to avoid plunging to my death.

But then a small window appeared that read, "In ten minutes and fifty-nine seconds, the ability Clock will activate to protect the user from harm." I sighed with relief and relaxed. I thought, "And here I was thinking I was a goner." After a long fall, I saw the ground and noticed that I was enveloped in a blue membrane. I crashed onto the ground with a loud thud, but the earth gave way slightly. I picked myself up and dusted myself off. Then I noticed something on my forehead that felt like a sharp bone. I was about to break it off when suddenly something in my pocket rang and distracted me. I reached into my pocket and pulled out a cell phone. I grinned and said, "A cell phone in a fantasy world? Who would have thought of that!"

I unlocked the phone and saw a missed call from Sachi. I clicked on her name and immediately a call was initiated. I heard a male voice on the other end asking, "Good day, Mr. Amane speaking?" I nodded in agreement and replied, "Yes, that's me. May I ask who's speaking? You don't sound like Sachi." After a short pause, the voice spoke again, "I'm sorry, but for various reasons, I cannot tell you who I am. Your guide said that you need to level up all your abilities to level nine in order to meet and learn more about your stepfather. So, have fun in this world, Zero Amane - oh, no, should I call you Zero Hiroshima instead?"

I collapsed briefly as I heard my old last name, which I had abandoned years ago. I yelled into the phone, "Don't mention that last name! I dropped it years ago!" There was a small beep, and the call ended. I couldn't believe it. Why had that person called me Zero Hiroshima? That wasn't my name. I felt my throat tighten, and I struggled to comprehend what had just happened. Why did I have the feeling that this person knew more than they had revealed? I was confused and frightened at the same time.

I took a deep breath and slapped myself with my right hand to refocus my thoughts on the present. "It won't help now," I said to myself. "I can't undo what happened." I stood up and looked around. I was standing in a vast meadow. The air was much clearer and fresher than back home. The warm rays of the sun, which had just been obscured by a few clouds, now shone down on me. I held my hand up to my eyes and put my phone away. "I don't need it now," I thought.

I took a few steps further, feeling the soft grass beneath my feet. The vastness of the meadow and the beauty of nature around me momentarily made me forget where I was and what had happened. But then the memory of the phone call came back, and the feelings of uncertainty and confusion returned. Who was the caller, and what did they want from me? And why did they call me Zero Hiroshima? I had abandoned that name years ago. I shook my head to clear these thoughts and began to explore the area. Perhaps I would find something here that would help me make sense of the situation. I headed towards a nearby forest, inspired by the beauty of nature surrounding me. It felt like I was free.

As I looked at my shadow, I noticed that there was indeed something on my head. I quickly pulled out my phone and activated the camera to get a closer look. I saw that I had two horns on my forehead, and upon closer inspection, I noticed that my hairline was white. I sighed and thought to myself, "Great, now I look like a grandpa in his fifties, where the black hair slowly turns white."

I also noticed that my eyes looked strange. My left eye had a red cross, and my right eye had four black rings and three white rings. I felt like a complete freak. Suddenly, my phone started to heat up, and I dropped it in pain. When I went to pick it up again, I saw that it was glowing blue and disappearing into small particles. A blue-colored screen appeared in the air, and I read the text out loud: "The object Smartphone is being converted into a hologram, storage duration is 19 days." I was confused and wondered what was meant by "storage." Did that mean my phone was disappearing? After some consideration, I shook my head and decided not to dwell on it. I looked towards the mountains and decided to start walking. The blue screen disappeared as I stopped looking at it. I set off on my journey, wondering what would happen next.

After walking for several hours, I noticed that the air had become heavier, and the wind had picked up. I decided to pick up my pace, and eventually realized that the sun had already set. Suddenly, it started to rain, and I pulled my hood up over my horns. I was annoyed that my hood didn't have holes for the horns, so my face was getting completely wet. I hoped that the next town would have a tailor who could help me.

I ran towards a road I saw, and noticed that the rain was getting stronger. Even my socks were soaked by now. I wondered where the nearest town might be when I suddenly saw a mountain pass. I hoped that there might be a rocky ledge where I could find shelter.

