

enter and immerse yourself in Jun's raw life, grow and learn as she does, this is a story of overcoming, betrayal and fiery combat. follow Jun on her journey of discovery and how she grows stronger as time goes by, while discovering all the horrors that the supreme caste has done.

DaoistJh1pwG · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 1: Twenty-Five Years Later

The capital was a sprawling city spanning an area of just over nine thousand square kilometers and was home to more than twenty million inhabitants. This metropolis was divided at its core by a large wall enclosing about two thousand square kilometers; within this fortified space lived the country's most powerful individuals. This was also the home of the most important family in history, according to collective memory. Common folk referred to them as "the Supremes" or the "Supreme Caste," though they preferred to call themselves "the Descendants of Naard." For the past nine hundred years, they had maintained complete control over the nation.

On the outskirts of the city, at one of its entrances, people walked past Jun as if she were invisible. She extended her arms, hopeful to receive some coins or food. Her skin was as white as snow, though covered in dirt and grime. On her right arm was a burn mark she had received when she was very young, a sign of her status as a "Drifter." This term, used to describe society's outcasts, identified those who were unwelcome everywhere and entitled to nothing. Even slaves were treated better.

Rain pelted Jun's head as water flowed down her small body. She was no older than nine and wondered what she had done to deserve such a fate. She generally resorted to stealing food, but had been caught a while back and beaten severely. She had not yet recovered from the punishment and was very weak. She had gone an entire month without eating, and her energy dwindled with each passing hour. She had managed to reach the bridge where she now was, crawling for hours. She knew that foreigners often passed by this bridge, who were occasionally more compassionate than the locals. However, she had been begging there for hours, and no one had given her the slightest attention.

Tears streamed from her eyes, partially cleansing the accumulated filth on her face. The only thought she harbored was uncertainty about why she was treated this way. Nearly fainting, she felt a strong blow to her head. Someone had kicked her simply because she was in their way.

Anger, pain, sadness, helplessness. Numerous feelings overwhelmed little Jun, incapable of understanding the malice inflicted upon her. With the last of her strength, she managed to stand up and met the gaze of a man dressed in black and covered with a leather cape. His belt held two swords with exquisite details. The man's face was marked by a scar extending from his forehead to his chin, a sign of a cut that had disfigured part of his nose and lip.

"Scum, trash, social outcast," the man said to Jun. "If you were offered a path to salvation, would you take it?"

The question took Jun by surprise. She didn't understand what the man was talking about, but instinctively nodded her head, hoping that if she accepted whatever the man was offering, she would get food.

The man began to laugh uproariously.

"Child, what are you willing to sacrifice for the path I am offering you?"

Jun began to feel faint. She had nothing to lose, nothing to sacrifice. On the brink of death, she mustered her last bit of strength and all she was able to do was raise her arm and grip the man's cape with her tiny hand.

The man let out another laugh, and Jun collapsed on the ground as the rain continued to pelt her small body.

Jun awoke in a small room. Her body was clean and all her wounds were bandaged. Her right leg was immobilized with a bandage and a board. She looked around and noticed the room was furnished with materials she didn't recognize. Only the wood was familiar to her, and that only to a certain extent. Her bed was covered with fabrics so soft it felt as if she were floating on them.

"What the hell is this place?" thought Jun with a knot of fear in her stomach. "Some time ago, Trista disappeared under mysterious circumstances. Rumors said she had been abducted by the Supremes. Is it my turn to suffer the same fate? I won't go without a fight, that's clear." Her mind was in a full whirlwind of anxiety and resolve.

While she was engrossed in this tangle of thoughts, the dull sound of a knock on the door broke the silence. A woman dressed in a blue robe entered carrying a tray that contained steaming vegetable soup. The intoxicating aroma filled the room instantly, making Jun salivate almost involuntarily. The woman offered her a warm but distant smile, left the tray on a wooden table beside the bed, and silently withdrew, closing the door behind her.

Jun eyed the steaming plate before her with suspicion. Distrust was second nature to her, and she wasn't willing to let her guard down, especially in this unfamiliar place. However, the growl of hunger became increasingly unbearable until it turned into a clamor that Jun could no longer ignore.

