

enter and immerse yourself in Jun's raw life, grow and learn as she does, this is a story of overcoming, betrayal and fiery combat. follow Jun on her journey of discovery and how she grows stronger as time goes by, while discovering all the horrors that the supreme caste has done.

DaoistJh1pwG · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 2: The Council

Jun followed the man, who was walking briskly through the maze of paths that made up the compound. "I wonder what that old man meant by 'Squad Seventy-Seven,'" Jun thought. "These elders are dangerous. I'll heed my master's advice and try not to get into trouble. Bernabel, or whatever his name is, emanates something very sinister. Even I think my master was tense. I must give my all to prove my worth to Lord Nikantres."

As Jun was lost in her thoughts, the man abruptly stopped, causing her to bump into his back. Standing before her was a woman identical to her master.

"Master?" Jun stammered.

The woman looked her directly in the eyes. It took Jun only a few seconds to realize this woman was not her master, even though she greatly resembled her. With a small smile, the woman waved a hand, and the man stepped away.

"Well, child, aren't you going to introduce yourself?" the woman spoke suddenly. Her tone was much sweeter compared to her master's dry demeanor. Jun looked at her, surprised.

"My name is Jun," she answered, barely audible.

"Jun! Delighted to meet you. My name is Seraxxis. I see you've been assigned to my squad," said Seraxxis. Jun nodded lightly.

"Ma'am, forgive me. You look very much like the person who brought me here, Miss Axxes," said Jun.

Seraxxis let out a soft laugh.

"My dear, that's because Axxes is my twin sister," she replied warmly. Jun looked at her and blushed for a moment.

"Ma'am, what does 'twin' mean?"

"Twin means we are physically identical. You've noticed that already, haven't you?" Jun nodded.

Jun was amazed by how different Seraxxis was compared to her master. It was strange hearing that tone and seeing that kindness in someone who looked so much like Axxes.

"You two are very different," Jun blurted out. Seraxxis's eyes widened, and she broke into laughter.

"My sister tends to be a bit more abrupt," she said, still laughing. "Well, come along, I'll show you to your room and explain what all this is about." Jun nodded and followed her into a beautifully decorated house filled with paintings and weapons on the walls.

Seraxxis led her to a room very similar to the one she had stayed in while with Axxes. They both sat on the bed.

"Alright, Jun, let me formally introduce myself. I'm Seraxxis Dorva, and I'm the master and trainer of Squad Seventy-Seven. You might be wondering what this fabled squad is all about, right? It's a unit specifically designed by Master Bernabel for certain tasks we could call 'specific.'"

Jun was so fascinated by the fact that this woman looked like her master that she was not fully grasping what she was saying.

"These tasks will be explained to you later. Training is from Saturday to Thursday; you should be in the training yard in the early morning. By any chance, has Axxes explained to you the training method here?" Jun nodded. "Perfect!" Seraxxis exclaimed gleefully. "This will make things go a little faster. The squad has forty members, not including myself. You will be with Group B, which is one of the beginner groups, and you'll have four teammates."

Jun was just nodding to everything Seraxxis was explaining.

"Now, there are some rules you must follow. First, you can't leave the premises unless explicitly ordered to do so. Second, you can't roam freely within the clan complex; some areas are off-limits. Initially, you should only go where you are told to go. Third, you can't engage in any physical conflicts with any of your teammates. And finally, everything I say must be followed without question. Have you understood me well?"

"Yes, ma'am," Jun replied softly.

"Perfect!" Seraxxis exclaimed with excitement, her fingers playing along the hem of her robe. "I have a feeling we'll get along very well, Jun."

As she said this, Jun felt a chill run down her spine like a snake made of ice. She looked into her new master's face and noticed something she hadn't seen initially. Although Seraxxis was smiling, her eyes glinted with a coldness that even surpassed that of her master Axxes.

"That said, Jun, I'll take my leave. Tomorrow promises to be a very exciting day!" Seraxxis said energetically.

