
The Sword of Dawn

Gawain is crossed, but something went wrong when he traversed. After floating in the sky over an alien continent for hundreds of thousands of years, he felt that he might need a body to be a complete traverse, but he did not expect that he would still need to carry this body after he succeeded. Climbing out of the coffin and faced two frightened great great great great .. great-granddaughters. And a world that is about to usher at the end of the era.

LimitlessSage · Fantasy
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26 Chs

What is This

Excellent stealth masters, shadow power professionals, and gravediggers have a wise saying: The road is there, the door is just an illusory obstacle, just put aside the psychological problems, even the door of the royal treasure house. Only a dish.

Well, I am afraid that this situation is not as simple as a dish, but for Amber, bypassing the door of an ancient tomb is not a problem.

With a little shadow trick, plus some understanding of ancient prohibitions, and some trivial luck, the half-elf thief easily broke the prohibition of the tomb of Cecil's ancestors. The channel they didn't know suddenly appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

Then everybody followed the half-elf into the passage.

The tomb passage made of rocks and rugged bricks is much wider than expected. Even heavily built knights such as Gawain and Byron, who are close to two meters in height, will not feel short and narrow in the passage. The walls on both sides are enchanted passages with inlaid lampstands, but they were exhausted. But after Heidi performed a few basic spells, these 700-year-old ancient lampstands were still lit one after another, showing them forward direction.

"I'm really just a little thief. I usually just drift around," Amber, walking in front of the team, said modestly. "I'm a descendant of the forest elves. I very much respect dead souls. How can I dig graves? and also the tombs?"

Gao Wen dismissed her statement: "you're so proficient in this work, are you embarrassed to admit yourself?"

Perhaps it is confirmed that she is safe now. This half-elf girl with no racial reserve is as thick-skinned as the door of the tomb said: "Unlocking technology and cracking the equipment is standard in our industry., My basic skills are solid, is it still wrong?"

At this time, Rebecca, who was walking in the middle of the team, suddenly asked: "Are you the citizen of Cecil?"

Amber frowned and thought about it: "I have lived in this place for several years, but I haven't applied to become an official citizen. However, according to Cecil's rules, those who have lived for more than three years and paid taxes on time are considered to be eligible, right?. Hmm... Then do you think myself count?"

Rebecca shook her head: "It doesn't count if you don't apply."

"Oh," Amber stretched her voice, "then what are you asking me for?"

"I am the lord of Cecil," Rebecca said seriously, "so if you are my citizen, I have an obligation to protect you."

Amber: "... Then you should say this earlier! Can I change my answer now?"

Rebecca looked serious: "It's too late."

Gawain glanced at Rebecca's serious face, then at Amber, who had no morals at all, and shook his head and little amused.

Even though he was in such chaos as soon as he woke up, the feeling of being a human again was still much better than the previous damned state before.

He looked at Heidi, who was walking behind him. The lady whose great-granddaughter had secretly stared at him more than once. He has been waiting for the other party to take the initiative to speak, but she hasn't spoken yet. I had to ask: "What do you want to ask, just say it."

Heidi was slightly taken aback, but quickly took a deep breath and calmed down. She looked at Gawain's face. That was the same as the family portrait and she carefully chose the words: "Ancestor... I still can't believe it, you really are... …"

"Yes, I'm really Gawain Cecil, the pioneer from 700 years ago. I can recite all my life experiences of over 30 years to you, or you should ask me things about the pioneering era? But to be honest, these alone may prove nothing. A good historian may be more credible than what I said. After all, I am not very eloquent." Gao Wen shrugged, "You Just want to confirm my authenticity, right?"

"Please forgive my doubts," Heidi said hurriedly, "but it's a bit... Although there have been stories of the resurrection of heroes from ancient times to the present, it is quite a different matter to witness it with my own eyes. I heard that there are some Paladins And Silver Moon Elfs can suspend animate themself for several years or even decades, relying on the power of Holy Light and Elf Secrets to preserve their soul and vitality, but I have never heard of human knights do the same thing, let alone ... You have been dead for seven hundred years."

"To be honest, I don't know what's going on," Gao Wen said, shaking his head. Although he wanted to make up a logical well-founded, and convincing theory on the spot to bluff the great-granddaughter, Neither his own knowledge nor the memory of Gawain Cecil could not find a suitable theory, so he simply admitted that he could not explain all of this, "maybe it is related to what I experienced before my lifetime. You know, I once received the blessing of the element lords when leading the people to open up the wilderness, which probably changed my physique."

"Is that so..." Heidi answered noncommittally, then suddenly raised her head and looked at the road ahead.

