
The system of love achievements

A successful businessman dies and falls into the body of the main character of the anime "Are you ready to fall in love with a pervert as long as she's cute?". Not only that, now he needs to get used to the life of a Japanese schoolboy, but also to deal with a strange system. So, this is my new job. In addition to the above-mentioned fandom, which will be the main one, some characters from other anime will be present in the fan fiction. Having an idea of the canon is desirable, but not necessary.

WorkshopofRussia · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Woke up

Sunday morning began with the fact that I found Mizuho in my bed again.

— Brother, you woke up early today, — said the sister in a sleepy voice, stretching on the bed.

— I want to go to the gym, — I answer, being also in a horizontal position.

— And how long have you signed up there? She arched an eyebrow in surprise.

— Yesterday. I decided to put myself in order.

"But you look good as it is!" Mizuha objected, pushing the blanket off my body.

If Keiki used to always sleep in pajamas, then I follow the habit and sleep in only my underpants. Therefore, now my sister had the opportunity to contemplate my naked body. And by her reaction, you can tell that she is clearly surprised by what she saw. Mizuha snuck into my bed at night, and therefore could hardly see anything under the covers.

— Wow! And I didn't even notice that you look so... athletic," Mizuha said with fascination, running her hand over my barely visible abs cubes.

Of course, I didn't see it, because at home I tried to wear as loose clothes as possible so as not to arouse suspicion with such drastic changes.

"So that's why that shirt got too small for you," the sister guessed.

— I've been doing exercises with my own weight for several weeks now, I just didn't want to advertise it until I achieved a noticeable result, — I said a pre-prepared excuse.

— And you have achieved it! – the girl said with admiration in her eyes, continuing to run her hand over my torso.

— Perhaps, — I did not argue with this statement, — Sister, could you take your hand away from my chest already? Otherwise, I'm afraid I'll have a desire to do the same with yours," I said, casting a glance at Mizuhi's breasts, though not as big as Sayuki's, but still quite voluminous, hidden by pajamas.

"I think it would be fair," the girl replied, looking away in embarrassment.

Ahem, actually, it was supposed to... well, I don't know, scare her or embarrass her. But the girl's reaction turned out to be something strange. And this raises suspicions.

— No, you can only allow this to your boyfriend, and preferably to your husband, — I said, with a note of jealousy at the end. For some reason, I didn't like the idea that Mizuhi might have a boyfriend.

—Brother, you're so conservative," she pouted.

— Okay, let's get up already, — I finish the conversation, getting out of the soft captivity of the bed.


The first training session was quite fruitful. Although the body was unaccustomed to this kind of load, but the mind remembered the technique of performing exercises, and therefore it was not difficult to adapt. Of course, it takes three or four more classes before the technique is deposited in the muscle memory, but I'm not in a hurry. Besides, the gym is mostly a cover and an outlet for me. Here I can throw out my energy and accumulated stress. I do not need to chase the result, since I still plan to increase my physique mainly with the help of coins.

Returning from the gym, suddenly I heard a woman screaming from a nearby alley. It took a few seconds to think about whether it was worth sticking your nose into it or it was better to pass by, pretending that you didn't notice anything. And yet I come to the conclusion that I cannot pass by. Maybe it's stupid, but I'll stop respecting myself if I just close my eyes to it. I start running and quickly reach the alley.

Turning into it, I did not see exactly what I expected. On the ground lay three unconscious male bodies with clothes cut into shreds. It is noteworthy that the skin in the places of cuts was not damaged. Turning my head, I did not notice the one to whom the cry I had heard earlier could belong. Most likely, in the time it took me to get here, she managed to escape. I can assume that either robbery or rape was planned here. And perhaps both. It seems that my conclusions about the security of Japan were somewhat excessive. Here either I'm so lucky, or the statistics are blatantly lying.

