
10 years later

10 years have passed since I've been reincarnated in marvel and I've got to say it's been very peaceful for the marvel universe I haven't had any success in activating my abilities but I have a plan I've been working on for a year or two and today is the day I act as I leave my room in a attempt to make it out of the castle I heard people talking while walking in my direction so I make a break for it down the hall as I'm running I bump into a wall and hit the floor I look up and see okoye the future leader of the dora milaje I stiffened up at her words " hello my prince what are you doing outside of your room at this time and this time don't tell me you're just thirsty or you want a snack I've been getting reports from my ladies of a young boy running around the castle and the capital so tell me what are you doing" ok ok I will I have no choose at this point now do I I'm going to look around the capital since I was born I wasn't able to get to see the outside I've been cooped up in the castle all my life " you are five my prince" I don't see your point besides I can't get in trouble for being curious can I besides if you let me go now I'll make it up to when you need a favor so what do you say " well I don't know how well I can trust a 11 year old so how about I accompany you to wherever you need to go and in return you repay the favor when you get older " yeah ok I will do that but you have to keep everything you see tonight a secret ok " I will I swear on the goddess bast now let's go before we both get caught doing something we're not supposed to"ok let's go but how are we gonna get in is the problem cause I know it's guarded I know we can get in with how strong we are " what are you talking about guarded I mean what place are you thinking about using force to enter we don't need any of that to get in a place with guards if you have me" you're right I have the great okoye as my own personal guard so let's go straight to the garden of heart shaped herbs "Excuse me my liege but I don't have any way of getting me let you into there and I do understand what you mean by using force but I don't know if I should allow you to do that my prince that is a very sacred place to the whole country I could never go against our goddess and the royal family I can't " ok so you don't have to anymore so I can go by myself I have to know but I don't want to do this to you so I knock her out before she could even say something and keep going towards the garden of heart shaped herb as I get there I see no guards there wondering why I don't see anyone so I just run in look around for the herb I've been out so long it's starting to get late I need to hurry up as I look I see one so I start to cut it off as I hear voices come this way it must be the guards so I just sit down and devour the whole plant instead of crushing it as I lay back and close my eyes as I feel something come over me the last thing I see is a guard enter the tent and scream help as I go under my last thought was god help me