
The system of a god

Quincy a normal guy is chosen to save the world from a new race of humans. There's only one issue, Quincy is weak so weak that he couldn't even kill a baby of the new race. But something happens, something great. Only Quincy can have this system and only Quincy can stop this new human race.

ThunderBolt · Video Games
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19 Chs

This is the end

'This is the end.' I think looking at the blood pouring through the five holes in my stomach.

"QUINCY!" I hear Rose scream. I look behind me and see Tyler ripping the head off of the scout. Rose runs over to me and two green orbs wrap around her wrists, she holds them near the gaping wounds in my stomach blood pooling around my knees. I look at my HP bar and see it getting dangerously low 

'10% health huh?' I think. 'I'm going to die.' 

"Here." Tyler says with a pill he opens my mouth and drops it down pouring water in my mouth. "Come on swallow it." He says I do and see my health bar start going back up.

I groan grabbing my stab wounds. 

"That thing is dead if you want to resurrect it." Tyler says helping me stand up. I stumble over to it still dripping a little blood but healing slowly. 

"Damn this hurts." I say falling on my knees next to the scout. "Rise." The shadow travels up into my chest.

{Name servant}

I type in Jester forever making a joke of the scout that tried to kill me.

"How you feeling?" Rose asks putting her hand on my back. I hear a low kinda static and see my health bar rising.

"Better." I answer standing up. I lift up my shirt and see five marks in my stomach. "I'd say I'm lucky." I say.

"Lucky isn't the half of it." Tyler says. "I didn't think they'd be that strong."

"Yeah that was a huge jump in power." Rose agrees nodding.

"Well doing sit-ups is gonna suck now." I say bringing Jester out. He's my height but is extremely lean and muscular. Tyler looks it up and down walking around it. 

"We can use this to analyze and look for weaknesses." He says.

"Yeah I want to know how to kill these things." Rose says. "I wonder if the others have found any." She says.

"Yes some other of the users have found scouts." The god says taking a deep breath. "They weren't as lucky." He says. "You are the only who have survived an attack so far." 

"What about internationally?" Tyler asks.

"Same story. 39 have seen a scout 3 have survived." The god says.

"Well if that's the case then we don't stand a chance against the actual army." I say.

"Yes but that's only 4 groups out of the hundreds which vary in size based on the districts and if gods decide to split and all that." 

"How about we see what the risen scout can do with a spreader." Rose suggests.

"Yeah I agree he could be a good asset in later fights." Tyler agrees.

"Well two against one, Lance find a scout." I say, he turns and barrels into another house screeching the whole way there. "Lance by my side." I say Lance turns around and starts walking to my right while Jester is walking on my left. 

"Where are they?" I ask myself.

"Attic." A dark ghastly voice answers. Everyone jumps and I look at Jester who's pointing to a little window at the top of the house. "He's hiding in there." 

"Alright thanks for answering and when were you going to tell me you could talk?"

"When you requested it." Jester answers. 

"Can you kill him?" I ask.

"Yes." Jester says.

"Then go do it!" I say. 

"Yes my lord." Jester says jumping and smashing into the attic. Screams erupt from the attic as a scout is thrown down from the attic at our feet. "He is not dead I wish for you to deal the final blow my lord." Jester says landing in front of me handing me a chunk of wood. "I figure this is good in terms of human weapons." He says.

"I got something better." I say getting my dagger and stabbing it in between the eyes. "Rise." The soul rises and comes into my chest.

{Name servant} 

"No." I say the screen fades and the scout materializes in front of me.

"You can speak freely with this master." Jester says. The other scout shakes it's head. "It is okay Yumen, we are free!" 

"So your name's Yumen huh." I say. Yumen looks at me and nods. "You can talk whenever you want." I say.

"Are you s-sure?" Yumen asks scared.

"Of course!" I say.

"You mean Yumen is free? Yumen is really free?"

"Yes you are free to do and say whatever you want."

"I'M FREE! TORG WE ARE REALLY FREE!" Yumen screams jumping up and down like a little girl getting tickets to a concert. "I CAN'T BELIEVE WE ARE FREE!" He runs up to me and picks me up throwing me up and down like my dad used to when I was a kid. Yumen laughs manically and falls to his knees crying. "We have to save the rest Torg we have to." He says. 

"What?" I say.

"We aren't free. We're told every move to make every word to say if you don't do what the queen says it's death it's torture." He says. "The others, they need to be saved!" He says. "We are forever in your debt please let us help you in the end times." Yumen says.

"Yeah of course you're gonna help me." I say putting my hand on Yumen's shoulder.

(What's up guys been a while since I posted I've been having account issues for the past month got the account back up and working so I will start posting regularly again!)