Jun noticed once again that Seraxxis's eyes didn't convey the same cheerfulness as her voice or smile; they seemed like opaque crystals devoid of any expression. After saying this, Seraxxis left the room. Jun stretched out on the bed, placing her pillow behind her head, and finally began to relax after hours of tension.

"Damn, I really can't trust anyone here. That woman looks so much like my master, but her aura scares me a lot; her eyes are like empty pits. I don't like her at all, but well, I guess I need a bath and a good rest. Tomorrow will be a pretty motivating day, from what I'm seeing," she reflected while staring at the ceiling adorned with ancient paintings.

Saying this, Jun approached a door to her left and entered the bathroom. The bathroom was much more beautiful than she had expected, with lilac-colored tiles that reflected the light of scented candles. The bathtub already contained water perfumed with floral essences. Jun was surprised to see this. The steam emanated from the bathtub like a halo of comfort, inviting her to dive in. Jun began to undress and, after a few seconds, noticed a mirror carved with geometric figures. She approached it and looked at herself. Her skin was very fair, almost like porcelain, no longer as pale as when Nikantres had found her. Her hair, snow-white, fell past her waist. Her eyes, an intense shade of crimson, shone like gems with an intensity they had never had before. After a few seconds, her eyes landed on the mark that had been forcibly burned onto her right arm, a circle with three vertical lines, which was the symbol to identify the "Drifter."

"Damn them, they'll pay for this someday," Jun thought bitterly.

Her body was now more toned and mature, strengthened by the trials she had faced since Nikantres had saved her. She looked at herself for a few more moments, took a deep breath, then turned and exited the bathroom. Rummaging through her belongings, she found what she was looking for: a pair of black-handled scissors.

"Perfect, these will do," she thought. With resolve, Jun returned to the mirror and began cutting her hair. She left the back slightly below her nape, while in the front she left two strands on either side that fell a little past her chest.

"This is perfect," Jun thought excitedly, a smile touching her lips. Then, she slipped into the bathtub and took a soothing bath, allowing the warm water to wash her worries away.

"I hope I can live up to my teacher's expectations. It would be very sad if she faced consequences because of my failure, if I turn out to be a good-for-nothing. I have to be the best here; there's no other option," she told herself as soap bubbles floated around her. With her skin still moist and her spirit renewed, Jun went to bed, slipping into a sleep filled with expectations and unanswered questions.

The next morning, Jun rose early and left her room. In the dining area, she saw four girls, sitting at an antique wooden table eating what appeared to be a breakfast of fruit and bread. Jun wasn't sure, but the girls seemed to be around her age.

"Hello," Jun softly called out; the four girls completely ignored her and continued eating as if nothing had happened.

Jun's heart quickened, and she flushed red, becoming very nervous. She was not much for socializing, and this small failure made her feel more out of place than ever.

"Hello!" she said again, this time with a firmer voice.

Immediately, the girls turned to look at her, as if noticing her for the first time.

"My name... my name is J... Jun, nice to meet you," Jun stammered, bowing slightly.

The girls watched her for a few seconds, as if assessing her, and then turned back to their breakfast, treating Jun as if she were no more than a passing breeze. Jun wasn't sure what to do; her face was burning with embarrassment, her hands trembling. But before she could react, the door burst open and Seraxxis made her entrance. In a fraction of a second, as if they were puppets controlled by invisible strings, the girls stood up and gave a slight bow. Jun, feeling a bit disoriented but not wanting to be the only one disobeying some unwritten protocol, stood up and did the same.

"Girls!" exclaimed Seraxxis energetically, snapping Jun out of her temporary nervousness. "Today is a special day. As you can see, we have a new companion. Please welcome Jun."

The girls briefly greeted Jun, and the room seemed to warm by several degrees, making Jun flush even redder than before.

"That being said, for your information, Jun," continued Seraxxis, her voice taking on a more serious tone, "this is their first day as well. Now follow me."

The teacher turned on her heels and exited the room. Jun followed her, feeling the presence of the four girls behind her. They walked through the maze-like streets until they finally arrived at some kind of temple. Upon entering, Jun saw an arena similar to where she had trained, but much more sophisticated. The table in the center was filled with both real and wooden weapons, practice dummies, and all sorts of artifacts.

