
The Sword of Dawn

Gawain is crossed, but something went wrong when he traversed. After floating in the sky over an alien continent for hundreds of thousands of years, he felt that he might need a body to be a complete traverse, but he did not expect that he would still need to carry this body after he succeeded. Climbing out of the coffin and faced two frightened great great great great .. great-granddaughters. And a world that is about to usher at the end of the era.

LimitlessSage · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Wake up in a mess

Gao Wen felt that his state was improving rapidly, his brain was gradually waking up, and the control of his body had reached the freedom of movement, so he finally had the energy to pay attention to the girl who was still being held: "By the way... what is going on with her?"

Half-elf girl has been trying hard to reduce her sense of existence before this, and hope that these Cecil family members can forget about the digging of their ancestral graves in the event of the great jolt of "meeting the ancestors".

But before she could find a chance to flee, Gawain cast his sight so the unlucky lady thief could only shrink her neck, showing a very pitiful appearance: "I just want to come in and hide..."

"Do you need to go all the way into the deepest tomb for hiding!" Heidi immediately glared at her and said to Gao Wen, "Ancestor, it is this despicable tomb thief who has dishonored your resting place and disturbed your sleep!"

Hearing this stunned Gao Wen for a moment, and he looked at the half-elf girl's gaze and became peculiar: "this is to say...you wake me up?"

If it were not for the limitation of the human body structure, Miss Thief would have her head shrunk into her body. Her voice was quivering: "I really didn't do anything! I really wanted to find a safe place to hide from the beginning, but after I got in, I got into the tomb because of occupational disease, but I got nothing in the tomb..."

Gao Wen thought for a while and said seriously: "Thank you all in all."

Miss thief: "... hey?"

Everyone including Rebecca and Heidi: "... Huh?"

"Ahem, let her go, you four big men do not look good with a little girl like this," Gao Wen realized what was wrong after thanking her, but he couldn't change his words, so he had to bite the bullet and continue. "Go on, this is not in line with chivalry, well, chivalry."

A hesitation flashed across Heidi's face: "But ancestor, she is..."

"I would like to thank her for awakening me from my deep sleep," Gawain said with a wave of his hand. "Let it go. I don't have any opinions. What else do you want to say?"

Knight Byron glanced at the "ancestor Cecil" with a strange look, and finally withdrew his sword under Heidi's eyes, and the three soldiers next to him also retreated.

The half-elf girl looked around and confirmed that the situation in front of her was not a trick. Then she stood up cautiously and confirmed with Gawain: "Well, you are an elder. Once you said something, don't regret it. !"

The corner of Heidi's eyes suddenly jumped, and after years of cultivation of noble manners, she suppressed the impulse to punch the tomb thief.

Gawain looked at the girl curiously. From the memory he had just inherited, he could judge that the opponent's race should be a mixed-blood elf: "What is your name?"

The half-elf girl blinked her eyes: "Amber."

Gawain touched his chin: "Amber? It's the styling name of some forest elves..."

At this time, Heidi suddenly interrupted the communication between Gawain and the half-elf who called herself Amber, "My ancestor, I have to interrupt you. This is not the time for small talk. We are not safe right now! "

Gawain tried to reinstate himself in this new identity. He looked at Heidi seriously: "What happened outside?"

"It's monsters!" Rebecca, who hadn't said a word for a long time, said loudly, "The monsters coming from the crossing from Sellin and the mine!. The army and the security team on the territory are not the opponents of those monsters. I am afraid that those guys completely occupied the outside..."

"We organized resistance as much as possible, and before the situation worsened completely, Knight Philip took some soldiers to cover the civilians for refuge, but before the second group of refuge teams set off, the monsters destroyed the drawbridge,"

Heidi added, "Rebecca and I did not humiliate the reputation of the Cecil family. The same goes for these brave fighters. We fought in the castle until the last moment, until the inner castle door was also breached, we had to retreat here."

Then Gao Wen asked some more questions, and finally pieced together the summary of the whole thing:

This is the ancestral territory passed down from the first ancestor of the Cecil family to the present, and the little girl next to Heidi, who looks like a high school girl with an iron staff, turned out to be the current lord of this territory. When the monsters struck, the young Lord did as much as possible to organize resistance, but it clearly failed.

The monster eventually destroyed all defense forces and slaughtered all humans along the way. After the first group of survivors was evacuated, they trapped Rebecca, Heidi, and the last soldiers in the castle. They insisted on fighting for a long time, but in the end, the castle was also breached and they had to retreat to the ancestral tomb below the castle.

Then they just happened to meet his own resurrection event... Oh,

And the beautiful lady named Heidi is actually Rebecca's aunt.

But these generational relationships are meaningless to Gawain. Anyway, they are all Great Great Great... great-granddaughters; it makes no difference if there is one Great more and one Great less.

