
The Tale Of Crimson King

This will be my first novel that I had ever written so there can be some mistakes in my grammar so, you can ignore them or inform me so I could improve on those points. This story began from the summoning of our MC from Abyss by the Demon King to fight against the Hero. The MC that is summoned by the Demon King is someone who knows the Hero and is very familiar with one of the members of his party. But the Hero and his party were summoned from a modern world and MC is summoned from the Abyss which said to be even more worst place than a Hell. Just what happened to MC? Why was he in the Abyss? And will he help the Demon King or will he join the Hero and his party? Find it out all in this novel! As this story progress, I might add other tags like romance or maybe even harem. For now enjoy!

Kyo_Kasanagi · Fantasy
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35 Chs

CH 18: [Dark Flames]

In this world there is an energy called Mana, invisible to naked eyes but It is present everywhere just like air.


And the residents of this world had adjusted themselves to be able to control these Mana. This energy is not only available to intelligent beings but also to animals too.



This energy can also be used by Gods along with their Divine powers. Difference between Divine and Mana is their quality.


Mana allows the user to perform miracles by slightly changing the law of the world, just like making a ripple in a calm lake. But Divine power can allow It's user to make huge waves on that same calm lake.


But Gods mostly use Mana instead of Divine powers because Divine power can not be easily obtained like Mana.


They can only be obtained through their believer's faith, meaning the more believers a God had the more stronger he or she becomes.


Mana is available to everyone but that doesn't mean that anyone can easily use them. It depends on their talent to master the control of this energy and their physical affinity with Mana.


These kind of people are called Mages and they can move their stored Mana inside their body to manifest outside their body performing tasks like throwing fire out of their hands.


As for those who can't, they have to go through strict training to able to use their Mana inside their body for strengthening themselves or to cover that Mana over their body or their equipment to make them stronger.


Since they could not use their Mana outside a medium, they trained their body to make It at least easier to control them inside a medium. And these type of people are called Aura Users.


But there are two ways for Aura Users to perform just like a Mage. First either he or she use a magical artifact that helps them to achieve this or be blessed by a God.


By being blessed by a God, It can allow even an ordinary person to use a portion of their God's power by borrowing It from them.


But Gods also don't casually gives their blessing to anyone as that person has to give their loyalty completely to that God otherwise Gods can easily take those blessings back.


Igor also had a blessing from Diablo like that which made him to use a powerful spell of Diablo, even though he is actually an Aura User.


But the reason Sebastian and others were surprised was because the power which Igor borrowed from Diablo was something that could be called Diablo's one of the deadliest moves.


And that was…


"Take this! [Dark Flames]!"


From the stretched hand of Igor came out a huge amount of black colored flames heading towards Kai.


The amount of power felt within these flames were enough to easily destroy a fully armored tank such that even the Kai was surprised with this amount of energy and danger from these flames that he feeling right now.


But with how these flames spread, there was now no place for Kai to dodge It. So for the first time Kai during the spar, Kai took a serious expression and ready himself to confront It.


But before the flames touch him, he felt something within his body reacting with these black flames.


'What the….'


But before Kai could found the reason of this, he was completely covered by black flames.


When Sebastian and maids saw this, they were now completely horrified. But Sebastian immediately recovered and screamed at Igor.


"Igor!! What the hell were you thinking to use those flames!? Are you out of your mind?!"


Sebastian was very angry such that even his handsome face was slightly red with anger. He couldn't understand why Igor had to use his blessing.


"W-what I-"


"We can discuss It later but hurry extinguish those flames!"


Igor was also surprised and confused of his own behaviour, losing himself into his anger and than even using his blessing. This was first time that something like this happened to Igor.


After Sebastian told him to stop those flames, Igor came to his senses and tried to end those flames. But Diablo stopped him.


[Wait a minute Igor, you don't have to to do anything.]


This time Igor along with Sebastian, both where surprised of what Diablo was saying. These [Dark Flames] were no ordinary flames.


The reason that many Gods fear of these flames was of how no matter what you do, If these flames touches you they can never be separated from or extinguished expect by It's user.


And If left alone these flames would kept burning until there were extinguished. These flames were like some starving beast that devours anything that comes in contact with them leaving nothing behind, not even It's target's ashes.


Mana, Divine power or any known power can ever fulfill these flame's hunger. And there had been only three people know in this world's history who were able to control these flames.


They were Diablo the God of Darkness, Igor Duncan and the Goddess of Destruction. The Goddess of Destruction was killed during the Great War. So today there are only living and known users of [Dark Flames].


And If anyone else even dare to even touch or control these flames, they would found themselves being completely covered by these flames in few seconds.


And experience such pain that even a battle-hardened God would be begging to cease his pain. So anyone could imagined that even If Kai hadn't died yet he still would be experiencing extreme pain.


But Diablo stops them from stopping the flames, which greatly shocked Sebastian and even Igor. Maybe knowing that they didn't understand him, he told them.


[Did any of you heard any kind of scream?]


When Diablo pointed this, Sebastian and Igor noticed that there were no kind of scream from pain were coming that they were expecting.


And when both turned their head towards the place where the Kai was last seen, they saw something completely strange.


The black flames were gathered and rotating around the last seen Kai's position like protecting something and there was no harm caused to the place around It.


Even the ground was same as before without any sign of burning. It was like all the flames were gathering at same place which further confused both Sebastian and Igor.