"Alright, I need you all to stand in a line. Then state your full name, age, where you're from, and why you're here. Afterward, choose one of the weapons from the table and return to the line," instructed Seraxxis, her voice filled with authority.

The girls obeyed immediately, forming a line where Jun was last. The first girl seemed on the verge of tears, her hand visibly trembling.

"My name is Trebita Aderas," announced the first girl, her voice shaky. "I come from the capital. I was sold to this clan by a monk, and Lord Bernabel kindly included me in this squad."

Trebita's nervousness seemed so palpable that Jun felt a little more at ease, realizing they all were in similar situations.

"And how old are you, Trebita?" asked Seraxxis, causing the girl to blush even more.

"Twelve, ma'am," replied Trebita. She approached the weapons table and, after observing for a tense moment, picked a kind of sickle with a chain. She returned to the line and stood behind Jun.

"My name!" shouted the next girl, startling everyone except Seraxxis. "My name is Adreita Sendra and I come from the capital! My father was part of this glorious organization and that's why I'm here! I am twelve years old!"

Jun had to gather all her strength not to laugh; the girl's tone and demeanor were hilarious. Adreita strode to the table, picked up a morning star without a second thought, and returned to the line.

"My name is Veranice Volaris," said the third girl, her voice soft as a gentle breeze. "I come from the great city of Vengerdard and was brought here by a recruiter. I am eleven years old."

Veranice went to the table and, surprisingly, chose no weapon. She simply returned to the line. Jun looked at her in perplexity, then shifted her gaze to Seraxxis, who was watching everything with an inscrutable expression.

"My name is Daria Volta, and I come from the Dead Islands," announced the last girl. "I'm thirteen years old, and I've been sent here on the recommendation of Mr. Brabel." Daria stood tall and spoke firmly, walking towards the weapon table as if she already belonged. Without a moment's hesitation, she chose leather and metal cestus, her eyes shimmering with unshakeable confidence.

Jun felt a chill run down her spine and bit her lower lip, trying to stave off her encroaching nervousness. "Get a grip, Jun," she thought desperately while steadying her breath. "Remember, you have to be the best."

"My name is simply Jun, and I'm almost eleven years old. Miss Axxes brought me here from the Northern Islands." Jun stepped forward, her eyes quickly scanning the array of weapons. Her gaze settled on the tanto and wakizashi; it took her a few seconds to locate them, but once she did, relief washed over her. Grasping the weapons with determined hands, she joined the line. A glint of satisfaction lit her face; she had spoken clearly, without stuttering or showing weakness. She could feel her chest swell with joy and pride.

"Alright, girls, learn the names of your peers," Seraxxis declared, his voice colder than it had been. "As for me, it doesn't matter. In the order you've presented yourselves, you'll be numbers one, two, three, four, and five." For the first time, his tone matched the iciness of his gaze. "Now, if you're still here in two years—or if you prove competent—you'll earn the right to have me use your names. Next, we'll test your limits. You'll face a series of puppets; as you defeat them, the difficulty will increase. When you can go no further, your turn is over. Understood?"

All, including Jun, nodded. The tension in the air was palpable; each heartbeat seemed to stretch into an eternity.

"Very well," continued Seraxxis, "Number five, to the center, please."

Color rushed to Jun's cheeks, but she swallowed hard and walked to the center, striving to radiate the confidence she had shown before. Her hands tightened around the hilts of her wakizashi and tanto. "This is real," she thought, "there's no turning back."

"I see you've chosen the wakizashi and the tanto. Perfect," said Seraxxis, a hint of approval crossing his face. "Begin with the first puppet."

As the words left his mouth, a puppet—about a head taller than Jun—materialized as if woven from thin air. Seeing it, Jun set aside her embarrassment and focused, her eyes locked onto the puppet. The wooden figure had an unsettling aura; its four arms, each armed with wooden swords, seemed like sinister shadows. With a fluid yet unpredictable motion, the puppet attacked, its sword slashing toward Jun's legs in a blink. Jun dodged, leaping gracefully over the puppet.