I ran into the mountain pass, and after a few minutes, I saw a small stone house. It was adorned with various glowing runes, and I wondered what they meant. I decided to approach and examine the runes more closely. I was relieved when the old woman opened the door for me, and I could ask for shelter. I had noticed that the air had become increasingly heavy, and the wind had been blowing harder. The rain had become so heavy that I could barely see anything. It was difficult to make progress, and I was relieved when I opened the door and was greeted by the warm air inside.

The woman was friendly and nodded as I asked for shelter. She instructed me to take off my wet clothes and offered me a bath. I could hear the sound of running water at the end of the hallway as I took off my wet shoes, socks, and jacket. I hung my bag on a wooden coat rack and followed the sound of water.

As I walked down the hallway, I saw a young man around my age who looked at me angrily and threw a towel at me. "Dry yourself off with that, demon," he said, and disappeared into one of the rooms. I was somewhat taken aback by his behavior, but I thanked him and used the towel to dry my hair and pants. I entered the room where the young man had disappeared, and saw a small crystal that was shining so brightly that it illuminated the entire room. I was impressed by its beauty and wondered what this crystal was all about. I wanted to touch it, but the old lady pulled me by my shirt and said, "The bath is ready, could you please go to the bath with Leo?" I stood there and watched as Leo argued with his grandma about the situation. I could sense that he was not thrilled as he said, "But grandma, I can't go to the bath with a stranger, that's a bit weird." However, his grandma ignored him and went to the kitchen.

I looked at Leo and said, "I won't eat you either." Leo glared at me angrily and replied, "We'll see about that. Before you kill me, you'll already be six feet under." He snorted and walked past me, disappearing behind the next door. I could sense that demons were apparently as hated in this world as in other stories or movies.

I stepped into the bathtub and Leo looked at me closely. He said, "Well, at least you're not one of the King's minions. That's something good." I replied, "What do you have against me? I haven't done anything, and I'm certainly not a demon fixated on killing. I was raised by humans, after all." Leo grinned and retorted, "First of all, I hate demons that look like humans, and secondly, your parents probably never told you that demons are only here to enslave or eat humans."

I sighed and said, "I don't know what you have against me, that you hate me so much, but I'm not a cannibal or a slave trader. Even your grandma has nothing against me." Leo looked out the window and replied, "I hate your kind because they pretend to be good at first, but in the end, they betray you. And my grandma is blind, she might not even know that you're a demon." I got out of the tub and said, "Then I'll tell her that I'm a human-looking demon and accept any punishment." I dried myself off and put on the clothes that were laid out there. There was a note with something written on it, I guess it was my clothes. Then I went to the kitchen and thanked the grandma for her hospitality. I was about to tell her that I was a demon when she interrupted me and said, "That you're a demon, I may be blind, but my hearing hasn't gotten worse because of it." The grandma smiled gently and continued, "I used to be part of a group that killed your kind, but there are always exceptions. Not everything that looks like evil is evil." The grandma turned around and continued cooking."I decided to accept her offer and stay here. The rain would likely continue overnight. I sat down on the couch covered in fur. Leo came into the living room with a little girl who looked sleepy. I was surprised and asked him, 'Uh, Leo, don't tell me that's your girlfriend, isn't she a bit too young?'"

