
The Teenage Mafia: In the apocalypse

Kyle, a mafia syndicate, who had died in a crossfire with a rival gang. Would reincarnate to the body of a teenage boy with the same first name... but in a different timeline. Kyle would discover from his new memories that the original teenage Kyle had unintentionally involved himself with an influential ex mafia lord's daughter, Camilla--who wanted to follow the footsteps of her father, by unravelling the dark secrets behind the wielders of power, and slowly climbing to the top with the help of her fellow Runners--those who risked their life to scavenge for food and supply for the government stronghold... In the post-apocalyptic world. "To he who life is given... Death is a promise!" - Featuring for WPC Oct&Nov [Fantasy] 2023

AuthoRed_ · Fantasy
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13 Chs


Kyle gripped the two ends of his food tray nervously, as he walked down the gangway of the noisy canteen with his heads down.

As he neared a certain table, he quickened his pace as to pass the group of boys seating there before they would notice him.

Just as he sped walked pass the table, a foot suddenly blocked his path and he tripped due to his momentum, and fell face first to the floor. With the food contents on his tray kissing the dusty tiled floor.


The entire canteen instantly reverberated with laughter filled with scorn and mockery. It was Kyle day to day life to get bullied by the boys, so he didn't start sulking but got to feet and began picking up his spilled lunch.

"Don't worry about those, you can have mine" An angelic voice suddenly said to Kyle, and he looked up in surprise to see a blonde haired cutie offering her food tray to him with a kind smile.

"My name is Emily, the new transfer student" The girl said with amiable smile.


"Do you remember now?" Emily asked as she squatted before Kyle who was crouched above the broken dead body of her team leader.

"Nope, nothing" Kyle said with a serious tone.


"Come on, don't be silly. It's getting dark, we can't leave tonight. Let's secure the exit doors" Emily grabbed Kyle cheeks like he was kid, and said with a smile.

"Aren't you scared of me?" Kyle asked through his squashed cheeks in surprise.

"Why should I be? I helped you countless times when you got bullied back in school, and what did I always tell you when I did?" Emily asked, still grasping Kyle's cheeks.

"Uhh... You always told Kyle 'You owe me one'" Kyle replied with a sigh. He could already feel the burden the girl was going to put on him as he had no choice but to help the only person who stood up for teenage Kyle when he got bullied as a kid.

"Exactly! So it's time to repay the favour" Emily said with a wide smile.

"Do you really need my help?" Jayden asked with dark circles below his eyes. According to teenage Kyle's memory, her dad was martial arts master, and she had learnt a lot from him which she used to stand up against bullies.

"Well... I don't actually need your help to survive during the day. But, it'd be cool to have an underling, don't you think?" Emily asked with a mischievous smirk.


"I really appreciate all that you did for Kyle as kids, but that's not gonna be possible. It's either you become my underling to get my help, or beat me up till your satisfaction and we go our separate ways" Kyle spat out to the side and said with a long face.

"How about a dual?" Emily suggested with a wide grin.

"If you say so, then I'll like to start explaining the rules to being my underling" Kyle replied with a smirk.

"Pretty confiden..." She cut her words short and threw a sudden punch at Kyle's face.


Kyle casually caught her fist, and twisted her arm to the side which made her flinch. He then grabbed her by her neck as he stood up, and flung her to the side.

Emily quickly shifted her posture amidst flight, and landed skillfully with a cat pose as she slid back a little. She then nodded upwards so as her smooth blonde hair which were on her face, flared behind fictionally.

"Seriously? You could've easily maneuvered that" Kyle said with a frown.

"What makes you think so boss?' Emily said with a smirk, as she stood up.

"I don't know what your motives are, but I won't be babysitting you if you tag along with me" Kyle said in distaste.

"Don't worry boss. You might not acknowledge my fighting skills, but I bet you would cherish my skills in bed.

But... too bad for you, you won't be getting a piece of me. I'll secure the emergency exit" Emily said with an alluring smile, and hopped away like an excited kid.


Kyle dumbfoundedly stared at Emily as she disappeared into the shadows of a corner. "Something is seriously wrong with her. Poor soul" Jayden muttered to himself subconsciously.



"Come on Camilla, you haven't said a word since we left the stronghold. You aren't even laughing to our jokes" Ellen said to Camilla who wasn't even smiling at the jokes they were cracking to themselves.


Camilla silently looked up at Ellen, then shifted her gaze to Jake, then Stephanie, and Seth. Which scared the crew as they all gulped simultaneously.

"Anyone of you ever seen a dead body?" Camilla asked plainly.


"Who haven't?"

"I haven't"

"My grandma"

The crew answered simultaneously.

"What's the difference between Kyle's paleness and that of a dead body?" Camilla asked again with a raised brow.





They all fell silent as they contemplated the vital information they had missed out. 

"Kyle was healthy, panicky and helpless yesterday, but today he's as pale as a sheet, overconfident, and skilled. Does that ring a bell?" Camilla asked with a mysterious tone.

"Are you insinuating he...?" Jake asked but didn't complete his words as he believed Camilla would know what he was trying to say.

"Yeah, Kyle's dead" Camilla replied with a soft nod.

"No way! I was asking if he turned a new leaf?!" Jake exclaimed in shock.

"You're so helpless" Seth muttered subconsciously, as he was deep in thoughts.

"I know. I sent someone to check his room for clues to his nonchalant attitude before we left... And she said there was a pool of blood in his room" Ellen said with a sigh.


"I was gonna tell y'all, but I wanted to confirm it first" Ellen added.

"Wait... If Kyle's dead, at least the one we know... Then who's piloting his body?" Stephanie asked with a frown.

"It's either his body is possessed by a demon, or..." Seth muttered.

"A transmigrator" Camilla concluded.

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