Taking a deep breath to muster courage, Jun sat up in bed and lunged at the plate, devouring the soup so quickly that her starving stomach couldn't process it. She felt a strong discomfort and vomited. Despite everything, at that moment, that soup was the most delicious thing that had ever touched her lips in her entire life.

The door opened again, and the same woman entered, this time with a cloth and a bucket of water. She efficiently cleaned the vomit, showing no sign of disgust, and then brought a second serving of soup, placing it on the bedside table.

"Take your time eating this one," the woman advised, her eyes meeting Jun's for a moment in what appeared to be a mix of understanding and concern.

"The food isn't going anywhere."

With those words, the woman left the room, closing the door with a soft click, leaving Jun alone once more. Jun found herself in an unfamiliar place, with no idea how much time had passed since her last encounter with the enigmatic man who had brought her there. Despite the uncertainty surrounding her situation, she felt the days pass excruciatingly slow. A silent woman came into the room twice a day to clean and dress her wounds, offering no explanation or answering her impatient questions. Initially, she was fed exclusively soft, nutritious soups, considering her weakened body couldn't process more solid foods. Over time, more substantial fare like roasted meat, freshly baked bread, and assorted vegetables were introduced. Each bite was a culinary experience Jun had never had the luxury of enjoying before.

Days turned into weeks, and finally into months. Gradually, Jun regained her physical strength. Her leg, which had been severely injured, healed completely. She had tried to escape on multiple occasions, only to be met with an impenetrable door and a windowless room. One day, without warning, the door swung wide open, and the man who had confined her appeared in the doorway. He stared intently at Jun, who experienced a whirlwind of emotions ranging from fear to curiosity.

"I see you've fully healed," he articulated in a measured tone.

"What is your name?"

"Jun," she replied, barely audible.

"Excellent, Jun. Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Nikantres, a member of an organization specialized in identifying and recruiting individuals with exceptional abilities."

Confused but intrigued, Jun listened without fully grasping the meaning of his words.

"I don't understand what's happening," she murmured.

"You don't need to understand everything now; just know that your training starts tomorrow. That's sufficient for now," Nikantres chuckled softly and left the room, leaving her alone with her thoughts. Awake in the darkness, Jun replayed Nikantres's words. Her life had been a series of hardships and dangers; she had witnessed tragedies and acts of violence from an early age. She knew that if she didn't strengthen herself, she would be yet another victim in a ruthless world. Nikantres's "training" presented itself as an enigmatic opportunity—perhaps her only chance to change her fate. With these thoughts swirling in her mind, Jun wondered what the future had in store for her.

The door burst open, and for a moment, Jun expected to see the unmistakable figure of Nikantres. However, the person who appeared was completely different. Before her stood a woman whose body was meticulously wrapped in bandages up to her neck, highlighting her toned muscles. Over the bandages, she wore a black robe made of a material that seemed both soft and durable. Her red hair was pulled back in a high ponytail, adorned with a wasp-shaped brooch. A distinctive scar crossed her face, marked by a stern expression.

"Put this on," the woman ordered, tossing Jun a set of bandages similar to her own, along with loose pants and a shirt, both in black.

Slightly bewildered, Jun confessed, "I don't know how to put these on." The woman looked at her with a certain disdain before approaching and instructing her on how to wrap herself in the bandages. Once Jun was adequately dressed, the woman gestured for her to follow. Finally, Jun had the opportunity to explore the space beyond the room that had been her prison. They found themselves in a narrow, dark hallway, flanked by numerous doors similar to her own. After a brief walk, they arrived at an iron door magnificently adorned with engravings of small dragons. The woman opened it, and sunlight struck Jun's face as if it were a punch. Temporarily blinded, Jun blinked until her eyes adjusted. What she saw left her in awe: a lush garden filled with plants and flowers of unimaginable colors. She had never in her life seen such natural beauty. Maintaining a brisk pace, the woman led her through the garden and into an adjacent forest. After a few minutes, they arrived at a clearing. At the center were human-shaped dummies, sandbags, an array of weapons, and other tools, all meticulously arranged. The woman stopped at the center of a circle drawn in the earth.

"Listen carefully, Jun," she said in a tone that brooked no argument.

