
The Teenage Mafia: In the apocalypse

Kyle, a mafia syndicate, who had died in a crossfire with a rival gang. Would reincarnate to the body of a teenage boy with the same first name... but in a different timeline. Kyle would discover from his new memories that the original teenage Kyle had unintentionally involved himself with an influential ex mafia lord's daughter, Camilla--who wanted to follow the footsteps of her father, by unravelling the dark secrets behind the wielders of power, and slowly climbing to the top with the help of her fellow Runners--those who risked their life to scavenge for food and supply for the government stronghold... In the post-apocalyptic world. "To he who life is given... Death is a promise!" - Featuring for WPC Oct&Nov [Fantasy] 2023

AuthoRed_ · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Night hunters


Kyle stared dumbfoundedly at the large camp house which Emily had pulled out of her inventory space and set-up.

"Do you like it?" Emily asked with a smug grin.

"It's useless. You need a camp to sleep, not to live in" Kyle said disapprovingly.

"I don't usually use one as big as this, but because I have an underling now, I decided make use of something that'll accommodate the both of us" Emily said with a self appreciative smile.

"Who the f*ck is your underling? I'm not going to stay in that, I have mine!" Kyle voiced out with a frown.

"How many camps do you have on you?" Emily asked curiously.

"One, why?" Kyle asked with a raised brow.

"Nevermind, sweet dreams" Emily said with an innocent smile, and walked into her camp which was the size of a massive living room in both height and width.


[Thirty minutes later...]

Kyle who was in a half sleep, half conscious state inside his tight spaced camp house, quickly shot up from his bed when he perceived a waft of smoke.

He looked to the side and saw a small flame making a hole on the tarp of his camp house. So he quickly took out a bottled water from his inventory space, and emptied it on the flame before it caused any more damage.

But the flame instead of extinguishing at coming in contact with water, shot out like a wide fire and incinerated his camp house in a blink.


Kyle sat on the bare floor with his clothes in ash and skin in blisters, not knowing if he should be more confused at how the fire started, or why the water boosted the fire.

He looked down at his burnt skin which were rapidly healing and regenerating, then pulled out a neat set of cloth to put on, and angrily ran up to the top floor of the mall, where Emily's camp was.

'That bitch!' Kyle thought to himself angrily, as he sped up the set of stairs leading up.

He quickly got to the top wide floor which was devoid of anything except a large blue camp house, and... a tarpaulin pool!


Kyle screeched to a halt at the sight of the 0.9mm PVC tarpaulin above-ground swimming pool which was fixated a few feets away from the large blue camp house.

"Help! Kyle help! I'm drowning!" Emily screamed out as frenzied in the wide pool while flaring her arms wildly.

Wrinkles had already formed on Kyle's forehead as he dumbly glared at Emily with dark circles beneath his eyes.

"Come on Kyle! You're no fun!" Emily pouted after a while of 'misbehaving' in the pool as Kyle made no attempt to come to her aid.

"What is this?" Kyle asked with a frail voice, as he felt himself rapidly aging at thought of Emily tagging along with him.

"I can't hear you!!" Emily screamed out loud.

"What happened to my camp?!!!" Kyle screamed out in rage.

"My name?! It's Emily!!" Emily screamed out loud again.

Kyle angrily pulled out the unique grade crossbow he had achieved from Emily's team leader, and pointed it to Emily who was acting like she couldn't hear him when the floor was eerily quiet except for the sound coming from the pool.

"Hey! Easy okay? I had nothing to do with burning your camp" Emily said with her hands above her head in surrender.

"I never said anything about my camp being burnt, so how'd you know?" Kyle asked menacingly.

"Your skin is painted in ash, and I can smell grilled pork from over here" Emily replied innocently.

"Who the fuck are you calling a pig?!" Kyle asked with veins popping in his forehead.

"I said grilled pork, not grilled pig" Emily replied innocently.

"What the fuck happened to my camp house?!!!' Kyle screamed out in rage.

He felt like a fool conversing with Emily.

"It might be a creep! There are ones who even molest people" Emily said with a shrug. "Speaking from experience" She added with a serious tone.

"What?!" Kyle felt his brain shrinking every moment Emily opened her mouth to speak.

He was about to scream at her when he saw her suddenly pause and began floating on the pool like a dead body.

He didn't know if it was one of her silly pranks or if she was actually playing dead. Because if she was actually playing dead and not pranking him, then it only meant one thing

"Daddy, is that you?" A distorted voice suddenly came from behind.


"I don't think he's any of that, he's dead and still living means he's a creep! An intelligent one!" 

"How can he be a creep when he wasn't even bitten?"

"He's a demon"

"No, Camilla's right. He's a transmigrator"

"According to what my spy said, it looked like a suicide scene because amidst the pool of blood in his room was a shaving blade"

"Thank you! What happens to a person when he or she dies? They turn to fucking creeps!"

"I'm telling you, it has to be a demon. There's no such things as transmigration or intelligent creep"

"Wait a minute! Jack, you said when a person dies they turn to creeps?" Camilla suddenly asked with a frown"

"Yeah...?" Jack replied with a raised brow.

"So the five Runners we killed in here and dumped in the storage room...?" Ellen quickly understood Camilla.

"Y-yeah... They're probably night hunters now..." Jake was saying nervously.


The sound of a door getting broken down suddenly reverberated from a corner in the small convenience store.


"Hahahaha... Come on guys! Night hunters aren't that scary, they're just overrated" Jake chuckled in amusement at seeing the dread looks on his friends faces.

He has been a Runner for almost a year now, while his crew members including his boss--Camilla, had just been admitted yesterday.

So he was the most skilled amongst them all, and believed to have more in-depth knowledge on the Night Hunters--Creeps at night, than his rookie friends.

He boldly pulled out a great sword from his inventory space, and swaggered into the shadows of the corner where the menacing growl had came from.

While his crew members all slowed their breathings and moved their posture to one favourable to running off the moment things went wrong.



The sound of a body dropping to the floor suddenly echoed within the store. which was followed by the disturbing sounds of flesh being ripped off bones and muscles.



The sound of the entrance door bell suddenly rang out in the eerily silent ex convenience store, and the four individuals who were previously waiting on the outcome of the battle between their friend and a night hunter, were no where to be found.

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