
The Teenage Mafia: In the apocalypse

Kyle, a mafia syndicate, who had died in a crossfire with a rival gang. Would reincarnate to the body of a teenage boy with the same first name... but in a different timeline. Kyle would discover from his new memories that the original teenage Kyle had unintentionally involved himself with an influential ex mafia lord's daughter, Camilla--who wanted to follow the footsteps of her father, by unravelling the dark secrets behind the wielders of power, and slowly climbing to the top with the help of her fellow Runners--those who risked their life to scavenge for food and supply for the government stronghold... In the post-apocalyptic world. "To he who life is given... Death is a promise!" - Featuring for WPC Oct&Nov [Fantasy] 2023

AuthoRed_ · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Order must be restored

"London bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down, London bridge is falling down, my dear lady..." A grotesque little girl was sitting in a lotus position right beside a still dummy who had a crossbow pointed to a tarpaulin pool where a body was floating lifelessly.

It had been over an hour since the Screamer--little kids who became creeps, sat beside Kyle who stood still like a dummy and seized breathing.

The scarier thing was that the girl had been singing various nursery rhymes with her distorted voice, which sent chills down Kyle's spine.

He was surprised that he wasn't feeling tired at standing still, and hasn't been breathing for over an hour without the need for air

His mind was racing at what to do to the Screamer beside him.

They were extremely agile and hard to hit, and the worst part about them was that if they sighted a target, they would scream out loud which would not only attract the entire creeps from a mile away, but would disorient the victim till the 'bad guys' gets to them.

/Thong! Thong! Thong!/

Kyle's pupils constricted at hearing the sound of metal bring dragged across the hallway's rail. Which was followed by soft footsteps and creepy whistles.

Night hunters!

Creeps weren't just stronger at night, but regained a part of their sentient. They were just like human psychopath, who wouldn't just consume you mindlessly, but torture their victims till they begged for death.

'It's now or never!' Kyle thought to himself with determination, but got drawn out of his thoughts by the sound of a splash of water.


When Kyle's eyes focused on the pool again, the body which was previously floating lifelessly on the surface, was gone!

"Did you hear something?" The Screamer beside him asked.

"No I didn't, sing me another song" The Screamer replied herself, and resumed her nursery rhymes.

'What the f*ck!... She just escaped like that?!!' Kyle screamed to himself internally.


/Thong! Thong! Thong!/

The Night Hunter was drawing closer, and wasn't a Screamer who could be easily deceived with acting dead or stiff.

'Three... Two... On...'


The sound glass being broken through reverberated in the building, followed by the sound of something landing to the streets outside, then running footsteps which receded quickly.

'That bitch left me here and ran off!!!' Kyle screamed out internally.

"Did you hear something?" The Screamer asked again.

"No I didn't, keep sing..." The Screamer was saying when she suddenly got tossed away.

/Bam! Bam! Bam!/

"Stupid!... Thing!... You let her!... Get away!... What do you!... Want!... From me!" Kyle voiced out in rage as punched the living hell out of the Screamer.

"Ahh!... Ahh!... Ahh!" Whenever the Screamer tried to scream out, a punch landed on her face which cut her screams short.

"How dare you!!" A distorted voice screamed out in rage from behind, followed by hurried footsteps.

Kyle quickly took out a piece of cloth and a lighter. He then folded the cloth into a ball and lighted it in fire, and stuffed it into the mouth of the Screamer.

He rolled to the the side just at the moment the Night Hunters stroke a crowbar at him, which landed on the stuffed flaming face of the Screamer instead.

He swiped his foot at the Night Hunters which he recognized as Ben, the first guy he killed out of the crew.

The Night Hunter quickly leaped to dodge Kyle's incoming foot, but unfortunately for him Kyle had already predicted it's move, and shot at it's head with the unique crossbow.


[You have killed a Night Hunter!]

[You have leveled up!]

Kyle quickly shot up to his feet and was about to run out, but on a second thought, he ran over to Emily's camp and tarpaulin pool, and took them into his inventory after dropping some useless things in his inventory space.

He then ran for the exit to the store he was in, but screeched to a halt when three figures blocked the doorway with machetes in their hands.

"You killed us!!" The Nigh Hunters echoed in unison.

"Come on! You guys are zombies not ghosts! Don't make this any scarier than it already is!" Kyle said with a shudder.

"Order must be restored!... Order must be restored!" The Night Hunters eyes suddenly began glowing red which was unusual, as they chanted in unison like they were possessed.

"What do you mean by that?! Get the f*ck out of my way!" Kyle said with a frown.

"You are not supposed to be here, who sent you!" The Night Hunter in the middle of the two others asked as it pointed it's machete to Kyle.

"What are yo... Who are you?!" Kyle asked as he subconsciously took a step back.

This was no longer a battle between him and Night Hunters... Because a 'Higher Being' had just gotten itself involved.

"Who sent you here! Is it Lilith! Lucy! Adam! Tell me now!!" The Night Hunter screamed out in rage.

"Easy okay!!? I'll tell you... It was..." Kyle said as he dashed his eyes all over the store in search for an escape route.

He was already panicking, because anything involving higher beings... He wanted no part of.

"Tell me now!!" The Night Hunters screamed out in unison.

"Okay okay!! It was... Your f*cking mom!!" Kyle screamed out as he dashed for the nearest window in the store, while laughing maniacally as he broke through the window and free fell to the dark streets below.


"Shit! My waist...!" Kyle groaned in 'pains' as he felt his waist dislocate from it's sockets.

He turned to lay on his back as he waited for his broken bones to regenerate. But it was at that moment that multiple red dots lighted up from the night shadows around.

Kyle felt his heart leap up to his throat as he tilted his head around to see what they were, and on careful examination... They were eyes.... Numerous Night Hunters eyes... Sorrounding him, with more lighting up in the shadows.

"Order!... Must be restored!" They all echoed in unison.

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