
The tales of the Token Dwellers

What would happen if there is a band of people, or creatures who defend their homeland? How did these characters first became so? And what in the world is being a Token Dweller really about? Take a trip down the multitude of tales to spring up from this book. Start at any character after reading the first chapter. All stories will be relatively independent of each other. Token Dwellers is only so far an idea for a game, which may even trump the more complicated games, in both story depth and ease of use. Here is the Discord link: https://discord.gg/Jdxe2s9q . Enjoy the server and please help with character ideas and stuff. This is your head Token Wielder, BDragonSoldier, and I hope these stories will be entertaining and be well designed for a deep lore. Cya.

BDragonSoldier · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Flame part 3

Different types of slimes bounced around the streets accompanied by different people as Greg, Precia and Jeff carried Harry towards the Adventurer's Guild. These slimes came in a variety of colours and sizes. Some were shades of purple, red, green, blue with the occasional white and black. Some were the size of a head, while others were as tall as a person. Some were full of energy and others were only crawling along the ground.

"Do you think Flame already told Olivia of what happened?" Precia asked as she walked behind the others, fiddling with her staff as she went. "I'm sure she'll be extremely worried," she continued with her tail straight with tension.

"Don't worry I don't think you'll be scorned again like last time," Greg responded, heaving from the shared weight of the unconscious Harry. "Unless that stupid slime tampered with the situation." With that, Precia stood more erect than before, cold sweat pouring down her face by the buckets.

"If that little puddle does that, I'll make sure he'll be thrown in a freezer!" Precia yelled before walking behind them again.


"Achoo!" Flame sneezed as a small spiral of embers appeared in the room. He was currently within the Adventurer's Guild sitting on one of the double seat couches of the main office. Lining the walls of the office were a library books about spells, artifacts and even monsters. Flame was currently reading one of said books. On the opposite couch sat a bright yellow slime with its eyes closed, it wore a nurse's white hat with a light blue plus sign in the middle of it. Its eyes were closed as its general body position was one of annoyance. In the middle of the room was a young lady pacing back and forth. She had long blonde hair with pointy elf ears sticking out of them. She wore a long dark green skirt with red lining its edges, she wore a green vest which exposed her white undershirt, complementing the healthy bust she possessed.

"Oh, I hope he is alright." She mumbled to herself fiddling with her hands, with no sign of stopping her pacing across the room.

"Olivia, you should calm yourself. He was in worst positions than now." Said the yellow slime with a sweat tender voice. "He always was an unlucky one."

"Well said, Shimmer!" Flame said looking at Shimmer with admiration. However, Shimmer only ignored him turning her body away from him.

"I know, but … why does he always get himself in these situations! Last week, he became stuck in a well! And he wasn't even positioned near one to begin with!" Olivia said, wiping her face in with both her hands in frustration. At that moment the door to the office opened revealing the previous four with Harry still unconscious between Greg and Jeff. "Harry! Quick, get him on the table!" Olivia commanded as she went to clear her desk from the heaps of paperwork.

"Let me help you with that." Flame offered as he hopped down to the floor.

"No, you won't! You'll burn down all the paper like last time," Shimmer countered as she too hopped of the couch. "I'll help her instead." She said before hopping towards the desk, collecting all the fallen paper within her body, and spewing it onto one of the coffee tables. She then hopped back to the desk and hopped onto it.

"Shimmer, can you help him out?" Precia said, still fiddling with her staff, occasionally glancing towards Olivia with worry.

"Yeah, I can, but can that idiotic pool ball, not look at me for a minute!" She yelled, directing it towards the now downcast Flame.

"Alright I'll head out." He said in surprise and slid towards the door. Everyone else in the room were left stunned as he left the room.

"That was a bit harsh." Greg was the first to respond.

"He deserved it!" Shimmer retorted. "Let me heal Harry up first." She continued before a faint light glowed on Harry's body.

'I thought he would pick up more of a fight.' Precia thought to herself looking to the door where Flame exited. 'I hope he is alright.'


"Who does that slime think she is!" Flame said as he slid away from the town idlily, hitting a rock letting it travel along the road. "I try to be nice to her, yet she absolutely avoided me!" He then spat a fireball towards an innocent tree in annoyance. "Am I not good enough for her?! *Sigh*" he sighed looking dejected towards the ground.

"Oh, looky here, the exact slime I wanted to see!" Said a voice. Looking up from the ground, Flame stared straight into the blood red eyes of a huge grey wolf with one side of its body void of hair.

"Oh? You wanted to see me?" Flame calming responded, not moving from his position as a dozen more wolves surround him. "And why would that be?" He said tilting his head a little.

"To take my revenge!" Said the wolf as he slashed one of his claws towards Flame.