"My name is Axxes, and I will be your Master. Starting today, we will meet here every day before dawn. If you're not here, I'll assume you've abandoned and you will be executed. You're here to be pushed to the limit, both physically and mentally. If you fail in either of these aspects, you will die. I have two rules: first, you obey my commands without question; second, you speak to no one but me. Is that clear?"

Jun looked at him, weighing each word, and nodded firmly.

"Excellent. We will start with basic measurements: speed, strength, then we'll assess the flexibility and endurance of your limbs. Additionally, we will measure your reaction times and pain tolerance," Axxes declared in a stern voice.

For the hours that followed, Jun was subjected to a grueling battery of exercises and tests designed to push her to the limits of her physical abilities. Some exercises were so challenging they brought tears of pain to her eyes. However, she completed each task Axxes assigned her without any objection. After making meticulous notes in a notebook he carried with him, Axxes retreated into the house and emerged carrying two weapons: a sword of considerable dimensions and a smaller one.

"Jun," Axxes began, looking at her sternly, "after evaluating your potential, I've selected these weapons for you to learn to handle and refine your skills. The larger sword is a Wakizashi, designed for short and medium-range combat. The smaller one is a Tanto, ideal for quick and deadly strikes in close encounters. Although this is just a suggestion; you are free to choose any other weapon you prefer."

The weapons were works of art. The Wakizashi had a black blade and a red hilt decorated with dark motifs. In contrast, the Tanto featured a silver-toned blade and a red hilt with white adornments. Just as Jun reached out to take the weapons, Axxes pulled them out of her reach.

"I am showing them to you; you are not yet prepared to even touch these relics. First tell me, what weapon have you chosen? Then we will begin training."

"I like the knives, ma'am," Jun replied, her tone cautious.

Axxes nodded, her expression softening slightly.

"Excellent choice, girl," she commented, her voice a little less rigid than usual.

She pointed to a nearby table where wooden replicas of the weapons lay.

"Take them," Axxes ordered. Jun nodded and picked up the replicas.

Over the course of the next few hours, Axxes instructed Jun in the art of weapon handling, showing her how to hold them and use them effectively. When the day finally came to an end, Axxes indicated to Jun that it was time to retire to her quarters. Exhausted and sore, Jun collapsed on her bed, but with the feeling that all of it was insignificant compared to the brutalities she had suffered on the streets.

The months flew by. Jun's days were monotonous: she rose before dawn to train with Axxes for eight intense hours, followed by four hours of meditation, time to eat, and finally, rest. Occasionally, Axxes would give her lessons to refine her manners and enrich her vocabulary.

Axxes was a woman of few words; she only broke her silence to instruct Jun in a new technique or to correct a flaw in her execution. Jun, for her part, also didn't talk much, complying with the strict rules imposed by her mentor. However, there was one concern that plagued her: when would she see Nikantres again? She longed to find him once more, to express her gratitude. But he remained absent.

And so the days went on, until exactly one year had passed since Jun began her training with Axxes. Now she was a young girl of nearly eleven, completely transformed. She had gained notable muscle mass and grown in stature, distancing herself from the malnourished and dirty child she once was. Now, she was almost a head taller and a warrior in training.

As every day, Jun was waiting for her teacher in the clearing.

"Jun,"—the girl turned and saw her teacher, gave a small bow, and took a step back—"We have reached the first point of our training. You understand the basic movements of displacement and weapon techniques; your physical abilities have improved substantially over the last two months, and your strength has increased considerably. But you are still a mere novice: your movements are still slow and clumsy. What we have done so far was to prepare you for real training. In your initial condition, you would not have been able to withstand the pace we have here, so we have spent a year conditioning your body."

Jun looked at her teacher eagerly, it had been a long time since she had heard her speak so much. She could feel that something had changed, that she was about to learn something new.

"Jun," said her teacher, "get into your guard. I'm going to launch an attack."

Jun tensed her muscles and immediately assumed a defensive stance. With impressive speed, her teacher moved behind her and placed her hand on Jun's neck. At first, Jun couldn't even see her teacher's movements, but now she could follow them with her eyes, although she still couldn't react in time.

Axxes walked back calmly to the starting point.

"Now, Jun, I'm going to do something different. I will attack you on the count of three; I want you to try to follow me with your eyes."

Jun nodded. She noticed that something had changed: her teacher's muscles had swollen, her breathing had changed, and the atmosphere was charged with an energy she had never felt before.

