
The Third Life of Maximus

In a world reshaped by superheroes and extraordinary events, Maximus Carter is no ordinary teenager. Living his third life, Max was once a revered Roman general and later a powerful wizard in a fantasy realm. Seeking peace and tranquility, he chose to reincarnate as a regular human boy, suppressing most of his memories and powers from previous lives. Adopted by the Carters, a prestigious military family in Brooklyn, Max grows up blending into the modern world while slowly rediscovering his extraordinary heritage. As he navigates school, friendships, and the complexities of his new life, he begins to unlock his latent abilities and ancient knowledge. With the emergence of superheroes and a world on the brink of great upheaval, Max faces the challenge of balancing his past and present selves. Guided by dreams and visions of his former lives, he must decide how to use his powers in this new era. Will he embrace his destiny as a Dragonborn and protect the world from impending threats, or will he seek a quieter path, honoring his longing for peace? "The Third Life of Maximus" is a tale of self-discovery, family, and the enduring power of ancient magic in a modern world.

Ye_Feng_6696 · Movies
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27 Chs

Chapter 10: Dreams of the Past

As Max settled into the routine of kindergarten, something unexpected began to happen. He started having vivid dreams—dreams that felt strangely familiar yet distant, like echoes from another life. In these dreams, Max found himself in fantastical realms, wielding powers and facing challenges that defied explanation.

One night, he dreamt of soaring through the skies on the back of a majestic dragon, the wind rushing through his hair and the landscape unfolding below him like a sprawling tapestry. He felt the thrill of freedom and the power of flight, sensations that stirred something deep within him.

Another night, he dreamt of standing on a battlefield, surrounded by warriors clad in armor, with banners fluttering in the wind. He wielded a sword with skill and precision, leading a charge against an unseen enemy. The clash of steel, the roar of battle, and the surge of adrenaline filled his senses.

These dreams left Max both exhilarated and perplexed. He couldn't shake the feeling that they held a deeper meaning, a connection to his past lives. Yet, they also left him with a sense of longing and uncertainty, as if he were searching for something elusive.

One morning, Max woke with a determination he hadn't felt before. He knew he needed an outlet for the energy and emotions stirred up by his dreams. Sports and martial arts seemed like the perfect solution—physical activities that could channel his restless spirit and provide a sense of focus and discipline.

During recess, Max approached Lily, who was chatting with a few other classmates. "Hey, Lily," he began, his voice tinged with excitement. "Do you want to join me in trying out for the school soccer team?"

Lily looked surprised but intrigued. "Soccer? That sounds fun, Max. I've never played before, though."

"It's okay," Max replied, his enthusiasm contagious. "We can learn together. It'll be an adventure."

Lily smiled, nodding eagerly. "Okay, let's do it!"

After school that day, Max approached Mrs. Thompson to ask about joining the soccer team. She was supportive, explaining the tryouts and offering encouragement. Max felt a surge of determination, ready to embrace this new challenge.

At home, he shared his decision with John and Margaret. They listened attentively, proud of Max's initiative and curiosity. "That sounds like a great idea, Max," Margaret said with a smile. "Sports can be a wonderful way to stay active and make new friends."

John nodded in agreement. "Just remember to have fun and do your best, Max. We're proud of you no matter what."

Encouraged by their support, Max eagerly awaited the day of the soccer tryouts. He and Lily practiced together in the park, kicking the ball back and forth, laughing when they stumbled and cheering each other on. Max found joy in the camaraderie and the challenge of mastering new skills.

The day of tryouts arrived, and Max felt a mix of nerves and excitement as he lined up with other hopefuls on the field. The coach explained the drills and evaluated each player's abilities. Max gave it his all, running, dribbling, and shooting with determination.

Lily stood nearby, cheering him on with encouraging words. "You've got this, Max! Show them what you can do!"

Max pushed himself harder, fueled by a newfound sense of purpose. He remembered the dreams of battles and bravery, drawing strength from those distant echoes. When the tryouts ended, he felt exhausted but exhilarated, proud of his effort and eager to see the results.

A few days later, the coach posted the list of players who made the team. Max's heart raced as he scanned the names, searching for his own. When he saw it—Max Carter—he couldn't contain his excitement. He had made the soccer team.

That evening, Max celebrated with his family over dinner. John raised his glass in a toast. "To Max, the newest member of the soccer team! We're so proud of you."

Margaret smiled warmly. "Congratulations, Max. You worked hard for this."

Kyle grinned. "Way to go, little bro! Maybe now you can teach me a thing or two."

Max beamed with pride, feeling a sense of accomplishment and belonging. Soccer had opened a new chapter in his life, one filled with teamwork, challenges, and the thrill of competition. As he drifted off to sleep that night, he wondered what other adventures awaited him.

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