
The system of love achievements

A successful businessman dies and falls into the body of the main character of the anime "Are you ready to fall in love with a pervert as long as she's cute?". Not only that, now he needs to get used to the life of a Japanese schoolboy, but also to deal with a strange system. So, this is my new job. In addition to the above-mentioned fandom, which will be the main one, some characters from other anime will be present in the fan fiction. Having an idea of the canon is desirable, but not necessary.

WorkshopofRussia · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs


— Senpai, — a petite blonde poked me in the chest with her finger, — I had to work alone for the two of us. How could you do such a mean thing to your kohai? Yuika said resentfully.

It turned out really ugly. The girl always came to Keiki's aid, and because of my fault, she received only a spit in her face in response. And that is exactly what my act can be considered in this society.

— I know, I'm guilty, — I raised my hands, accepting all the accusations, — I'm ready to do anything to make amends.

— You're talking about everything? — the girl said thoughtfully, instantly changing her mood, — Then… Yuika allows you to ask her out on a date," she smiled sweetly, pretending that she was doing me a great honor.

It turns out that I was right in my suspicions, the girl really has romantic feelings for me. Who could have known that my forgetfulness would play into my hands. Does a high level of luck really play a role?

— Mm, okay, — I pretend to be reluctant to take this step, — Yuika-san, let me invite you on a date tomorrow night.

— Well, I don't even know-yu, — the girl began to "doubt", — I usually don't agree to this, but I'm ready to give you a chance, Keiki, — Yuika said condescendingly, looking at her nails.

She should go to a theater club.

— Then tomorrow at four near the station closest to the school.

That's fine, tomorrow I will be able to get her confession and thereby close the task. That's just how to respond to the feelings of the girl herself? However, since the system itself pushes me to the path of the harem, then who am I to refuse. Yeah, it sounded like I was unhappy with this situation.

— Hey, isn't it the girl who should set the place and time of the meeting?! Yuika clenched her fists indignantly.

— Where did you hear such nonsense? — I wave away her protests. — Let's get to work already.

The blonde did not argue any more, and we silently walked to our seats. The essence of working in a library is to enter books that students take or return into a computer database. Another duty is to arrange the returned literature on the appropriate shelves. The job is not difficult, and you can read in your free time. I've always liked the peaceful atmosphere of libraries. In such places it becomes easy to drift away into your own thoughts and dreams.

The first hour passed quietly, just know that you pick up barcodes, and say the phrase on duty about the timely return of books.

"I'll put it back in its place," Yuika said, referring to the books that had accumulated during that hour.

— Okay, — I nod to the girl.

"I'm on my way," she said with enthusiasm in her voice and pushed the cart with books.

— Of all the people I know, she holds the palm for her sweetness, — I voiced my thoughts in a whisper, I will be sure that there is no one around.

It turned out I was wrong. Someone was still there.

"Yes, breasts, thighs—cute and petite everywhere," Sayuki whispered in my ear, sneaking up unnoticed.

—That's right," I calmly agree with the words, squinting at my slave. — Why are you here, Sayuki?

— I missed my master, — the girl replied affectionately and pressed her chest to the back of my head, — By the way, I found out something.

— And what is it?

— I do not know who exactly was the sender of that letter, but I know that it is definitely not Mao Nanjo.

— Why such conclusions? I ask, tilting my head back so that it rests on her soft pillows.

— She writes yaoi manga, with you and Sema Akiyama as the main characters, — said Sayuki, at the same time giving me a shoulder massage.

Mmm, nice to meet you. Wait, what?!

"You're not kidding, are you?" — I am horrified by the understanding of the situation.

— Not at all. You do such interesting things there. Nanjo-san has a good imagination.

— She's evil! — I gave my verdict.

"Hee—hee-hee," Sayuki laughed at my reaction, "In any case, she definitely doesn't have love feelings for you. I think she is generally against the idea that you can be in a relationship with someone other than your friend," the girl hammered the last nail into the lid of the coffin, called common sense.

— Oh-h, and what should I do with it? I asked a rhetorical question, rubbing the bridge of my nose.

What if I got into a strange world and Sema only pretends to be a lolicon, but in fact is just waiting for me to drop the soap? No, it's crazy.

"Master, I deserve a reward for this information, don't I?" — Sayuki purred in a sexy voice, starting to rub her groin on my hand, — I didn't touch myself, as you ordered.

"She deserved it," I confirmed, putting my hand under her skirt. Feeling for her panties, my fingers began to make circular movements, rubbing the bead of her clitoris.

The table I was sitting at was high enough to block the view of my movements.

A couple of days without self-satisfaction played its role, and the girl finished in less than a minute, sprinkling my hand with her nectar.

Exhausted, but pleased, Sayuki hugged me around the neck and almost hung on me.

— Master, it seems I've soiled you, — the girl glanced at my hand, — Let me clean it, — she wanted to bring my hand to her mouth, but I didn't let her.

— No, I want to taste you. This is my duty as a conscientious host," I said, licking her juices from my fingers.

— Your taste is not inferior to your appearance at all, — I gave out my verdict after a second to Sayuki, who was looking at me expectantly.

"Sir, don't do that, or I'll lose control and attack you right here.

— Senpai! Can you keep it down in the library, please," Yuika, who had returned, scolded Sayuki.

—Hi, Koga-san,— Sayuki said.

"Tokihara—senpai, aren't you too close?" Yuika asked, putting her hands on her hips.

— Why not? Sayuki pretended to be surprised, "Oh, you probably don't know how close Keiki and I have become.

— What does that mean? Yuika was stunned.

— We already went on a date with him, — the girl fluffed her tail, — And Keiki treated me to a parfait.

—That's how it is," Yuika drawled in frustration, in order to regain her good mood after a moment, "But it doesn't mean anything, because tomorrow we are going on a date with him, too.

— Hmm, — Sayuki glared at the blonde with displeasure, — So happy about some date. My relationship with Keiki has gone much further than innocent hand-holding. He did things to my body that you wouldn't... ah! — the girl's speech was cut short due to the fact that I imperceptibly pinched her ass.

—Sayuki, stop provoking Yuika," I said, coldly looking at the arrogant slave.

"S—sorry," she mumbled.

— It seems it's time for you to go to the calligraphy club, — I give a hint that it's time for the girl to leave, — And if you don't know where to put your free time, then you can read this book. I think she's just your type," I said meaningfully, handing Sayuki a book called "How to Train a Dog Correctly," which I was reading today to pass the time.

— Oh, thank you. I use it for self—study, — I gladly accepted Sayuki's book, — Then see you later... Keiki, - the girl said, stumbling on my name.

Waving her hand, the girl happily ran away from the library.

"Have you been on a date with a Senpai Witch?" Yuika immediately began her interrogation.

— It wasn't a date. More like a meeting.

— Do you like big breasts? Yuika continued, not satisfied with the previous answer.

— Of course, — I did not deny the obvious, — Who might not like them at all, — I added, but then I remembered that I actually know one such frame.

— I knew it! You joined the calligraphy club for the sake of Tokahara-senpai's big udder," the blonde deciphered my phrase in her own way, "Of course, a punt like me can't compete with her," she said with jealousy in her voice.

— Come on, breasts are just one of the components of beauty. There are many other beautiful sides to you," I decided to support the girl.

— That's just I lose to the witch not only in breast size, but also in all other parameters, — Yuika objected dejectedly.

— Not true. You're much nicer than her,— and less anxious," I added mentally.

—Thank you, senpai," the girl flashed scarlet. It seemed like that was the answer she was waiting for from me.