But then the question remains, who intervened and prevented the crime? I look around, but I don't find anyone. On some whim, I decide to raise my head up, maybe someone from the windows could see what was happening. Well, not in vain. I think I found the one who knocked out these bandits.

A girl of unprecedented beauty was hiding on the roof of the house. In one of her hands was a long sword, and in the other a kusarigama, the chain of which the girl held in her teeth. The stranger was wearing a short pink kimono, barely coping with hiding her surprisingly voluminous bust. And with the cover of the lower part, it coped very badly, revealing a view of the edge of underwear. The stranger's athletic legs were covered with long purple stockings. Considering this alone, the girl could be considered a goddess. But I was really fascinated by her zigzag, lightning-like eyebrows and bottomless purple eyes, from which I simply could not look away.

When I did blink, the girl disappeared as if she had never been there.

Ta-a-ak, this world turned out to be not as simple as it initially seemed to me. Who is this beautiful creature? Where did she disappear to? And most importantly, will I ever be able to see her again?


Monday. Morning. Back to school. The mysterious girl did not get out of my head all day yesterday, I even fell asleep with difficulty, which is why I did not get enough sleep.

Fortunately, yesterday I was not only in the clouds, but also engaged in business. I finally managed to install most of the programs that I used to use in my previous life on my computer now. Naturally, there were programs that did not exist in this world, but their analogues were still found. Now a webcam connected to a PC records everything that happens in my room. Recording is enabled only if the camera detects movement. At such moments, she also takes several pictures and sends them to my smartphone. A couple of days ago I wouldn't have been so steamed up, but after looking at the inside of the world only through a crack, I changed my mind. Reinsurance is not superfluous and from this day on I can not relax my vigilance.

The first couple of lessons were boring, so during the lunch break I decided to entertain myself with a conversation with Sema.

"So Sayuki—senpai wasn't Cinderella?" – a classmate asked, after I briefly told about my failure, naturally without going into details. – Well done! And how did Tokihara-san react to your questions? I hope you didn't try on her panties? Syoma asked, idly sipping his juice.

The conversation took place on the roof, where there were only a couple of people besides us, and even those were far away. So there was no need to be afraid that our conversation would be overheard.

— No, she reacted quite adequately, — I shake my head negatively, not going to go into details.

— Eh, not a girl, but a dream! Do you know how many confessions she gets from guys in a week? my friend asked, carefully watching my reaction.

— No, and I don't care, — I shrug indifferently.

— But it's still a pity that she's not your Cinderella. I would have hit on her myself, if I hadn't…

— Lolicon, — I finish for the guy.

— A connoisseur of beauty, — corrected Sema, — Just imagine, miniature breasts that are just about to bloom, miniature legs that you just want to press to your face, a small but elastic ass. Don't you want to kneel at the mere sight of such beauty? — took the guy into his own fantasies.

—You know, if I have children, I won't let you get even a kilometer closer to them," I said, giving my friend a cold look.

— You offend! You know I'm only for legal lolicon. I'm not interested in children at all," Sema disavowed my accusations.

— Yes, who knows you... connoisseurs of beauty. It's not for nothing that they say that no matter how much a lolicon does not feed a milf, he still looks at the windows of the elementary school.

— Hey, these are mean insinuations of lovers of all sorts of big-breasted old women! And in general, this is the first time I've heard such a saying," the guy protested indignantly.

— Well, I just made it up. Okay, it doesn't matter. Tell me better, do you have any thoughts of who the next of the alleged lost panties is worth checking out? – I changed the subject to a more neutral one.

— Well, since Tokihara has disappeared, then only Nanjo and Koga remain, — Sema made a logical conclusion. "If I have to choose between them, then I'll bet on Kogu–san."

"To be honest, I'm also leaning towards her candidacy," I said, recalling the girl's behavior in those moments when she was next to me.

