
The system of love achievements

A successful businessman dies and falls into the body of the main character of the anime "Are you ready to fall in love with a pervert as long as she's cute?". Not only that, now he needs to get used to the life of a Japanese schoolboy, but also to deal with a strange system. So, this is my new job. In addition to the above-mentioned fandom, which will be the main one, some characters from other anime will be present in the fan fiction. Having an idea of the canon is desirable, but not necessary.

WorkshopofRussia · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

No problem.

The next school day went as usual, except that I was in anticipation mode. I would like to say that this is because of an upcoming date with a blonde cutie, but no, the blame is the speedy completion of the achievement. If I manage to get Yuika to admit that she left the letter and panties, then I can finally complete the system task and get my reward.

After dropping by home after school, I took a shower and changed my clothes. Mizuha noticed my movements and decided to ask where I was going. I honestly replied that I was on a date with Yuika. My sister was surprised, but immediately hurried to give me a bunch of tips on how to behave properly on a date. And most of them were from the series "the guy has this, this and that". But from the height of my life experience, I know that such a strategy is the shortest way to the friend zone. A woman's vision of an ideal man has literally nothing to do with what they really need. That's why so often cute, caring and kind guys remain just friends, and they choose assholes who don't care about them from a high bell tower.

"I am pleased with your concern, but I have my own opinion on this situation," I said adamantly, interrupting Mizuha.

— Well, as you know, brother. But only then don't complain that your Yuika will leave you," Mizuha pouted, turning away from me.

— Don't be angry, little sister, — I said, hugging my sister from behind, — If Yuika leaves me because of this, then she's not worth my attention. Besides, something tells me that she will be more upset by the fact that I share a bed with my own sister.

— Bra-a-at! Mizuha was confused.

— So, will you stop climbing into my room at night, so as not to put our possible relationship with Yuika at risk?

"No," the girl whispered faintly, hiding her face behind her hair.

"I thought so," I grinned, enjoying the sight of my sister's embarrassment.

— Fool! Mizuha replied without malice, but did not even try to escape from the embrace.

After standing there for a while longer, I reluctantly released my sister, and saying goodbye, hurried to the meeting place. This time I had to wait for the girl for about five minutes.

—Good evening, senpai," Yuika greeted me as she approached.

The current image of the girl was significantly different from what I could see at school. She was wearing a blouse and mini shorts. And her short blonde hair was tied up on the side in a bun, which visually made her a little older.

— Good afternoon, Yuika. I can just address you by your first name, right?

— Of course, — the girl beamed happily, — But then I want to do the same, — she put forward a request in response.

— No problem.

I am only glad to leave aside all these respectful suffixes that are alien to me.

"Then where are we going, Keiki?"

— Bowling, and then we'll take a stroll through the shopping center, — I told my program of a cultural event.

"Okay, Yuika doesn't mind," the girl said about herself in the third person again.


After bowling, we went to a fast food restaurant and had a snack with burgers and fries. And then we walked through the shops and boutiques with clothes, which were located in the same shopping center as the bowling alley.

— Keiki, I have been tormented by the question for a long time: why did you decide to join the library committee? As far as I know, you're not one of those who reads a lot," Yuika asked when we decided to sit on a bench to take a break.

I remembered that Yuika herself can be called a bookworm, and therefore it is not surprising that she asked such a question.

— It happened in the first year of study. I didn't plan to join anywhere then," I began my story, referring to the memory of this body, "There was a girl sitting next to me who always looked angry. Initially, she was elected to the committee. You know that if there are no takers, then a person is chosen by a majority of votes or by lottery? So, her name fell out in the lottery.

— It's because of such cases that people begin to hate books, — Yuika condemned such a policy.

— You're right, — I nodded, being completely in agreement with her opinion, — Well, that's it. At that moment, the girl began to cry. I decided to listen to her and found out that after school she had urgent things that she would not be able to do if she joined the committee. Well, she didn't look like a liar, which is why I decided to take the responsibility on myself.

That's how Keiki became a member of the club committee. And that's the only reason he joined. A good Samaritan, damn it.

"That's... so like you, Keiki.

Her answer made me want to cry. The previous owner of the body was famous for his kindness, but I'm not like that. Only people close to me are dear to me, and I don't give a damn about crying girls in trouble. Selfish? Undoubtedly. But I'm sorry, I won't take on someone's responsibilities.

— Thank you, — I reluctantly accept the compliment, — It's pretty late, I'll take you home, — I said, after checking the time beforehand. It's already eight o'clock in the evening, which means it's time to end our date. I don't think her parents will be happy about her daughter's late return. Japan, of course, is considered a safe country, but I myself managed to make sure that this world is not as simple as the news reports claim.

— Yes, because tomorrow morning we have to go to school, — the girl agreed.

Holding hands, we walked towards the station. Even such closeness made the girl embarrassed, which she tried to hide.

It took a total of thirty minutes to get to Yuika's house.

— Thank you for seeing me off, — said the girl with a happy smile on her face, standing near the door of her house. – Can you come in for a cup of tea? Yuika asked, twirling a lock of her hair in her hand.

I like to go to tea, but it's unlikely that a girl means anything more than just tea and a farewell kiss after. But anyway, this is my best opportunity to bring Yuika to a frank conversation.

— And your parents won't mind? – I remember a small nuance that may disrupt my plan.

— They are on a business trip and will not be back soon.

Just like Mizuha and me.

"Well, then I don't mind," I agree.

After unlocking the lock, Yuika turned on the light in the corridor and let me go ahead to then lock the door with a key.

After leading me into the living room, the girl left to put the kettle on. I took advantage of my free time by texting Mizuha that I would be staying at Yuika's. And in response, I received a smiley face in the form of a thumb raised up.

Five minutes later, Yuika returned, carrying two cups of fragrant tea on a tray.

— Thank you, — I thank the girl, accepting my cup.

"I have to thank you somehow for a wonderful date," the hostess replied, sitting down at the table opposite me.

"You know, I need to tell you something, senpai," Yuika suddenly turned to me when I was about to ask her a leading question myself. But if she decided to tell me herself, then it's even easier.

"I'm listening," I said, taking a sip from my cup.

She put her hand on her modest chest, took a deep breath and said:

— Actually… Yuika thinks Keiki is a very nice person. You politely taught Yuika the work of the library committee and were very kind on today's date. Senpai is a very reliable person… And then Yuika thought that it would be nice... for you to look only at her…

I listened to her trying to express her feelings, and my heart was pounding with anticipation.

—Go on," I said, trying to encourage the girl.

"That's why... Keiki…

When she looked at me, tears formed in her eyes. Yuika looked like an angel, which is why any male representative would definitely be captivated by her.

Come on. A few more words and the achievement will be completed. I don't know why, but I can't leave the case unfinished. That's probably why I'm in no hurry to get new achievements by having sex with Sayuki. And I am more than sure that this is the direction in which the system works.

She uttered the next words with all her determination.

—Keiki, Yuika wants you to become her slave!" Yuika shouted.

— ...What?

I had no time to comprehend what was said, when suddenly everything swam before my eyes. I had to put my hand on the table to keep from falling on it. I felt incredibly weak in my body, and my eyes began to close by themselves.

"Yuika should apologize, but this is the only way I can show you the beauty of being my slave," the girl's voice seemed to reach me through cotton wool.

Unable to resist this feeling any longer, I fell on the table. After a second, my consciousness faded.