I grin, He said, "She's just tired, no wonder, she's still a kid, and I don't have that kind of kink! She's my little sister, and you surely have a name too, right?" I nodded, "Yes, I have one, Zero Amane, that's my name." Leo sat down next to me, "And what about your parents?" I looked up at the ceiling, "My mother was very devout and never really acknowledged me, and my father was a very cheerful person who did a lot of things with me, but unfortunately he passed away. What's your sister's name?" The grandma came in with two bowls filled with soup and some meat. "Her name is Marie, here's the soup with some juicy meat." Leo and I took the bowls and started eating. "This juicy meat is very tender and tough at the same time." Leo looked at me with a questioning look, "You've never had rieen before? It's very cheap in the market." I shook my head, "No, this is my first time, but it tastes like pork or beef." Leo was about to say something when there was a knock on the door. Leo stood up and reached out his hand, the air became very cold and small ice particles flew through the air, forming a sword with a blue blade. "Zero, I still don't fully trust you, but please watch over my sister and grandma for a moment, okay?" I nodded. Leo went to the door and a loud scraping sound, like metals rubbing against each other, could be heard. I ran towards the entrance, "Something's not right, a traveler wouldn't knock so hard in this storm without shouting or saying anything!" Leo looked at me in shock. "I took the sword from Leo and stabbed it into the door, something flew through the door and grazed Leo. The grandma came and opened the door, and saw a man holding an icy wound on his leg. "Uh, Zero, doesn't the cold bother you?" Leo asked. "Why shou..." Suddenly, I felt a burning pain in my left hand, and I dropped the sword, which shattered into many ice shards. Half of my arm was frozen with a thin layer of ice. The grandma leaned towards the man, something dark and misty flew over her, and the ground cracked. "Misbehaving ruffians must be punished." The door slammed shut. I looked at the door again, then turned around and went back to the living room.

Leo asked Marie from the first floor to fetch some blankets. She nodded and went upstairs, and brought down three blankets. When she came back downstairs, she threw a blanket to Leo and me. She sat down next to me, leaned against me, and fell asleep shortly thereafter.

When I woke up, I noticed that Marie had used me as a pillow again. I looked at her in surprise and murmured softly to myself, "I'm not a pillow." At that moment, Grandma came into my room with a tray full of bread and hot tea. She handed it to me and said worriedly, "Here, have some warm tea. You were crying in your sleep." I took the tea gratefully, trying to hide my tears. "No, everything's fine. I just had an uncomfortable sleeping position," I replied to reassure her.Grandma took a bite of the bread, and I took a cautious sip of tea. "Tastes like barley tea," I remarked. Grandma looked at me quizzically. "Barley tea? Yesterday, you also mentioned pork and beef. Can you explain to me what that is?" she asked curiously. I looked at Grandma and took another sip of tea before I began to explain. "Um, how do I explain this best... The meat yesterday, for example, tasted like pork or beef. Those are animals that most people roast or cook to eat. Pigs are somewhat pink, and cows are usually big with horns, but both of them don't eat meat, they eat plants. And barley tea is made from grains, but that's all I know, unfortunately," I explained as best as I could.Grandma nodded understandingly and then asked further, "And what's the name of the place where you come from?" I glanced at Grandma briefly and hesitated for a moment before answering, "It's called Japan." Grandma looked at me with a puzzled expression. "I've never heard of that place. Must be outside of Drokin," she noted.

The grandma looked at me and asked, "What is your goal?" I paused for a moment and replied, "Hmm, my goal?" The grandma nodded and said, "A journey without a goal is more like a journey without any motivation." I rubbed my chin thoughtfully. "I think I want to live an exciting life." The grandma sighed and replied, "That's not a goal, but rather a way to approach life. A goal is something you truly want to achieve, and when you achieve it, you can say that your life had meaning."

I looked up at the ceiling and thought deeply. "To be a hero, like from stories or legends, and to have many adventures along the way, I know it sounds childish, but that's what I want to become," I said finally. "A hero, huh," murmured the grandma. I nodded and looked out the window. "I think it's time for me to move on." The grandma looked at me and snapped her fingers. A small flash of light illuminated the room, and a little yellow gem appeared in her hand. She placed the gem in my hand. "Take this as a token of gratitude for helping my grandson yesterday." I examined the small stone and tucked it into my pocket.

"Thank you for the gift. I promise I will come back here one day and show my sincere gratitude for your hospitality," I said to the grandma. I put on my dried clothes and headed towards the front door. As I turned around, I saw the grandma standing there with a warm smile. "I'll be on my way then. Oh, before I forget, please tell the two of them that I'll come visit again, even if they might not like it." The grandma nodded understandingly. "Take care. The next village is about half a day's journey from here." I nodded gratefully. "Thank you, I'll take care of myself." I opened the front door and set off on my way.