After our conversation, we returned to the classroom just in time for the start of the next lesson. Meanwhile, I realized that I had forgotten about something important. After all, Keiki has a duty in the form of work in the library. When the elections to the library committee were held, he volunteered for this position. Last Friday I should have come to the library, but under the weight of new impressions, I completely forgot about it.

And the furious look of our homeroom teacher awakened my memory in me. During the lesson, she didn't say anything about it, but I feel that a serious scolding awaits me at the end of it.

My intuition did not let me down. After dismissing the class for recess, the woman beckoned me with her finger to follow her to the teacher's room.

— So, Keiki, do you have something to say in your defense? – slamming the magazine on the table, the woman perched on the office chair opposite me.

I was carefully examining the beautiful mature woman in front of me. Today, for the first time since my arrival, I had the opportunity to attend her lesson. And now I'm standing two meters away from her. Long black hair, big breasts and a pretty face made a woman attractive to the male sex. That's just by her periodic lamentations, it becomes clear that her relationships with men somehow do not work out. What with her appearance may seem very strange, but if you remember her harsh temper, then everything falls into place.

— Keiki-ee-ee! I'm talking to you," the teacher reminded me, seeing that I was in no hurry to justify myself.

"I'm sorry, Sensei, I was admiring your beauty," I apologized, pulling on the sweetest smile possible. There was no one else in the staff room except her and me, so I could not hesitate to express my own thoughts.

"Flattery won't help you," the woman glared at me.

"Come on, Hiratsuka—sensei, I had no intention of flattering you. I just expressed my thoughts. If you want to hear from me an excuse for the fact that I did not take my eyes off you during the whole lesson, then I'm sorry, I have nothing to say in my defense here. I will only note that it is difficult for a young guy to restrain his impulses next to such a gorgeous girl like you," I said, adding more admiration to my voice. At the same time, my gaze traveled all over her body, lingering for a few seconds on her chest, hidden from me by a black vest.

I chose this manner of conversation not only because I want to knock her out of a bad mood towards me, but also because Shizuka Hiratsuka fits into the archetype of women who attract me. Young schoolgirls, of course, are cute, but only mature women who have fully revealed their femininity really attract me. Of course, I couldn't resist seeing such a charm.

— Wh-what?! Shizuka was embarrassed, her face slightly flushed. Wanting to hide her embarrassment, she reached for a pack of cigarettes lying on the table and, pulling out one, hurried to put it in her mouth.

No, that won't do.

— Sensei, you shouldn't pull any nasty stuff into your mouth, — approaching the girl, I pull the cigarette out of my lips and shove it back into the package, — Because of this bad habit, it will be difficult for you to find a husband. Not many people will want to kiss with an ashtray," I explain my actions to a stunned woman who continued to sit with her mouth open.

However, my last words clearly forced her to decide on her reaction. Jumping up from the chair, the woman hit me in the stomach with a well-honed movement. The blow was so fast and sudden that, to my shame, I did not have time to react to it. Her little fist had enough power to make me bend over in pain.

— What will be your last words?! Shizuka rasped with cold fury in her voice, cracking her fingers.

—Ah... khgh," I couldn't say anything because of the blow—blown blowhole, "I... made a mistake, it's not about smoking, it's about your heavy hand," I said, slightly recovering my breath.

— S-brute, I'll kill you, — the teacher began to roll up the sleeves of her lab coat, finally losing her temper. Maybe it wasn't worth hitting her weak spots. But if life has taught me anything, it's that this is the only way to wake up and bring a person to revelation in a short time. But you can also have an enemy this way.

But in general, the current situation reminded me that not everything is going according to my plans. I certainly did not expect a professionally delivered blow from this Mademoiselle. I seem to have forgotten that the new world is not a game, and it doesn't have to play along with me.

Well, it's time to smoothly move away from the dangerous topic. We will have to use a psychological technique that has been tried, but not used for a long time.

— Oh, yes, Teacher! Hit me harder! I exclaimed, looking enthusiastically into her eyes, "Step on me with your foot, trample on my pride! Punish your student! I kept shouting, feigning masochistic excitement.