A rush of adrenaline surged through her as she attempted to strike the puppet's back with her wakizashi. But the puppet twisted unnaturally, its torso rotating in a way that defied logic, and parried her strike with two wooden arms. With its other arms, it executed another fluid spin, hitting Jun's right side with such force that she was sent flying. Landing with a grimace, Jun gasped in pain, her side aflame. She struggled to catch her breath, her chest rising and falling rapidly.

"Damn it, this puppet is as strong as it is fast," thought Jun, rising laboriously to her feet. "I need to end this with one decisive move, but where's its weak point?" Logic told her it must be the head. So, with fierce resolve blazing in her eyes, she sprinted toward the puppet. The wooden figure tried to anticipate her move, swinging its sword downward. But she was quicker, and using the puppet's own force against it, grabbed onto its arm and used it as leverage to elevate herself. Her legs found their target at the puppet's neck, and with a quick, precise movement, she drove her tanto into a strategic gap between the puppet's neck and torso. With a brutal yank, she tore off its head.

The puppet began to spin erratically, its movements becoming chaotic before collapsing into a heap of wooden pieces. Jun landed at a safe distance, panting and sweaty, but with a fleeting sense of triumph. Her side burned, but the satisfaction of defeating her enemy eased the pain.

She looked toward Seraxxis, whose expression had not changed; his smile was as false as ever, and his eyes as empty as the abyss.

"Very well, number five. Now, the second puppet," Seraxxis announced, sounding almost bored as if he were assessing an object rather than a person. From nowhere, another puppet materialized, distinctly different from the first: it had only two arms but carried a more menacing sword.

Jun eyed it, her intuition screaming that this puppet would be an even greater challenge. In a split second, she lunged, wakizashi in hand. Reaching the enemy's side with agility, her mind began formulating a strategy similar to the one she had previously used. But this puppet was of a completely different caliber; it reacted with supernatural speed. With an elegant spin, it struck Jun's legs, suspending her mid-air. Before she could react, the puppet unleashed a devastating blow to her stomach. She barely managed to block it with her tanto, but the impact sent her crashing to the ground, raising a cloud of dust and dry leaves.

"Damn it, damn it, damn it! This cursed puppet is in a league of its own," thought Jun, her mind racing a mile a minute as she weighed her options. "I need to unleash my EV; it's my only hope. But can I control it?"

Desperate, Jun tried to release her vital energy, but her efforts were in vain. Before she could devise a new plan, the puppet's sword descended like lightning, striking her torso. Although she let out a groan of pain, Jun managed to stand and unleashed a double attack with all her might toward the foe. Yet, the puppet blocked her offensive.

Seizing the moment, Jun relaxed the force of her attack. This threw off the puppet's balance just enough for her to act. Quickly, Jun crouched into a squatting position and leapt ferociously toward the enemy's neck. She wrapped her legs around the puppet's throat and, pulling with all her strength, attempted to rip its head off. But the puppet's neck proved to be unusually sturdy.

Regaining its balance, the puppet gripped Jun by the sides. Then, with a leap, it fell backward, causing Jun to crash onto the ground. The impact rattled her head and knocked her unconscious.

Jun awoke abruptly, her heart pounding, and realized that the puppet was no longer in the arena.

"Damn it, that stupid puppet knocked me out. Am I really that vulnerable?" The euphoria and self-confidence Jun had felt upon defeating the first puppet had vanished like smoke, replaced by helplessness and frustration.

"Well, not too shabby for your first combat experience," commented Seraxxis, now with a newly cold and detached tone. "Please return to row number five if you would be so kind." Jun returned to the row, barely containing the anger and helplessness boiling within her.

"Damn, I hope the other girls don't outperform me," muttered Jun with a tinge of sadness and envy, as she took her place in line.

"Number four, please, to the center of the arena."

Daria, the next combatant, readied the cestus she had previously picked up from the weapons table and headed confidently to the center of the stage. She was of similar height to Jun, but what stood out was her robust build. Her hair was light brown, and her skin slightly tan. She wore her hair in a high, sporty ponytail. Despite their similar height, the difference in musculature was noticeable; Daria looked like a trained athlete, a true warrior.

