
The Sword of Dawn

Gawain is crossed, but something went wrong when he traversed. After floating in the sky over an alien continent for hundreds of thousands of years, he felt that he might need a body to be a complete traverse, but he did not expect that he would still need to carry this body after he succeeded. Climbing out of the coffin and faced two frightened great great great great .. great-granddaughters. And a world that is about to usher at the end of the era.

LimitlessSage · Fantasy
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26 Chs

The Role of Miss Thief

Gawain didn't know they smashed this little girl named Rebecca in her head when fighting with the monsters, but he patiently said, "Although I've 'lived' here for many years... that I'm already dead by the time of kept here! Will you know what your grave looks like after you die?"

Rebecca thought for a while and wanted to remind her ancestors that the founding king of Anzu repaired the tomb when the ancestor was still alive. The ancestor himself even took part in the design, but after careful consideration, she felt that If you force it, it's easy to be beaten to death by Aunt Heidi on the spot, so she swallowed the words abruptly in her throat, and then smiled awkwardly: "Ahaha...it makes sense."

"Now we can't go back in the same way," Heidi sighed and calmly analyzed the situation. "Those monsters have occupied the atrium of the castle and the entrance to the ancestral tomb. Going back from the original road is a dead end."

"We must find another way," Gawain said, while recalling the inherited memory. "Seven hundred years have passed. I'm afraid the castle on this territory is not the same as those years, right?"

"The superstructure of the castle has been renovated several times, but the foundation hasn't changed," Heidi said quickly. "The entrance you mentioned should still be in place."

"Is that so," Gawain said, reaching out to a soldier next to him. "Lend me the sword."

Taking the long sword handed by the soldier, Gawain sketched with on the ground. He first drew a top view of the outline of the castle and then drew a side view roughly divided into three levels, although they were all hastily drawn sketches., But the general division of area is still very clear.

Gawain said "The entrance is at this location, two floors underground, next to the wine cellar and the grain storehouse-back then there are two passages to enter it, but both passages have to go from the ground, so it is probably won't work,"

Rebecca curiously looked at the sketch that Gawain drew: "hmm there is also a wine cellar and a grain warehouse, but I never knew there was a still third room in between them..."

"It's not a room, but a mezzanine. Using some architectural tricks, we hid it between the floors and the supporting beams." Gao Wen smiled and said, "when the monsters emerged from the wasteland of the empire and the crazy monster's army about hit the door in almost ten days and a half, the earliest Cecil collar people were promptly built the war fortress according to the standards. Here, underneath underpasses, sandwiching between walls are indispensable things, which can be used for emergency evacuation, and can also be used to deliver supplies when under siege."

Knight Byron took a serious look at the simple map and then drew out his long sword to outlined diagonally below the map: "So we have to go to the entrance of the second floor of the castle... and can't pass through any ground passages including the atrium. This is where we are now, and they built the ancestral tomb underground in the southeast area of the castle. About one-third of it overlaps with the foundation of this castle..."

"In this overlapping area, there should be a passage," Gawain interjected Byron. "They built tomb 700 years ago. At that time, the technicians were the same people who built the war fortress. so if they Built according to the standards and rules of the country, a spare channel should exist."

As he said, he glanced at Rebecca strangely: "You really don't know anything about it? This should be the knowledge passed down from generation to generation by the Cecil family."

Rebecca lowered her head shamefully: "I..."

"Ancestor, we have failed the glory you fought for the family back then," Heidi bit her lip and said with difficulty, "The Cecil family has gone through many things in these seven hundred years..."

"Okay, I see," Gawain waved his hand and said, "This is not the time to tell the story. After we leave from here, I will ask you to get a good understanding of what happened during these seven hundred years. The most urgent thing now is to find the dark road from the tomb."

Rebecca, Heidi, Byron, and the three soldiers squatted in front of the simple map to study. Although they knew the old castle of the Cecil family, they did not know the structure of the tomb. This 700-year-old building and the mausoleum are not a tourist attraction for two silver coins and one ticket. Let alone to roam around.

Even when the mausoleum was not closed hundred years ago, the family heir would only have a limited number of times in their life to enter. And they were also not allowed to approach their ancestors' resting place.

Who knows where the secret path opens!

Faced with this question, even Gawain's memory is useless. After all, when he died that year, he certainly did not expect that one day he would have to wake up and think about getting out...

But just when a few people were at a loss, Amber, who had always been honestly standing near him, suddenly said, "Hey... I might know the way..."

Suddenly, everyone's eyes in the tomb fell on the half-elf thief.

Amber suddenly shrank her neck when everyone looked at her.

Heidi suddenly frowned: "How do you know?"