"One, two, three..."

When her teacher said "three," Jun lost sight of Axxes and felt overwhelming pain. She realized that her face was embedded in the ground and that her teacher's hand was holding her head. The movement had been so fast that her body couldn't perceive the pain in time. Her lip was split and bleeding a little.

"Teacher," Jun stammered, "what happened? I couldn't see anything."

"What I just did was to boost my physical abilities and mental perception using my Vital Energy, or VE for short," Axxes explained.

Jun looked at her, trying to understand.

"In this world," Axxes continued, "all living beings possess a certain amount of vital energy. Over the millennia, humans have learned to utilize this VE. During the Battle of the End of Ages, the Millennial King Naard took control of the knowledge about VE and limited who could teach it, to prevent future revolts. We are all born with a variable amount of this energy, and what we teach here, in addition to mastery of body and mind, is proficiency in the use of VE. We are one of the few institutions or 'organizations' that the supreme caste allows to teach about VE."

"Now I will proceed to unlock your flow of Vital Energy (VE) and instruct you on how to unleash its potential. Keep in mind that completely depleting your VE will be fatal," Axxes warned gravely.

Jun wiped the blood that stained her lower lip and nodded cautiously.

"Turn around and remove the bandages that cover your back," Axxes ordered with an authoritative tone in her voice.

Obediently, Jun turned around. Axxes approached her from behind and applied pressure on three specific areas of her spine.

"Now I'm going to activate your life force," Axxes continued.

"You'll likely lose consciousness, so as part of your training, try to focus to avoid that."

Jun nodded again. At that moment, Axxes struck the three points on her back precisely. A gasp escaped Jun's lips as a rush of air emanated from her body. The surrounding trees swayed as if struck by a sudden gust of wind. Axxes took two steps back, his eyes showing an expression of surprise and admiration.

"Wow," murmured Axxes before striking Jun on the neck, instantly rendering her unconscious. Jun lay on the ground when a laugh echoed behind Axxes.

"Interesting, very interesting. The girl is a potential super user," commented Nikantres, releasing a sardonic laugh.

Axxes stared at him before responding in a slightly disdainful tone.

"I think it's premature to reach that conclusion. The girl has enormous potential, perhaps she's in category five, but she still needs to be tested with the metals. You know that."

Nikantres responded with a subtle laugh.

"Furthermore, we'll have to apply seals to her. She will require extensive training to manage that magnitude of life force," Axxes added.

Nikantres's expression turned serious. "I agree. But we can't use just any seal; we must hide her Vital energy even from indicator metals. If the council of elders learns of her potential, they will not hesitate to eliminate her," he said, moving towards Jun's inert body. He bent over her and etched three symbols at each of the points Axxes had pressed. The symbols took the shape of a water droplet with a dot in the middle. Leaving Jun in her room, Nikantres headed for the capital to meet with the council of elders. The possibility that Jun might be a super user filled him with satisfaction, reaffirming his instinct for discovering innate talents. However, an unease, which he had deeply suppressed, began to flutter in his mind.

"We won't repeat the mistakes we made with Cravel," he muttered to himself as he prepared his horse for the journey.

Nikantres detested meetings with the council of elders, whom he considered a conclave of old-fashioned old men fearful of change. After about a two-hour journey, he arrived at the entrance of the headquarters, which was much larger than the temple where Jun stayed. This was a sanctuary on the outskirts of the capital, designed to train novices and those whose skills were preferred to be kept secret. However, discovering that Jun was a potential super user made his meeting with the council imperative. Nikantres stopped in front of two imposing wooden doors, adorned with majestic dragons, their eyes made of precious gems and scales of valuable metals. He knocked, and four people rushed to open the doors while a fifth greeted him with a respectful bow.

"Master Nikantres," whispered his disciple as he bowed before him. "Please, follow me; the Council awaits." Nikantres flashed a bitter smile.

"The damn elders must have already known I'd come to meet with them. That means they've found out something," he muttered to himself.

