
The Tale Of Crimson King

This will be my first novel that I had ever written so there can be some mistakes in my grammar so, you can ignore them or inform me so I could improve on those points. This story began from the summoning of our MC from Abyss by the Demon King to fight against the Hero. The MC that is summoned by the Demon King is someone who knows the Hero and is very familiar with one of the members of his party. But the Hero and his party were summoned from a modern world and MC is summoned from the Abyss which said to be even more worst place than a Hell. Just what happened to MC? Why was he in the Abyss? And will he help the Demon King or will he join the Hero and his party? Find it out all in this novel! As this story progress, I might add other tags like romance or maybe even harem. For now enjoy!

Kyo_Kasanagi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

CH 17: Frustration and Anger.....

'Wait a minute….'


Igor suddenly sensed something.


'Why…am I thinking so fond of him, like he is someone I knew?'


Igor sensed that even though he had met Kai just a few hours ago, he was already thinking of him as a normal talented boy.


'It is like someone or something is changing me. Something is definitely  wrong here.'


Even though Igor was also known in Demon Realm for his kind heart and open to others no matter the race.


It didn't mean  Igor was someone with head full of flowers. He also knew to when to take things seriously.


And the person in front of him was no ordinary person. Just after making few strikes, he suddenly decided to teach him.


Igor knew that he was definitely not this kind of person. Igor now was getting wary of Kai.


'There is definitely something going on here but I didn't sense any kind of Mana or anything. Or at least Sebastian or Diablo would have told me right I they had noticed something.'


Now Igor was getting confused that why this was happening to him. Igor didn't knew but many veteran people observe other people through their aura and other physical aspects.


Any warrior either if he is a knight or assassin, they each had an aura of confidence and some hint of bloodlust. As for normal people they also had aura and their body movements which can tell a veteran a lot of things about them.


Of course there are also some people who are expert in hiding their aura to avoid exposing their true identity which could be mostly seen used by experienced and powerful assassins.


But they still left behind a small hints which could be discovered by people who have highly sensitive senses.


And like Igor, anyone else who had faced many battles in their life, they had developed their senses especially sixth sense in those battles since in a life threatening battle sixth sense can be more helpful than your sense of seeing or hearing.


And for a Demon like Igor who are racially already much stronger physically than Humans.


He had enough strong sixth sense that he could proudly say that he could identify anyone within the realm of mortals. 


But now, those very sixth sense is telling him that the person in front of him is an ordinary person.


Even before the spar this matter had been disturbing Igor so after the start of spar he had used his full strength so that maybe he might show his true ability.


But even after dodging  his attacks, Igor's sixth sense were still telling him that Kai was an ordinary human.


But even a child could tell after seeing the previous strike that Kai was anything but ordinary.


Igor hadn't thought that his very sixth sense which had even helped him survive many life-threatening encounters would today be causing him this much confusion.


"What happened? Are you alright, we can stop this If you want?"


As Igor heard the concern for him from Kai, he immediately took a deep breath calming himself.


'It doesn't matter what is going on here, I just need to see that If he is capable to fight against Hero or not.'


"It's nothing, I was just lost in my own thoughts. I'll start now."


"Hmm, If you say so."


After calming himself and responding back to Kai. He again took a stance and prepared himself.


"Here I come!"


Igor again strike with same speed and strength using Mana Strengthening. But this time he aimed for Kai's chin with his right fist.


But again he narrowly missed, maybe expecting this Igor didn't stop himself and striked his left fist towards Kai's abdomen.


Giving not much time to Kai between his strikes for Kai to dodge but Kai still dodged It by moving his to body aside.


Igor, like this, kept continuously striking like this even involving kicks in them and some times tried to grab Kai to stop him from moving.


6But he still failed. And for the people who were watching them, maids couldn't see both Kai's and Igor's movements completely as Igor strikes were raising dust and forming strong wind, forcing then to cover their eyes.


As for Diablo and Sebastian, they were not disturbed by this and were observing the fight attentively especially Sebastian.


'What the….'


Than suddenly Sebastian discovered something surprising.


'Igor is frowning…..'


Sebastian might not be a expert fighter himself but as being a God who possess huge amount of knowledge, he atleast knew that one of the things that played important role in a fight is having a calm mind.


And being a strongest knight, Igor was someone who always had a calm mind during his fights, as far he knew.


But Igor was right now losing his focus right now even frowning. While Sebastian was thinking this. Igor was getting more and more frustrating.




He tried kick at Kai legs to stop him but he missed.




He tried to uppercut at Kai's chin but he missed.


'Why can't I…..'


Even when he tried to grab him, he missed.


'Why can't I even touch him!?'


No matter what he did, he couldn't even touch his clothes he was wearing. And when Igor tried to see the expression of Kai, maybe atleast Kai would be having some difficulty from his srikes.


But he saw Kai was smiling like a child playing a tag. Maybe because of confusion before, or saddeness for losing his comrades or because of seeing how Kai was taking his strikes so easily.


Igor began to lose calm, frowing and showing wrinkles on his face. And began to remember his battle with the Hero.


Just like this no matter how and from he attacked, Hero easily blocked his attacks. And when he tried to block Hero's attacks It was like a Gaint using Mana Strentening striking his hammer on him.


Even though Hero wasn't as experienced as him and It could be seen how that the Hero hadn't even completely mastered the basics of swordmanship.


Igor still couldn't face him. Their fight could be seen as some child facing a fully grown adult.


Of course the child here was him. It took his all just to block Hero's attacks. Even when he tried his all effort, he still couldn't even made a scretch on Hero's armor.


And he could do nothing when his comrades were being slaughtered by Hero and his party members. Even his best friend, who was the vice-captain of Dark Knights, had to sacrifice himself just to let him flee from there.


Even when Igor had lost many closed ones in the past, he still couldn't overcome this feeling of losing someone.


And now, that same thing was happening again. No matter what he do he could reach Kai.


Finally maybe having enough of this, Igor began to view Kai as Hero and stopped his attacks.


"Kai! Dodge this ,If you can!"


And moved his palm towards Kai. Understanding what Igor was now going to do, everyone who were watching the battle were surprised.


Sebastian even tried to stop Igor, seeing that the things were now going towards a dangerous direction.


"Stop! Igor don't use tha-"


But before Sebastian could even finish, Igor had already attacked.