"I..." Amber was a little flustered, but after seeing Gawain's encouraging eyes, she became a little courageous and she pointed at the map and said, "I come in from there... The direction should be the same. I guess it's should be the secret road."

Gao Wen calmly nodded: "Very well, you lead the way."

Amber patted her chest: "As long as you don't pursue the matter of me digging your family's ancestral grave..."

Heidi glared at the petty half-elf. She picked up her staff and walking towards the door of the tomb, when Gawain stopped suddenly.

"My ancestor?" Rebecca looked at him curiously.

"I have to bring a weapon, too." Gao Wen said, although he is not the legendary grand general who opened up the territory seven hundred years ago, he still has the common sense of finding a self-defense weapon in this dangerous place.

His gaze swept across the tomb, and a soldier took the initiative to untie the saber around his waist and prepared to pass it over, but Gawain waved his hand to decline the soldier's kindness. Under the guidance of the former memory, he came to the black steel coffin and probed inside the coffin.

In the coffin, he found a heavy long sword that was completely dark, and the blade was close to the guard, and a crimson red was faintly revealed at the blade's edge.

The moment he picked the sword, a sense of familiarity came to his heart, as if every pattern on the sword was closely connected to his palm. Gawain subconsciously swung the sword twice. The action of swinging seems to have been practiced countless times.

He knew that this was the memory of the predecessor's body. Even though the soul had changed, every muscle still remembered how to use this weapon.

This can be said to be a surprise, but it is not too unexpected.

In addition to the memory of the body, all the fighting knowledge of Gawain Cecil during his lifetime can also be found in his mind, not only the basic swordsmanship and riding skills but also the supernatural powers that are almost magic in Gawain's view. Part of the content is undoubtedly exciting, but now is not the time to experiment and learn.

Let's get rid of the terrible situation now.

Rebecca's eyes widened when she saw the black long sword, and even her voice quivered slightly: "This is... the legendary Anzu Trailblazer's sword?"

Hearing Rebecca's voice, Heidi, who had already walked to the door, turned her head for a moment. She stared at the sword in Gawain's hand. She could not conceal her excitement on her face: "The pioneer's sword?!"

"Now it's just a sharper sword," Gao Wen sighed, "700 years ago, even if the weapon blessed by the elves, it will be worn and corroded, and the magic inside has already escaped and I don't know how long it will take to recharge."

As he said, Gawain turned his head and looked at the front of the coffin. There was a small stone platform there, but there was nothing on the platform. This made Gawain frowned in an instant: "Wait, I should have another one, a shield that doesn't leave me, right? Didn't you bury it with me? Where is the shield?"

The expression on Heidi's face was instantly hard to look at: "Ancestor... Your descendants have failed in your glory once again. The Anzu Kingdom Guardian Shield was removed by your descendant Grumman Cecil a hundred years ago. It was taken out of the mausoleum and then it lost on the battlefield..."

Heidi was still hesitant to talk there are still many things that she didn't dare to say, perhaps because she was worried that the ancestor in front of him will be dead on the spot after hearing the great event a hundred years ago, even though there was an already a coffin next to him it should be easy to bury him again...

Gao Wen could detect Heidi's hesitation, but he didn't break it. Instead, he frowned and cursed: "Prodigal stuff... Fortunately, they placed the sword in the coffin, and that Grumman isn't so crazy to pry open his ancestor's coffin to take everything out!"

Heidi and Rebecca could only listen with cold sweat on their heads. The ancestors popped out of the coffin and yelled at Grandpa. This matter has seriously exceeded the scope of reality. As a junior, it feels so stressful to accept this scene!.

Fortunately, Gawain was only a little angry because of missing a piece of equipment that might come in handy. After he finished his curse, he stopped talking but took everyone out of the tomb.

After leaving the tomb and coming to the stone hall, Rebecca looked around, then waved at the corner: "Betty! Come out! It's safe!"

Gawain looked over curiously and saw a skinny girl who looked a little smaller than Rebecca cautiously came out of the shadow from the corner. The girl was wearing a coarse dress and her face has several adolescent freckles, flax-colored hair scattered behind her head, and a pan is tightly held in her hand.

After seeing Gawain, the face of the little girl called was hesitant and nervous. With her not very bright mind, she probably should not imagine where this stranger suddenly appeared...

"This is the maid in the castle. We don't know how she abandoned by the first group of refugees. Anyway, she followed in such a dubious way," Rebecca briefly introduced the little girl, "Betty, this is ..."

A slight tremor from above the tomb suddenly interrupted Rebecca.

"It's not time to talk," Gao Wen raised his sword and looked at Amber, "Now, lead the way."