
The system of a god

Quincy a normal guy is chosen to save the world from a new race of humans. There's only one issue, Quincy is weak so weak that he couldn't even kill a baby of the new race. But something happens, something great. Only Quincy can have this system and only Quincy can stop this new human race.

ThunderBolt · Video Games
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19 Chs

Stealth mission

"He's excited." Tyler says watching Yumen run around looking around and grabbing things inspecting them closely.

"I bet, if what they say is true then I would be too." Rose says.

"Yumen, Jester come here!" I say immediately they run over to me. 

"Yes master?" Jester says.

"Find us some scouts." I say. Jester nods and starts sprinting into the woods Yumen following behind him.

"WE WILL FREE MORE!" Yumen cries. We chase after them but they start getting distance crashing through the trees while we weave in between them. "I can't see them!" Tyler says. 

"Don't worry I know where they are." I say dodging a tree.

"AHHHH!" Ruby screams tripping on a log. I turn and see her grabbing her leg with a spreader stalking behind her.

"RUBY WATCH OUT!" I yell sending Percy to protect her. Ruby rolls to the left narrowly dodging the spreader crushing her head with its paws. Percy jumps and pulls the spreader down from the neck when I run up and stab it in the head killing it. 

"I CAN'T FEEL MY LEG!" Ruby screams crying. Tyler runs over and bandages it.

"You'll be alright it's just the poison you should be fine look at your inventory you should see buffs and debuffs." He says. "Follow the scouts!" Tyler says pointing at the fading shadows.

"Right!" I say rushing after Yumen he plows through a tree sending shards of wood everywhere. "Both of you stop!" I say instantly Yumen stops in his tracks Jester does the same thing about a foot in front of him. "Alright, how close are we to the scout?" I ask.

"He's in that house right there." Jester says pointing to a crumbling house. The house was a sneeze away from collapsing on itself. "He knows we're here." Jester says. "I recommend not attacking directly this is the strongest in our unit." He gets angry very easily and when he's angry he doesn't fight to kill he fights to dismember and shreds his opponents to pieces." 

"Seems like fun." I say.

"That is fun to you master?" Jester asks looking at me weirdly.

"What? Oh, no I'm being sarcastic." 

"What is a sarcastic?" 

"I'll explain it after we kill this guy." I answer calling out all of my servants. 

"Goodness master you have many slaves." Yumen says.

"Uh sure." I say standing up. "We need to be stealthy and try to get in unnoticed." 

"GO AWAY!" A figure yells through the window of the house.

"Well never mind." I say sending out a level 1 spreader to scout. It enters the house and after about 10 seconds gets thrown out through the window dissipating when it hits the ground. 

"What did he see?" Jester asks.

"It's a 2 story house and the scout is in the attic watching us. His attack was a lunge attack but it's insanely fast I don't think we can take him alone." I say. "Yumen go find Tyler and get him as fast as you can." 

"Yes master!" Yumen says running into the woods.

"I have sparred with him three times lost each time but I have an idea for his attack pattern." Jester says. "He's very aggressive and doesn't go on defense much, and if he gets cornered it's over for us not him when he's cornered he goes berserk." 

"So we need him outside?" I ask.

"If we can get him outside that's the best chance we have of defeating him." 

"Then let's do our best to get him outside." I say.

"Agreed, this will be a tough fight but I think if we work together we can defeat him."

I nod seeing Yumen crashing through the trees Tyler behind him.

"What's the plan?" Tyler asks crouching behind a bush.

"Well first there's no need to try and be stealthy he knows we're here." I say.

"Oh." Tyler says standing up.

"And second we have to either push him out of the house or we can try to fight him inside but it'll be hard. He's the strongest scout in the unit Jester and Yumen are in. He sparred Jester three times and won all three. We can't have him backed in a corner or else it's a guaranteed loss."

"Alright." Tyler says as an orange and purple ball starts to form in his hand. "I'll just blow the house away." He says sending it into the house. A huge explosion rings out sending me flying into the ground with my ears ringing I look at the house and see chunks of burning wood and bricks raining down everywhere and a tall dark figure falling to the ground. I get up as fast as I can and regroup with all of my servants. 

"WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!" The figure yells claws starting to protrude from his hands. "I HAVE DONE NOTHING TO YOU!" He starts walking to Tyler who's still on the ground. 

"TYLER GET UP!" I scream sending a spreader to distract the scout. The spreader runs and jumps going for his neck but the scout slaps it away killing it in one shot advancing to Tyler.

"Shit." I say. I start sprinting to the scout looking through my skills. 

[Dark magic skills 4/???]

'Unknown?' I think looking at my grand total of 4 skills.

{Dark shadow, life after death, dead cultivation, soul eater}

"Dark shadow!" I yell immediately the entire area became midnight to everyone else. The scout looks around confused.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!" It roars swinging its arms aimlessly. 

"Sucks being weak doesn't it?" I say behind him. He circles around thrashing his arms. I pull out my dagger and sneak up behind him. 

"STOP THIS!" He yells thrusting him arms into the ground causing black spikes to shoot up all around him. "This fight ends now." He says with pure rage. "I'm going to kill every single one of you."