
two days earlier

( two days earlier) I'm sorry my king T'chaka it's been five days since the incident happened with prince N'jobu we currently have no way of waking him if we could do a evaluation of his body I could give you a further explanation of what happened to his majesty prince N'jobu " fine I permit you to do your evaluation on him but the entire royal family will be there so go ahead and get ready now" yes my king as you decree ( two hours later in the lab )

So we have just received all the results from the evaluation and I don't know how to explain this but he is not regular my king

" what do you mean by that you better explain what you are saying right this second or else" calm down father let him explain first a young T'chala says as he tries to calm down his father I'm sorry my king I misspoke I meant to say he is extraordinarily let me explain when we put his body in a energy scanner we discovered off the charts readings so high that the equipment was malfunctioning so we had to rely upon a device made by the genius Princess shuri and the readings we got where phenomenal I'll let the princess explain it she is more knowledgeable than me " so you are telling me that my 8 year old daughter is smarter than you a professional and she created this device that you use to make a evaluation ( he turns to shuri shocked and in disbelief)

Please daughter tell me about your brother first then enlighten me about your recent endeavors first all of you doctors leave guards as well this shall be private just me and my family( all the guards and staff bow and leave) now go ahead my child " yes father I found that his body is in excellent if not other worldly condition his body is being powered by some sort of limitless energy and his body has completely changed its composition has been altered in a weird way his bones seem malleable and elastic but his skin is impenetrable I couldn't even draw blood from him I had to use his own finger nail to cut his palm and I was shocked to see his skin just healed instantly I had to do it fast a second time to even get his blood and I was yet again shocked to see that his dna seems to be constantly shifting from one form to another so I tested it and it came back that he is no longer a full human being he is a shapeshifter and what he becomes you won't believe " can he shapeshift into a black panther and are his eyes golden" father how did you know I haven't even told anybody not even the scientist how did you know that " those are the characteristics of the panther goddess bast our goddess he has become a Demi god he is a child of bast now he is no longer just royalty he is the son of a goddess now he is a god him self we cannot let this information leave this room at all do you two understand me" yes father (T'chala and Shuri say in unison) but father how do we explain this to mother and the elders when he awakes T'chala asks " we will just organize a challenge for the throne where we get someone who will lose as the challenger and they just take the loss who do you think will do it we must ask Okoye she will do it for us" so we must take this news to her and see what she will say (Okoye suddenly burst in the room as she quickly closed the door behind her )I accept my king considering it was me who was outsmarted by a eleven year old boy who then knocked me out with one hit "Okoye it is fine I am not angry with you I will not be angry about our goddess's will you are forgiven but as punishment you must serve him for the rest of your life as his retainer and guard is that okay with you" yes my king I graciously accept this honor. Okoye were you hiding behind the door the entire time "yes prince T'chala" (she says embarrassed) "okay summon the guards and have them bring N'jobu back to his room everyone once again don't tell anyone what happened today" yes king. They all say in unison