
The Template of Whitebeard

Hey Guys! One piece fanfic for one piece lovers who don't have much one piece fanfics.left in webnovel to read. And this is not my novel and if you wanna read the original go to MTL Bound Luck: Get The Whitebeard Template at the Start And I will start psoting one piece and few other fanfics on webnovel for you to know other fanfics which you might get interested and you can go check it out in Original site and supporting them. And if you guys are like due this novel is good but the translation isn't nice and if your willing to support me contact me and let me know I am ready to work hard by translating these fanfics so you can get a better read

Manish_Raj_0322 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 8: Sorry, I'm Xu Fan on the 5th floor!

[Important notice! Diatdu, a player from the Fried Fish Country, is confirmed dead in an extraterritorial forbidden area! ]

A piece of exciting news appeared in each player's live broadcast room.

This is the first time that all players in the world have died since they entered the forbidden area!

Even before that, many people thought that the first player to die in the forbidden area would be Xu Fan from the Yan Kingdom.

For a time, many viewers directly quit the live broadcast room they were watching, and moved to the live broadcast room of the fried fish country players.

Like Xu Fan, this player was born in the snowfield area.

And the materials prepared by this player are quite sufficient.

But unfortunately...

Even with warm clothes, the player was still unable to withstand this harsh environment.

After entering the forbidden area, he instinctively wanted to get out of this area.

As a result, he accidentally entered the field of the wolf pack.

After encountering the Sentinel Wolf, he did not take the prudent approach of Xu Fan.

Instead, attack directly with a pistol.

But this player's spear skills are not very good.

Not only did Xuelang fail to be seriously injured, but his arm was numb.

Plus the ammo is limited.

In a short while, the players of Fried Fish Country fell into the encirclement net.

After a lot of struggle, it's too late.


The athlete was bitten through the neck by the snow wolf who rushed up, and the blood spurted like a column, and he fell to the ground quickly.

Fierce snow wolves continued to pounce one after another, desperately biting at his flesh and blood.

The calves, arms, and ears were torn off one by one in the snow wolf's bite.

The whole picture was so **** that the director had to do mosaic processing.

Many viewers who were eating almost vomited up the next day's food.

And the influx of Yan Kingdom audience.

I felt even more afraid after a while.

Because their player Xu Fan encountered this thing just now!

"It turns out that the combat power of this thing is so terrifying."

"Wait, look at the surrounding environment, it's exactly the same as our little brother Xu Fan. The players from Fried Fish Country are in the same area as the players from our country!"

"When you say that, it seems like it's really, wait, doesn't that mean that the crisis of little brother Xu Fan has not been resolved?"

A lot of bullet screens floated past.

Although they were also very sympathetic to what happened to the players from the Fried Fish Country, at this time, they had to worry even more about Xu Fan's safety.

after all…

Everyone has their own selfishness.

Especially when rising to national heights.

Everyone hopes that the players representing their own country can return safely.


The death of the Fried Fish Country player was just the beginning.

With his death confirmed.

Punishment followed.

In various cities in the country of fried fish, the dead began to appear frequently.

It not only caused a certain degree of panic to the public.

Just how to deal with these corpses made the official feel numb.

Besides, for a small country like Fried Fish Country, the sharp drop in population of 10 million is no joke!

The nationals of the Fried Fish Country, who have been following the live broadcast in the forbidden area, became even more angry.

On the public screen, he frantically vented his dissatisfaction.

"This guy is simply the biggest trash in our country, how can we choose him to go to the forbidden land!"

"Ten million people lost their lives because of him. I suggest that he be nailed to the pillar of human shame! And his family, never let them go, they should pay for their lives!"


This incident also made everyone realize...

The reminder about forbidden places is no joke.

All human beings can indeed receive the gift of the forbidden land.

But in contrast, the forbidden area is also watching their lives!

The players representing the country are really bound to the luck of the country!

After entering the live broadcast room of the players of Fried Fish Country, the audience of Yan Guo quickly returned to Xu Fan's live broadcast room.


He began to pray for Xu Fan in his heart.

Hope he is safe and sound.

In the forbidden area outside the territory.

Xu Fan didn't know anything about the outside world.

The notification of the player's death is only for the audience in the live broadcast room, and does not inform the players in the restricted area.

At this time, Xu Fan was still following the paw print of the snow wolf.

Even he couldn't figure out how long and how far he had walked.

But the good thing is...

Everything was as Xu Fan expected.

The snow under my feet was not as thick as before.

Explain that he is leaving the snowfield.

very smooth.

"Although it is a fierce beast in the forbidden area, it has no wisdom after all, and it has no anti-tracking awareness."

Xu Fan couldn't help thinking to himself.

He felt that apart from using tools, this was also the biggest gap between man and beast.

If this snow wolf is smarter, after encountering a strong enemy, instead of looking for a companion, he will take the enemy to a dangerous place with the idea of ​​sacrificing himself...

Of course, even if the current situation shows that the other party is not as smart as he thinks, Xu Fan still prepared for the worst.

"So, no matter when, you can't be on the first floor."

"Although from the current situation, Xuelang's footprints are taking me out of here."

"But also prepare for the worst."

Xu Fan deliberately walked in the area where the wolf's footprints fell.


Every time I try to test with my toes.

Once the situation is not right, the other foot of UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is enough to support the center of gravity, so that he will not fall into the trap hidden under the snow.


This is also the reason why Xu Fan has not been able to walk fast.

And the guests in the live broadcast room were even more stunned at this time.

Especially the King of Soldiers and Brother Qiang.

They themselves are experts in wild survival.

But compared with Xu Fan, they suddenly had a feeling that they didn't know anything about survival in the wild.

"Our country's players are... too stable, aren't they?" Brother Qiang couldn't help taking a deep breath.

At first, he thought that the reason why Xu Fan could not walk fast was because of the influence of the environment.

But after some observation, he suddenly found out.

Xu Fan had always been alert to the dangers that might exist under the snow!

After realizing this, Brother Qiang couldn't help but complain in his heart.

"I thought I was on the second floor and Xu Fan was on the first floor, but now I realize that he is on the fifth floor!"

"He can even notice such details. In that environment, is his psychological quality really what a human being can have?"

Brother Qiang's heart is extremely complicated. Now, he feels that Xu Fan is more like a ruthless robot!

In fact, not only him, but also the soldier king beside him began to doubt Xu Fan's true identity.

According to his perception, Xu Fan's performance did not look like an ordinary person at all.

Even if the roles were switched, he didn't think he could do as well as Xu Fan.

But just as Brother Qiang was about to discuss with the King of Soldiers his views on Xu Fan.

In the live broadcast room, a new change occurred.

I saw Xu Fan in front of me...

A bright red appeared!