— Tc, quiet! – approaching, the girl covered my mouth with her hand, — What will other teachers think of me if they hear this? Shizuka asked in a panic, pleading with me to shut up with a look.

"Mmm, Teacher, I don't mind playing strangulation, but I need to know the safe word," I mumbled, feeling the lack of air.

"...I'll take my hand away, you fucking masochist, but only if you promise not to scream anymore.

— If you start hitting or scolding me again, then I will wake up again, and in this state it is difficult for me to control myself, — I continued to drive a blizzard, trying to achieve my goal.

"Hrr, I won't," the woman promised, grinding her teeth in frustration. How she wants to tear me to pieces.

Despite certain desires regarding my carcass, the teacher removed her hand and seeing that I was not going to continue the concert, exhaled with relief.


[The list of unfulfilled achievements has been replenished]

Oops! I mentally click on the notification to find out what achievement I can accomplish.

Outstanding achievements:

Win the heart of Shizuki Hiratsuki

Interesting. The system will reward me for something I wouldn't mind doing myself. But will I be able to interest a woman ten years older than myself? Although no, it's a stupid question. With the help of coins, I can pump both attractiveness and luck. With such opportunities, even falling in love with our militant teacher will not be so difficult. It just takes time. But what a prize awaits me at the end, mmm.

It turns out that in a previous life I was engaged in multiplying my capital, and this year I plan to do the multiplication of girls in the harem. On the one hand, this is a good step back. On the other hand, for this I get not only coins that can be exchanged for currency, but also pleasure. Besides, I've always been incredibly adventurous. If earlier the excitement was manifested in the desire to earn, now it has acquired a slightly different orientation.

"Don't hold it against me, Haratsuka-sensei. It may seem silly to you, but when I see you, I feel like you're sad about something," for the first time in the whole conversation I became serious, "And I couldn't think of a better way to distract you.

— Ho, so you made it up? – the woman arched her eyebrow questioningly, looking at me in a new way.

— Not all of them. What I said about admiring your beauty is true. I really think so.

— Okay, I'm sorry. But to avoid such antics any more," she relented, "And thank you," the teacher smiled.

— For what?

— This is my first year teaching at your school. After I was transferred here, I missed my past students, to whom I had become very attached. Everything here seemed strange and uncomfortable to me. I was haunted by the feeling that it would never be like this before. Therefore, I unconsciously shut myself off from everyone, — I went to Shizuka's revelations, — And you were able to break through my shell, although you chose a very original way.

— Well, from now on, you can always share your experiences with me, — I say, in an attempt to establish future communication.

— I'll take it into account, — she nodded dutifully, clearly wondering whether it was worth communicating with a student on such topics at all, — And now let's get back to your punishment. You didn't think I'd forget about your shirking at the library, did you? Shizuka said with a sadistic smile.

— Eh, and what will be my verdict? – I was upset that I could not get off this topic.

— A new student is being transferred to your class. I want you to be her... well, something like a curator for two weeks. You will show the school, explain where everything is, and in general you will answer her questions," the girl explained the essence, pulling out a cigarette from the pack.

— Hmm, well, it's not difficult, — I nodded, figuring that such a punishment would not greatly affect my free time, — But does our school have such a program for adapting newcomers? I asked skeptically.

"No, it's my personal initiative," Shizuka replied, about to put a cigarette in her mouth. But after a brief glance at me, she hesitated and reluctantly put it aside.

— You are very caring. I like this trait in you," I praised the girl, being touched by her concern for the students.

— Go already... to the library. It's your turn today, if you haven't forgotten," Shizuka pretended to be angry, trying to hide a smile that appeared against her will.

After saying goodbye to the sexy teacher, I really went to the library. When I got to my destination, the first thing I saw was Yuika Kogi's frowning face.

I think I'm going to have another scolding.