"That girl looks incredibly strong," thought Jun with a mix of admiration and regret. "She's clearly stronger than I am, no doubt about it," Jun muttered again, biting her lower lip to hold back the rage and envy consuming her.

The tension was palpable as an identical puppet to the one Jun had defeated appeared. But Daria, with an expression bordering on madness and a maniacal laugh that echoed in the space, didn't hesitate. With feline agility, she lunged at the puppet, landing a blow so brutal on its back that she could hear the wood crack. The puppet flew a couple of meters, attempted to stabilize, and turned to launch a counterattack. Daria, in a display of reflexes, dodged it effortlessly. Executing an acrobatic jump, she positioned herself above the puppet and, with a war cry so fierce it momentarily froze Jun, shattered its head in a spectacularly brutal move.

Jun was stunned, her gaze fixed, almost unblinking. Daria proved to be a formidable adversary, eclipsing Jun in every skill and aptitude. Wasting no time, the second puppet emerged and charged immediately at Daria. With a skill that defied logic, Daria blocked the wooden sword with her cestus. Her eyes reflected complete frenzy, a trance-like state where she seemed unstoppable. Jun watched as Daria's arm muscles tensed and expanded. With another guttural scream that echoed in the arena, she ripped the puppet's arm off with brute force and then dealt a devastating blow that shattered its torso, disabling the wooden enemy on the spot.

"This can't be happening," whispered Jun in despair, her voice barely a thread. "It didn't even take her five seconds to finish off the second puppet."

Jun's face contorted in a grimace of disgust and resignation, emotions vying for dominance in her mental state. But the combat spectacle was far from over. Without time to assimilate what had happened, a third puppet appeared, breaking the mold by taking the shape of a wild dog. Jun felt an ominous sensation emanating from it, something very similar to the Vital Energy (EV) her master had shown her during her first training.

"Could it be that these puppets are also imbued with VE?" thought Jun, awestruck and curious.

The puppet, in a flash of vertiginous acceleration, lunged at its target. The speed was such that Jun could barely follow the movement with her eyes, and apparently, Daria was also caught off guard, as her reaction came too late. With its wooden jaws, the puppet captured Daria's leg. She tried to resist, using every muscle fiber in her body, but the puppet's supernatural strength was clearly superior.

In a swift, fluid move, like that of an experienced predator, the puppet knocked Daria to the ground. Not content with that, it leapt upward, taking the combatant with it, and then slammed her into the ground with shocking force. A muffled groan of pain escaped from Daria's lips. The puppet released its prey and, with agility that contradicted its apparent rigidity, leapt again to land its heavy wooden tail on the young woman's chest.

Daria's eyes opened wide, as if screaming from the pain engulfing her, but she was breathless, unable to make a sound. Anguish and suffering were etched clearly on every feature of her face. Gathering her strength in a superhuman effort, Daria stood and unleashed a devastating blow towards the puppet's side. Astonishingly, the wooden figure barely budged, leaving Daria in utter disbelief.

Wasting no more time, the puppet leapt several meters into the air, spinning in a blinding pirouette. Daria tried to dodge, but her previous strike had drained her. She took another blow to the chest, sending her tumbling across the ground in a flurry of dirt and dust, knocking her unconscious.

Seraxxis raised his hand with ominous grace, and the puppet vanished as if it had never existed. After a few seconds, Daria regained consciousness and stood.

"Very well, Number Four, that was a decent match. Back in line, please," Seraxxis announced.

Daria nodded, brushed off the dust, and returned to the line.

"Number Three, please, to the center," Seraxxis called.

Veranice, visibly nervous but palpably determined, nodded and walked to the center of the arena. Jun was eager to see Veranice in action. Without any weapons, how would she face the puppets? With her freckled face and luminous green hair, Veranice was an intriguing figure. Jun couldn't help but notice a resemblance in their complexions, finding her oddly attractive. A mix of nervousness and bravery, Veranice prepared herself mentally and physically to face the first puppet materializing before her.