A current of disgust began to boil within him as he advanced through the entrance. The path, surrounded by blooming flowers and various plants, was complemented by the gentle murmur of a small stream that flowed serenely. Despite the harmonious beauty of the surroundings, the Council's presence felt increasingly oppressive. After about a five-minute walk, Nikantres reached a spacious main courtyard. This area, despite its generous size, was just one of the multiple training grounds and secrets that the organization's headquarters harbored. Nikantres continued his journey until he reached the main temple where meetings with the Council were held. Upon entering, the six elders were already seated in their respective places.

"Nikantres, my son, it's always a pleasure to see you," greeted the High Elder Brabel, a man who had been in charge of the organization for almost as long as Nikantres had been alive. }

"Master Brabel," Nikantres replied, bowing slightly in a sign of respect.

"Nikantres, we've heard troubling news," began Brabel, his tone turning severe.

"First, we heard that you've taken a stray to the western temple and are training her. Second, that the girl seems to have category four potential. I remember you were forbidden from recruiting people for training."

"Damn, so they already know about Jun; this is going to complicate things," thought Nikantres anxiously. Taking a deep breath, Nikantres prepared to respond.

"Masters, our deepest roots come from our ancestors, who dedicated themselves to seeking and training people with some kind of potential that could benefit us. What made us special was that we didn't judge who the person was; we simply measured their innate potential. I've done exactly that, and plan to continue doing so until the day I die. Yes, I picked up a stray I found on the outskirts of the capital and took her to the temple to be healed and then trained. And as Master Brabel rightly says, the girl seems to be in category four in terms of Vital energy reserves."

Whispers of surprise filled the room, and for a moment, even the unflappable serenity of Brabel seemed to fade.

"Nikantres, son," Brabel sharply rebuked, "we no longer do what is best for the organization; we now do what is best for the supreme caste. We live and operate to defend their interests, for they maintain the fragile balance of the nation and prevent us from being invaded and chaos from breaking loose."

Nikantres shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

"I don't understand why we continue to follow the orders of the caste. For centuries, our organization has been independent, guided by our own interests. Now, we have been reduced to mere servants of the supreme caste. I find it disgusting," he replied, his face a mirror of his displeasure.

"Nikantres!" exclaimed one of the elders indignantly, but Brabel silenced him with a gesture.

"We will overlook what you've just said, Nikantres, because I value you. But I won't tolerate any more insolence from you. The girl must be eliminated, and the matter is settled. You may leave now."

Nikantres rose abruptly; his face reflected barely contained fury. Without a word, he left the room. "Damn elders," he muttered between his teeth as he strode away quickly. He needed to return to the temple where Jun was, and he needed to act fast. Nikantres arrived at the temple urgently, looking for Axxes. It was clear the elders were unaware that she was in charge of Jun's training. He found her in her usual spot, the tea room, peacefully sitting and enjoying a cup while reading a book. "Axxes!" exclaimed Nikantres, his voice tinged with urgency.

"I need your help." Axxes looked him up and down, her gaze tinted with disdain.

"The Elders are not pleased that I am training Jun, let alone that I confirmed her potential," Nikantres continued.

Axxes raised an eyebrow. "Training?" she replied sarcastically.

"Come on, Axxes, you know what I mean," Nikantres retorted, trying to maintain a jovial air.

"I need you to help me integrate Jun into the clan officially. The Elders are trying to force me to eliminate her, but she has enormous potential, and I refuse to end her life."

Axxes observed him for a few seconds before nodding. "Fine, Nikantres, I'll help you, but only because I owe you a favor," Axxes finally conceded. Nikantres looked at her hopefully. Axxes, like him, was a recruiter, but she was also the most efficient assassin he knew, and she was indeed a super user

"And how will you do it?" Nikantres asked, his anxiety palpable.

"I plan to present her as a girl I found during one of my expeditions to the northern islands. In fact, I have reason to believe she is originally from there. But first, we need to find out how much the Elders know about her. Do they have any knowledge of her physical appearance? Although, that's really the least of it. You see, I have a delicate mission: I must eliminate a family that has incurred the wrath of a caste leader. Coincidentally, they have a daughter of similar age to Jun. I plan to bring you her body to present it to the Elders," Axxes spoke fluently, as if the words flowed from her mind to her lips without interruption. Nikantres listened in silence, fascinated by the cunning of the plan unfolding before him.

"That sounds excellent!" exclaimed Nikantres, effusively. "Once again, you've saved my life, Axxes." Axxes continued her reading, unfazed.