After a while, I entered a dense forest. The trees towered above me, and sunlight filtered sparsely through the canopy of leaves. "I think I'll take a short break here. These shoes are definitely meant for long distances," I thought, and I sank down exhausted onto the moss-covered forest floor. My gaze fell on a yellow apple dangling high up in one of the trees. Without further ado, I decided to climb the tree and pick the apple.

With skillful movements, I swung from branch to branch, higher and higher. My heart pounded with excitement and exertion. Finally, I reached the yellow apple and plucked it. I looked at the juicy fruit in my hand and felt a sense of satisfaction. But suddenly, an idea struck me. "I can finally test my abilities now," I said to myself.

I took some soil in my hand and concentrated. I could feel the mana pulsing within me as I used my ability to interact with objects I touched. I shaped the soil according to my will, forming it into a sharp-edged structure. It worked! I had created an earth-made knife. A wide grin spread across my face. "I hope it works," I muttered as I attempted to cut the apple with the earth-made knife. But the knife crumbled back into soil. "Darn, it didn't work. I should probably stick to using stones or wood for now," I said, disappointed.

I was fascinated by my ability and immediately started to train it further. I practiced shaping different elements, experimented with the possibilities my ability offered, and felt like I was getting better with each attempt. Time flew by as I indulged in honing my skills.

Fascinated, I watched the spectacle as I attempted to shape a stick into a spear. It was clear that this world had much more to offer than I had previously realized. I began to wonder if there were other plant species and creatures here that I hadn't discovered yet. My thirst for knowledge was awakened, and I couldn't wait to learn more about this fascinating world.

I regarded the dragons with awe-inspiring respect, but also with a hint of caution. I knew I had to be careful around these mighty creatures to ensure my own survival. Nevertheless, I was enthralled by the diversity and beauty of the world around me.

As I continued on my journey, I made a vow to explore my surroundings in even greater detail. I was curious if I would come across other plant species, animals, or perhaps even other intelligent beings during my travels. The idea of being in a world full of unknown wonders and adventures filled me with excitement and curiosity. I decided to press on, remaining open to whatever this world had in store for me.

As the sun slowly set, I made the decision to continue moving. I packed my backpack and rose from my spot in the forest. With my earth blade in hand, I felt stronger and more confident. I was ready to explore the unknown and face the challenges on my adventure. With a determined resolve, I set out to continue my journey, prepared to continue utilizing my abilities and forge my own path.

After about two hours of walking, I spotted something green and round rolling towards me at an alarming speed. My instincts told me to run, so I kicked my legs into motion and sprinted as fast as I could. However, when I glanced back, to my horror, the rock I had hoped to reach had disappeared, and a massive shadow loomed over me. I looked up and saw the enormous creature hurtling towards me at breakneck speed. Panic seized me, and I exclaimed, "Oh, shit! This thing can jump too. How on earth am I going to deal with this?"

My gaze fell on a nearby rock, and I pinned my hopes on it to provide me with some protection, at least for a while. I reached the rock and placed my hand on it to support myself. To my relief, I noticed that many small spikes had formed on its surface as I touched it. It seemed like the rock had developed some kind of natural defense.

The shadow fell over me again, and I quickly jumped down from the rock just as I heard a loud crash. The monster had landed with full force on the rock, but its natural defense seemed to have rendered it motionless for now. I approached cautiously to get a better look at the creature. Its skin felt unexpectedly leathery, and I was fascinated by the details and texture of its skin. It was obvious that I was dealing with an extraordinary creature when a purple window appeared right in front of my nose.


Level 1 achieved! Congratulations! By successfully defeating an Eon Ciop, you have reached the first level. As a reward, all your abilities have gained one point. Now you have the opportunity to further improve your abilities and become even stronger. When you reach ten points, an ability will level up and its effect will be enhanced. Keep up the good work and explore the world to overcome more challenges and gain even more powerful abilities!

I stared happily at the purple window that had appeared before me. "So I just have to defeat more of these creatures, like in a game," I thought, fascinated. It felt almost unreal that I could improve my abilities by defeating opponents. Normally, it would take years to gather enough equipment and experience, but here it seemed easier.

