
The tales of the Token Dwellers

What would happen if there is a band of people, or creatures who defend their homeland? How did these characters first became so? And what in the world is being a Token Dweller really about? Take a trip down the multitude of tales to spring up from this book. Start at any character after reading the first chapter. All stories will be relatively independent of each other. Token Dwellers is only so far an idea for a game, which may even trump the more complicated games, in both story depth and ease of use. Here is the Discord link: https://discord.gg/Jdxe2s9q . Enjoy the server and please help with character ideas and stuff. This is your head Token Wielder, BDragonSoldier, and I hope these stories will be entertaining and be well designed for a deep lore. Cya.

BDragonSoldier · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Flame part 1

Three grey wolves ran through the thick of a forest running at full speed. Each one of them have their tails between the legs as they cried in worry. From on of the wolves a trail of smoke can be seen. A small blob jumped towards the back most wolf lobbing a fireball towards the wolf at the same spot where its butt was already singed.


"ARRRROOOOOOooooooo" the wolf cried as it was launched into the air, landing on the ground lifelessly, its fur still sizzling from the embers left after the small explosion. A small red blob hopped over and stopped right next to the wolf's corpse as the other wolves ran further away, crying as they went.

"Wahahahaha, another one for the menu!" the small blob laughed in excitement, hopping this way and that, his black beady eyes resting in the middle of his gelatine like body, like two chocolate chips floating in some strawberry jelly. Looking to the forest he came from, he yelled: "Oi, adventure buddies! I got another one!!"

Two people ran out of the forest, one of them a man with buff arms carrying an axe and the other a girl with a staff in her hand. The man donned a white fedora with a green lining at the seam covering his bushy brown hair, he wore a leather tunic with white and green stripes lining the edges, wrapped by a leather belt with a loop for his axe, a coin pouch evident on the other side of the belt, he wore green leather trousers with leather boots protecting his feet.

"How *sigh* how are you so fast *sigh*!" he said before a faint golden glow covered him, ridding him of any fatigue he felt from running for so long, thanking the companion next to him "Thank you, Precia."

"No problem, Greg," Precia replied, "Flame, how many times have we told you before to not run away while we are inspecting some prey?!" she snapped, her thin spotted orange tail's hair stood on edge with her cheetah ears perking up, sticking out of her short vibrant orange hair. Her petite body covered by long yellow robes, drooping down to her ankles.

"How many times have I told you, that the robes you are wearing will hinder you from reaching allies who is a little at a distance, hmm?" Flame retorted, hopping towards Greg before continuing, "If I didn't kill the wolf who was on top Greg, then he would've died, because you tripped on the large gown you call adventure clothing!" Precia stood frozen, an annoyed look on her face as she saw Greg nod his head repeatedly in agreement.

"That does not mean that you can run off while we are busy, alright?!" She tried to reason, however Flame wasn't fully done with drilling holes into her soul.

"Well, if you learnt some movement spells and wore more appropriate clothes, then you wouldn't be in this mess!"

"Alright Flame, no need to go further. You did split from the group and left us in the dust, even scorching some of the plants as you went." Greg interrupted before the situation got more tense, 'Who knew them both were so hot-headed … Hehehe, well except for Flame, he is always hot-headed.'

"Oi, what are you laughing at!!" Flame said after seeing the amused face Greg made.

"Come on, we have to take these meats to the village before they are too rotten to eat," Greg responded, barely keeping a straight face as he almost burst in laughter.

"Alriiiiiight." Flame said, annoyed at the thought of pushing the wolf he killed to the village.

"Flame, why don't you cook for the village when we get back?" Greg said, making Flame beam in happiness, his entire body becoming slightly brighter with excitement.

"Really? Yeah!!" He responded, lifting the entire wolf with ease and rushing back from where they came from.

"Good call," Precia said, lifting up a thumb as they laughed a little bit, before starting towards the way they came.

"He always loved cooking, hehe, he always makes the best stews, "Greg said, stars shining in his eyes as drool drooped from his agape mouth.

"Hehehe, yeah, but sometimes he puts in too much spices for everyone to handle," she said, shaking her head, before laughing a little more. 'Sometimes, Flame is just the best.' She thought as if she did not have the quarrel with Flame just a few minutes before.


Deeper in the forest, two red beady eyes peeked out towards the group as a faint growl was heard.

"You'll pay for chasing us out of our forest, you damn slime!!" A voice said in irritation before the eyes faded back into the darkness.