
The system of a god

Quincy a normal guy is chosen to save the world from a new race of humans. There's only one issue, Quincy is weak so weak that he couldn't even kill a baby of the new race. But something happens, something great. Only Quincy can have this system and only Quincy can stop this new human race.

ThunderBolt · Video Games
Not enough ratings
19 Chs


"Very scary indeed." I say throwing a rock hitting him in the back of the head. He whips around thrusting his arms at me shooting hundreds of little needle like things at me. I dodge and see my mana bar below half. 'I gotta kill this guy quick.' I think to myself "JESTER!"

"Yes master?" He says.

"Can you see?" I ask running next to him.

"Yes master."

"Perfect, you think we can kill him in about a minute?"

"Easily." Jester says.

"Then we attack." I say. Jester starts sprinting to the scout throwing what looks like globs of paint at the scout except every time they hit him they explode. Jester jumps up spewing more paint but this time it sticks to his feet instead of exploding causing the scout to get stuck. 

"You forget I have arms Torg!" The scout says throwing a wild punch at the sky hitting Jester in the middle of the chest. He lets out a grunt but grabs on the the spreaders arm and ripping his hand off. I rush in throwing a fireball hitting the scout in the side. 

Jester hits the ground rolling before getting his footing and jumping at the scout this time with even more globs. The amount of explosions is deafening but the scout yells louder than the explosions. 

{Warning! Mana low!}

"JESTER I'M OUT OF MANA MAKE IT QUICK!" I yell rushing to the explosions as my spell disperses. 

"YES MASTER!" He calls through the explosions. Finally the explosions stop and as the smoke clears I see the scout standing there menacingly. 

"It's not over yet." He says breaking out in a manic laugh. "IT ISN'T OVER UNTIL I WIN!" He yells. Black needles start flying in every direction as the scout laughs.

"MASTER!" I hear Jester yell a second later a black figure is standing in front of me with his arms out. When the onslaught of needles ends he falls down on one knee. "He's almost dead." Jester says standing up. 

"You really think you can beat me?" The scout says. "You're nothing compared to me, either of you! I AM SIMPLY BETTER!" He says laughing. 

"Who are you?" I ask.

"Why are you talking to me?" The scout says starting bullets into my head.

"I need to know what your name is for when I kill you." I answer throwing a lightning bolt hitting him the middle of the head popping it like a balloon. Green fluid spilled everywhere chunks of meat went flying and the body of the scout slumped down at the knees. I look at Jesters health seeing it at around 25%. 

"Come." I say.

"Thank you master." Jester says as his soul goes into my chest. 

"Is it dead?" Tyler asks from behind a tree. Yumen's pulling needles from out his body after protecting Tyler I'm assuming. 

"You too Yumen. And yes he's dead." I say Yumen smiles as he turns into the black shadow and enters into my chest.

"Jesus man, I sure as hell hope you can resurrect him." Tyler says.

"This is weird." I say.


"I haven't gotten any XP or gold."

"SHIT HE ISN'T DEAD!" Tyler yells pushing me aside as a sword materializes in his hand he rushes forward stabbing the scout in the chest. 

"GET BACK!" I yell, Tyler pulls the sword out of it's chest jumping back when I throw another fireball at it hitting it square in the chest causing its limbs to go flying. A dark object with green pulsing veins slops out of his body hitting the ground with a repulsing squish. 

"Go for it." Tyler says handing me his sword.

'If I use his sword does everything go to him?' I think.

{Users using other users items and weapons}

[section 185/14B]

[If a user uses a different users weapons the weapon the user is holding on to temporarily becomes theirs giving the user the spoils of victory.]

{Ex. If Bob uses Kevin's sword Bob gets the reward}

'Perfect.' I think stabbing the sword into the heart and twisting it. 

{You leveled up!}

{You leveled up!}

{You leveled up!}

{You leveled up!}

{You leveled up!}

"Rise." I say

{Life after death has failed, attempts remaining 2/3}

"Rise." I say again a little more forcefully. The soul starts warping and circling around going into the shape of the scout.

"You actually killed me." It says in disbelief. "Congratulations." It says bowing. "I am now your humble servant master." 

"I can get used to that." I say.

{Name servant}

"Yes. What's your name?" I ask the scout.

"My name is Orphus." He says.

"Sounds good." I say typing in Orphus.

{Servant name: Orphus is this correct?}

"Yes." I say.

"I ain't doin more of this shit." Tyler says shaking his head. 

"Yeah I think we've done enough." Rose says from the woods. 

"Agreed." I say.

"Well then I suppose this is where we part ways for now." Tyler says. "Are we gonna meet again or go on our own?" He asks.

"I'm fine with either." I say. "Regardless I have a team." 

"But no healer." Rose says. "I say we should stick together." Tyler nods and looks at me. I nod also.

"Well then it's decided we'll meet back at the park tomorrow." Tyler says walking away waving.

"Sounds good." I say. 

"Hey, so like how does your ability work?" Rose asks.

"What do you mean?"

"Like what magic skills can you do that kind of stuff."

"Oh uh I mean I don't really know I haven't really leveled up my magic stat to be honest." I say.

"How did you cause it to become so dark?"

"I unlocked an ability called veil of shadows. It takes like 3 mana every second I'm using it but it causes anyone but me and my servants to become blind in the immediate area." I say.

"That could be pretty useful." Rose says.

"Only reason we won that fight."

"See you tomorrow then?" She says.

"Yeah." I say. "Time to study." I say to myself summoning Orphus. "What is your secret?"