After taking a short break, I continued my way by retracing the path I had come from. "Now I can't get lost," I said to myself, trying to pay attention to my surroundings so as not to miss the way back. I was motivated to take on more challenges and further improve my abilities to be successful in this world. It felt almost like being in a video game, but with real consequences. I was curious about what adventures and battles still awaited me. As the sun had already set, I spotted a small village near a lake. I felt relieved and thought, "Finally civilization, I thought I was lost." It was surprising that there was even a village in this remote area. As I approached the village, I thought about how it was a miracle that apparently only one Eon Ciop lived in the forest.

Suddenly, I saw two torches coming towards me. The men carrying the torches looked scared and held pitchforks in front of them. "A demon! A humanoid demon has appeared!" one of the men exclaimed. Immediately, I raised my hands in a defensive gesture and tried to explain myself: "Uh, I'm not an evil demon. I may look like one, but I come in peace..."

The men were skeptical and looked at me with suspicion. They seemed trapped in their fear and were not willing to believe me. I felt their tension and tried to remain calm to avoid escalating the situation. I knew that my outward appearance, being that of a humanoid demon, was perceived as threatening to the villagers.

I continued with my explanations and emphasized that I had no hostile intentions and came in peace. However, the men still held their pitchforks ready to defend themselves. I realized that I needed to do more to gain their trust.

So I slowly lowered my hands and tried to speak in a reassuring tone. I explained that I had received the yellow gemstone in my pocket from friendly people in the mountain pass. I hoped that this information would alleviate their fear a little and make them realize that I was not a threat.

The men and I continued to face each other when suddenly a woman in a white robe intervened. She seemed to have some authority over the men and demanded that they lower their pitchforks. "This stone is from the former warrior of the mountain pass." The men reluctantly obeyed, and I was relieved that the situation was de-escalating.

The woman still looked at me skeptically, but I sensed that she was more open-minded than the men. I explained my situation again and emphasized that I had no ill intentions. After a moment of contemplation, the woman finally nodded and accepted my words. "If that's the case, you're really not our enemy or a threat," she said, and I breathed a sigh of relief.

It was a small progress, but I was grateful that I was no longer seen as a threat. I hoped that now I would have the opportunity to communicate with the villagers and find a place to rest here.

I politely thanked the villagers and followed them to the enormous wooden house that was designated as my accommodation for the next few days. It was impressive, with an imposing balcony and three stories that towered high. The wood was carefully crafted and adorned with decorations, showcasing the villagers' craftsmanship and attention to detail.

As I approached the house, I noticed the beautiful flowerbed behind it. The blue and white flowers were mysteriously glowing in the darkness, and some of them were shaped like small red birds, piquing my curiosity. I couldn't help but step closer and examine the plants more closely. Some of them were brown and softly whistling in the wind, while others looked like they were on fire. "They look so beautiful, I wish I could have some," I murmured to myself.

I entered the house and was greeted by a warm and cozy scent that immediately made me feel welcome. The interior was just as impressive as the exterior of the house, with intricately carved wooden furniture, colorful rugs, and cozy fireplace nooks. "The residents had really put in effort," I thought to myself.

I was greeted by an elderly resident of the house who welcomed me to my temporary new home. He told me about the history of the house and how it had been cared for by his family for generations. I listened attentively to his stories and felt the deep connection he had with this house.

I asked the man who greeted me about the unique plants, and he explained to me that the village was known for its unique flora and fauna. He told me that the glowing flowers were called "Nightglow Sky Flowers," and the small red plants were "Bird Paradises." It was fascinating to hear how the nature in the village was so extraordinary.

The man offered me a cup of warm "Sky Tea." I gratefully accepted and followed him to the balcony, which had a breathtaking view of the lake. The four moons reflected in the calm waters, and the stars twinkled in the sky. As I enjoyed my tea, the man told me more about the village and its inhabitants. He explained that they were a small, close-knit community living secluded in the midst of the forest. They had their own way of living in harmony with nature and their unique customs. I was fascinated by the stories and traditions of the village and asked many questions. The man patiently answered all my questions with a smile. It was evident that the villagers were proud of their home and enjoyed sharing it with others.