"By the way, has Jun woken up yet?" she asked. Axxes shook her head.

"The young girl is still asleep. Perhaps I overdid it a bit with the blow I gave her."

Nikantres let out a hearty laugh and left the room. Jun woke up suddenly, confused and dazed. She looked around and saw Axxes, her master, engrossed in reading.

"Master," Jun murmured, "what happened?" Axxes looked at her for a moment before replying.

"You fainted after releasing your Vital Energy (VE). It's a common phenomenon when it activates abruptly," Jun nodded, now understanding what had happened.

"How long have I been unconscious?" she asked.

"Today marks your seventh day in bed," Axxes responded calmly. "But as I already mentioned, it's something normal. Now get dressed and come with me. We have to leave this place immediately. I'll explain the details on the way."

With those words, Axxes left the room. Jun got up, took a sip of water from the jug beside her bed, and began to dress. "Something doesn't add up," thought Jun. "I could feel a sudden surge of energy emanating from me. It was overwhelming, yes, but not enough to make me lose consciousness. Then, I felt a blow to my neck, and here I am." Slightly concerned about her suspicions, Jun went out to meet her master, who already had two horses saddled.

"Master," Jun hesitated, "I've never ridden a horse before." Axxes sighed, returned the second horse to the stable, and came back riding the one that was left.

"Get on," she ordered in a stern tone.

Jun complied and mounted the horse, excited about her first horse-riding experience; she had always looked at those noble animals with great admiration. However, after an hour of travel, she no longer found the idea so enchanting. Her backside and back began to ache, and Axxes was not the most communicative of company. Suddenly, Axxes halted the horse abruptly. Jun, lost in her thoughts, was startled. Before them, five men blocked the road.

"Dismount, Jun," Axxes instructed, her voice as serene as the night wind. Jun complied and dismounted, as did her master.

"Gentlemen, I suggest you allow us to continue. I'm in a hurry, and I doubt you want to get involved in unnecessary trouble," Axxes warned.

The men burst into guttural laughter.

"Did you hear that, boys!" one of them yelled. "This stupid bitch thinks we're idiots. Give us everything valuable you have, and take off your clothes!"

another shouted. Both of them.

Jun began to get nervous; she looked at her teacher but saw that she was calm, even appearing bored. Axxes sighed and in the blink of an eye, Jun felt the same sensation she had experienced when her teacher told her she would attack when she counted to three. Jun watched as her teacher disappeared and reappeared beside one of the men. A scream was heard; the man was wailing in a tone mixed with panic and rage. Jun looked closely and was petrified; her teacher had severed the man's arms with an extremely swift cut.

"What the fuck!" one of the men shouted.

The remaining four lunged at Axxes, but she dodged them easily and with another quick move, decapitated two of them. The remaining two watched in horror as the heads of their comrades rolled in front of them, dropped their weapons, and began to run, leaving the last wounded man to his fate. Axxes spun and threw a dagger that embedded itself in the head of one of the fleeing men. Again, from Jun's perspective, her teacher disappeared and reappeared next to the last man, slicing his jugular with a rather elegant move. Jun was very impressed. It took her teacher no more than six seconds to annihilate the entire group. Axxes returned to the horse.

"Come on, Jun, get on," Axxes ordered in her usual gruff tone. But Jun kept staring at her for a second.

"But Master, what will happen to the remaining man?" she asked.

Axxes turned toward the man and, with a glint of indifference in her eyes, coldly replied, "He'll bleed to death. Now get on, we need to continue."

Jun could hear the cries for help from the last man, but they were fading rapidly.

"Listen to me, Jun," Axxes suddenly exclaimed. "We are heading to the headquarters of the organization. There you will start your official training. You'll most likely be assigned a group with which you'll train and hone your skills. Under no circumstances can you mention or say that you know Nikantres"—Jun looked surprised and was about to reply, but Axxes silenced her and continued speaking—.

"You also cannot mention the training you had, nor where you're really from. To these people, you're from the northern islands, and if they ask why you're here, simply tell them that I bought you," Jun nodded silently.

"We have placed three seals on you that retain your vital energy; I will unblock these as you get better at using VE. Try to avoid talking about these seals; the place we're heading to is quite large, consisting of many training temples, practice yards, common areas, and many secret places—all contained within the walls of the compound. That place can be very dangerous for people unfamiliar with it and, finally, when we enter and see the council of elders, do not look them in the face. That's all."

