
The Tale Of Crimson King

This will be my first novel that I had ever written so there can be some mistakes in my grammar so, you can ignore them or inform me so I could improve on those points. This story began from the summoning of our MC from Abyss by the Demon King to fight against the Hero. The MC that is summoned by the Demon King is someone who knows the Hero and is very familiar with one of the members of his party. But the Hero and his party were summoned from a modern world and MC is summoned from the Abyss which said to be even more worst place than a Hell. Just what happened to MC? Why was he in the Abyss? And will he help the Demon King or will he join the Hero and his party? Find it out all in this novel! As this story progress, I might add other tags like romance or maybe even harem. For now enjoy!

Kyo_Kasanagi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

CH 16: Luck or Something Else...?

After Sebastian asked Kai for a friendly spar with Igor. Kai had agreed easily. But due to Igor's body condition rather than having a sword fight, It was decided to have a hand-to-hand combat.


Now Kai and Igor were standing facing each other, in a open ground in the Royal Garden. Kai was wearing the same clothes as before but Igor had removed his armor and now he was wearing a tight half-sleeve shirt showing his body muscles and black pants.


Diablo and others were standing a distance away from them, watching them.


If someone saw both Kai and Igor right now, they would definitely think that Kai was going to lose because Kai's height could only reach on the shoulders of the Igor.


And Kai didn't had any big muscles on his body which could help him to fight with Igor. And he also had an innocent look that he looked like someone who was always sheltered in his whole life.


Diablo and the maids didn't show on their face but they were worried about Kai. And as for Sebastian, he was intently watching both Kai and Igor.


The reason why Sebastian chooses Igor even in his injured state was because after swordsmanship Igor was also famous for his hand-to hand combat skills.


And he was sure that nothing critical would happen as long as Igor doesn't used that 'move' and Kai also doesn't do anything dangerous.


Sebastian was also ready to intervene at any time and raised his hand above to indicate Kai and Igor to prepare themselves.


Igor took a fighting stance, showing that he was taking this spar seriously since It could decide their entire Demon race's fate.


But Kai remained standing with same innocent-looking smile on his face which kind of confused everyone who were present there.


"Why are you not taking any stance?"


Igor asked since Kai wasn't taking any kind of stance. Even If someone didn't know about hand-to-hand combat skills, they still ready themselves before a fight even with a clumsy stance.


Many people wouldn't know but taking a stance before a fight can also play an important role in a fight, It could allow you to prepare yourselves to respond in time against your opponents attack.


And also allowed you to attack much faster as soon a fight began, gaining the element of surprise. But Kai wasn't taking any stance, hence he asked him.


"Oh, you don't have to worry about me. I am more comfortable like this."


As Kai responded, they couldn't force him to take a stance. And this spar was just to estimate how strong Kai was. So Igor and Sebastian let him be.


Now that everything was settled, Sebastian moved his raised arm downward indicating the start of the spar.


As soon as the spar began, Igor used his full force in his leg muscle even strengthening himself with Mana making him to appear in front of Kai in less than a second.


It was to be noted that the distance between the Kai and Igor before the spar began, was ten steps away. So It was quiet impossible to perform such act for a human.


As Igor appeared in front of Kai, he raised his right fist aiming for Kai's face along with Mana Strengthening.


Mana Strengthening was a method to use your Mana to travel in your muscles allowing them to produce much more force than a normal muscle could.


And If someone completely mastered this, this method can allow that person to produce five times more strength than the one without It.


Since Igor was the Strongest Knight in entire Demon Realm, he had already mastered this technique and along with his already strong muscles, he could easily produce enough force in his fists that he could easily destroy a modern military tank in a single strike.


And If such force landed on a normal human's face, of course his entire face would explored like a watermelon shot by a cannon.


If this spar was against someone else, Igor would had hesitated or hadn't even used this technique but he knew that the person in front of him was no ordinary person.


And showing hesitation in this situation could cause danger for other Demon Race. So Igor used his full strength from the very start.


Igor was sure that If this was also applied to the Hero, even though he would not be able to land his strike on the Hero but he would definitely be forced to defence against this strike.


And If Kai could somehow block this strike, It was enough to say that Kai was at least as strong and fast as the Hero.


But before his fist could land, Kai moved his head slightly to his right enough to dodge Igor's strike.


When Igor's fist passed the Kai head and stopped, there was much force in that strike that It caused Kai's long hair began to wave like a flag in a storm.


But the smile from Kai's face still didn't disappear at all. This caused a chilling feeling on the back of Igor and he hurriedly distance himself from Kai and prepare himself for any counterattack.


But there was no attack coming towards him. Instead Kai was standing in his previous position and watching him with twinkling eyes like a kid who found something interesting.


"What was that? That was super cool. How did you came so fast to me from that distance? Hey, can you teach me that how you did that after the spar?"


Everyone were astonished of what happened in front of them especially Igor since dodging his strike was one thing but Kai was acting like this was nothing for him.


Igor didn't know whether Kai dodge his attack due to some luck or he himself is so fast.


".….Don't worry, after this spar I'll personally teach you about this."




Kai visibly became happy as Igor agreed to him. Igor didn't know If It was luck or something else.


But he definitely knew that Kai had quiet a potential inside him so that's why he agreed to Kai's request. Since It wouldn't hurt to teach him.