After finishing our tea, the man invited me to stay in the village and learn more about their culture. I was grateful for his hospitality and gladly accepted his offer. It was a unique opportunity to gain insight into the life and customs of this remote village. In the following days, I got to know the villagers and was fascinated by the diversity of beings that lived there. There were elves, dwarves, and even half-animal people, and there were even creatures I had never heard of before, neither in manga nor in books. It was like a world straight out of fairytales and legends.

Despite my initial differences in appearance and unfamiliar presence, the villagers of the village became increasingly friendly and more open towards me. They showed me their traditional dances and songs, and I was allowed to help with the preparation of their local dishes. It was a wonderful experience to learn about their culture and culinary secrets. However, I also noticed that due to my appearance, there were moments when some villagers did not fully trust me. Some were cautious and observed me from a distance, while others were curious and bombarded me with questions about my origin and abilities. I made an effort to understand their concerns and adapt to gain their trust.

I took time to engage in conversations with the villagers, listening to their stories and experiences. I was impressed by their wisdom and knowledge about nature and the environment, which was reflected in their way of life and customs. They lived in harmony with the rhythms of nature and respected it in a way that I had not seen in my world before. As I helped with some of their daily tasks, such as planting Nightglowing Skyflowers or gathering herbs, the villagers gradually began to trust me more. They recognized my honesty and respect for their culture and connection to nature. It was encouraging to see how our relationship developed, and I increasingly felt like a part of the village community. I was also fascinated by the different skills and talents possessed by the villagers. Some were skilled craftsmen, creating intricate handicrafts, while others used their magical abilities to protect and preserve the village. It was a world full of wonders and secrets that I discovered more of with each day I spent in the village.

I was particularly impressed by their deep connection with nature and their sustainable way of living. They carefully tended to their surroundings and lived in harmony with the rhythms of nature. It was a wonderful experience to share their wisdom and knowledge and learn from them.

As I entered the house where I had been invited a few days ago, the priestess bid me farewell, and one of the soldiers led me to the living room. I sat on a wooden chair and asked, "Um, why do I have to wait here?" The soldier behind me whispered, "You're waiting here for the Appraiser. She checks if the flames on your stone are real or not."

Then an older woman entered the room. She asked me to show her the stone in my pocket. I took out the stone and handed it to her. She accepted the stone and placed it on the table. With practiced fingers, she stroked the glowing red flames on the stone and nodded in satisfaction. "Real," she said curtly and handed the stone back to me.

Curiously, I asked her, "What do the different colors of flames on the stones actually mean?" The woman smiled and explained, "Red flames mean that the person should be executed immediately. Yellow flames indicate that the person is under the protection of a country and should be left alone. Violet and purple flames mean that the person is okay."

I nodded in understanding and said, "So each color has its own meaning, and the stones are distributed by different soldiers depending on where you live. But why are they only distributed to newcomers outside of big cities, and what happens in the cities?" The woman nodded and explained, "Yes, exactly. The stones are mainly distributed to newcomers living outside of big cities. However, there are different systems in the cities, but you will experience that for yourself."

The soldiers eventually led me into a room with a simple bed, a table, and a chair. As I looked around, I asked the soldier, "Is there anywhere I can work here? I don't have money to pay for the room right now."

The soldier smiled kindly and said, "No problem. Starting tomorrow, you will work here to cover the costs of the room, until the evening of the Four Moons."

I looked at him puzzled and asked, "Four Moons? What is that?" The soldier shrugged and said, "The Four Moons are when the sky splits and four different moons are lined up in succession. That's common knowledge."

I scratched my head and explained, "Uh, in my homeland, there's only one moon. Different sects or countries may have worshipped it as a god, but I believe it has a different meaning here. Why is it so important?"

The soldier shrugged again and said, "I have no idea, maybe we hope it will result in a good harvest or something. I have to get back to my post now, see you tomorrow." I closed the door behind me and sank into the chair next to the table. My gaze fell out of the window and suddenly I noticed that there were indeed four moons here. Due to the low light pollution, I could clearly see the stars in the sky, and I was fascinated by the sight. It was a wonderful sight that I had never seen before. I sat there for a while, letting my gaze wander into the infinite expanse of space, when suddenly noise broke the silence. I turned around and saw a man with a bull-like lower body who had opened the door. I was surprised by his appearance and cautiously called him "Minotaur". The hybrid creature held his lance in front of my nose and spoke something, but I couldn't understand him.