Jun had a thousand questions but didn't muster the courage to ask any. The ride continued for a long time; Jun couldn't stop mulling over what her teacher had just told her. Why couldn't she talk about Nikantres? Would she see him again? That last doubt was eating at her. Nikantres had been the only person who had rescued Jun from her misery, and she felt that she owed him a lot. When Jun felt her back was about to explode, they reached the headquarters. The door left Jun quite surprised. She had never seen something so ostentatious. They stood in front for a few seconds until the doors opened and they could proceed. At the entrance was a small pillar for tying up the horses. Axxes got off and signaled for Jun to do the same, then tied the horse to the pillar. They continued their walk inside what seemed to be a complex of houses, temples, and large courtyards; from the outside, one couldn't appreciate how gigantic the place was. Jun felt dizzy; there were too many paths going in all directions. After walking for a couple of minutes, Jun noticed the entrance of a temple that seemed different from the rest; it emanated a sort of grandeur that Jun couldn't fully comprehend. Both entered, and Jun saw a group of elders sitting down. She saw Axxes kneel, and she, instinctively, did the same.

"Axxes, my dear, it's always a visual pleasure to see you," spoke Bernabel, the clan's second-in-command; he was the one who handled matters when Brabel was not around. Axxes detested that old man; he was known for harassing newcomers.

"Master Bernabel," Axxes replied in a neutral tone, "the reason for my visit is that, while completing my missions in the northern islands, I came across this girl. And, in my judgment, she has the potential to be a good addition to the clan's forces." As he said this, Bernabel looked at Axxes and then at Jun, with a lascivious glance, while licking his upper lip.

"Splendid!" exclaimed Bernabel in a slightly ecstatic tone.

"It's always a delight to add new forces to the clan," saying that, he stared intently at Jun; she could feel the old man's lecherous gaze on her head. "But, as you already know, Axxes, we must test your words. Girl!" Bernabel suddenly exclaimed. "Stand up and release your EV; I will evaluate you and decide if you are worthy of joining the clan."

Jun went into complete panic; her master had not explained how to release her EV; in fact, her master had not even warned her that this would happen. She quickly turned her head and looked desperately at her master, but all she saw was the usual impassive face he always had.

"Damn, what am I supposed to do now?" Jun thought. She quickly closed her eyes and began to think of the moment her master touched her back; she could remember the warmth she felt. "Ah, just remembering that warmth makes me feel so good, but I must focus; how can I replicate that feeling?" And Jun suddenly recalled the first time she had bathed in one of the hot springs where she had stayed her last year. The first time she entered those warm waters was almost the same feeling she had felt that time her master released her vital energy. And Jun, then, imagined herself entering those waters and suddenly she could feel how her body was warming up. Surprised, she opened her eyes and could see how EV emanated throughout her body; it was not as violent as the first time, but it was strong enough to make her clothes and everyone around her sway. Jun turned and looked at her master; she could see that there was a trace of a small smile on his face. Laughter was heard, and Jun turned again and saw the old man giving a small applause.

"This is quite unexpected," Bernabel commented. "Axxes, did you teach her to release her EV on her own?" To which Axxes shook his head.

"All I did was awaken her flow, nothing more."

"Ah," Bernabel exclaimed curiously, "interesting." Bernabel turned and whispered something into the ear of another elder who was standing beside him.

"Very well, Axxes, I will allow this young woman to be trained. She will be assigned to Squad Seventy-Seven," Bernabel announced. For a fleeting moment, Axxes' face tensed. Squad Seventy-Seven was an all-female group, created by Bernabel himself and under the command of Axxes' twin sister, Seraxxis. "The girl will begin her training tomorrow," Bernabel continued. "One of my escorts will take her to her new quarters." With a snap of his fingers, he summoned a man entirely clad in yellow. "Girl, follow him. He will guide you to your new lodging."

Jun looked at Axxes with an expression of panic. Axxes responded with a subtle gesture that Jun interpreted as "it's okay." With no other options, she followed the man, engulfed in deep fear. The elder's presence gave her a discomfort she had never experienced before, mainly a feeling of revulsion.