
The Template of Whitebeard

Hey Guys! One piece fanfic for one piece lovers who don't have much one piece fanfics.left in webnovel to read. And this is not my novel and if you wanna read the original go to MTL Bound Luck: Get The Whitebeard Template at the Start And I will start psoting one piece and few other fanfics on webnovel for you to know other fanfics which you might get interested and you can go check it out in Original site and supporting them. And if you guys are like due this novel is good but the translation isn't nice and if your willing to support me contact me and let me know I am ready to work hard by translating these fanfics so you can get a better read

Manish_Raj_0322 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

High-end hunters often appear as prey

Rather than letting Xuelang escape, it would be better to say that this is also in Xu Fan's calculations.

"The wolves have always been a cohesive group."

"Especially the sentinel wolves. Their awareness is among the best among the wolves."

"Suddenly encountering a strong enemy like me in the territory, it will definitely bring this important information back to the wolves."

Xu Fan's eyes narrowed slightly, looking at the silhouette of Snow Wolf that was getting farther and farther away.

And the wolf pack, in addition to the combatants, is bound to have female wolves and cubs.

Therefore, their old nests are generally close to water sources or forests.

This point can be said to be the habit of every creature and the way of survival.

"I don't have to go to catch up with fast steps at all, as long as I follow Xuelang's footprints, it will be a matter of time before I find the water source."

"As long as the fresh water is solved, the rest is not a problem."

"If you're lucky, you might even find mountains and forests."

"I just don't know if the mountains and forests can be regarded as resources and manifested in the real world."

Xu Fan thought to himself that he had a preliminary plan for the next action.

I saw Xu Fan bow his head slightly, and began to follow the footsteps left by Xuelang and continue to move forward.

The speed of travel is still unhurried, as if walking on the ground.

Possessing a physical quality that ordinary people do not have is the huge basis for him to survive in this mysterious forbidden land!

It is not even an exaggeration to say that the "materials" that Xu Fan carries are the strongest!

"The one who counts more wins more, and the one who counts less wins less."

The good show has only just begun.

at the same time…

On the Blue Star.

The number of online viewers in Xu Fan's live broadcast room began to skyrocket.

In just half an hour, it was approaching the 500 million mark.


Nowadays, the audience in the live broadcast room is not only from Yan Kingdom, but also a lot of foreign audiences pouring in.

It's just that these foreign audiences originally entered the live broadcast room with the attitude of watching a joke.

Even after the death of Xu Fan, how to sneer and sneer, they all made a draft of more than 500 words in their hearts.

In the end, what they didn't even think of when they died was that, in a situation where they were almost certain to die, Xu Fan abruptly frightened Xuelang away!

"It's a lie, that Yan Kingdom man scared the wolf away? How is that possible?!"

"I must have not woken up!"

The foreign audience was shocked.

The Yan Kingdom audience is even more so.

"The old lady officially announced that from this moment, I have become a fan, and little brother Xu Fan is mine, and no one should argue with me!"

"In front, you are thinking about eating peaches!"

"One thing to say, our little brother Xu Fan was so handsome just now. Whether it's in response or momentum, our Yan Kingdom players will never lose to any country!"

For a time, the audience of Yan Guo turned fans, and their attitude towards Xu Fan also changed greatly.

"I was nervous just now, but now I calm down and take a closer look. Little brother Xu Fan is so handsome, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, fresh and handsome, with a slender and straight body, he must be 1.83 meters, right?"

"Really, so am I. I'm just worried about the situation of little brother Xu Fan, but I didn't take a close look at the face of little brother Xu Fan. He is indeed much more handsome than the little fresh meat!"

After Xu Fan's operation, it came down.

Dare to show his sword has attracted a wave of male fans, and his extremely high appearance has attracted a wave of female fans.

And the guests in charge of controlling the field were dumbfounded at this time.

It was not until the director kept gesturing that they eased their emotions a little.

But the shock deep in his heart could not calm down for a long time.

In the end, Brother Qiang, who was an expert in the field of survival, was the first to break the silence.

"Perhaps, it was because of Xu Fan's aura that the Snow Wolf decided that he was a tough opponent, so he chose to retreat."

After thinking about it, Brother Qiang can only think of such an explanation.

"Difficult?" The host Xiaoying rolled her throat and swallowed nervously.

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, it would be hard for her to believe that a beast with a body size of more than two meters and a weight of 70 to 80 kilograms would find a human without weapons difficult to deal with!

Even if Xu Fan had a brick or something in his hand.

She is not surprised by this!

"Well, I can only say that it was Xu Fan who was daring in the competition, and that's why Xuelang had such an illusion." Brother Qiang nodded and attributed it to the illusion.

No matter what he said, he still didn't believe that humans could beat wolves with their bare hands.

"However, although the first wave of crisis in the forbidden area has been lifted, Xu Fan still faces serious problems."

"How to solve the fresh water as soon as possible, and... spare the wolves!"

Brother Qiang spoke loudly, reminding everyone.

Don't take it lightly.

Perhaps a sentinel wolf would be suppressed by Xu Fan's aura.

But if it was a whole pack of wolves, then the tragic death must be Xu Fan!

With Brother Qiang throwing out this point of view, the audience who finally eased their emotions became nervous again.


The crisis has not been completely resolved!

"The players in your country are just lucky, and they won't be so lucky next time."

"Once you encounter a real wolf pack, your country's players will surely die, so you can still have a good time while you are now!"

Foreign audiences seem to have found a new way to strike, and similar barrages of blockbusters scroll across the screen.


The King of Soldiers in the live broadcast room had a solemn expression, "Our player Xu Fan doesn't seem to have thought about avoiding the wolves."

"What do you mean?" The host Xiaoying asked subconsciously.

Brother Qiang hurriedly looked at the screen, and with just one glance, he was stunned.

This guy Xu Fan, seriously?

The King of Bing glanced at Brother Qiang's reaction, the corners of his mouth rose, and a wry smile appeared, "It seems that you have also noticed."

"Our Xu Fan is following the footsteps of Xuelang!"

"What?!" Sakura and the writer Yuanyuan exclaimed at the same time. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

The latter's eyes widened, "Follow the wolf's footprints? Does he not want to live?!"

"No, just the opposite!" Brother Qiang quickly explained: "Sentinel wolves are wolf species that exist to protect wolves. When they encounter a powerful enemy, they either use wolf howls to attract their companions and surround the enemy together, or they will kill the enemy together. Red flags to bring back to partners."

"And the wolves are not all powerful fighting wolves, but also frail cubs. Therefore, the settled environment needs to rely on water sources, or places that can ensure safety, such as deep mountains."

Speaking of which, everyone already knew Xu Fan's purpose.

It's just that Brother Qiang couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Even though he had heard the words of begging for wealth at risk, Xu Fan really took a gamble this time!

"he is…"

"Follow the snow wolf to find the water source in the shortest time possible!"

As soon as these words came out, the barrage in the entire live broadcast room exploded instantly!

If it wasn't for the reminder from Brother Qiang, everyone would not have noticed such details at all.

But after they really noticed the details, they realized how terrifying Xu Fan is!

"Xiaoying, this player Xu Fan is really... just an ordinary college student?" The soldier king on the side sucked in a breath.

To have such courage, such a mind!

This Xu Fan, I'm afraid he didn't come from a secret army!


Just when everyone was nervously watching Xu Fan's every move.

A striking official notice appeared in every contestant's live broadcast room!

[Important notice! Diatdu, a player from the Fried Fish Country, is confirmed dead in an extraterritorial forbidden area! ]