
The Teenage Mafia: In the apocalypse

Kyle, a mafia syndicate, who had died in a crossfire with a rival gang. Would reincarnate to the body of a teenage boy with the same first name... but in a different timeline. Kyle would discover from his new memories that the original teenage Kyle had unintentionally involved himself with an influential ex mafia lord's daughter, Camilla--who wanted to follow the footsteps of her father, by unravelling the dark secrets behind the wielders of power, and slowly climbing to the top with the help of her fellow Runners--those who risked their life to scavenge for food and supply for the government stronghold... In the post-apocalyptic world. "To he who life is given... Death is a promise!" - Featuring for WPC Oct&Nov [Fantasy] 2023

AuthoRed_ · Fantasy
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13 Chs


"Order must be restored!... Order must be restored!... Order must be restored!"

The Night Hunters chorused as they drew nearer to Kyle who was wondering if he would still regenerate if he were to be torn apart and gobbled up.

He couldn't fight or run as his waist was still healing, and could only try his last resort which was calling out to whoever was responsible for his transmigration.

"Lilith, Lucy, Adam, if any of you brought me here for a purpose then I suppose you wouldn't let me die like this... Except you just did it to anger the thing manipulating this zombies..." Kyle began pep talking out loud.

"You call me a thing!!!" The Night Hunters echoed angrily.

"Shut up! I'm not done talking!" Kyle retorted irritatedly.

"How dare you?!!" The Night Hunters screamed out in rage, and sped out of the shadows towards Kyle.

"What are you gonna do?! Kill me?!... Hahahaha" Kyle laughed out in amusement.

He couldn't feel pain so whoever was behind the manipulation couldn't torture him or do any other dreadful thing except killing him off.

The nearest Night Hunter was already on him baring it's smelly fangs at his throat, while another was biting down at his laced boot.

"Hey! Who the f*ck gave the orders to eat him!" A feminine voice suddenly called out from across the street.

Both the Night Hunters and Kyle paused struggling and looked towards the voice in surprise, to see who was brave or stupid enough to interrupt a horde of Night Hunters from devouring their prey.

"Emily...?" Kyle muttered in surprise.

While the Night Hunters sized her up for a while before totally ignoring her and kept trying to taste a piece of Kyle's flesh.

"Hey! That's rude!" Emily pouted angrily and switched on a flashlight fixated to her crossbow.


/Whish! Whish! Whish!/

Kyle was surprised when the Night Hunters fearfully retreated into the shadows at seeing the beam of purple light coming from the flashlight.

He was even shocked when he saw Emily one-shot the Night Hunters who the purple light was beaming on.

He quickly got to his feet and dusted his pants off as the Night Hunters had all retreated into the shadows, away from the reach of the purple flashlight.

He then crouched low and began examining a nasty bite mark on his right foot which showed no signs of healing.

"Shit! It's over for me I guess" Kyle muttered to himself unwillingly.

He didn't even get to live his new life for up to a day before he'll be dying again.

'If I turn to a creep, then I won't be able to transmigrate again. I'll have to kill myself before that happens. But how?' Kyle thought to himself seriously.

"What's with the serious expression?... D-did you get bitten?" Emily cautiously asked as she slowly approached Kyle with both her crossbow and machete.

"Yeah. I got bitten" Kyle replied and glanced at her.

"... Most people wouldn't say that casually and would try to hide the fact that they got bitten" Emily paused and said. "Are you pulling my legs?" She asked with a raised brow.

"Most people? Do I look like a random? Besides, the deed is done. It can't be reversed" Kyle replied casually as he poked the bite mark with a finger.

'wait a minute...'

"How does the virus spread in the body? What do they feed on?" Kyle asked.

"They spread through the blood till they get to the brain. And they feed on the blood cells at that stage till they mature in your body which takes no more than three hours" Emily replied thoughtfully.

"... Can a dead body turn through a bite?" Kyle asked again.

"Are you seriously asking that question? Do dead bodies fall sick?" Emily replied with a sarcastic tone.

'Then I'm not supposed to turn. But why's it not healing' Kyle thought to himself.


"What? Did you say something?" Kyle asked Emily with a raised brow.

"Like what?" Emily replied with a raised brow.


"Fire? What should I do with fire?" Kyle asked Emily.

"What fire? What do you mean by that?" Emily asked in confusion.

"Didn't you just say fire?" Kyle asked in confusion too.

"Ohh... That must be virus spreading. I heard it creates illusions. Just don't panic, breath in, I promise to make it painless" Emily said as she pulled out a dagger and approached Kyle with slow steps.

"Make what painless? I'll break all your limbs if you try anything stupid with me" Kyle rolled his eyes and said.

"It's the virus speaking, I know you're in there Kyle. Fight it! So I would make this painless for you" Emily said with mischievous smile as she kept approaching Kyle.

"I swear I'll beat the hell out of you if..." Kyle was saying.

[Fire dumbass! Fire! Burn the bite mark to heal it!]

"Woah! What is this?!" Kyle shot up to his feet, as he had clearly heard a feminine voice along with the prompt text in his line of sight.

"Emily? Is it normal to hear voices and see prompts?" Kyle asked as he glanced at Emily who was reloading her crossbow's ammo.

"Huh? Yeah. For the infected. Your body is trying to fight the virus" Emily replied without looking up, as she kept reloading the ammo.

"Stupid thing" Kyle cussed at her angrily. "Do you have a lighter?" He asked.

"Nope" Emily replied.

"So what did you use to burn my camp house?" Kyle asked with a frown.

"... You asked if I have a lighter, and I said no. I don't have a lighter. So what's with the attitude?" Emily asked irritatedly.

"Ooh I see. You never understand what people feel about you till you're dying or you're dead" Kyle replied with a knowing smile.

"What are you talking about?" Emily finally looked up from reloading and asked with a raised brow.

"Few hours ago you were all friendly and cutely annoying. Though I hate to say that. And now that you think I'm dying, you're acting all rude and selfish" Kyle replied with a pained smile.

He wasn't expecting much from her though, but he was expecting better.

"So? What's your point?" Emily asked nonchalantly.

"Why did you jump sides when we met?" Kyle asked with a serious tone.

"You saw a random guy solo-wipe your teammates in fifteen minutes, what would you do?" Emily asked sarcastically.

"Yeah, that actually makes lots of sense. I can't blame myself either. I was only trying to at least do the things Kyle would've want to" Kyle muttered to himself.

"I helped you back in school wasn't because I pitied you or anything like that. It was all for fame" Emily replied with a shrug.

"Why did you save me then?" Kyle asked with a creased brow.

"Two heads are better than one. You should be glad I wanted to tag along with you" Emily replied with a serious tone.

"No. You should be glad he agreed to tag along with you" A feminine voice suddenly said from the shadows.

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