
The tales of the Token Dwellers

What would happen if there is a band of people, or creatures who defend their homeland? How did these characters first became so? And what in the world is being a Token Dweller really about? Take a trip down the multitude of tales to spring up from this book. Start at any character after reading the first chapter. All stories will be relatively independent of each other. Token Dwellers is only so far an idea for a game, which may even trump the more complicated games, in both story depth and ease of use. Here is the Discord link: https://discord.gg/Jdxe2s9q . Enjoy the server and please help with character ideas and stuff. This is your head Token Wielder, BDragonSoldier, and I hope these stories will be entertaining and be well designed for a deep lore. Cya.

BDragonSoldier · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Flame part 4

"Whuaaa!" Flame yelled as he dodged the claw of the grey semi-furless wolf. "Who the hell are you supposed to be?!"

"The name is Will of the Greenwood wolves." Said Will standing proud, before slashing again towards the airborne Flame. "And I will get revenge of you driving us out of the woods!"

Barely dodging the sudden follow up attack. Flame dared to retort back, "Oh are you the one who was hopelessly running away from me a few days back, hahaha! And you are trying to get even? Bah! Never gonna happen, Jerky Stick!" Making Will furious with anger, but he quickly recomposed himself, giving a malicious smile as a shadow cast down his eyes.

"Hehehe. Oh, Flame. If only you knew how much stronger my pack has gotten after our encounter!" He said before slashing towards Flame again. However, 3 blades of water shot out his claws at high speed this time. Hitting Flame square in the body, hurling him away. "Ha! With this power, me and my pack will take revenge and inhabit the woods once more! *Howl*" He and his pack howled before running off to Flame general direction.


"Aaaaahhhhhh!" Flame yelled as he was launched by the water blades Will made. He streaked through the air heading straight towards the top of a tree. "Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh! *Bam* Ouch!" he landed on top of one of the tree branches. Rattling the entire tree, scaring away the birds who sat on it. Startling a celeste coloured slime. "Huh? Since when can he cast water spells?" He said creasing his brow in thought. After some time, he looks around to see the winged sky-blue slime staring right at him with curiosity.

"Ah! Hi, I didn't see you there." He greeted nervously.

"Ah, it's alright. My name is Breeze, nice to meet you in person!" Breeze replied happily as she hopped twice in Flame's direction.

"Um. You know of me?" He asked, with a worried look on his face.

"Yeah, I know who you are! You are the 'little puddle of flame juice', Flame!" She chirped, flapping her tiny wings in excitement.

"Who you callin' a puddle!" he yelled. Only making her giggle slightly. "And, how do you know about me!?"

"Oh. I heard you and your friends chatting to each other." She replied, giggling softly. "And how you fought and how you pouted after being kicked out by your crush!"

'Is she a stalker or something?' He worriedly thought to himself as he took a 'step' back.

"You can be surprised how many conversations can be carried by the wind!" She said with an innocent smile on her face. "However, you came so fast I couldn't hear the entire conversation you had with Will of the Greenwood wolves."

"You even heard that?!" Flame said with a surprised expression on his face.

"Yep!" She said, her teal eyes curled up in her child-like smile. It was quickly wiped of her face as a water slash zoomed past them from below.

"Come down here you sore excuse of a lava pebble!" Will yelled from the bottom of the tree. Hearing this, Flame burst into flame. Scorching the tree branch he was sitting on, burning through the entire branch.

"You toasted Jerky Stick!! You'll pay for that!!" He yelled as he fell from the tree, hitting one of the wolves straight on. With a squeal the wolf laid lifelessly on the ground as Flame fired up his flame before spewing a line of fire towards another wolf. Seeing this, Will then slashed the air in front of him casting 3 blades of water to zoom towards Flame once more. "That won't work for a second time!!" he said as the area around him glowed bright red for a split-second vaporizing the blades into harmless steam.

"Oh boy, I think I need to tell his friends about this." Breeze said high above in the tree, giggling slightly as she took off in the direction of the town.


"WHAT!! He is fighting a dozen wolves who somehow got the ability to use water?! Why did I send him away!? I am such a jerk!" Shimmer said in anguish, guilt written on her entire face. She and the others were still in the office with Harry now fully awake with a sling for one of his arms and bandages covering his body all over. Olivia was sitting next to him, leaning slightly towards him in worry. Jeff and Greg were sitting on the other couch and Precia was standing near one of the bookshelves with a book in hand. Shimmer was on the desk, distraught with the news of the cheerful breeze who sat on the windowsill. "We need to go help him out as quickly as possible!" She continued.

"I'll stay with Harry and monitor him for a while," said Olivia with a hand placed on Harry's shoulder.

"No, I can still help!" Harry said trying to stand up. However, he fell again from the pain.

"I don't think you should go in this condition." Olivia countered, with caring hands holding Harry steady.

"Ok, Dear. I'll stay … Ow ow ow!" Harry said before being hugged by Olivia from the side.

She then released saying, "Oh sorry."

"I don't think Jeff and I won't be able to come. We are so exhausted after carrying Harry." Greg said exhausted in his seat.

"I'll go with. I was the reason why we are in this position to begin with." Precia said with her hand on her chest.

"Kay, lets help Flame buddy out!" Breeze said before hopping of the windowsill, flying towards Flame and the pack of wolves.