
The Teenage Mafia: In the apocalypse

Kyle, a mafia syndicate, who had died in a crossfire with a rival gang. Would reincarnate to the body of a teenage boy with the same first name... but in a different timeline. Kyle would discover from his new memories that the original teenage Kyle had unintentionally involved himself with an influential ex mafia lord's daughter, Camilla--who wanted to follow the footsteps of her father, by unravelling the dark secrets behind the wielders of power, and slowly climbing to the top with the help of her fellow Runners--those who risked their life to scavenge for food and supply for the government stronghold... In the post-apocalyptic world. "To he who life is given... Death is a promise!" - Featuring for WPC Oct&Nov [Fantasy] 2023

AuthoRed_ · Fantasy
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13 Chs


"Sweep the area!" One of the five-man crew member who had raided the supply crate ordered.

The rest of the crew quickly spread out and began scanning the shops in the mall, while reporting "Clear" to the hidden earpiece on them.

There were no casualties throughout the first floor, which surprised them as they hadn't come across even a dead creep.

Second floor, no casualties. Third floor, no casualties. When they got to the fourth floor, they were already feeling relaxed as they believed the building was devoid of life... Or dead.

They got to the fifth floor feeling famished, and began doing a messy job at sweeping the area. Which made one of them not notice a dummy holding a short sword with a wide grin.

Just as the crew member sluggishly walked pass the 'Halloween' dummy, he suddenly felt a cold palm clasps his nose and mouth firmly, and he began choking on his own blood as a blade sliced through his throat.

"Shhh... We were all destined to die one day. Today is your day" Kyle whispered into the ears of the dying comrade, as he dragged his body to a shadowed corner.

[You have killed a human!]

[You have leveled up!]

"...Guys! Come check this out!" Kyle mimicked the voice of the dead guy to the earpiece he found on him.

"...What is it Ben?" An irritated male voice came in from the earpiece.

"...Just come over and see for yourself" Kyle mimicked again.

He hid in a shadowed corner, and positioned his crossbow to the entrance while peeping through it's scope.

He didn't have to wait long before a guy nonchalantly strolled in with dark circles below his eyes. "...Where the f*ck are you?" The guy placed a finger on the earpiece in his left ear, and asked irritatedly.

"...Here I am" Kyle whispered from the shadows, and pulled the trigger.


"...What was that?... Ben? Jake?" A female voice asked cautiously through the earpiece.

"Hahahaha..." Kyle laughed out maniacally, with his voice echoing creepily through walls of mall.

"...We have an Intruder in our midst! Disconnect your earpieces and find the b*stard!" A male voice angrily barked through the earpiece.

"... Two of your men are down, and the rest would soon follow if..." Kyle quickly ducked as a bolt came his way.

He pulled out his hidden dagger from his shoulder pad, and skillfully flipped it at the girl who had shot at him with accurate precision.


"... Three of your men are now down. But you can save yourself and your last underling if you are to handover half the contents of the supply crate" Kyle said through the earpiece, as he walked up to the dead girl and pulled his dagger from her neck.

"... F*ck it!... Where are you?" A male voice cussed and asked through the earpiece.

"... Fifth floor. I'll be waiting" Kyle replied with a smirk.

He knew for sure whoever he had just spoke with had no plan of giving him even a dime, so he had already made up his mind to kill the guy when they met.

He crouched and placed a palm on the dead girl's forehead, and a status screen displaying everything in her inventory popped up before him.

[You have obtained uncommon grade semi-automatic crossbow!]

[You have obtained uncommon grade machete!]

[You have obtained Fruit salad!]

[You have obtained ×3 Bottled water!]

[You have reached the limit to your inventory space!]

"Come on! Don't be stingy!... My backpack's already heavy enough for me!" Kyle lamented bitterly.

His inventory space currently had sixteen bars, for sixteen category of items. He could store an unlimited amount of an item into one bar, but not another kind of item into that same bar... Except for a supply crate. 

That was how it worked.


Kyle quickly rolled to the side at hearing the sound of a bolt penetrating the air. But the bolt had already penetrated through his shoulder and exited from the other side.

'F*ck! The unique grade crossbow!' Kyle thought to himself in panic, but then he realized something vital... He wasn't feeling pains from his shoulder!


"F*ck!" Kyle cussed as he felt another bolt hit his back, but still no pain. Just the weird feeling of the bolt embedded in him.

He also noticed his HP hadn't dropped even with two shots from a unique grade crossbow, so he stopped trying dodge the bolt and looked in the direction of the boy shooting at him.

/Swish! Swish! Swish!/

Three consecutive shots to the chest. No pain. No HP reduction. Kyle grinned maniacally at his new found ability, and pulled out the bolts embedded on him.

He looked up at the brown haired boy who was staring at him in shock, and quickly dashed for him before he could escape. The brown haired boy on the other hand had the urge to run as fast as he could, but was rooted to the spot in panic.


Kyle drove his left shoulder into the boy's chest with his running momentum, and the boy spat out blood as he got flung over the floor's rail, and fell over.

Kyle quickly jumped over the rail after the boy, and caught him amidst their flight. He then threw a barrel of punches at the boys chest, and landed squarely on him as they reached the ground floor.


[You killed a human!]

[All your Underwears have been dropped to accommodate the supply crate.]

[You have obtained the supply crate.]

"Seriously!? Not my undies!" Kyle quickly gathered his boxers which were dropped to the floor, and emptied the Fruit salad bar for his undies.

"K-kyle?..." A feminine voice stammered from behind.

Kyle paused shoving his undies into his inventory, and slowly turned around to see a hot blondie, a few feets away with her crossbow positioned in his direction.

"How could I forget there's still one person left" Kyle muttered to himself with a sigh, and began sizing up the pretty girl.

"Kyle?... Kyle Jackson" The girl called out softly.

"Uhh... Who's that?" Kyle asked with a raised brow.

"Don't try to pretend. I know it's you!" The girl said as she ran up to Kyle with a wide smile.

"Who are...?" Kyle was asking when a memory suddenly flashed his mind.

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