As for the half-elf named Amber, she is indeed a thief, but this time she really came to find a place to take refuge—because this young lady thief's professional skills are so superb that she went all the way into the ancestor's tomb of the Cecil family, Including the deepest chamber of the tomb...

"Is it such a mess when I woke up..." Gawain rubbed his forehead, thinking about how to solve the current crisis while inquiring about useful information from the memory bank in his mind. "So, those monsters have completely occupied. Going out is a dead end. The screaming monsters, what are those things?"

"I guess it's a subspecies of demons," said Heidi, "but demons haven't appeared in the main material world for many years, and I'm not sure if they still appear on such a large scale."

Rebecca squeezed the staff in her hand and stared at Gawain with hope: "My ancestor, can't you solve the monsters outside with your power?"

Gawain was taken aback for a moment: "Me?"

"Yeah! In the legend, you are the most powerful knight in the Kingdom of Anzu, or even the most powerful knight in the entire northern continent?" Rebecca's eyes almost began to sparkle.

Gawain quickly retrieved his own memory, but was quickly amazed: Gawain Cecil turned out to be a legendary figure!

He is the greatest hero in the pioneering era of the Anzu Kingdom and one of the earliest pioneers in the period known as the "Second Development".

In the dark age when the ancient Gondor empire collapsed, the remnants of the empire returned to chaos and cruelty, and the lights of human civilization were swallowed gradually by the chaotic demons spreading from the hinterland of the continent, this Gawain Cecil and a group of fierce men led the surviving humans to escape from the ruins of the collapsed empire and marched in four directions. One of the ancestors of the Anzu Kingdom is Gawain Cecil.

His life is extremely short but brilliant: he set off as a fifteen-year-old boy and became the youngest pioneer knight of the year; he and other pioneer knights at the time and the first generation of King Anzu overcame difficulties and thorns, and spent ten years in the northern part of the mainland and established a new kingdom and brought humanity back to civilization and order.

After the founding of Anzu, he became one of the seven generals of the kingdom, guarding the southern frontier, and resisting more than a dozen counterattacks from the dark side of large and small monsters and become victorious in his life...

It's just that such a glorious life is like a candle that burns too intensely. This legendary character only lived to be thirty-five years old. In the last battle against the dark side, Gawain Cecil died of exhaustion...

The inherited memory ended here.

This is the life of this powerful man.

Gao Wen felt his forehead beating.

I am attached to such an incredible person!

There was no complacency or genuine fear. After a brief period of amazement, his biggest reaction was actually... without a bottom line in this plight.

Rebecca was looking at him hopingly, Amber also had the same expression. Even the most mature and stable lady Heidi, looking at him with anticipation and trust.

But they are looking at Gawain Cecil, not Gawain.

Gao Wen looked down at his hand. It was a martial artist's hand. It was broad, sturdy, and had a thick cocoon, but he didn't know how much power he could exert with this body when he controlling…

However, this state of contemplating did not last long, because Gawain's own memories became active, which were the memories that lasted tens of thousands of years, or even hundreds of thousands of years—through the substance of these memories might not be much help, but it was enough for him to correct his mentality and be full of confidence in himself.

He admitted he was a little surprised by Gawain Cecil's legendary life, but what he needs in this situation is not astonishment and wavering, but firmness in himself.

The source of this confidence is simple-

As early as when the intelligent creatures on this continent could not walk upright, he was watching the world!

With this renewed energy, think of a way to survive.

And once you calm down, there will be always a Way.

He soon found something useful in the memory of Gawain Cecil.

"It's unrealistic to fight all the way," Gawain said solemnly, touching his chin. "I have fallen asleep for too long, and I may not be able to exert much strength, and we are not sure how powerful the monsters outside can be. So the best way is to find a way around those monsters and run for a safe place right now."

Rebecca: "But the suspension bridge has been destroyed, and several other roads have also been blocked..."

Gawain waved his hand and interrupted the great-granddaughter: "Underground, the Cecil collar was once part of the southern defense line of the kingdom. There is a secret tunnel system underground, and the earth element blessed its main body., It will not collapse even for a thousand years, and the entrance of this secret tunnel is under this castle."

"There is such kind of thing?!" Rebecca suddenly showed a surprised expression, "Then what are you waiting for, let's go find the tunnel! Our ancestors will lead the way!"

"But there is a problem," Gawain stretched out his hand, "I only know how to get from the castle, but I don't know the way to get from the tomb."

Rebecca looked surprised: "You haven't known the way here after living for so long?"

Gao Wen: "..."

Byron Knight and the soldiers: "..."

Heidi's face was trembling, thinking that this unsuspecting offspring would likely annoy his ancestors...