The Minotaur came closer and grabbed my arm roughly. I winced in pain and asked him to be gentler. He just snorted and pulled me into the interior of the village. The villagers looked at me fearfully as the Minotaur pushed me towards them. Suddenly, another creature with a bull-like head and a human lower body emerged from the midst of the Minotaurs. It seemed to be the leader, and he spoke to the villagers on behalf of his ruler, demanding the submission of the land. I felt my anger rise and decided to use my abilities. I held a stone tightly and infused some mana into it to create a small knife. It worked perfectly, and I noticed that it was sharp as well. With the knife in hand, I felt a little safer and ready to defend myself. I didn't know what the Minotaurs wanted here, but I was determined to resist their threat and use my powers to protect myself and the villagers. I closed the door behind me and sat down on a chair next to a table. I stared out of the window and suddenly noticed that there were indeed four moons here. Due to the low light pollution, I could even observe the stars. I spent some time gazing at the sky when suddenly noise broke the silence.A man with a bull-like lower body opened the door, and I turned around. I noticed the lower part of the man's body resembling a Minotaur. "Uh, Minotaur?" I said uncertainly. The creature held its spear in front of my face and spoke something, but I didn't understand. It approached and grabbed my arm roughly. "Hey, not so tight!" I protested. The Minotaur snorted and pulled me into the interior of the village. Most of the villagers looked at me fearfully as the Minotaur brought me to them. Another being with a bull's head and a human lower body stepped forward from the midst of the Minotaurs and spoke to the villagers. "Dear inhabitants of this nameless village, we Minotaurs are here in the name of our ruler to conquer this land," he declared. I held the stone firmly in my hand and let some mana flow into it to create a small knife. "Great, it works, and it's sharp," I thought contentedly. A Minotaur approached me and spoke unintelligibly again. "Um, I need someone to translate for the Minotaur, as I don't understand him," I said to the villagers. One of them tapped me on the shoulder and said that the Minotaur wanted me to stand up and accompany him forward. I thanked them and put the knife in my jacket before standing up. When I stood in front of the Minotaur with the human lower body, he suddenly grabbed me by the throat. "Our first victim," he said grimly. I pulled the knife out of my jacket pocket and cut the Minotaur's wrist artery. He let go of me and held the bleeding wound. With tears in my eyes, I approached him. "No one grabs me by the throat!" I shouted at him. One of the Minotaurs tried to attack me, but I skillfully dodged, and the attacker instead hit the wounded Minotaur.I went to the dead Minotaur and took the sword he carried with him. A dark smile crept onto my lips. "Now it's going to be a slaughter," I thought, swinging the sword. With a powerful swing, I cleaved the Minotaur's head in half. The villagers of the village looked at me with fearful eyes as I confronted the Minotaur. I noticed their terror and lowered my hood to show them that I was not a monster that would devour or enslave them. "Otherwise, I would have just killed all of you too," I said, smiling gently. A murmur ran through the crowd, and one of the villagers stepped forward. "Thank you for saving us today," he said. I thanked him and was about to leave when a pungent smell reached my nose. "Yuck, their blood is everywhere, even in my shoes, and my hair is even dyed red. How did that happen?" I exclaimed in disgust. A young boy tugged at my cloak and offered to help: "If you'd like, we can wash your clothes for you. We also have a shower made of Zuriko wood, as a thank you for helping us." I crouched down to the boy and smiled gently. "Thank you, I gladly accept that offer," I said, relieved by the villagers' friendly gesture. Together, we went to their shower made of Zuriko wood, and I enjoyed washing the bloody mess off my body. The warm shower was soothing and refreshing, and I felt much cleaner and more comfortable afterwards. After changing into clean clothes, the villagers offered me a meal, which I gratefully accepted. We sat around a fire and exchanged stories. The villagers told me about the Minotaurs who had been harassing and terrorizing them for weeks. They were grateful that I had helped them, and I felt good knowing that I had made a difference.