
The Throne of Sovereignty

A lone Dragon even after having the strongest ability of Void at his disposal can't escape the restrain of a Soul contract made by his ancestors to serve king, which made him slave of the Dragon King. But one day an opportunity presented itself in front of him. To finally set himself free from the contract that binds him. He took it, so that he can create a better future for himself and his loved once. However all his hopes tumbled down on him because king has destroyed everything that he held dear to his heart. Even killing him or so as king has thought. It is said that, when the night is darkest, that is when the star shines brightest and on that night Alex was given an opportunity to gain back everything he has lost, he was reincarnated as a Human. Join Alex on his adventure where he fight back against every odd and reach a territory uncharted by any Mortal or God and ascend to the Throne of Sovereignty. ~ From AKPOV ************************************************************ PS: This novel will introduce more races like Humans, Demons, dwarves and Elves later. The initial chapters will focus on the life of MC as Dragon and some important historical event which has triggered the current scenario as well as important characters which will have huge impact on story later. By the end of Vol. 1 the cover of novel will make more sense therefore i request you to patiently read the first arc before judging the story. Disclaimer: Please Note that the novel cover is not owned by Author. Credit goes to respective Artist. A/N: If you wish to support author please visit ko-fi.com/akpov.

AKPOV · Fantasy
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40 Chs

The Evolution

Azmath POV

It has been a week since I have cleared 99th floor and was waiting for other's arrival.

I thought at first that seeing me climb the tower with him, Alex would show his competitive spirit and try to reach the 99th floor before me, but he has not which only meant he is buying time for whatever he has planned.

But I don't have to worry about him, since he can't run away from me this time.

Having nothing to do but wait I arrived at the massive 200 meter golden circular portal frame, which can only be activated by Guardian Alex, a fine arrangement made by previous guardian Adam thinking that he can free his bloodline from my grasp but his actions will be the reason for the annihilation of his bloodline.

My focus shifted from the portal frame to my space rune where I had stored many items but one particular crystal attracted my attention. I retrieved it and could see that soon cracks started to appear on its surface and in the next second it shattered leaving a black gas behind which dissapitated into thin air.

My brows furrowed because it could only means that 4th Leader Lucius was dead but what could possibly be strong enough to kill him in this tower after having the lifesaving artifacts I have given him.

There was one thing or to be precise one man 'Guardian Alex'. Not long after that another crystal which belonged to 1st leader Morris broke which cannot be coincidence but instead of worrying about what has happened a smile appeared on my lips.

No matter how many leaders you kill or what reinforcement you may bring, the outcome of our battle will not change. You will die by my hands Alex.


Alex POV

Using [Punisher] sword to perform the last [Void slash] was a good decision because when the sword blew itself inside the Morris's heart there was no he would survive.

If Demion has used [Aurora] sword to attack Morris there was a chance that somehow Morris would have survived and Demion was in no condition to fight after using his [Soul sacrifice] ability.

Even after using [Punisher] sword and inflicting double damage on Morris's heart I was not sure that he would die but it had more chances of killing him.

But thing turned out in Demion's favor because soon Morris's huge lifeless body fell to the ground and so did Demion's, but he was exhausted.

His soul has weakened considerably to the point that even if he recovers his strength any leader can kill him in one [Dragon breath].

He will not be useful in the upcoming fight but he has served his purpose anyway, killing 1st leader removing a bothersome opponent from the equation.

My thoughts paused when I looked at Demion who was staring in my direction but his facial expression were that of a dying man and soon my attention turned toward the claws of Morris, where two fist size time artifact were blinking akin to time bomb.

Without wasting a millisecond I activated my ability [Void sense]. It was a mental ability which protected me from any mental attack and at the same time removed unnecessary thoughts from my mind, helping me take the best possible decision, increasing my thought process by ten times compared to normal dragons.

I evaluated many possibilities; how can I retrieve Demion from the dome. As per my observation till now, the stones had a safety mechanism installed in it to prevent them from getting into wrong hands but the detonating time of each stone differed according to how much energy it contained.

In case of Lucius the stone took 2 to 3 second but when the stone from the sword of Morris exploded it took it only 1.6 second. It proved that the more energy the stone contained the more time it took for it to detonate.

Currently Morris was holding the unutilized stones which meant that, I had at least 4 to 5 seconds.

My mind was running at a full speed to find a way to save Demion because I cannot influence the space inside the dome I have to think of something else. I cannot summon any beast outside the dome for assistance otherwise they would be counted as new participant making the trial mess again.

But soon things turned out to be in my favor because sensing that one of the participants was dead and no further fight was scheduled after this fight, the dome started to dissolve from its center.

Immediately sensing the connection with the space inside the dome I distanced myself few kilometers away from the dome and equipped myself with an extraordinary looking armor which was made with the heart of an earth dragon monarch.

Using my ability [Warp] I moved both the stones from Morris's claws into my hands. I distanced myself quite far from the dome before retrieving stones because if I get stunned by those memories again and the blast reaches the place where Demion was lying unconscious, everything would be in vain, and just as I had expected, I once again received a jolt of electricity run through my body making me stun for few seconds.

A huge explosion occurred where I was standing but I stood in my place without any care. Few second after recovering from the effect of those memories, I was greeted with the intense hellfire around me burning everything to the last atom but due to protection of the armor I was unscathed.

With a wave of both my hands, the space around me got suppressed and the dust and fire extinguished instantly. I used [Warp] again to appear in front of demion who was lying unconsciously on the ground, with a faint satisfied smile on his lips which I had rarely seen.

It was about time the contract gets fulfilled and with my thoughts a mana contract appeared before me and converted into a crystal containing the memories of Morris's fight with demion's father.

Soon a portal appeared not far away from us signaling us to proceed further but Demion was in no condition to proceed further. His condition was critical to the point I was not sure if I should store him inside the [Quick seal] and whether he would survive.

If Celine would have been here, i would have taken her help for healing Demion but she was needed in Andrew's group in order to track the research facility.

Not far from me the corpse of morris was laying, which would be a waste to not take with me. It would sell for handful of amount in black market with Lucius's body. Collectible things like this not came every day in the black market.

I also stored the broken pieces of Dragon heart of Morris inside space pocket. Even if it was broken it didn't mean it was useless. The starting point of making a draconic weapon was to melt the dragon heart, which was in shape of a hard rock.