Jun immediately widened his eyes in surprise; Veranice was using VE. He couldn't see it but could feel it. Veranice assumed an attack stance and waited. The puppet materialized and attacked without delay. Veranice moved at a speed similar to Jun's; she struck the puppet with open palms and what appeared to Jun as a powerful gust of wind shattered the puppet's torso. The puppet attempted a counter-attack, but its own speed caused further disintegration; two of its four arms fell to the ground. Seizing the moment, Veranice dealt another palm strike, destroying the puppet entirely.

"Veranice can clearly use VE at will," Jun muttered enviously. However, he noticed her heavy panting, as if she had made a prolonged physical effort. Sweat was visible on her face; Jun watched as she swallowed hard and resumed her stance.

The second puppet materialized and ferociously attacked. Veranice managed to shield herself but was visibly drained. She tried to put distance between herself and the puppet and launched an attack similar to the first. She connected, but with much less force. Looking up, she saw that the puppet was unscathed. Her eyes widened in fear as the puppet grabbed her by the neck and struck her with its wooden sword. Veranice began to struggle, her efforts fruitless. She took multiple blows, each one forcing the air from her body accompanied by a soft groan of pain. Jun looked at Seraxxis anxiously. But then, Seraxxis raised his hand, and the puppet vanished. Veranice dropped lifelessly to the ground but soon regained consciousness, visibly battered but able to stand.

"You have a rather peculiar way of fighting, Number Three," Seraxxis declared curiously. "I can see you're capable of attacking with your VE, but your use of it is messy and inefficient; you waste enormous amounts just releasing it. That's why you were so quickly drained and stood no chance against the second puppet. Back in line."

Veranice returned to the line, her face etched with shame.

"Number One, please, to the center," Seraxxis exclaimed.

Trebita's eyes opened wide in surprise; she hadn't expected to be next. With hesitant steps, she moved to the center of the arena, gripping a scythe chained to a handle.

However, Jun immediately noticed that Trebita had no idea how to handle the weapon; in fact, it seemed she couldn't fight at all. She looked anxiously at Seraxxis, whose expression remained impassive. He raised his hand, and the first puppet appeared. It attacked immediately, but Trebita was paralyzed. Jun watched as she closed her eyes, filled with desperation and fear.

"Teacher, Trebita can't fight!" Jun shouted in distress, but Seraxxis paid no mind. The puppet approached Trebita and knocked her down with a single blow, proceeding to pummel her repeatedly. She offered no resistance, merely letting out whimpers of pain with each hit. Desperation filled Jun's body.

Deep memories surfaced in Jun's mind: days wandering the streets in search of food, beatings endured upon discovery, the helplessness of receiving no aid. She decided she wouldn't let Trebita suffer the same fate. With a heroic yell, she leapt to the rescue.

She ran towards the puppet and lunged at its neck. But before she could reach her target, the puppet vanished. Seraxxis grabbed her by the neck in an instant, leaving her suspended in the air.

"I don't recall giving you permission to interfere," Seraxxis said in an icy tone.

"Teacher, Trebita wasn't defending herself..." Jun was interrupted by a punch from Seraxxis that left her gasping for air. She fell to the ground, struggling to breathe, to no avail.

"Never attempt something like that again. If you do, I will kill you," Seraxxis whispered, her voice laden with hatred.

"The session is over," said Seraxxis, attempting a sweet tone, but her eyes were flashing with anger.

Jun got up and returned to her room. "This is the first punch that has hurt me this much," Jun thought as she walked. "Even the hits from my former master, Axxes, weren't as painful. It feels like this woman truly meant to harm me." As Jun walked, tears flowed from her eyes. She felt humiliated and utterly alone; the feeling was incomparable to her first training session with Axxes. That was tough, but she felt as if she had made progress for the first time in her life. Here, only negative emotions invaded her body.

"No!" she thought angrily. "I won't give in so easily. If this woman wants to destroy me, I won't make it easy for her. I'll prove to Mr. Nikantres and to my true master that I am someone worthy, that I am someone capable. I won't give up so easily. I never have."