
huh am I really talking to a goddess

As i open my eyes i notice immediately that I must be In the ancestral plane I look around and all I see are three panthers staring at me like I'm prey as I look at them I hear the one in the front say" so you are the otherwolder the toaa sent me huh" wait you know where I'm from " of course I'm a goddess not any the panther goddes bast protector of wakanda and I've got to say I'm very impressed with your wise actions todaybut you must know that you are not alone in this world and because of that there will be events that you will not expect to happen but since you were not only person from your world to come and ever since I had received my own champion I got a little carried away and bragged about how powerful you would become and that you would be the strongest one and word sort of got to all the other champions and they have all agreed to a free for all war starting in one years time so in 2012 it becomes free reign for war against each other to decide who is the strongest champion so you get some time " ok ok slow down you know for a god i mean goddess you talk a lot with out really explaining so you're saying they're other people from earth here and they want to fight and because you talk to much I have a target on my back I'm only five I can't fight a war against people who've had their abilities longer than me do you even know what they can do who they are " no I'm sorry I don't know for sure but rumors are they are all cosmic level strength but don't worry I have a plan I will give you some of my power you will become my new vessel that means you'll get some of my divinity and you become my proxy on earth and I never asked but what abilities did you get from toaa " he gave me all the powers of the stone of power you know the infinity stone " can you repeat that please I'm not sure if I heard you right" the power stone haven't you heard of it " oh my self I can't believe I just heard that you have the power stone where is it do you hold it how do you use it how strong is it " I don't know I don't know and I don't know I've never actually been able to activate it I don't know how this thing doesn't have a owner's manual " don't worry I'll give you a little gift to make everything simpler for both of us but you need to give me some of your power to make it work just give me your hand" as I gave her my hand I hear her in my head saying can you hear me" yes i can use this when I wake up this is perfect we can communicate whenever I need your help speaking of wake up I better hurry up here before I get in very big trouble " yeah you can go now we don't have to be here any longer now that the transfer is almost complete you will be able to converse with me when you wake up my avatar can freely communicate with me so say farewell to here and let's get started on our journey" so I close my eyes and reopen them to see a the very familiar ceiling of my room in the castle as I race to get up I realize I've been returned to my room so I jump out the bed and realize that I am not alone guards rush in my room screaming "he's awake my king one steps to me and says get ready my prince you must get ready for your trial" huh my what I say completely jolted awake as bast says telepathically " ohh no we just got here how are we already in trouble "

hey let me know if you like it and if I should change it

Lintavious_Kelly_7483creators' thoughts