
The tales of the Token Dwellers

What would happen if there is a band of people, or creatures who defend their homeland? How did these characters first became so? And what in the world is being a Token Dweller really about? Take a trip down the multitude of tales to spring up from this book. Start at any character after reading the first chapter. All stories will be relatively independent of each other. Token Dwellers is only so far an idea for a game, which may even trump the more complicated games, in both story depth and ease of use. Here is the Discord link: https://discord.gg/Jdxe2s9q . Enjoy the server and please help with character ideas and stuff. This is your head Token Wielder, BDragonSoldier, and I hope these stories will be entertaining and be well designed for a deep lore. Cya.

BDragonSoldier · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Flame part 2

Walking along the dirt path, the three companions discussed things for the evening fast approaching. Chatting cheerfully to each other. Unaware of the figures lurking on the edges of the path, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

"I wanna make some tasty wolf steak!" Flame said as he hopped along with a wagon full of corpses tethered to him, the other two laughed a little at his statement. However, the figures in the forest shivered at it.

"Does he want to be sliced into chunks?" sighed one of the figures as he looked at them from a distance. "I will get my revenge for the lives you took." Flame however didn't hear a word said, instead he sneezed out loud, causing a small flame to pop out of his non-existent mouth.

"You alright Flame?" Precia asked with staff in hand ready to act at a moment's notice.

"Nah, I think someone was talking about me," he responded, causing the wolf to freeze in his tracks in fear of being discovered.

"How could that be? We only met you three days ago," She retorted, "Not like we're friends anyway."

"Oi! I thought we were at least at good terms; you slow lazy cat!!" Flame snapped back stopping in his tracks facing towards Precia.

"Why you little puddle of flame juice!" She said baring her claws, ready to pounce at any moment.

"Oi you! Who you callin' a puddle!!" Flame said as he was about to launch himself towards her.

However, before any of them can make a move, Greg stepped in between them barring them from each other. "Can you two just stop fighting for the rest of the afternoon?! Can't you remember what happened last time? You both almost caused a wildfire! Luckily, you guys only wanted to be physical and did not bring spells into the battle."

"We're … sorry." Both said reluctantly, giving each other hostile glares. Precia dared to stick out her tongue towards Flame, causing Flame to glow a little brighter in anger.

"We must get back before sundown, otherwise there won't be any type of steak for dinner." Greg said, sighing while walking with his hands behind his head.

"Right!" The other two replied at the same time before quickly catching up to Greg. However, Flame pulls the wagon to quickly causing it to snatch up the three of them before rocketing towards the town. All of them screaming as they plummeted forward.

"You clumsy ball of gelati-i-ine!!" Precia screeched as her voice faded away into the distance.

"You can't run away from us that easily!" the wolf said before taking of after them, with a pack of wolves following him from behind.


The town was circled with a huge wall of wooden poles with spiked tops, with towers at regular intervals acting as watch towers. The town itself consisted of stone houses with straw roofs with only one of them having a wooden roof, which also stood twice as tall as the other houses. A sign of a sword swung at the front of this building, indicating it as the adventurer's guild.

There were two guards who stood at the gate of the town. They both wore chainmail suits, with a red under garment. Both donned a spear, however one of them was leaning onto his spear as he was sleeping. The other didn't take notice as he saw a wagon fast approaching the gate without any sign of stopping.

"Hey, Harry wake up." Said the guard as he poked Harry awake, who jerked in surprise still drowsy from sleep.

"What is it, Jeff?" he said groggily.

"Don't you think that wagon is Greg's?" Jeff answered pointing towards the runaway carriage.

"Could be," Harry squinted looking at the wagon in the distance. "The one with the slimy ball of gelatine?"

"My thoughts exactly. Go into the town and warn them of the runaway carriage before anyone gets hurt." Jeff said, before turning his attention back to the trio rushing towards him.

"Right away!" Harry said, saluting before rushing into the town.


"If you-u haven't started the fi-ight! We wouldn't be-e in this pos-ition!" Flame said, hopping like a pinball in the back of the wagon.

"Ca-an't you do anything abo-ut this?!" Precia responded, only worried to not crash into something.

"I can't, I-I'll only be crush-shed!" he responded, as they continued to hurl towards the open gate of the town.

"Halt!" Jeff yelled when they became into earshot.

"Sorry Jeff!! We can't!" Greg yelled back as they passed him at breakneck speed.

*Crash! Tink! Crack! Snap!*

They crashed into something somehow flipping the entire wagon over.

"Uuuhhhh" the trio said as they started to recover from the sudden stop, dusting off their clothes and inspecting the cargo. But along with the animal corpses laid the battered Harry who miraculously took the brunt of the force.

"Flame, go get Olivia here. Harry tried being a tank again," Greg said as he started to remove the carcasses of Harry.

"On it!" Flame responded, hopping towards the middle of the town. After a few seconds, Jeff came running towards the crash site, with a worried look on his face.

"Ai, Harry! I told you to warn the townsfolk not to take the full brunt of the wagon!" He said as he lifted Harry up by the shoulder.

"III'm fiiinee. Just a small hit ooonn the hea-" Harry responded before passing out almost making Jeff drop him, but Greg came quickly Harry's opposite side and lifted him up.

"Let's get him to Olivia." Greg said as he started towards the middle of the town, with Presia following them from behind.

Poor Harry.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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