"There is air current," she whispered, "and there is a different magic element reaction. The front should be the end of the tomb area."

Gawain nodded, and at the same time gripped the Trailblazer's sword in his hand-an an inexplicable heart palpitations made him feel that the front was probably not safe.

"Be vigilant," The Knight Byron, who was walking in the forefront with Amber, seemed to feel it too. He drew out his stainless steel broadsword and brushed his other hand over the sword, and the blade immediately rose a faint layer of silver light. "You three, take care and protect the back."

There was a sound of metal clanking, and the three soldiers were immediately ready to fight. Although they were only the most basic combat professionals, they survived the battle against monsters to the end; they were also carefully cultivated by the Cecil family. The elite fighter's fearlessness and composure face quickly made Amber, who was a little nervous, and the little maid Betty, who was protected in the middle of the team, settled.

Although the passage of the tomb is deep and long, when it comes to the exit, the lampstands inlaid every ten meters on the stone walls on both sides are the signs of the inside tomb area, and as these lamp stands on stone bricks gradually disappear, what appears in front of them is a slightly open place with a crossroad.

This is the junction of the mausoleum area and the underground area of ​​the castle, and it is also the transportation hub leading to those ancient underpasses.

Amber pointed at one fork of the "crossroads," and said: "I got in from there, and it leads to a dry well outside the castle, but that side must be occupied by monsters now."

Gawain looked at Heidi: "Which way is West?"

Heidi stretched out a hand to outline a simple magic rune in the air, and the rune turned into a luminous streamer, staggeringly pointing in a certain direction.

"It's over there," Gawain said, but just as soon as his voice fell, a sense of crisis suddenly came to his mind.

There was no time to think more. This experienced body reacted a step faster than his mind. Gawain almost subconsciously lifted the pioneer's sword to a block, and then he felt a hammer blow as shock came from the sword.

His body shook slightly, then stabilized, and the assailant finally appeared in front of everyone-accompanied by a vague, whisper-like sound. Three tall, swaying figures came from the crossroads. From the dark corridors, they came out!

That is not the appearance that any creature in nature can have, but more like the monsters pieced together by those necromancers and demon warlocks with their evil creativity. They are close to three meters tall, like a shriveled and deformed giant, but Their bodies are formed of unknown matter that flows like mud. Those sludge-like things undulate on their body surface, and even huge cavities are exposed from time to time. Some blood-red things can be seen in cavities and bones.

"Ah!" Rebecca let out a short exclamation as soon as she saw these three monsters, and Betty bit her lips quickly as if she would cry out in fright at any time. Heidi raised her staff. Panting heavily on the ground, a weak mind clarity technique was activated to counteract the fear effect caused by the monsters on everyone. At the same time, she quickly said to Gawain: "Ancestors, these monsters!"

Gao Wen had already awakened from the impact of seeing inhuman monsters for the first time, and the corresponding memory appeared in his mind: "These turned out to be those things?!"

At this moment, the three monsters had attacked again. They kept murmuring as if they were dreaming. Two of them strode towards Gawain and his party, and the remaining monster raised his arm and released a cloud of dark energy arrows. they condensed in front of its arm, and in the next second, they flew straight to Amber who was standing at the front of the team!

"Wow!" Half-Elf girl let out a short scream, and her whole body instantly shrank into the shadow behind Knight Byron, and appeared next moment in another shadow ten meters away, while Knight Byron lifted his broadsword, after a roar, took the initiative to face one of the rushing monsters.

"Heidi, Rebecca, you guys get rid of the one that can shoot shadow arrows! Try not to use arcane magic. Arcane magic is almost useless for these things! Amber, you and the soldiers protect the caster!" Gao Wen shouted. Dao then swiped a long sword and rushed forward bitterly.

He never wielded a sword to fight people.

He has never seen any inhuman monsters.

Although he has experienced a rebirth through the journey, he has not stood on this alien land for the first time until today.

So he didn't know what he could do at this moment with a little fighting instinct remaining in his body and fighting knowledge in his mind that did not belong to him at all, plus an ancient long sword that had lost its magic.

But many times, destiny will not give you the right to choose.

You are standing here; the monster is standing there, there is no way around you, there is no way to the earth, you only have a 700-year-old antique sword in your hand. There could have been a shield, but the shield was already lost hundred years ago. What else can you do in this situation when misfortune befalls you?

Damn, fucking!

Isn't it an aberration?

Seven hundred years ago, Gawain Cecil, one person could beat a hundred of them!

Today there are only three, can't I solve it?